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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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aren't they supposed to be soft and easy to eat?

I've had a couple which weren't so good, but in my experience, if they get too cold, they get really hard to eat. I know some here microwave them for a little bit before eating, which I guess would help.

I love the texture of the cookie dough one. Got so sick of eating the playdough style protein bars.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
From yesterday, shoulder feels damn near 100% did 315lb bench press x5 paused. Should be good to go right into regular progression now. Shout out to my belly for making a cameo.

Gonna do some event training today.


I know this is going to be a very very unpopular opinion...

but for the first time I tried a Quest bar, the Cookie Dough flavor one, it was disgusting.

way too chewy and chunky, and it tasted as bad as any "low sugar" protein bar, (aka like cardboard) I couldn't even finish eating it.

I have to wonder whether I ate one past its expiration date, could that be possible?

aren't they supposed to be soft and easy to eat? .

I am sorry I failed the Quest test lol

Apparently quest has been changing their formulas in the bars lately. Probably has to do with them being sued.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I went cold turkey off Quest Bars. I just can't have them around or I'll eat 2 or 3 every day and when the day is done I'm getting almost half my calories from protein powder and Quest bars. I don't like it. Not to mention the cost involved that goes with a diet like that. I do miss them but I've noticed my cravings are reduced by not eating them.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I went cold turkey off Quest Bars. I just can't have them around or I'll eat 2 or 3 every day and when the day is done I'm getting almost half my calories from protein powder and Quest bars. I don't like it. Not to mention the cost involved that goes with a diet like that. I do miss them but I've noticed my cravings are reduced by not eating them.

That peanut butter jelly mix you do is better anyway.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Same :( And the $2+ per bar adds up.

Yasssss. I get so much crap both at home and at work for eating PB&J from a bowl, but I just don't care because it's so delicious.

I'm guessing you add something else to it though?

Me or cooter?

I just do peanut butter and jelly, very little jelly.
Like fish, peanut butter is definitely one of those things I wished I liked.

I can do the crappy stuff (Like Skippy), but I find the real stuff tastes awful, which is odd really, because I love peanuts.
I went cold turkey off Quest Bars. I just can't have them around or I'll eat 2 or 3 every day and when the day is done I'm getting almost half my calories from protein powder and Quest bars. I don't like it. Not to mention the cost involved that goes with a diet like that. I do miss them but I've noticed my cravings are reduced by not eating them.
Same here. For me it's being upset I just blew through $30 in a couple days. I could've just bought more beef with that.


I've moved to peanuts-only peanut butter and can't go back. At first, the lack of sweetener was distracting but jelly/jam corrected that, anyhow. I tried going back to standard peanut butter because I was in a rush and needed something quick but it's just no longer palatable to me. I'm actually thinking about just making fresh peanut butter, as it seems way more convenient. Just like using dehydrated milk is for protein shakes. I'm never able to finish a 2-gallon jug by myself before the expiration date (my partner is lactose intolerant) and the smaller containers mean I make more frequent visits to the store. Powdered milk, I love you.


From yesterday, shoulder feels damn near 100% did 315lb bench press x5 paused. Should be good to go right into regular progression now. Shout out to my belly for making a cameo.

Gonna do some event training today.


Apparently quest has been changing their formulas in the bars lately. Probably has to do with them being sued.

Strong as shit. What's next competition wise? Event comp like last year?

Like fish, peanut butter is definitely one of those things I wished I liked.

I can do the crappy stuff (Like Skippy), but I find the real stuff tastes awful, which is odd really, because I love peanuts.

Just eat Skippy natural and mix it with natural jelly. I do 3 parts pb, one part jelly with a 16 oz glass of milk. Dessert of the gods.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
That peanut butter jelly mix you do is better anyway.
No question. Although I've been cutting the PB&J bowl and just putting a few tablespoons on top of my Greek yorgurt lately. I have 1 cup of GY, 2 packets of splenda and just under 2 Tbsp of PB. 300 calories and 30gs of protein. I know you don't really count calories but if you ever want to it is a killer snack.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
No question. Although I've been cutting the PB&J bowl and just putting a few tablespoons on top of my Greek yorgurt lately. I have 1 cup of GY, 2 packets of splenda and just under 2 Tbsp of PB. 300 calories and 30gs of protein. I know you don't really count calories but if you ever want to it is a killer snack.

I may give that a go, I've cleaned up my diet in preparation of getting down to 220 for June/summer competition.

What are you at now?

240. I have 5 months, it's extremely doable.


I went cold turkey off Quest Bars. I just can't have them around or I'll eat 2 or 3 every day and when the day is done I'm getting almost half my calories from protein powder and Quest bars. I don't like it. Not to mention the cost involved that goes with a diet like that. I do miss them but I've noticed my cravings are reduced by not eating them.

