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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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I usually apply Gold Bond Ultimate cream to my hands every Friday when I get home. I washed it right after the fact and put a glove on to cover it. I don't have any weightlifting to do til Monday so everything should be ok. Just cardio tomorrow then rest day.

Gold Bond is another good one. I try to keep up with making sure I lotionize my hands. Still get callouses but they are much easier to work with :D


What the....?

Spirit finds no humor in Broscience.

Psycho finds no joy in PB.

I thought I knew you people. My life has been a lie!!!!


Lol, I hate to be that guy, sorry, but man I've never found humor in broscience. I do like poking fun at my friend who looks just like him though.
It's poking fun at lifting stereotypes. You should see the guy's personal Youtube channel, it'll help put the satire in perspective.
Cheat snack of forever!
No kidding. I stumbled upon it last night. I might need to try a test run of this tonight.
What the....?

Spirit finds no humor in Broscience.

Psycho finds no joy in PB.

I thought I knew you people. My life has been a lie!!!!
I didn't mean to shatter your dreams Szu. :(

It's poking fun at lifting stereotypes. You should see the guy's personal Youtube channel, it'll help put the satire in perspective.
No kidding. I stumbled upon it last night. I might need to try a test run of this tonight.
:) I get it. I just don't find the format funny. I can understand how other people love it though! :)


myfitnesspal has tickers


Although I can't help but think that the BMI chart for healthy has me at almost 20 lbs lighter just to be considered healthy



Started doing T25 for the first time after the new year, today is the last day of the Alpha round.

Curious for those that might have done it, did you move right into Beta? I feel like I could use another week or two in Alpha to really master some of my movements, deepen my lunges, etc, but I'm doing this with a group of 3 other folks and I'm trying to hang with the group.

Aside from my slowish coordination gains, this has been a really amazing program. Didn't realize how shitty I was feeling day to day until I cleaned up my diet and started sweating every day.


I could have sworn we have had conversations about PB and co. in here before. I thought that was how I even heard of it. So weird that this was news to so many.
I like your foot position. I think everything looks pretty spot on buy I'd say your knees are full up before the rest of your body is. Knees/Hip should be locking out at the same time, no?

interesting foot position, i always have my feet shoulder length apart ....his feet position a bit too close imo



I was always under the assumption there are pros and cons to touch and go vs dead stop for reps.

Having said that, I've always done touch and go from day 1 🙈


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I was always under the assumption there are pros and cons to touch and go vs dead stop for reps.

Having said that, I've always done touch and go from day 1 🙈
My feeling on bouncing is that the only true rep is the 1st one because all the others aren't pulling dead weight and are getting assistance from the bounce off.


Bench PR today. I feel so strong. It was 135 lbs, which I know is nothing to most of you, but seeing the progress I've made in the last couple of weeks is amazing to me.


Appreciate all the input.

Like I've said, I've always done touch and go (unless the weight felt really heavy or I was using bands). I brought it up with Steve P last year and he was pretty blunt. It was along the lines of

"if you're getting stronger doing touch and go. Do touch and go. If you prefer to stop, do that. Don't overthink and tweak everything if you're getting stronger."

If I was practicing for a meet I could definitely see the major benefits of a full on dead stop. I've posted my deadlift a million times here, how come you guys never called me out before? ;)

And Bum, the difference is pretty striking. It's weird seeing myself compared to a video like this from last year



So I'm getting close to my fat loss goal, although it'll be a month or two yet. I'm going to bulk as soon as I get there, but this time eat the same thing i am now, only adding carbs to fulfill the rest of my needed calories. I've been sub 80g (gross) most days, so I'm thinking this might be the best way to maintain a cleaner diet this time around.

Any reason that's a bad plan? Oh, and the cheat day isn't going away either lol


God damn Sean. From pudgy gamer to fashion model in one year.
So I'm getting close to my fat loss goal, although it'll be a month or two yet. I'm going to bulk as soon as I get there, but this time eat the same thing i am now, only adding carbs to fulfill the rest of my needed calories. I've been sub 80g (gross) most days, so I'm thinking this might be the best way to maintain a cleaner diet this time around.

Any reason that's a bad plan? Oh, and the cheat day isn't going away either lol
The missus would probably be ecstatic if you told her to go all out on baked goods for awhile. :p

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Programming questions. Doing 5/3/1, I want to make power cleans its own fifth day as a main lift. I think I can do the same calculation and rep scheme to make progress on them.

1. What would be a good new accessory to do for deadlifts, when I'm already doing rows and good mornings on other days?

2. Are there any accessories specific to power cleans?


Do whatever suits your goals. If your goal is to maximize your 1 rep max you would be hindering yourself since being able to pull weight from a dead stop is something that needs to be trained just like any other thing, but if that's not your goal and you are more focused on building up the muscles that are used during the deadlift then keep doing touch and go.


Programming questions. Doing 5/3/1, I want to make power cleans its own fifth day as a main lift. I think I can do the same calculation and rep scheme to make progress on them.

1. What would be a good new accessory to do for deadlifts, when I'm already doing rows and good mornings on other days?

2. Are there any accessories specific to power cleans?
1. Farmer's Walks

2. Rack Pulls
Hey, I saw your garage. Those weights didn't magically appear there.

I'm a pretty focussed sort of a guy. I do all sorts of shit I don't want to do so as to improve other things. ;)

Related, got utterly annihilated by the first day of the Tour of Sufferlandria. This'll be the first time I've done it whilst also doing weights, and yeah... trying to handle that sort of workout when recovering from two hours of compound work, not a good idea.


Started doing T25 for the first time after the new year, today is the last day of the Alpha round.

