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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Well, let's be clear, there's reasons it happens, and it's a sign of bad things inbound, like unsafe drops in blood pressure, heat exhaustion, cramping, etc.
Mirin FE's abs

HBD Szu! FE, so glad you got on the cutting train, looking fantastic. Keep it up.

Thanks, guys.

FE, I say it again. You need entrance music and pyros now.

Daaaaaamn son. You look great!!

nice pics FE and Bchamba looking great both

thanks friends <3

And Szu, eventually!

What's your height and weight dude?

6'3 ~231 lbs right now


Woke up today and honestly feel like someone beat me up with a baseball bat. Whole body is just hurting, tired as heck. Sleep is just not there, getting maybe 5.5 to 6 hours this week.

Still hit the gym, actually hit every rep on bench easily. 5x165, 5x190 and 5x215. Ended with 10x165. Felt good but beat. I hit a new or on cgbp but everything else was a no go accessories wise for new highs. Not concerned.


the piano man
Sphinx... hang in there buddy. you're young and have a lot to be excited about. Easier said than done with the stress, but focus on the positives you have.

thank you, I really appreciate it.

regarding fitness, this changes everything... you know, I've got to admit it was pretty disappointing to learn I have a problem (however minor) all while doing sport and being active like I am. I was like "Then why the fuck am I busting my ass with exercise and trying to be careful about what I eat?", I was angry at me.

I have to avoid sodium and stress... the first is hard, there's salt everywhere, and in places you don't think it is (bread for example)

I think I will do more aerobic stuff and the creatine and protein powder are gone for now, not sure if they've got anything bad, but I don't think they help matters. Preworkouts are absolutely out of the question and I will drink less coffee.

by the way I am nearly 38 :O you consider that young? I am flattered! haha

Woke up today and honestly feel like someone beat me up with a baseball bat. Whole body is just hurting, tired as heck.Sleep is just not there, getting maybe 5.5 to 6 hours this week.

you've got 6 hours of sleep this week?

man, please be careful, that doesn't sound right, your body needs to rest


Yeah 38 is definitely young man. Young enough to get your BP under control. Go down to 1 cup of coffee or less a day, NO dark liquor and try hibiscus tea. Some studies have shown that it lowered BP more than medicine. Worth a shot. Drink 1 cup before bed every night for a week or two.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Always amazing what a cheat day can do for your strength the following day.

Got 315x3 bench and 130sx4 incline bench today. It's been a while since I hit those numbers.


Always amazing what a cheat day can do for your strength the following day.

Got 315x3 bench and 130sx4 incline bench today. It's been a while since I hit those numbers.

130s on incline...nice work dude...that's a lot more weight than one would think.


It's so weird, I praticaly haven't lost weight in almost 3 weeks, but I've lost 2 cm (about an inch) in my waist.

Muscle weighs a lot my man. That's a good thing :)

It's definitely heavy. You have to be careful and limit shoulder strain. Thanks brotha.

You have someone spot you? I usually grab a spot on DB sets of 3 or less. Just for peace of mind because you could tear your shoulder to pieces.


Think I'm gonna try a crossfit class next week. I mean right now I just work out by myself and while there is something nice about that I think a shake up could be cool.
If you're trying to lose weight you should really just count your calories. It's easy and quick.

How though?

Like, if I make a meal...how am I supposed to know how many calories are in? (Besides just making a chicken breast and veggies or something)

I guess it doesn't help that we get free food at work but damn I swear I'm only grabbing salads. Idk.


How though?

Like, if I make a meal...how am I supposed to know how many calories are in? (Besides just making a chicken breast and veggies or something)

I guess it doesn't help that we get free food at work but damn I swear I'm only grabbing salads. Idk.

The app makes a decent guess for you if you put in what you've had. Particularly if you can guess what it weighed.
It's just about being conscious of what you're putting in compared to what you're burning off, it's easier to eat less calories than it is to burn them off


How though?

Like, if I make a meal...how am I supposed to know how many calories are in? (Besides just making a chicken breast and veggies or something)

I guess it doesn't help that we get free food at work but damn I swear I'm only grabbing salads. Idk.

For accurate measurements, all you need is a scale. Most well designed calorie counting apps can help with the rest.
nonsense I've seen the biggest loser.

I should have lost 45 lbs my first week right?
A joking exaggeration but when you're heavily obese you will generally lose quite a ton of weight the first few weeks with even small changes.

Hell, even when you start a cutting phase you'll drop a lot of weight the first couple of weeks due to water alone. Then your body adjusts and the fat starts dropping too.

And as much as The Biggest Loser is a mess of a show and full of bullshit, it still gives people inspiration and motivation to get their act together and seek a healthier lifestyle. That is more than a lot of junk on TV, that's for sure. I just hope that fans of the show get a good trainer/nutritionist before diving into it.


I think I've got a good routine planned out for the week. Now I'm looking to make changes to my diet in order to lose that extra fat...but have no idea where to start. I've done the major things like cut junk, sodas etc, but need some guidance in the meals I should be having

Do you guys have any advice, or a site that can lay out a good meal planner?
How though?

