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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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What else are you eating besides spinach and pb? Doesn't sound exactly ideal if that's all you eat. How much protein are you getting? What's your caloric intake?

1500 a day. I do pb, spinach, caesar dressing, quest bars, broccoli, girlled chicken, cheese, more cheese, more cheese, and a few small bits of other things here and there.

And water. Lots and lots of water.
slowly starting to build back up my strength on flat bench, 4x10 @ 235 lbs while weighing 235 lbs as well. Last time I was doing this I was around 265 lbs.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
slowly starting to build back up my strength on flat bench, 4x10 @ 235 lbs while weighing 235 lbs as well. Last time I was doing this I was around 265 lbs.
That's about what I do for my lighter days. 245x4x10. It's a killer. You'll be surpassing those numbers quickly if you stay with it.
Well shit... all the alcohol and chocolate from the last few days must have paid off. I don't normally post about a good workout (they almost never happen) but today I got...

  • Bench PR
  • Squat PR
  • Pendelay Row PR
  • EZ Bar Curl PR

Now to eat half the house. \o/


Finally back to the gym. Good news is that I crushed it on squats easily. 5x270, 3x305 and 1x340. Followed by 8x235.

Now, I only got 8 on my AMRAP set because my gym shorts ripped to shreds finally. From 2013 to nearly 2016. Rip in pieces gym shorts.

I gained 2.6lbs after the wedding yesterday, pretty sure the alky did me in. I couldn't even use my 11th belt hole on gym belt, had to go to 10th. The bloat is real. Just new years left and back to scheduled programming.


Every time I see some one squatting in the gym it makes me feel like undoing it wrong.

I mean I squat low as fuck.

I usually don't pop up until my ass touches my calves


Managed to make it to the gym today despite the heavy snow and gusts. Saw a couple poor fellas stuck in the middle of the road too, it's that bad out here. I don't know if my form improved or if I was just feeling better. but my deadlifts were as smooth as butter today.

Squats: 200 lbs, 5x5
Overhead Press: 90 lbs, 1x5 (failed 4 out of 5 lifts)
Deadlift: 195 lbs, 1x5
Current weight: 162.4 lbs

It's awesome to see all these new folks in the thread, that should keep things busy going into next year. And does anyone know what happened to Absinthe? :(


Hello Fitness GAF! I have been working out for 4~ years now with many breaks in between, and due to a lack of dedication and lack of proper nutrition I haven't made many gains in terms of muscle mass. I look pretty fit, but I have a bit of a belly and not as much muscle as I should have considering all the time I spend at the gym. I want this year to finally be the year I get big and lean. However I don't know how to go about it.

Basically my long term goal is to get bigger, but i want to be lean and have abs by spring break. Weight loss is no problem, I have the dedication to have a proper diet and work my ass off for months. But I also want to put on some more mass. I know many say weight loss+muscle gain at the same time is impossible, but some stuff I've read on carb cycling seems legitimate.

I'm prepared to have a very rigorous diet and work out routine for the following 14 wks to get lean and put on as much weight as possible. I know the time frame is very strict and I'm not gonna see as much improvement as I'd hope, but I'm willing to put an extreme amount of effort into it. I'm going to continue working out and dieting rigorously after the 14 weeks but I want to be lean after two months and a half while still putting on a little bit of muscle.

I'm around 155-160 pounds, and around 15 to 16 percent bodyfat, although after the holidays that might have gone up a bit. Any GAFfers who know of any diets, training regimes that can be really transformative? I'm not looking for shortcuts, I'm willing to put in the work.

Edit: I'm 18 years old, 5'9, have access to a gym. My workout routine has been pretty messy. I work out all my muscle groups: chest, upper and lower back, shoulders, biceps, triceps, legs and calves. I usually combine theb into a three day split, but laziness usually gets the best of me and my workouts become very sporadic and half-assed at times.


Looks we have have similar builds. I'm 5'9" and 165 at about 10-11% bodyfat.

First i would choose your most important goal. Gain mass or cut to look lean. It's easier to do one at a time. If you want to look shredded by spring break, and it's THAT important to you, I wouldn't spend more than a few weeks bulking or you will have more weight to lose than you have time to burn off.

