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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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I'm 5'9", 175 and I could eat 3000 calories before dinner. You guys are CRAZY.

Also, FE you look awesome dude. Your progress is one of my favorites.


GEEZ, I am 5'8" and weigh 176 about and am just so scared to eat above 1850 calories. It's from being a fat kid growing up and I know I can put on fat in the areas I don't want so easily. I wish I could get past that fear and go calorie crazy(well within limit) to see how I respond and grow muscle wise.
When I'm bulking I get a lot of my calories from nuts. Almonds especially.

I don't tend to struggle so much these days though

I'm 5'9", 175 and I could eat 3000 calories before dinner. You guys are CRAZY.

Also, FE you look awesome dude. Your progress is one of my favorites.
Same here. My cuts are so tight on macros that just a couple spoonfuls of peanut butter (400-500 cals) will knock me into maintenance.

I just got home today and I've already eaten 2100 calories and I'm starving. I could easily pack on another 2k and still be hungry. Throw in fatty/bad food? I can hit 10k+ easily.


I'm having a hard time at 2500 a day. So much damn food. Ughhh.

Same here. There comes a time where I just don't want to down another glass of milk or piece of salmon. But I won't get any stronger without it, so I just go to town. Do you use protein powder? An 8 oz glass of milk with whey is about 300 calories by itself. That should help a bit.

GEEZ, I am 5'8" and weigh 176 about and am just so scared to eat above 1850 calories. It's from being a fat kid growing up and I know I can put on fat in the areas I don't want so easily. I wish I could get past that fear and go calorie crazy(well within limit) to see how I respond and grow muscle wise.

Haha, I'm a former fat kid myself and I feel the same about bulking. It's a bit of an irrational fear, but it's rooted in the concern that I might end up roly-poly again. As long as you keep a consistent workout schedule and eat clean you'll pack on the muscle to counteract any fat gain.


Same here. My cuts are so tight on macros that just a couple spoonfuls of peanut butter (400-500 cals) will knock me into maintenance.

I just got home today and I've already eaten 2100 calories and I'm starving. I could easily pack on another 2k and still be hungry. Throw in fatty/bad food? I can hit 10k+ easily.


Bulking note for those having trouble:

A whole milk protein shake with peanut butter, oatmeal, two scoops of powder, a banana and a tablespoon of olive oil can have 1,000+ calories easy and its a lot healthier than eating fast food. Use it as a supplement to your 3 meals and hitting 2500 will be a breeze.


On the subject of bulking, how much would you guys generally consider a good amount to put on before you switch back to cutting?

I've always gone the best results just going by time not appearance.

I once bulked for a year straight and I had my best year in terms of gains. I didn't really go nuts, though. Probably around 4000 calories. But my maintenance was 3300 at the time.

Did it get chubby? Yes. But it built a nice foundation.

You can always lose the fat.
Next time I'm not going over 10lbs. Also going to try a slower bulk.

To be honest, I think I'd struggle to get any slower. I don't know why, I but I always fuck up my bulks. Cutting I'm REALLY good at. One thing is certain, I've got no stronger (comparatively) on the bulk vs what I added on my last cut.

@entremet: I wouldn't really be able to do that because it would negatively affect my cycling too much. I think much over 15lbs would be too much.


To be honest, I think I'd struggle to get any slower. I don't know why, I but I always fuck up my bulks. Cutting I'm REALLY good at. One thing is certain, I've got no stronger (comparatively) on the bulk vs what I added on my last cut.

@entremet: I wouldn't really be able to do that because it would negatively affect my cycling too much. I think much over 15lbs would be too much.

Oh, you're a two sports guy. I forgot about that.

Just focus on strength instead of hypertrophy. I've actually started to become more a cardio guy too--so I'm getting leaner in general.

Honestly, as I get older, I think I'm fine with just training for general health these days. My Chipotle bulking days are probably over lol.

Why do you have to bulk then? Most dedicated cyclists I know look to stay lean year round.
Most dedicated cyclists look like crap too. Scrawny tyrannosaurus sons of bitches. ;)

In fairness, I'm a mountain biker, we need a bit of overall strength. Harder to get away with being all legs, well, unless you want to be useless on the bike anyway.

Short answer though. I'm vain.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Same here. My cuts are so tight on macros that just a couple spoonfuls of peanut butter (400-500 cals) will knock me into maintenance.

