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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Anyone here have any experience with Six Pack lunch boxes/backpacks?

I want to step up my meal prep so I can bring it to school, and I wanted to see if anyone here does anything similar.
Lucky. I was there at 9-10am yesterday and this morning, and the place was an entirely different ecosystem. Little groups of kids scurrying about, throwing weights all over and taking pics after every set; and that's kind of generous, since they would usually do 2-3 reps and then switch to some other exercise. Bizarre as hell, but was hilarious seeing some of the regulars stare them off without trying. This is my first year witnessing the NYR effect, I didn't expect... this.

Are you at a Y gym or some type of community gym?
Anyone here have any experience with Six Pack lunch boxes/backpacks?

I want to step up my meal prep so I can bring it to school, and I wanted to see if anyone here does anything similar.

No experience but I looked at them and being a poor student thought they were too pricey. I just cram my food into various tupperware containers.
My shoulder and wrist don't seem to heal. At least I can still do the major lifts.

My shoulder is the same. I'm sure if I dropped everything for a good few weeks it would recover, but man... I'd lose so many gainz.

Unrelated, my home gym was blissfully free of resolutioners, though I did have some bird wander though and start messing with my plates at one point. Marriage, what can you do.

Did my heavy ass squats; though could only handle 4/4/3. Didn't get pancaked though, which is something. Set a PR on the Pendelay rows. Now doing 25lb more on those than bench... I have a really strange body.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
My gym is closed. You guys are lucky. Wish I could start the year off with some squats!
I decided I'm going to change my routine for a beginner one. Once I return to my gym I'll start Stronglifts 5x5. I'm not new to weightlifting (I've been training for like a year or so) but my numbers are definitely those of a beginner (and pretty embarrassing tbh) so I think I can benefit from a proper beginner strenght routine hitting all major muscle groups two or three times a week instead of just once.

What do you guys think?


Are you at a Y gym or some type of community gym?

Nope, bog standard private gym.

Was there again at 10am this morning and it was more empty than usual, but at exactly 11am it filled up insanely fast. Since I mostly work out between 11-12 in the work week, I wonder how "bad" it'll really be.
Just remember that if you're going to do it, pick sensible starting weights for the lifts (or the default ones) rather than obsessing about dropping miles away from your previous numbers. You'll soon be back up there / above where you were.
Yeah in the Stronglifts website it says that if you already lift, take your 5 rep max and use half of that for your starting weights, but I don't know if that's too low.
#day1 starts today. Official weigh in this morning at 237.6 lbs. Prolly going start at 3k calories and work my way down from there. No cardio this month. Next month start a few days a week with fasted cardio in the mornings.


Back on the 1650 cal / low-carb plan and taking a break from rest days by alternating lifting, running, and cycling all week.

Started this morning with a fasted trail run through the snow. Feel fantastic coming off the holiday binging and drinking.


I think my two big 2016 goals are to stay around 185-190 (was 189 this morning) and get back to 1000lb total at 40lbs less body weight.


Gym was really quiet this afternoon. Also my elbow felt so much better after squats due to some combination of grip change and shoulder stretches. Hopefully I've got that figured out and can keep progressing.

I think my goals for 2016 are 315 squat for reps (currently at 230) and just some sort of breakthrough on my terrible bench lol. When I can bench 1 plate for reps I'm going to be ecstatic.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
All you people with goals! Very nice. FE and Mikey cutting. Sean increasing his power to bodyweight ratio. Brolic adding pictures of people mirin his lifts to his wall. I don't have any lifting goals but I'm gonna try to get efficient at jujitsu this year.

The Wall

Added drawing out the abcs with my feet in the air, while on my back with my hands underneath my tailbone to my routine. I forget the name for this. Sometimes I think just doing numbers and counting up is better, so I get a better sense of progress.


the piano man
reflecting upon what happened in 2015,

If I had to choose the bodypart on which I saw the most gains I think it was my back, on average.

The least, most likely me legs in general, I can't remember why but I remember being under so much stress that I had cut leg days from August onward, for some period, then went back but still, I had never neglected a body part like that.

how about everyone else? which bodypart won 2015?

2016 is the leg year for me and I'll put an arm day, I want bigger arms.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
2015 was year of the traps for me, though I never got complimented for them. Legs won that contest.

2016 needs to see me get my squat above 300 lbs to be a success

Speaking of, I had to wait 10 minutes to get a squat rack tonight and there are five here. It's going to be a sexy leg year.

The workout:
Squats - 195lbs 1x3, 215x3, 250x3
Good Mornings - 140lbs 4x10 (PR)

Good mornings about to get heavy.
I got a lower back pain right in the middle. Not sure if it's from bad form of the squat or deadlift. Anything I can do besides waiting to recover it? Should I use foam roll?


how about everyone else? which bodypart won 2015?

2016 is the leg year for me and I'll put an arm day, I want bigger arms.

As a beginner I should be answering "all of them", but I was pleasantly surprised by how far my legs carried me this year. In September I had never done a single squat, and I finished on Dec 30 with 205 lbs. This is after not playing a single sport in my entire life. o_O

Hoping to make similar progress on bench. Bigger arms would be great. My upper and lower body have evened out, but I know there's still room to beef up my arms. Don't care about abs too much.
My gym is closed Sunday and I don't know why. Their hours have been a huge mess all weekend. Barely open Friday, closed at midnight today. Not open until 8AM Monday. WTF?

Thankfully it goes back to 24 hours on Monday. But yeesh.