1. Choose your goal - weight gain or weight loss
2. Use a calorie calculator to estimate how much you need to eat
3. Once you have your calorie goals, determine your macro targets
4. Choose a workout plan, but more importantly, STICK TO YOUR DIET.
5. Make water your drink of choice
6. Check your progress every 2-3 weeks and determine if you need to eat more/less

Side Notes:
A. A cheat meal or moderate cheat day once a week won't kill your progress ( it may actually help). Do it if it helps keep you sane. If you have one on "accident" don't try to make up for it. Just continue with your regular meal plan.
B. When cutting/losing weight, DON'T BE SCARED TO EAT FAT. TRUST ME!
C. Weight isn't everything. Your body can go through a recomposition where you lose fat and gain muscle. In this case you might weigh the same but look better.


Thank you for the response. It almost seems too simple tho. What workout plan do you suggest for an intermediate/advanced lifter? I'm thinking a 3 day split two times a week. And to ensure I can cut sufficiently, I'll do a four week bulk, and a ten week cut for spring break, then go on to a much longer bulk.

Is bulk/cut really the most efficient way to go about this?

Also in that calorie calculator, I chose the moderate option, but how do you factor in cardio? Thanks!


Weight isn't everything. Your body can go through a recomposition where you lose fat and gain muscle. In this case you might weigh the same but look better.

Is it true that recomposition is more difficult than bulking? I don't have data past November, but this is what the scale looked like every two weeks since I started doing SL:

Nov 2: 156.6 lbs
Nov 16: 159 lbs (+2.4)
Dec 2: 160 lbs (+1)
Dec 16: 161.4 lbs (+1.4)
Today: 162.4 lbs (+1)

In general things are trending upwards. In the mean time, my squat went from 105 to 200 and deadlifts from 105 to 195. I guess it's safe to assume this is more of a recomp than a bulk?


Is it true that recomposition is more difficult than bulking? I don't have data past November, but this is what the scale looked like every two weeks since I started doing SL:

Nov 2: 156.6 lbs
Nov 16: 159 lbs (+2.4)
Dec 2: 160 lbs (+1)
Dec 16: 161.4 lbs (+1.4)
Today: 162.4 lbs (+1)

In general things are trending upwards. In the mean time, my squat went from 105 to 200 and deadlifts from 105 to 195. I guess it's safe to assume this is more of a recomp than a bulk?

What's your diet/workout plan? And are you a beginner?


My diet is fairly clean. Eggs in the morning, a bowl of rice for lunch, and some salmon or chicken salad for dinner. I started going to the gym in September (3 days of Stronglifts, 2 days of cardio), so I suppose that's relatively beginner-ish?

I know for a fact that I weighed 145 at the end of August (20M, 5'4" ft).

Recent pic
Earlier I've been to the gym. 5:30am; it opens at 5 but I had to get my puppy to calm down so I could leave out.

Workout log for today

Didn't feel any pump at the end of the workout but I'm following PHAT and I possibly need to go up in weight or hold more at muscle peaks while doing specific exercises.


Earlier I've been to the gym. 5:30am; it opens at 5 but I had to get my puppy to calm down so I could leave out.

Workout log for today

Didn't feel any pump at the end of the workout but I'm following PHAT and I possibly need to go up in weight or hold more at muscle peaks while doing specific exercises.

Low rep ranges don't usually give as big of a pump as high rep ranges do. Also pump isn't that important.


the piano man
what the fuck do i do for love handles.

make them go awayyyyy

if you are young better get rid of them soon.

cause I can tell you, at 38 love handles and lower back fat is the hardest thing to get rid of.

I mean, it's easy with diet and cardio but if you want to put on muscle then better learn to love the love handles.
Just wondering does it matter if I take my creatine with my pre-work out? It's good that I'm getting more water by taking it separate but if it can cut down on my prep time that would be desirable.

Edit: Also do you wear knee sleeves when you deadlift or do you drop them to guard your shins?


I have one more workout in 2015, but today was my last squats and chin-ups in 2015 and I hit my goals.

