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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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The expiration date on a package of food is actually a guarantor of freshness.

The date means that if you open the sealed product before that date and you find that it has already expired that you are entitled to a refund or exchange.

So to answer your question, open the protein powder and look at it. If it's rancid throw it out, if not it's perfectly good to consume.

oh, I meant I couldn't find the date on the package, but checked again and finally found it (for some reason that part was in polish). it expired last december, probably still good, but I'll throw it out anyway. thanks, dude!


The weatherman says not to go outside. F*ck you, weatherman.


Edit: Got a 30-minute trail run in. Perfectly warm with the right gear, although I did end up with tiny icicles on my eye lashes from my breath lol
On a similar subject, I can now do more weight on Arnold press (with dumbells) than I can do with OHP... which doesn't seem right to me, at all.

The reason is because when you do the Arnold Press your sitting with your back supported against the bench, whereas with the OHP your standing.
A fellow car bud. Nice choice!

Edit: lost 4lbs in the past 2 weeks. I know why. I need to get back on track mentally so i dont fuck up my diet but the next few weeks will be difficult. My mind is going a zillion miles per hour and will probably stay that way until middle of next week where it will either get worse or get better.

I'll look at this time as just trimming some of the fat I've gained during my bulk. Strength hasn't wavered but motivation sure the fuck has. The past several weeks I've been on edge.
I can still out up a lot more weight on my OHP than Arnold though.
I tend not to push against the bench either. When I was taught how to do them it was generally to lock my core rather than push against anything.

Unrelated, thanks to moving in a couple of weeks I found myself having to go through my entire set of clothes deciding what should be packed / kept out / given to charity.

I've just finished... and probably half of my clothes, and all of my suits (one never worn) don't even come close to fitting me any more. I know I should probably be happy about that, but I'm not. I've literally just got rid of about £3,000 (~4,200 USD) worth of clothes, some of which I really loved.

Problem is, I can't just replace them. Ignoring the money aspect (I'm trying to buy a house, I have no money), I still have no idea where my average body size is going to end up. One thing I know for certain, is that for shirts and suits I'm going to have to go tailored now as even some of the more slim fit stuff looks pretty bad on me. Stupid strange shaped body.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
I just found a grocery store with a life changing price on ground beef. $1.29 a pound where I normally pay $4.50. Getting big is so cheap now.


Junior Member
Normal bulking is going to yield leagues more muscle over time. I would drop the 'recomposition protocol' crap. You're trying too hard to skip the middle step and look good immediately and you have to accept it's not going to happen like that. As above, track your average weight. If it's not moving or is going down, you need to eat more. Get 7-9 hours sleep. Get in 0.8g per lb of body weight of protein. And keep adding more lbs/kgs to your lifts. Incorporate in isolations and other exercises to target each body part in addition to compounds. You've mentioned a plateau in overhead press, try dumbbells press and side lateral raises.

Then when you have built up some amount of muscle you can cut and not look like a weird skinny fat twig. Bulking will also be easier in future as the fat will be gone and clean bulking will have you start from a clean slate so you look relatively lean when bulking. You're just going to have to come to terms with looking fat and the muscle being hidden in your current bulk.
Alright. What kind of routine would you recommend for optimal strength and hypertrophy? How many sets? Reps?

I guess the remainder of my calories should come mostly from carbs? Probably looking at least 300-400g of carbs daily. I won't turn into a fat fuck, right?
Alright. What kind of routine would you recommend for optimal strength and hypertrophy? How many sets? Reps?

I guess the remainder of my calories should come mostly from carbs? Probably looking at least 300-400g of carbs daily. I won't turn into a fat fuck, right?

Carbs + Fat. You're not going to turn into a (further) fat fuck unless your surplus is too big. Check out these sites: http://www.1percentedge.com/ifcalc/ and http://www.iifym.com - I think they do this for you. But remember to track your own average weight to ensure you're not going up too fast (an indicator that your surplus is too big and you're putting on fat).

