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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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It's common for programs to have less deadlifting when compared to other exercises, just because it puts a lot of stress on your lower back.

Since you rely on your lower back in every day life, you run a greater risk of over-training it, and developing persistent back pain. Especially on a program like Stonglifts that already has you squatting every workout.

Also, rep ranges are generally chosen in order to control the amount of weight you lift in a set. You can lift a weight 3x in a row, but that same weight might be too heavy to lift 5x in a row.

Right now, your probably using sub maximal weights so it's not a big deal, but it's something to keep in the back of your mind a few months down the road when you start hitting plateaus. It will probably be best then to switch back to 1x5.

Thanks for the response. I am definitely sub maximal weight haha. I also feel like I can keep my form better when I do 3 deadlift reps instead of 5. I think I'll stick with 3x3 for awhile, but I will keep your advice in mind.

I have another, possibly stupid, question. Are all barbells 45 lbs? I was deadlifting 155 lbs today, and it felt surprisingly light. My first thought was "getting strong af", but when I finished I noticed the bar seemed skinnier than most. Maybe it wasn't a 45 lbs barbell?
Barbells are usually 45 lbs yeah.

There is a shorter bar typically used for arm exercises like curls, that weighs 25lbs. Usually you can visually tell though.

If you're working out in a crossfit type gym/area it's common for them to use 35lb bars instead of 45lbs for their workouts. In this case, make sure to borrow a bar from a squat rack or bench press station.

There's also a 55lb bar, but it rare outside of dedicated powerlifting or olympic lifting gyms.

Also keep in mind that the grip is a common weakpoint for deadlifts, so if it feels easier with a thinner bar, it might just be because it's easier to grip.

Barbells aren't always labelled so if your not sure you can always weigh the barbell yourself, or ask someone that looks like they know what they're talking about.


. This is about what the bar looked like. The length was about the same, so I don't think they were the same weight.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Barbells are usually 45 lbs yeah.

There is a shorter bar typically used for arm exercises like curls, that weighs 25lbs. Usually you can visually tell though.

If you're working out in a crossfit type gym/area it's common for them to use 35lb bars instead of 45lbs for their workouts. In this case, make sure to borrow a bar from a squat rack or bench press station.

There's also a 55lb bar, but it rare outside of dedicated powerlifting or olympic lifting gyms.

Also keep in mind that the grip is a common weakpoint for deadlifts, so if it feels easier with a thinner bar, it might just be because it's easier to grip.

Barbells aren't always labelled so if your not sure you can always weigh the barbell yourself, or ask someone that looks like they know what they're talking about.

From my experience most barbells in commercial gyms are actually 35-40lbs. You should weigh them to be sure.
Hmm... I need to do something about my deadlift form. I've hit the point where I know I can do a good deal more weight, but I have to get my form right. A couple of times in the warmup sets I knew I'd got my form right and the weight went up ridiculously easy. Then I did the main set, positioned myself wrong and it felt like all back rather than mostly leg. Very annoying. I really need to get this stupid fucking house move done so I can get a trainer over to assist. So sick of waiting on legal bollocks, feels like my whole life is on pause.

Unrelated, finally started doing shoulder related exercises after my recent injury, got most of the way through the workout, pushed too hard on incline bench... BAM, shoulder pain. Yay. =/
. This is about what the bar looked like. The length was about the same, so I don't think they were the same weight.
In my experience skinny bars are lighter, probably meant to be 35 lbs but could vary. Even bars that look like 45s can feel lighter or heavier. I try to use the same bar every time. If you lift several times a week at the same gym you'll learn to distinguish the bars by feel.

Also see this video demonstrating discrepancies in plate weight.
Also see this video demonstrating discrepancies in plate weight.
When I buy my plates I weigh them, any too far out of spec go back. Of course, the problem is that over time you'll literally grind bits off the plate (especially with a non-olympic bar) so eventually they get lighter.

In reality though, you're unlikely to be working with plates that are better than 95% accurate. It's just something you have to live with.
This is about what the bar looked like. The length was about the same, so I don't think they were the same weight.

Yeah that`s probably 35 lbs. I've seen thin bars that weigh 45lbs but they're usually a solid cast iron.

From my experience most barbells in commercial gyms are actually 35-40lbs. You should weigh them to be sure.

The first gym I ever worked out at was a university gym that had calibrated weights. So the bar was definitely 45lbs. And I think because of that I've always just trusted every decent length bar I've come across is 45lbs as well which is terribly naive.