I just got home today and I've already eaten 2100 calories and I'm starving. I could easily pack on another 2k and still be hungry. Throw in fatty/bad food? I can hit 10k+ easily.



Some guidance on rep range for assistance work? I added in dumbbell bench today to try and make some progress on my terrible bench. To get started I just went with 3 sets of 10 @ 30 lbs, which actually worked out pretty well given I was fatigued from compounds.

Do you recommend more/less volume? The goal here is strictly to improve my bench.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
My daughter turns 13 next week and just started lifting. She has to take 4 training sessions with our gyms speed school before she can become a member. They are teaching her the major compounds and working on her mobility amongst other things. Pretty cool stuff. She benched 55lbs 8 times today. I am impressed.

Nelo Ice

My daughter turns 13 next week and just started lifting. She has to take 4 training sessions with our gyms speed school before she can become a member. They are teaching her the major compounds and working on her mobility amongst other things. Pretty cool stuff. She benched 55lbs 8 times today. I am impressed.

Damn sounds like she's getting swole already. Her dad must have good genetics ;). And here I am training my cousin and she can only bench the 30 lb curling bar since the default barbell is too heavy haha.


Anyone ever heard of this product http://www.advocare.com/products/well/W3201.aspx

Wife is thinking about using it for a detox. Trying to do some research.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

There's no such thing as detox.

My daughter turns 13 next week and just started lifting. She has to take 4 training sessions with our gyms speed school before she can become a member. They are teaching her the major compounds and working on her mobility amongst other things. Pretty cool stuff. She benched 55lbs 8 times today. I am impressed.

I would give up almost anything to go back and get in shape younger.



So, after weighing 331 lbs, I got down to 185 lbs a month ago. I felt pretty weak after reaching my nadir, so I decided to start calorie/carb cycling. I've added 100 lbs to my deadlift (315 to 415), 50 lbs to my bench (200 to 250) and 80 lbs to my squat (235 to 315). My weight is still the same. I wish I had a good reference pic from a month ago...nonetheless, I'm proud of my progress

Carb cycling still working great. Down another 2 lbs yet I'm stronger. The angle and lighting aren't 100% the same but I don't think I'm just imaging that I'm bigger.


For reference, I started from here:


Oh yeah, I finally did a muscle up!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Carb cycling still working great. Down another 2 lbs yet I'm stronger. The angle and lighting aren't 100% the same but I don't think I'm just imaging that I'm bigger.


For reference, I started from here:


Oh yeah, I finally did a muscle up!

First off, amazing transformation. Truly remarkable. The amount of feel good stories we have in FitGaf is why I love this place. Second, big ups on the muscle up. You just moved into a very select club!


My daughter turns 13 next week and just started lifting. She has to take 4 training sessions with our gyms speed school before she can become a member. They are teaching her the major compounds and working on her mobility amongst other things. Pretty cool stuff. She benched 55lbs 8 times today. I am impressed.

That's awesome dude!


Great progress, Ananole!!
*high five*

The past two cuts I've celebrated the end of them with IHOP's all you can eat pancakes. I usually hit around 20, with syrup, sausage, and eggs. Not my only meal either.

Feels good.

First off, amazing transformation. Truly remarkable. The amount of feel good stories we have in FitGaf is why I love this place. Second, big ups on the muscle up. You just moved into a very select club!
For real. I still haven't done one! Though tbh I haven't tried.


Mrs. mkenyon hit a new PR on Deadlift tonight at 205x2. It's become her favorite lift.

I don't think I will be pushing weight like that on my period, I'm pretty sure I'd shoot my tampon right out."


Mrs. mkenyon hit a new PR on Deadlift tonight at 205x2. It's become her favorite lift.

I don't think I will be pushing weight like that on my period, I'm pretty sure I'd shoot my tampon right out."

Gaaaah mental image noooooooooooooooooo


Most dedicated cyclists look like crap too. Scrawny tyrannosaurus sons of bitches. ;)

In fairness, I'm a mountain biker, we need a bit of overall strength. Harder to get away with being all legs, well, unless you want to be useless on the bike anyway.

Short answer though. I'm vain.

You should check out Alex Viada. He's a powerlifter and does ultra marathons and triathlons.


He's pretty big, though, but lean.



What else are you going to do in the three minutes between sets?