Checking in to say I'm still alive, my girl hasn't left my side since I picked her up Thursday night to go to the new years party. She's sleeping next to me right now. We're going to LA tomorrow then finally dropping her off at her home tomorrow. Next weekend we're staying in seal Beach all weekend as well. The party does not stop.

Eating wise, I've kept it low carb and I've been within range, avoiding drinking and I'm on a good path right now. When she's with me, I eat more and I'm not within spec on my ratios, but I'm not gaining 3+lbs overnight anymore. Monday I have food prepped and ready for my usual. In a week or 2, I'll be ready for another long fast.

So far 2016 has been effing amazing.

My best body part of 2015 was easily my stomach. I lost so much fat this year that I actually started to look really thin and got told several times I'm too thin, even tho have over 20lbs more to lose. I'm still up about 11lbs from my lowest, and I definitely can tell. It's priority to get to my goal body fat asap.

Lifts wise, I really don't care much. I'm plenty strong and have lots of muscle. Just want more fat gone so I can see more of the muscle. Let me be lean baby. Having someone feel up my muscle is such a huge inventive to be as lean as possible.


I'm going to the gym for the first time of the year tomorrow. I usually go after lunch because the gym is nearly empty them. It will be pretty crowded. I hope I can train the chest properly.


I'm going to the gym for the first time of the year tomorrow. I usually go after lunch because the gym is nearly empty them. It will be pretty crowded. I hope I can train the chest properly.

Good luck and don't let the crowd discourage you Remember that you are starting at the busiest possible time - if you stick with it through now, you can stick with it forever :)


There's this older guy that on weekend mornings uses the only csge in the gym to superset behind the back forearm curls and bicep curls. Saw him doing it again and can't help but to shake my head. There have been times when I've been doing 300+ on squats and he asks me how many sets I have left so he can meticulously clean the bar of any chalk residue so it doesn't get on his gloves when curling.

And there's this second guy who brings a flat bench over to one of two squat racks to sit on and do seated forearm curls, not using the rack at all just taking up the space.
My gym is closed Sunday and I don't know why. Their hours have been a huge mess all weekend. Barely open Friday, closed at midnight today. Not open until 8AM Monday. WTF?

Thankfully it goes back to 24 hours on Monday. But yeesh.

my guess is just holiday hours to finish up the weekend

back to the grind, motherfuckers


There's this older guy that on weekend mornings uses the only csge in the gym to superset behind the back forearm curls and bicep curls. Saw him doing it again and can't help but to shake my head. There have been times when I've been doing 300+ on squats and he asks me how many sets I have left so he can meticulously clean the bar of any chalk residue so it doesn't get on his gloves when curling.

And there's this second guy who brings a flat bench over to one of two squat racks to sit on and do seated forearm curls, not using the rack at all just taking up the space.

Report them or something
There's this older guy that on weekend mornings uses the only csge in the gym to superset behind the back forearm curls and bicep curls. Saw him doing it again and can't help but to shake my head. There have been times when I've been doing 300+ on squats and he asks me how many sets I have left so he can meticulously clean the bar of any chalk residue so it doesn't get on his gloves when curling.

And there's this second guy who brings a flat bench over to one of two squat racks to sit on and do seated forearm curls, not using the rack at all just taking up the space.
Baseball bat to the knee.

OK don't do that but do tell one of the employees.


Ran my first 5k in a while today. Felt good. I'm going to go at least that far 3 times a week between my lifting days, because now every day I don't exercise I feel like crap.


Congrats on the 5K! I never got into organized runs, but they can definitely help with motivation.

Is that something you do often, Grizz? I've been trying to improve my 2 mile run and I'm stuck at 15:30. :/


Congrats on the 5K! I never got into organized runs, but they can definitely help with motivation.

Is that something you do often, Grizz? I've been trying to improve my 2 mile run and I'm stuck at 15:30. :/

Oh, I just do it alone at the gym. Never ran a race, but I've been running alone since early 2015. I used to run 5 miles every other day. Furthest run so far is 10k. Trying to get back to that, then pass it.
Best thing I ever did.
Lucky SOB. Mine is a shitty bench on the other side of my office with a custom built cable machine-ish because I have a drop ceiling. It supports up to 400lbs so that is good but it has no safety. I'd say it was an easy build but I build cars pretty much my whole life and I'm good with engineering things so I'm confident nothing will snap and take out an eyeball - "don't try this at home" written all over it XD

I'd love a legit rack tho :(
Well, that was my last blowout day before getting back to it. Drank enough to kill a sailor and have been eating like a man possessed. Fairly fat now, but not concerned, I know it'll be off again soon enough.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
You home gymers are clearly missing out on the increased adrenaline spike from hot MILFs glaring which allows for those extra one or two reps. Your loss...
You home gymers are clearly missing out on the increased adrenaline spike from hot MILFs glaring which allows for those extra one or two reps. Your loss...
I compensate by having a "grunt track" play alongside "female chatter" track and say "HUP" before every rep. Clinically shown to increase explosive strength by 11.8947e3%.

Its like being at the gym without all the bad smells and the sweat on the bench belongs to noone but me.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
You home gymers are clearly missing out on the increased adrenaline spike from hot MILFs glaring which allows for those extra one or two reps. Your loss...

Nope, I actually train better without people around. They are just distractions. Only thing I would like is a crew, not a workout partner, but a crew both powerlifting and strongman. I can get that at my gym eventually though.

My gym actually got a mirror for the new year. time to start flexin'

Worst thing a gym can have unless it's in a dedicated posing room.
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