Had another great day today, thanks to finally getting a decent night of sleep in. It's probably my last "slow" day at the gym for a while, with Friday being the new year and all. Not looking forward to the crowds whatsoever. Then again, there's a not a huge weightlifting crowd at this particular YMCA.

Squats: 205 lbs, 5x5
Bench Press: 105 lbs, 5x5
Barbell Row: 105 lbs, 5x5
Current weight: 163 lbs


Feck. Woke up at 4:30am today as intended. Took my pre-workout on my way to the gym. Get there and the gym doesn't open until 8am today. Super.


Finishing the year with:

Bench: 105
Squat: 140
Deadlift: 170

I wonder how high I will get these throughout 2016. It seems as if the reason I could barely do shit for bech press before because my form was off.


Weighed in at 229.8 this morning. Still up 11.4lbs from my lowest this year, but still fitting into my medium tank and size 33 Levi's. Gym today is bench and will be done with another 1s week.


the piano man
anyone here has experience with online coaching?

meaning, paying someone from the internet and getting routine and diet to get specific results.

does it work?


anyone here has experience with online coaching?

meaning, paying someone from the internet and getting routine and diet to get specific results.

does it work?

I don't know, bit if you do you should use Chris Jones and give us frequent updates.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Be safe tonight you overly muscular beasts. I'll be playing a ton of PS4 with my kids so there's no saying how wild things may get!


Bench went great, 5x185, 3x210 and 1x230. Ended with 10x160, hit every rep easy. Great end to this 1s week and ready to kick booty next week. Fantastic way to finish 2015.


Be safe tonight you overly muscular beasts. I'll be playing a ton of PS4 with my kids so there's no saying how wild things may get!

Yoooo what's your ps4 name?

And agreed. Everyone stay safe. I'll be in philly but I'm taking the train. The thoughts of driving tonight is no good.
Just did my final turbo trainer session of 2015. Totally sucked, but I wasn't going to give up and make my final act of this year a failure.

May your gainz be great in 2016.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Yoooo what's your ps4 name?

And agreed. Everyone stay safe. I'll be in philly but I'm taking the train. The thoughts of driving tonight is no good.
I think it's Wally_Wall24 but I'm not sure. I set it up a while ago and rarely play.
Sucks that I'm ending 2015 with an injury, but overall I'll have to say it was a great year for fitness. I'll be back in 2016 ready to get my gainz on. Have fun fitbros and fitgals
I'm in for the 2 invisible watermelons. The girl wearing heels on the smith machine though... XD

Try not to hit the bottle too much tonight, everyone. Your gains depend on it!

it is gonna be a chill night with the dog and Chinese food.

I'm ready to start off the new year right tomorrow. Winter cuts go!
Blech, am wrecked after a little too much partaking last night, and today is squat day... worse, after a particularly good session last week I'll be increasing the weight today. Going to get pancaked. =/


Blech, am wrecked after a little too much partaking last night, and today is squat day... worse, after a particularly good session last week I'll be increasing the weight today. Going to get pancaked. =/

Speaking of, if you are squatting and you think you might not make the next rep, do you give it a try and use the crash bars or give up? I always want to try, but I'm so self-concious about bailing out and drawing attention I always play it safe. Probably not the best for progress :(
Sometimes you just know, but if there's the slightest chance I might, I tend to go for it. I tend not to "crash out", more get about half way up, then lower it to the bars and then sort of crawl out from under it. :D

What sucks most about that is having to get the weights back up afterwards.
Completed my first workout 2016 with an empty gym. My gym had holiday hours to open at 10am and I was in there at 9:58am.

Just pure emptiness for the first 40 minutes and then more people started coming:

I was in there like:



Got rekted on the first day of the year. OHP was miserable and I swear there were magnets in the floor on my deadlift. I just couldn't lift that sucker up. Oh well, there's always next week. Things were kind of busy at my gym, but mostly just in the cardio section.

Squats: 210 lbs, 5x5
Overhead Press: 90 lbs, 3/4/3/3/1
Deadlift: 205 lbs, 1x5
Current weight 163 lbs

And happy new year, FitGAF!


Lucky. I was there at 9-10am yesterday and this morning, and the place was an entirely different ecosystem. Little groups of kids scurrying about, throwing weights all over and taking pics after every set; and that's kind of generous, since they would usually do 2-3 reps and then switch to some other exercise. Bizarre as hell, but was hilarious seeing some of the regulars stare them off without trying. This is my first year witnessing the NYR effect, I didn't expect... this.
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