Not only did I hit 5-5-5 for the first time on chin-ups, I went 5-5-6 and probably could have gone 5-5-7 if I pushed it.

Then I hit 3x5x225 on squats for the first time.

Then I had some Popeye's.

So since I started doing the modified Greyskull in mid October I have gone:

Squats - 125 -> 225 (currently on first deload)
OHP - 57.5 -> 82.5 ( currently on second deload)
Bench Press - 97.5 -> 130 (currently on first deload)
Deadlift - 115 -> 210 (no deload yet and only once a week, so still should have a lot of headroom on this)
Yates Row - 92.5 -> 140 (no deload yet)
Chin-up - 2-0-0 -> 5-5-6

That low bench press number is killing me and definitely what I want to improve most.

I took some videos of my squat to see if anyone has an idea why I am destroying my elbow. Angles aren't perfect, but here is the right side:


Here is the left side:


The main thing I am seeing is that my elbows are way back, instead of being in line with my body where they are supposed to be. From reading, it seems the most likely cause of the elbow pain is actually compensating for low shoulder mobility. I'm not sure exactly how this plays into my elbow position, but it seems I should at least try to get my elbows more in line with my body (in addition to doing shoulder mobility exercises).
I have one more workout in 2015, but today was my last squats and chin-ups in 2015 and I hit my goals.

Not only did I hit 5-5-5 for the first time on chin-ups, I went 5-5-6 and probably could have gone 5-5-7 if I pushed it.

Then I hit 3x5x225 on squats for the first time.

Then I had some Popeye's.

So since I started doing the modified Greyskull in mid October I have gone:

Squats - 125 -> 225 (currently on first deload)
OHP - 57.5 -> 82.5 ( currently on second deload)
Bench Press - 97.5 -> 130 (currently on first deload)
Deadlift - 115 -> 210 (no deload yet and only once a week, so still should have a lot of headroom on this)
Yates Row - 92.5 -> 140 (no deload yet)
Chin-up - 2-0-0 -> 5-5-6

That low bench press number is killing me and definitely what I want to improve most.

I took some videos of my squat to see if anyone has an idea why I am destroying my elbow. Angles aren't perfect, but here is the right side:


Here is the left side:


The main thing I am seeing is that my elbows are way back, instead of being in line with my body where they are supposed to be. From reading, it seems the most likely cause of the elbow pain is actually compensating for low shoulder mobility. I'm not sure exactly how this plays into my elbow position, but it seems I should at least try to get my elbows more in line with my body (in addition to doing shoulder mobility exercises).

Unable to see the videos because I'm at work but congrats on those improvement! Hope 2016 is an even better year for you.


Ohp was awesome today. Felt no issues at all, and psycho strong. 5x150, 3x170 and 1x185. Finished with 10x130. Hit every rep easily, the 185 went up so fast I felt like I was going to throw it through the roof. This is going to be one heck of a finish to the year.
Ohp was awesome today. Felt no issues at all, and psycho strong. 5x150, 3x170 and 1x185. Finished with 10x130. Hit every rep easily, the 185 went up so fast I felt like I was going to throw it through the roof. This is going to be one heck of a finish to the year.

Nice figures. I've just recently started OHP and I feel so weak at it, even though I have relatively strong shoulders on dumbbell press. What's your height may I ask?

(I'm blaming my weakness at OHP to being 6'4")


Nice figures. I've just recently started OHP and I feel so weak at it, even though I have relatively strong shoulders on dumbbell press. What's your height may I ask?

(I'm blaming my weakness at OHP to being 6'4")

5 11ish.

Genetically I have huge broad shoulders. Ohp is one of my best lifts.


Need some advice, GAF. For the past few weeks I have been doing the Average F'n Program. I chose this program over SS and SL mostly because it called for deadlifting 3x3 instead of the usual 1x5. It's a small difference, but I feel that the extra reps are worth it while I'm learning the exercises. However, the program only calls for bench press, OHP, and barbell row once a week. I'm finding this isn't enough to actually learn the lift technique. I know the rule for beginners and novices is to stick to a program, but could I modify SS or SL to include deadlifting 3x3?