Like, if I make a meal...how am I supposed to know how many calories are in? (Besides just making a chicken breast and veggies or something)

I guess it doesn't help that we get free food at work but damn I swear I'm only grabbing salads. Idk.
Get an account at some sort of site with nutrition tracking like myfitnesspal or fitday. They have a very large database of nutrition facts you can use to help calculate what's in your diet.

Get a food scale like this one.


Measure everything you can so you can get an accurate idea of what you're taking in. It helps if you prepare your own food as stuff from restaurants can get tricky.

It sounds like a hassle, but tracking your diet even for just a week can do wonders. Knowing what, and how much, you're eating is a huge part of fitness.
Hey guys, one of my first proper posts in here I think.

I'm no beginner to weightlifting and fitness as such, but been lurking here for a long time, decided I would rather be a part of this awesome community!

Was doing 5x5 200 on bench press yesterday, had to be `saved` on my last rep of the last set. Didn't have the bench central and as I was coming up the plates on one side hit part of the rack, threw me off completely. Sat there looking like a goon until I could get somebody's attention to help me lift it off.
How though?

Like, if I make a meal...how am I supposed to know how many calories are in? (Besides just making a chicken breast and veggies or something)

I guess it doesn't help that we get free food at work but damn I swear I'm only grabbing salads. Idk.

First of all, download an app like loseit or myfitnesspal. Now, if you make a meal yourself it's easy. With both of those apps you can create your own recipes for meals. Just measure out each ingredient when you add it, using a scale, measuring spoons, or cups. Then weigh the entire meal after its finished if its more than one serving and you can figure out a calorie count for that serving.

With stuff you don't make its not too much harder. If its stuff with a label, those apps will have them in their database ready to go. If not just log a similar food, maybe overestimating a bit.


And as much as The Biggest Loser is a mess of a show and full of bullshit, it still gives people inspiration and motivation to get their act together and seek a healthier lifestyle. That is more than a lot of junk on TV, that's for sure. I just hope that fans of the show get a good trainer/nutritionist before diving into it.

Agreed. I'm sure biggest loser has saved a few lives...not just contestants but viewers. It has a lot of bullshit like you mentioned but it's better than nothing.
They look a lot prettier / easier than the squat vids I've taken of myself recently. If that was you struggling, I think I must be literally dying when I do mine! XD


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
angles and lighting friend! don't let that fool you!

also just been hitting a lot more iso ab work, feels like it made a difference haha.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Angles and lighting can only do so much. One thing is certain, you have far exceed that wrestlers body that you set as a goal for yourself. That's gotta feel pretty damn good!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
You have someone spot you? I usually grab a spot on DB sets of 3 or less. Just for peace of mind because you could tear your shoulder to pieces.
Didn't see this. No spot. Just rock back, press, and go. Never have had any problems.
Hey guys, I'm struggling a lot more than I think I should on squats, could someone do a form check for me?


I don't have sound right now, it might be loud.

Are you using your working weight for that form check? Cause it doesn't look like you're struggling much with that set lol (it looks good though).

If you're truly struggling though, I guess a couple things to maybe see is how much upper back you're recruiting to support the bar and maybe your breathing for core support? Both of those things aren't really apparent to me from watching the video so you might have to look at it yourself if someone here doesn't have a better answer. Still doesn't look like you're having any real troubles though.

Of course, that's coming from me where I'm struggling to get to acceptable depth at 315. I'm not sure if it's a mental block or physical, or both. Cutting kinda sucks when you no longer feel invincible at the gym heh.


Again, slept only 5.5-6 hours tops, got home from date very late. Felt a little better today tho. Hit the gym and really didn't feel like going. I setup on deadlift and was nearly thinking about walking away before even doing a single rep. Glad I stayed. On deadlift, hit 5x290, 5x335 and 5x375. Hit every rep and felt like an animal, strength was over the top.

Hit all new highs on my accessories after as well. Incredible day and great end to this 5s week. I'm officially going back to working out 4 days a week. I need more rest.
Starting strenght.

I can bench 190x5x3, and I deadlift 255x5 easily enough, could probably go close to 315x5, I should be able to squat something around 250x5x3 I believe.

I started struggling with squats at around that weight when I was doing Starting Strength. I switched to 5/3/1 and the gains were almost too easy. I think that once you get up there in poundage squatting every other day just is too much.


Hey guys, I'm struggling a lot more than I think I should on squats, could someone do a form check for me?


I don't have sound right now, it might be loud.

Looks fine.

Maybe you seem like you are kinda desynchronized between knee and hip as your coming up. This is just looking at how vertical the bar is travelling and how you seem to have a bit of a stagger of just hip then just knee extension. Mostly on the last two reps.

Your depth is fine, your knees look fine.

I'm more explosive when standing up and my rep takes less time than that. On my 2nd leg day I do less weight but focus on exploding out of the bottom of the squat. It helps for when I go heavy to get over the sticking point right above parallel when neither the quads or the glutes are in a dominant mechanical position.

I haven't really been doing anything less than 8 rep sets while Im trying to lose a few more lbs. Tried to mix it up a bit on my last squat day by doing all my leg press sets prior to squats, that was a new type of masochism.
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