I'm not completely off them but I've cut way back since my Aug-Nov cut. I just don't buy boxes anymore. I'll pick up two-three at Trader Joes every couple of weeks then stick them way back in the cabinet so I don't think about them unless I'm scrambling for a snack.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
First time starting a deload week. Feels good!

My Gold's Gym is full of testosteroney people. Never before heard someone criticize someone for using a light weight on the deadlifting platform. Impatient fuck.


I went cold turkey off Quest Bars. I just can't have them around or I'll eat 2 or 3 every day and when the day is done I'm getting almost half my calories from protein powder and Quest bars. I don't like it. Not to mention the cost involved that goes with a diet like that. I do miss them but I've noticed my cravings are reduced by not eating them.
I'm off Quest too. No big stand against protein sources. I use GNC 10 off 20 coupons each month. Now my gold card expired. Can't see myself paying 15 bucks for the privilege to shop at GNC. So unless it's on sale elsewhere I'm on a Quest break.
Well, I reckon you'd look pretty damn good if you could maintain most of your muscle and get to that weight. Obviously it's completely irrelevant, but it would be interesting to see. :)


The plan is slow and steady, we will see. If my strength takes a huge hit, I'll probably send it to a screeching halt.
Does losing bodyfat for powerlifting have any disadvantages beyond possibly losing some strength? For instance, couldn't that create more 'travel' for your benchpress, etc?

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Does losing bodyfat for powerlifting have any disadvantages beyond possibly losing some strength? For instance, couldn't that create more 'travel' for your benchpress, etc?

That's a leverage change, and yes, it's a disadvantage. On the flip side, being leaner helps the deadlift because you can get closer to the bar with your hips.

Well, I reckon you'd look pretty damn good if you could maintain most of your muscle and get to that weight. Obviously it's completely irrelevant, but it would be interesting to see. :)

We will see, I'm carrying a lot of BF, so yeah, we will see.


Managed a very modest PR of 85lbs on ohp this morning. I'm really really hoping it translates to progress in my bench. Tuesday will be 132.5 which would be a new PR and then that mythical 135 on awaits on Saturday if the muscles cooperate.
I'm about to move into my first deload week on 5/3/1. Do I need to deload my accessories?
It's what the book says to do. I guess some people don't? I always shoot for a good burn on accessories so on a deload I'll take off 15-20% of the weight. If I'm doing hanging leg raises, I do 10 max per set instead of 15.

EDIT: Forgot to add the most important part: I don't know what happens if you don't deload accessories, never tried it, but the program still for sure works great if you do, so why not?


Decided to quit eating crispbread (with butter) as it seems to be some kind of a trigger food for me. If I have one, I'll just have another and another and then I've eaten ten..

Dunno why this is but it's just so good. I can eat them without the butter on top just fine and will continue to do so for fiber. I'll just get some fat from almonds as they're better for you anyway.

I just find it weird that a food like that would have a reaction like that to it lol


At the (late) company Christmas party the topic of how much my wife and I eat and exercise came up. And once again the "wait until you have kids and we'll see what happens" comments came. It's starting to get really annoying and there's not much you can say back without sounding like a dick.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
At the (late) company Christmas party the topic of how much my wife and I eat and exercise came up. And once again the "wait until you have kids and we'll see what happens" comments came. It's starting to get really annoying and there's not much you can say back without sounding like a dick.

Blow it off. The excuse is less about you and more about their self esteem issues, excuse justification


At the (late) company Christmas party the topic of how much my wife and I eat and exercise came up. And once again the "wait until you have kids and we'll see what happens" comments came. It's starting to get really annoying and there's not much you can say back without sounding like a dick.

Have the kids and prove them wrong.


At the (late) company Christmas party the topic of how much my wife and I eat and exercise came up. And once again the "wait until you have kids and we'll see what happens" comments came. It's starting to get really annoying and there's not much you can say back without sounding like a dick.

Lol gotta love those comments. Don't worry about them. I've got 3 kids that keep me plenty busy. I don't ever miss a single workout due to them. On a rare occasion, they find a way to join me!

Also, kids will pick up on your habits (see exhibit "A" below). The fact that my kids ask for things like cucumber and cheese for a snack still blows me away, especially since we do have some junk food around. They've become my reminder on tough days to continue to eat well.

Dad Bonus: Your kids will tell you you're the strongest man alive and are constantly impressed by you. Greatest, most motivating fans ever.