Ha what program doesn't require that? Once you graduate past your Insanity's, P90's and Beachbody routines your going to need to do more advanced movement along with fatiguing your muscles. Thats going to require drop-sets, staggered sets and so on. All of which require constant changes in weight and volume.

Round up!

When the programs calls for 197 lbs, for example, just put 2 plates on each side and go to town

Lol JoeNut

It's annoying but there's literally no way around it.

i do 5x5 so i guess i'm just used to sticking with one weight after warm ups
I rewatched the Ant video on deadlift form and deloaded almost 100 lbs yesterday. I tried to do super strict form and push with my legs. I had let Ego get in the way and was emphasizing on the weight than proper form. Got damnnnnnnnn, my ass is sore. It hurts to sit. I still have to do roadwork today as well.

Link to vid? I definitely don't feel like I'm pushing enough with the legs.


I hate moving so much, omg. It's sucked my will to live away. It doesn't help that I'm so busy with my girl and work. Being sleep deprived is also killing me. Send help.
Anyone here track their heart rate variability? I used to use resting heart rate to look for indicators of overtraining, but I've been reading into this and it seems like heart rate variability may provide more effective data. Takes about three minutes in the morning, which gives me a little extra time to chill in bed, so I can't be too bad.

I'm trying this app: http://www.elitehrv.com/ , but there are a bunch of others out there.


Carb cycling still working great. Down another 2 lbs yet I'm stronger. The angle and lighting aren't 100% the same but I don't think I'm just imaging that I'm bigger.


For reference, I started from here:


Oh yeah, I finally did a muscle up!

That's a crazy transformation. Congrats!


Carb cycling still working great. Down another 2 lbs yet I'm stronger. The angle and lighting aren't 100% the same but I don't think I'm just imaging that I'm bigger.

Oh yeah, I finally did a muscle up!

Congrats on the transformation dude. Amazing stuff! and shit a muscle up? niiice. I still can't do one lol
This may sound like a crazy ass humble brag, but I can't have a nasty bulking season because I go to Brazil for carnival every year. Even clean bulking adds a little roundness, so I just have to train hard and eat right #EatCleanTrainDirty. Helps that I'm a vegan.


This may sound like a crazy ass humble brag, but I can't have a nasty bulking season because I go to Brazil for carnival every year. Even clean bulking adds a little roundness, so I just have to train hard and eat right #EatCleanTrainDirty. Helps that I'm a vegan.
I'm sure you get this all the time, but what do you eat for most of your protein?


This may sound like a crazy ass humble brag, but I can't have a nasty bulking season because I go to Brazil for carnival every year. Even clean bulking adds a little roundness, so I just have to train hard and eat right #EatCleanTrainDirty. Helps that I'm a vegan.

Bulking and cutting cycles are not really necessary for most of the population at all.

The methodology comes from bodybuilding and strength sports. They're used for recreational lifters to meet specific goals in hypertrophy or strength.

But if you already have the body you want and don't need to make huge strength or hypertrophy gains, they're unnecessary.
Man, Spirit and FE are mighty fucking BEASTS! I picture both can just take a head off with a single swipe :O

Damn nice pump

Bro you are just a beast. Look fantastic man

tyty, I am trying to keep the eating under control and still maintain my size. Not fun.

Pretty sexy pump too. FE is so dreamy.


Are you a professional wrestler?

Just trying my best to look like one!
t if you already have the body you want and don't need to make huge strength or hypertrophy gains, they're unnecessary.

Thank you for that knowledge bomb.

I'm sure you get this all the time, but what do you eat for most of your protein?

I use a vegan protein shake called 'Plant Head', but also eat vegan foods with high protein content. Vegan proteins have less protein in them than any animal derived protein, but they work for me. I haven't lost weight becoming a vegan. It's been over a year and a half. I'm not switching back granted, I'd be able to increase my protein intake which in theory should allow gains but I've rather focus on increase the protein by vegan means.


Seitan (Wheat Gluten)
Black Beans

Brussels Sprouts
Sweet Potato

Nut & Seeds:
Pumpkin seeds
Flex seeds

Brown Rice



Carb cycling still working great. Down another 2 lbs yet I'm stronger. The angle and lighting aren't 100% the same but I don't think I'm just imaging that I'm bigger.

For reference, I started from here:

Oh yeah, I finally did a muscle up!
Truly inspirational. You look absolutely fantastic!
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