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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Cooter, you know what to do.

Is this what God eats? Oh man!


You guys know that feeling when you had a cheat meal for lunch, then you get in later and find out someone in your family got pizza for dinner?

I mean, I'm allotted half of a pizza. What am I supposed to do, not eat it?

I suppose I'll fast over the weekend. I know it's not the healthiest thing to treat exercise as a punishment for food, but I hate having days where I go over my recommended caloric intake.

I have to tell you, the smartest thing I ever did was tell my wife that we had to be responsible for our own meals. Obviously, this won't work for everyone, especially if you have kids, but not having to coordinate our tastes and calorie intake took so much stress off our relationship. My wife will call me up and say, "I'm getting Mexican, do you want anything?" I simply say, "no."

Getting her to clean up her diet and start exercising, though? Yeah, that's one I haven't figured out yet.


Peanut Butter & Co. also has a restaurant in NYC.

Great nut butters. Amazingly addictive. I never buy them when dieting because I can't resist them.

White Chocolate PB is crack.
Wait...psycho...you don't like peanut butter?

I thought I'd been outed on this before. I can just about deal with the terrible for you sort (Skippy crunch is edible), but I definitely wouldn't go out of my way to eat it.

Natural peanut butter? Just no. Blech.

Oddly though, I love peanuts.

In my defence, peanut butter is no-where near as popular in the UK as in the US.
OK, figured I would post a DL form check too because I am getting closer to my max and feel like my form is breaking down. I felt this way too much in my lower back. Is my butt staying too high? I feel like maybe my back is too close to parallel to floor at the bottom.


Your shoulders are hunched over the bar. Focus on squeezing your shoulder blades together, flaring your lats, and pointing your chest upwards. Also switch to a gym that has round plates, yuck.


OK, figured I would post a DL form check too because I am getting closer to my max and feel like my form is breaking down. I felt this way too much in my lower back. Is my butt staying too high? I feel like maybe my back is too close to parallel to floor at the bottom.


You're also lowering the weight too controlled. As I told Mike earlier, let gravity bring the weight down, not your arms. You're wasting a ton of energy doing that.


Fucking deadlifts man. I love them and hate them so much right now. Every time I make an adjustment I feel I create another set of problems.

I'm going to do more tomorrow just because I become obsessed when I can't nail something. I don't even give a shit about recovery. I just want to get this damn form down.


Your shoulders are hunched over the bar. Focus on squeezing your shoulder blades together, flaring your lats, and pointing your chest upwards. Also switch to a gym that has round plates, yuck.

You're also lowering the weight too controlled. As I told Mike earlier, let gravity bring the weight down, not your arms. You're wasting a ton of energy doing that.

And increasing the chances of an injury.

Right. Most importantly, increasing chances of an injury Teggy.

Gotcha. I might have to make sure I'm using the deadlift platform so I don't set off the lunk alarm. I watched a video where it was explained to "corkscrew" your shoulders back and that would would bring your chest up and your rear down. It totally works. I'm eager to give it a shot.

I also just realized I put 255 on the bar instead of 245. No wonder it felt heavier than expected lol. They should really make 50lb plates. Math when fatigued is hard. :)


I thought I'd been outed on this before. I can just about deal with the terrible for you sort (Skippy crunch is edible), but I definitely wouldn't go out of my way to eat it.

Natural peanut butter? Just no. Blech.

Oddly though, I love peanuts.

In my defence, peanut butter is no-where near as popular in the UK as in the US.

Wait, I never thought about it, but what's the UK equivalent to PB?



It was a joke, I don't work out at Planet Fitness. There is a power rack and a squat rack in my gym but only the power rack has a deadlift platform. People deadlift in front of both of them, but if you drop the weights deadlifting in front of the squat rack (which I was in the video) you are crashing them on to the bare floor.
Super achievement unlocked, Squatted 315lbs today!!! I did 3X3 because I thought doing 3X5 would be too taxing and, interestingly enough, while it was strenuous I think I could've done 3X5 and been alright with the rest of my lifts. I'll do 315 again at 3X5 before I increase the weight.