Exhibit A.
Signed up for a race. Wife decided she wanted to tag along. Kids then said they wanted to enter the Kids Dash.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
At the (late) company Christmas party the topic of how much my wife and I eat and exercise came up. And once again the "wait until you have kids and we'll see what happens" comments came. It's starting to get really annoying and there's not much you can say back without sounding like a dick.
Wait until you have kids and are jacked. They will find other excuses. Trust me.
Does anyone know of any body weight exercises that work out the core as much as pushups? alternatives. Pushups are not so good for me. chronic pain and all that.

My coach talks about planking, and that is grueling. was hoping for something else besides that though.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Does anyone know of any body weight exercises that work out the core as much as pushups? alternatives. Pushups are not so good for me. chronic pain and all that.

My coach talks about planking, and that is grueling. was hoping for something else besides that though.

Ab wheel roll outs and hanging leg raises are the best IMO.


Does anyone know of any body weight exercises that work out the core as much as pushups? alternatives. Pushups are not so good for me. chronic pain and all that.

My coach talks about planking, and that is grueling. was hoping for something else besides that though.

Hanging leg raises? I like those. You can also vary resistance by extending your legs more/less.

Also cable crunches with the rope attachment, kneeling on the floor.
Makes me sad that whenever a celebrity gets in shape or puts on muscle people hand wave it as being rich and having access to Hollywood trainers or drugs.

Ab wheel roll outs and hanging leg raises are the best IMO.
Hanging leg raises are the best. One of the only core exercises I actually enjoy doing and also feel the burn.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Makes me sad that whenever a celebrity gets in shape or puts on muscle people hand wave it as being rich and having access to Hollywood trainers or drugs.

Hanging leg raises are the best. One of the only core exercises I actually enjoy doing and also feel the burn.

Shins to bar or bust!


Makes me sad that whenever a celebrity gets in shape or puts on muscle people hand wave it as being rich and having access to Hollywood trainers or drugs.

Hanging leg raises are the best. One of the only core exercises I actually enjoy doing and also feel the burn.

You read the Krasinsky thread, too? I was thinking, "Damn, what he did did take effort, but it wasn't that insane."

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Strongman Saturday.

DB press 65lbs x 10 (working DB presses until at 85x10, then switching to circus DB)

Yoke run: 345 for 50 feet. Need to work speed badly, so that is a priority.

Sandbag loads: 54" bar X 3 and 62" bar x 1. Really happy with this.



the piano man
well I am flattered, some girl or spam account "tagged" me on instagram for the first time, telling me I should click the link immediately to get free protein, that was weird.

I've had a couple which weren't so good, but in my experience, if they get too cold, they get really hard to eat. I know some here microwave them for a little bit before eating, which I guess would help.

I love the texture of the cookie dough one. Got so sick of eating the playdough style protein bars.

I microwaved mine and it was like chewing gum for 20 seconds, then it turned almost immediately into a rock, lol it was a disaster.


At the (late) company Christmas party the topic of how much my wife and I eat and exercise came up. And once again the "wait until you have kids and we'll see what happens" comments came. It's starting to get really annoying and there's not much you can say back without sounding like a dick.

Hah! I have a three year old with autism. The amount of time, energy, and lack of sleep spent on him has been off the scale in the 10 months since his diagnosis. Yeah, it's been tough, but when it's important to you you find the time. You're one of the most dedicated I've ever seen, you'll be fine. Everyone here is right: people with insecurities justifying their own lack of dedication and hard work.


Junior Member
I feel like my progress has been somewhat shit. Physically I haven't seen a fantastic change in my physique. I consider myself skinny fat. I've basically tried to recomp over the past couple of months without any success. Body fat is still there, but no perceptible muscle gain. Though before Christmas I think I looked somewhat good (though doesn't seem to be the case now for some odd reason - haven't drastically changed my calories or training)

Maybe I'm spinning my wheels, I don't know. I don't really know how many calories I should be eating day in day out. Don't even know what is an ideal routine to follow. It's all rather confusing, heh. I personally aim for about 2500 on training days, 1800 on rest days. I train with compound movements - weighted dips, bench, OHP, deadlift etc. I weigh 73kg (160lbs). Reference lifts: Deadlift 120kg x5, Bench Press 95kg x5, Weighted Dips 40kg x6, Squat 100kg x5, OHP 45kg x5 (lol)

Some guidance needed...


Makes me sad that whenever a celebrity gets in shape or puts on muscle people hand wave it as being rich and having access to Hollywood trainers or drugs.

Why is that sad? It's a fact and if you have to get in shape with a deadline you better get the most out of it, meaning get professional help.

I agree that saying someone's juicing when they're lean and have put on some muscles is stupid. But hey, you'll find unknowledgable people everywhere
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