I don't have an optimal routine to recommend. There's hundreds on the web/BB.com/Reddit/this thread. I've listed some stuff I do below (I don't do all of them together), just pick and choose a good split. 3 x 10. I tend to do it on a PPL basis so hitting each muscle group twice a week.

Main Barbells
Bench Press
Shoulder Press

Incline Bench Press (dumbbells)
Chest Press Machine
Pectoral Flyes Machine
Pec flyes dumbbells
Seated Dips

Shoulder Press (dumbbells)
Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise

Tricep Overhead Extension
Rope Pushdown
Dumbbell Skullcrushers
Close Grip Dumbbell Press
Tricep Extension Machine

Dumbbell Curls
Hammer Curls
Curl Machine
Barbell drag curl

Seated Row Machine
Barbell Rows
Front Lat Pull-Downs
Face Pulls Machine

Leg Presses
Seated Leg Curls
Leg Extensions
Calf Raises

Hanging Leg Raises


the piano man
Chest Press Machine

what's everyone opinion on this exercise? (assuming it means the seated press machine, where you press to the front and not some bench/smith variation)

it really feels odd and I don't feel my chest engaged but maybe I am doing it wrong.

I stopped using it a long time ago.
what's everyone opinion on this exercise? (assuming it means the seated press machine, where you press to the front and not some bench/smith variation)

it really feels odd and I don't feel my chest engaged but maybe I am doing it wrong.

I stopped using it a long time ago.

I'm actually not a huge fan either. Used it initially in my routine until I discovered the wonders of the machine/cable flyes.
what's everyone opinion on this exercise? (assuming it means the seated press machine, where you press to the front and not some bench/smith variation)

it really feels odd and I don't feel my chest engaged but maybe I am doing it wrong.

I stopped using it a long time ago.
The only machine type I'll touch is a cable. All hammer style hinge machines are fairly useless, IMO. Too much is taken away from accessory stabilizers. The more the weight can shift the more stabilizers are required. I even go as far as chaining to the bar for t-bar and triangle rows to increase its wobblyness to activate more stabilizers since the bar itself becomes a lever and hinge, a floating contact point with a chain requires more stabilization to pull the bar with correct form and allows for a more natural wrist ROM.

I overthink things sometimes :| I write physics code and its hard to leave that zone sometimes but hey - I like the chains and its a night/day difference for some exercises.



Curious about this since it was about a decade ago that I last did any type of normal lifting routine:

Is it still conventional wisdom that moderate/higher rep sets (let's say, 8-12 rep range) are better for hypertrophy and muscle growth, whereas low/moderate (1-5 rep range) are better for building raw strength? Or is the rep range something that has been proven to not really make a difference with muscle growth?


Junior Member
Carbs + Fat. You're not going to turn into a (further) fat fuck unless your surplus is too big. Check out these sites: http://www.1percentedge.com/ifcalc/ and http://www.iifym.com - I think they do this for you. But remember to track your own average weight to ensure you're not going up too fast (an indicator that your surplus is too big and you're putting on fat).

I don't have an optimal routine to recommend. There's hundreds on the web/BB.com/Reddit/this thread. I've listed some stuff I do below (I don't do all of them together), just pick and choose a good split. 3 x 10. I tend to do it on a PPL basis so hitting each muscle group twice a week.