In other not so great news, Bench Press continues to give me troubles as I'm stalling on 180lbs. I don't know what it is about that lift that makes it difficult. I added incline dumbbell flys as an assistance lift, but I don't think they're doing the job of helping my bench. Anyone got any ideas on how to improve my bench weight?
Wait, I never thought about it, but what's the UK equivalent to PB?

Only really jam (what you call jelly) / chocolate spread. PB&J definitely isn't a thing here generally.

Unrelated, I've always lowered the bar controlled on deadlift. My weights wouldn't survive the drop (cast iron), and I've heard enough coaches (Inc Rippetoe) say it's fine to go that way to be happy enough with it.


Fucking deadlifts man. I love them and hate them so much right now. Every time I make an adjustment I feel I create another set of problems.

I'm going to do more tomorrow just because I become obsessed when I can't nail something. I don't even give a shit about recovery. I just want to get this damn form down.

If you're doing them once a week, throw in a few sets at 50% of your max during another workout. That shouldn't effect recovery and will help you practice and 'grease the groove' a bit.


If you're doing them once a week, throw in a few sets at 50% of your max during another workout. That shouldn't effect recovery and will help you practice and 'grease the groove' a bit.
OK here it is from today at 2 angles:


Edit: Yep. Sean, to your comment on these, the narrower stance feels better now. Arms can sort of just hang without using my shoulders (keeping a tight upper back still).


Only really jam (what you call jelly) / chocolate spread. PB&J definitely isn't a thing here generally.

Unrelated, I've always lowered the bar controlled on deadlift. My weights wouldn't survive the drop (cast iron), and I've heard enough coaches (Inc Rippetoe) say it's fine to go that way to be happy enough with it.

You do that at your 1RM or 3RM though? I can see it for higher volume but I'd never be able to slowly lower 300+ lbs.

OK here it is from today at 2 angles:


Edit: Yep. Sean, to your comment on these, the narrower stance feels better now. Arms can sort of just hang without using my shoulders (keeping a tight upper back still).

Those look WAY better dude. Nice work. Try them with that form at your 5RM and see if reps 4 and 5 are now a hell of a lot easier


Yasssss! Just hit 159.8lbs. Down 12.2 from December. Still lifting more weight than I ever have. I don't get how this is working, but I really don't care.

Those look WAY better dude. Nice work. Try them with that form at your 5RM and see if reps 4 and 5 are now a hell of a lot easier
Thanks! Will do
Ripped my first callous, fun times.
O'Keefe's Working Hands hand cream every night. Working with concrete on the day job my hands were always super dry and prone to cracking/tearing when I lift. Never again. You can also file your callouses a bit to keep the skin softer to help with elasticity. Still use chalk when lifting but that hand cream is a godsens to rejuve overnight.
Lol, I hate to be that guy, sorry, but man I've never found humor in broscience. I do like poking fun at my friend who looks just like him though.


I've been messing with Squatting everyday as a personal challenge.


It's addictive and effective.

You obviously need to know your body to avoid CNS fatigue, but I've been squatting heavy every day a week now. Crazy how your body adapts.

I needed a new challenge for the new year and was getting bored.

Let's see how long this lasts!

This is how the Russian and Bulgarians trained back in the day, but they also used PEDs. I do not use PEDs.

I've read that naturals could do this, but we just need to be aware of deloading and much less volume.


O'Keefe's Working Hands hand cream every night. Working with concrete on the day job my hands were always super dry and prone to cracking/tearing when I lift. Never again. You can also file your callouses a bit to keep the skin softer to help with elasticity. Still use chalk when lifting but that hand cream is a godsens to rejuve overnight.

I usually apply Gold Bond Ultimate cream to my hands every Friday when I get home. I washed it right after the fact and put a glove on to cover it. I don't have any weightlifting to do til Monday so everything should be ok. Just cardio tomorrow then rest day.
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