My goal is to improve my strength, but maintain my weight (I'm 6'4 at 200 lbs). My proposed schedule is:

Workout A: Squat 3x5/Bench Press 5x5/Barbell Row 5x5/Push ups
Workout B: Squat 3x5/OHP 5x5/Deadlift 3x3/Chin ups

Alternating Workout A and Workout B, and doing some light cardio in between. What do you think?
Ever since I signed up for a powerlifting competition, I find I'm a lot more pumped for the gym at the beginning of the week.

I'm actually a bit nervous for January, as I don't think I've worked out during too many revolutionist seasons.

Need some advice, GAF. For the past few weeks I have been doing the Average F'n Program. I chose this program over SS and SL mostly because it called for deadlifting 3x3 instead of the usual 1x5. It's a small difference, but I feel that the extra reps are worth it while I'm learning the exercises. However, the program only calls for bench press, OHP, and barbell row once a week. I'm finding this isn't enough to actually learn the lift technique. I know the rule for beginners and novices is to stick to a program, but could I modify SS or SL to include deadlifting 3x3?

My goal is to improve my strength, but maintain my weight (I'm 6'4 at 200 lbs). My proposed schedule is:

Workout A: Squat 3x5/Bench Press 5x5/Barbell Row 5x5/Push ups
Workout B: Squat 3x5/OHP 5x5/Deadlift 3x3/Chin ups

Alternating Workout A and Workout B, and doing some light cardio in between. What do you think?

It's common for programs to have less deadlifting when compared to other exercises, just because it puts a lot of stress on your lower back.

Since you rely on your lower back in every day life, you run a greater risk of over-training it, and developing persistent back pain. Especially on a program like Stonglifts that already has you squatting every workout.

Also, rep ranges are generally chosen in order to control the amount of weight you lift in a set. You can lift a weight 3x in a row, but that same weight might be too heavy to lift 5x in a row.

Right now, your probably using sub maximal weights so it's not a big deal, but it's something to keep in the back of your mind a few months down the road when you start hitting plateaus. It will probably be best then to switch back to 1x5.


So, went to try out a new gym today with my friends since mine is too far from his place and this new one is almost perfectly half way for both of us. We all signed up for their 7 day trial online yesterday, says to come in anytime. So the three of us decide to go today at 6am. Well, no can do. We have to wait until 8am to use "guest" passes. I tell him it's not a guest pass though, it's a trial membership and their website has no such restrictions, not even in fine print. Nothing. Whatever we all suck it up and just go work out at my regular gym. Turns out the reason they won't let us go early is because we have to fucking sit down with a trainer(sales person) before we can even workout and use our guest passes. Well, what a quick way to lose my business.

When I was searching for a gym I never ran into any of this. Even Gold's was super chill about me trying them out for free. Going to try again tomorrow at this new place, just for the sake of my friend, but I doubt I'm going to be hitting this gym up after my trial.

Finally tried this new gym. New equipment is nice enough, but they have more smith machines and cardio machines than actual free weights. There were only two flat benches. :| No real place to deadlift, which I don't think they even allowed. So many rules. To top it off, they were shady and pushy as hell. Our seven day pass suddenly turned into one day only. I didn't even bother asking why since I know I'm not going back there.
So since mid-September, I've been following the program Bum Rush sent to me. I've seen some improvements
Deadlift: 135 lb -> 165 lb
Squat: 45 lb -> 105 lb
Bench: 45 lb -> 75 lb

Just wanted to give an update to this.

Deadlift: 165 -> 185
Squat: 105 -> 140
Bench: 75 -> 95

Thanks again to BumRush for the program!


Knew I felt strong today. Deadlift with 5x325, 3x370, 1x410. The 410 went up so easily, not a millisecond of hesitation at all. Felt so good. Just bench left and this 1s week is done. New shorts arrived as well but not going to put them on till the new year, taking my ripped shorts all the way through 2015.

Quick 5/3/1 question --

Was sick last week (Week 3), so did it this week.

Should I do continue with Week 4 (deload) next week or skip it and do Week 1 instead?

I've done both ways several times. My honest answer would be to take the deload week and continue on. I value the deload week a lot.
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