Main Barbells
Bench Press
Shoulder Press

Incline Bench Press (dumbbells)
Chest Press Machine
Pectoral Flyes Machine
Pec flyes dumbbells
Seated Dips

Shoulder Press (dumbbells)
Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise

Tricep Overhead Extension
Rope Pushdown
Dumbbell Skullcrushers
Close Grip Dumbbell Press
Tricep Extension Machine

Dumbbell Curls
Hammer Curls
Curl Machine
Barbell drag curl

Seated Row Machine
Barbell Rows
Front Lat Pull-Downs
Face Pulls Machine

Leg Presses
Seated Leg Curls
Leg Extensions
Calf Raises

Hanging Leg Raises
Here are the results I got:

Calories: 2559
Carbs: 335.8g
Protein: 160g
Fat: 64g

Seems okay? I suppose I need to get over this mental fear that eating this many carbs will make me fat. I probably average 200g a week currently.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I think it's logical why lower rep work helps strength because it allows you to lift heavier. It's really as simple as that IMO. As far as size goes I think the difference is minimal for natural lifters if there is one at all. I recommend incorporating hi and low rep stuff into your routine.
Pretty distracted at the gym today watching the Panthers almost shit the bed against the Seahawks, but they pulled through in the end. Progress pic for the new year, wish I had a better camera.


current lifts

Squat 3X5 @ 285
BP 3X5 @ 165
incline DB fly 3X10 @ 90 (45lb dumbbells)
Barbell Row 3x5 @ 150 ( deloaded on this lift because I felt like I wasn't going full ROM in this lift when I was lifting over 200+)

Quick question, at what rep range is it considered "hypertrophic"? I only say this because all my accessory lifts range in reps of 8-10 and wanted to know if I should increase the reps or not.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Pretty distracted at the gym today watching the Panthers almost shit the bed against the Seahawks, but they pulled through in the end. Progress pic for the new year, wish I had a better camera.


current lifts

Squat 3X5 @ 285
BP 3X5 @ 165
incline DB fly 3X10 @ 90 (45lb dumbbells)
Barbell Row 3x5 @ 150 ( deloaded on this lift because I felt like I wasn't going full ROM in this lift when I was lifting over 200+)

Quick question, at what rep range is it considered "hypertrophic"? I only say this because all my accessory lifts range in reps of 8-10 and wanted to know if I should increase the reps or not.
Fuck yeah Panthers!
disgruntled 9ers fan here

Looking good man. I like hitting arms and shoulders in the 12-15 range mostly with an occasional heavy day. Not should what is considered hypertrophic range but I'd guess above 12.
I have no idea where I got it from, but a lot of my accessories I do like this.

15 x weight
-short break-
12 x more weight
-short break-
8 x more weight

and then sometimes 8 x original weight as a drop set.
FitGAF I did it, I made the 100kg Bench goal.. I could have got there like a month ago with 1-2 reps but I thought I'd be patient. Managed 4/3/2 reps, got a couple more on each but I had an eager spotter so they don't count. I'm so happy (I know it's nothing in the grand scheme of things but that's been a mini goal. :)


Tonight is the night fellas. First b&j pint of the new year (cookie dough, although I'll mix it in a bowl with PB for maximum results)


Curious about this since it was about a decade ago that I last did any type of normal lifting routine:

Is it still conventional wisdom that moderate/higher rep sets (let's say, 8-12 rep range) are better for hypertrophy and muscle growth, whereas low/moderate (1-5 rep range) are better for building raw strength? Or is the rep range something that has been proven to not really make a difference with muscle growth?

From what I've heard doing slowish full-motion 10 reps is the best for growth.


Tonight is the night fellas. First b&j pint of the new year (cookie dough, although I'll mix it in a bowl with PB for maximum results)

Get it! I'm having pizza and drinks. Been almost 2 weeks since I had something bad.

I had shake shack....again. Another chicken sandwich and fries. But this time I added in a cup of oatmeal pie ice cream.

Hey I was still 188 this morning so I thought why the hell not :)


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I had shake shack....again. Another chicken sandwich and fries. But this time I added in a cup of oatmeal pie ice cream.

Hey I was still 188 this morning so I thought why the hell not :)

Haha. I did the same thing last night. Weighed myself and I was 181 and said what the hell. Three pints of Häagen-Dazs later I was passed out on the couch in a food coma.
Browsing through this site that a friend linked to me...