Curious for those that might have done it, did you move right into Beta? I feel like I could use another week or two in Alpha to really master some of my movements, deepen my lunges, etc, but I'm doing this with a group of 3 other folks and I'm trying to hang with the group.

Aside from my slowish coordination gains, this has been a really amazing program. Didn't realize how shitty I was feeling day to day until I cleaned up my diet and started sweating every day.
Had to Google T25. This is not the thread you're looking for. There is a specific Beachbody thread that would be the best place to ask.

I'm a touch and go guy myself, but it is nice to mix it up as well. Can't go wrong either way.

Appreciate all the input.

Like I've said, I've always done touch and go (unless the weight felt really heavy or I was using bands). I brought it up with Steve P last year and he was pretty blunt. It was along the lines of

"if you're getting stronger doing touch and go. Do touch and go. If you prefer to stop, do that. Don't overthink and tweak everything if you're getting stronger."

If I was practicing for a meet I could definitely see the major benefits of a full on dead stop. I've posted my deadlift a million times here, how come you guys never called me out before? ;)

And Bum, the difference is pretty striking. It's weird seeing myself compared to a video like this from last year


I love it. All aboard the aesthetic train. You look so much better now than last year.
Love this thread guys, great inspiration when I'm feeling too tired to work out. Doing a cut right now for next nine weeks but then starting a long term bulk. I had a consult from Martin Berkhan at leangains so I'll keep you guys updated on how it goes.


Neo Member
Tiem to hit the gym. Well, after the weekend, I mean.

Guys, is this:


a potentially good workout routine for a 25y 185cm/80kg, no prior gym experience, guy? I don't exercise much, if I do, it's mainly running/cycling. I eat well enough, but no strict diet YET.

Few my thoughts/questions:

- The set/reps ratio seems to be a bit odd compared to other routines. Would you recommend any changes?
- 2 minutes rest after each set? Like, do 8 bench presses, rest, 8x, rest, 8x, rest, go to the next exercise? Seems like all I would do is rest, lol

Another plan I've found recommended somewhere on gaf was this:

But it seems overwhelming for a total novice like me.

I know some will be like: "JUST DO IT, DOESN'T MATTER", but I want something I can stick since day1 for many months (I hope).


Parsnip chips at trader joes has arrived. Entire bag, 10 carbs. Taste great, although kinda sweet. I wish I bought more then 2 bags. The smaller chips are like low carb frosted flakes shapes. The things you can do with them is endless.

Ate some with chipoltle salsa, amazing.


the piano man
just like with quest bars, I am also not very fond of... peanut butter

*goes hide silently in a dark corner

355 on deads for 5. Different angle as per brolics request. These felt great but I'm always open to critiques.


And Bum, the difference is pretty striking. It's weird seeing myself compared to a video like this from last year


pretty sure many people are glad you share this, it's inspiring, such a success story, congrats :)

and man, you pulled it off with the beard! you remember maybe a year ago, we had a conversation about that topic and you said, you tried to grow a beard once and that it wouldn't grow as intended? I said to you that you should try again cause now you are older and you lift and very likely produce hormones differently.

Ha! I knew it.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I think peanut butter needs to somehow be incorporated into |OT9|


I may need to bump my cheat day up if I come in 176 or lower today. This shit is absurd.


I have dropped an insane amount of scale weight since Monday. I'm literally 10 lbs less as of this morning. A ton of that is water weight, obviously, due to what was essentially an entire cheat week beforehand (including eating multiple meals of Chinese food the couple days before my first weigh-in). Still, it's just shocking to me how wildly scale weight can fluctuate.


What... The...

I started to make the family breakfast this morning and THIS was in my cabinet. Apparently the wife was already in the know and holding out on me lol. I just started laughing when I saw it :)


Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
I have dropped an insane amount of scale weight since Monday. I'm literally 10 lbs less as of this morning. A ton of that is water weight, obviously, due to what was essentially an entire cheat week beforehand (including eating multiple meals of Chinese food the couple days before my first weigh-in). Still, it's just shocking to me how wildly scale weight can fluctuate.

I lost 6 lbs in about 3 days this week eating just a little under maintenance. Scale weight is weird to me too.


I lost 6 lbs in about 3 days this week eating just a little under maintenance. Scale weight is weird to me too.
Yeah, I was 168 last Monday. 159 today lol. Of my water intake drops dramatically for a day, my body retains most of the water I take in afterwards.


I'm a touch and go guy myself, but it is nice to mix it up as well. Can't go wrong either way.

I love it. All aboard the aesthetic train. You look so much better now than last year.

Choo choo! Thanks brother. I feel a lot better too

pretty sure many people are glad you share this, it's inspiring, such a success story, congrats :)

and man, you pulled it off with the beard! you remember maybe a year ago, we had a conversation about that topic and you said, you tried to grow a beard once and that it wouldn't grow as intended? I said to you that you should try again cause now you are older and you lift and very likely produce hormones differently.

Ha! I knew it.

Thanks man :). Coming up on about 2 months of growth. My first real attempt. Still not 100% happy with it (I feel my cheeks are weak, and I get barely any growth on the sides of my chin) but the majority of my coworkers and friends like it.

And you're right, it's definitely come in better now that I'm older, eat healthier and exercise.

I've been quietly enjoying your progress on IG, but I have go to say, you look fucking incredible bud. Damn, what a change. You're a hero.

Thanks! It means a lot coming from you. It's amazing what some consistency in calorie counting can do.

What... The...

I started to make the family breakfast this morning and THIS was in my cabinet. Apparently the wife was already in the know and holding out on me lol. I just started laughing when I saw it :)

Lol! Unless someone from fitgaf snuck in and left it there.
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