There's SO MUCH bollocks out there in the fitness / nutrition / general health world. Checked out a number of the reward sites and it's pretty clear that they're aimed at people with more money than sense (or dedication).


No, it really can make a difference. Both will work for course, but high rep ranges are more optimal for hypertrophy.

I think it's logical why lower rep work helps strength because it allows you to lift heavier. It's really as simple as that IMO. As far as size goes I think the difference is minimal for natural lifters if there is one at all. I recommend incorporating hi and low rep stuff into your routine.

From what I've heard doing slowish full-motion 10 reps is the best for growth.

Appreciate the replies. I figured that was the case, but I wanted to confirm I wasn't relying on outdated information. I'm currently doing StrongLifts, but will probably rotate on and off that (and/or a 5/3/1 routine) and a higher rep routine when I start my bulk later this year.


It is done. I'm finally engaged. I never thought I'd ever see this day. Honestly, without fitgaf, this day would never have happened. Best community on gaf by a country mile.

Going to be about 2 weeks till I'm finally settled back into normalcy and grinding hard. Looking forward to it.


It is done. I'm finally engaged. I never thought I'd ever see this day. Honestly, without fitgaf, this day would never have happened. Best community on gaf by a country mile.

Going to be about 2 weeks till I'm finally settled back into normalcy and grinding hard. Looking forward to it.

Awesome man! Congratz!


It is done. I'm finally engaged. I never thought I'd ever see this day. Honestly, without fitgaf, this day would never have happened. Best community on gaf by a country mile.

Going to be about 2 weeks till I'm finally settled back into normalcy and grinding hard. Looking forward to it.
Nice! Congrats Bish!


Hmmm so 5-3-1 only requires 3 working sets? Is that enough? Not used to doing less than 5 or 6. Or is the extra time usually used for accessories?

Edit: oh shit, nvm. Just checked the weeks ahead. This will become challenging very quickly.


It is done. I'm finally engaged. I never thought I'd ever see this day. Honestly, without fitgaf, this day would never have happened. Best community on gaf by a country mile.

Going to be about 2 weeks till I'm finally settled back into normalcy and grinding hard. Looking forward to it.

nice one dude, i popped the question myself just before christmas, now all i'm getting is "have you set a date yet" so good luck with that!!
It is done. I'm finally engaged. I never thought I'd ever see this day. Honestly, without fitgaf, this day would never have happened. Best community on gaf by a country mile.

Going to be about 2 weeks till I'm finally settled back into normalcy and grinding hard. Looking forward to it.

So awesome Bish congrats bro!


It is done. I'm finally engaged. I never thought I'd ever see this day. Honestly, without fitgaf, this day would never have happened. Best community on gaf by a country mile.

Going to be about 2 weeks till I'm finally settled back into normalcy and grinding hard. Looking forward to it.

I'm so excited for you big guy. Your transformation and dedication are absolutely insane and you deserve nothing but the best!

nice one dude, i popped the question myself just before christmas, now all i'm getting is "have you set a date yet" so good luck with that!!

Congrats to you too!


It is done. I'm finally engaged. I never thought I'd ever see this day. Honestly, without fitgaf, this day would never have happened. Best community on gaf by a country mile.

Going to be about 2 weeks till I'm finally settled back into normalcy and grinding hard. Looking forward to it.



It is done. I'm finally engaged. I never thought I'd ever see this day. Honestly, without fitgaf, this day would never have happened. Best community on gaf by a country mile.

Going to be about 2 weeks till I'm finally settled back into normalcy and grinding hard. Looking forward to it.

Congrats dude! That's awesome.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
It is done. I'm finally engaged. I never thought I'd ever see this day. Honestly, without fitgaf, this day would never have happened. Best community on gaf by a country mile.

Going to be about 2 weeks till I'm finally settled back into normalcy and grinding hard. Looking forward to it.

Congrats man.
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