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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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I don't eat bread, but no... people were talking about putting it in a bowl.

PB&J really isn't that much of a thing in the UK, so whilst it may sound strange to you that I don't really know how much of each, it's not something I was brought up doing. :p

Lol you literally just dump pb (3 tablespoons? 4?) in a bowl and garnish with the jelly of your choice (strawberry is mine)...maybe 1 tablespoon. Try it once.
The Greasing the Groove method is legit. My chins keep going up.

Anyone familiar with it?

Yup, I did it for a while. Sadly it resulted in me overtraining, which messed with my gains on other lifts.

Lol you literally just dump pb (3 tablespoons? 4?) in a bowl and garnish with the jelly of your choice (strawberry is mine)...maybe 1 tablespoon. Try it once.

Shall give it a try. Cheers. :)


Yup, I did it for a while. Sadly it resulted in me overtraining, which messed with my gains on other lifts.

Shall give it a try. Cheers. :)

What groove were you greasing?

Some people do it with the big lifts, but I don't that have that lifestyle or setup lol. Seems like you need a home gym and being able to work from home.

We have a pull up bar at the office, so it's much easier to do.


Words in my mouth... and disgusting tasting ones at that.

I'm sure if I was a full on lifter I'd probably be eating any old crap like you guys by this point, but thankfully my tastebuds still work. :p
Lol. I wish I did! My diet is the same M-F:

Protein shake
4 scrambled eggs

6oz chicken breast
2Tbs vinegar-based BBQ sauce
1 cup green beans
1oz cheese

1 cup Greek yogurt
1Tbs peanut butter

5-7oz any meat
Carb (pasta, potato, etc)
1-2oz cheese

Wildcard snack (usuallyy PB&CO now)

I'm usually at 150g protein, 100g carb, 90g fat
Seeing that makes me glad of the following...

1: That I do a lot of cardio, so have quite a bit of diet flexibility.
2: That I'm really not that fussed about being ripped (married).
3: That instagram is a force for evil. #minibulk#bulkover


Seeing that makes me glad of the following...

1: That I do a lot of cardio, so have quite a bit of diet flexibility.
2: That I'm really not that fussed about being ripped (married).
3: That instagram is a force for evil. #minibulk#bulkover

Wait, my wildcard snack just turned into my wife's homemade banana muffins... That I topped with dark chocolate PB... HOLYCRAPTHISISAMAZING-MYCUTISOVERIDONTCAREANYMORE!

I was so burnt by the time I hit London's you could see I was nursing my right shoulder but I still rocked out 5 sets of 5 down and up.

Also, shit was in the basement today. Worked outside all damn day in the rain and snow so fuck doing that shit in the garage XD

March 1 progress pic.

June 15 is my current endgame. Maybe lose another 15 or so lbs by then?

We in it, mang.
Goddamn dude o_O

Full on beast holy shit. Looking spot on my man!
Those look fun! How often do you do them?
About once a month as a final accessory. I start up top, work my way down until I am just about level and pull myself back up. I just wish the rope was a bit tacky-er because its slippery as fuck nylon or something.

I usually do them in the garage and have a small bar mounted to the wall about a foot off the ground, this way I can go straight parallel to the floor without touching. But shit was cold today XD


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
I think I found the single worst time to go to my gym. 7pm on a weeknight.
The dumbbell racks were nearly empty, barbells all over the racks, just an absolute mess.

Gonna keep to my morning schedule from now on.
I think I found the single worst time to go to my gym. 7pm on a weeknight.
The dumbbell racks were nearly empty, barbells all over the racks, just an absolute mess.

Gonna keep to my morning schedule from now on.
Thank sounds like the norm here.free weights are always busy. Wat too many talkers to people working out.


Tonight I ended up just getting form right for conventional deadlift. Was feeling it tonight. Worked up to 355# but couldmr lockout om the scoend rep..got work to do still. But felt happy with it overall.


for starters to eat my three meals and snacks.

I rarely take breakfast and all this time I was barely eating to reach maintenance, needless to say, I... well, maintained, lol and looked mostly the same bar some modest progress on my back and arms.... It's ok I am not upset because I was aware training had taken a back seat, in 2012-2014 I was progressing very well, later I struggled but that's life, you just try to come back stronger and with more knowledge.

Breakfast can be tough with a busy schedule but trying to bulk without it is even tougher!

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
The first couple months of this year have been good to me. Strong on MyFitnessPal and calorie intake for my cut, leading to slow and steady weight loss. Lifts going up, and haven't missed a rep target yet on 5/3/1. Weak on protein intake, but who cares given the previous two.

Deadlifts - 230lbs 1x3, 260x3, 290x4


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
One of the first things I noticed in Europe was the lack of peanut butter. Few stores had it, and if they did it was in the "American" section.


Gold Member
Have been working on the squat again. Any thoughts on form?

One of the first things I noticed in Europe was the lack of peanut butter. Few stores had it, and if they did it was in the "American" section.

Most supermarkets in the UK have a few varieties, but literally just a few. You'll have smooth vs crunchy in like three types... crappy for you (Skippy), fashionable but crappy (Whole Earth) and full on natural (Meridian).

I actually bought a blend the other day which tastes quite nice. Peanut butter, coconut and honey. Packed with sugar obviously, but nice right after a workout.


I'm doing my first bulk, 183cm,77.5kg, lifting 3 times a week and largely sedentary life and my tdee is around 2200. I've been eating 2500 calories but I haven't been gaining much, I know you only can do 1kg of muscle a month, but I don't think even that is happening so I'm increasing calories to 2700-800. I've been reading some threads on other forums, reddit etc and ton of people are bulking at 3-4-5k calories - wat :| a lot of them shorter or weigh less. I mean unless they lead very active life and have low bf that seems crazy... But anyway, strength going up up up hopefully will gain more size now too, gotta be careful not to put too much fat on.
Oh god, that literally feels like ass to grass in my head already :D

I'll try that in my session today!
Try some paused squats with a lower weight. Drop right down to the bottom and stay there a couple of seconds, helps you understand where the bottom really is.

I've been reading some threads on other forums, reddit etc and ton of people are bulking at 3-4-5k calories - wat :|
I used to bulk on 2.5k calories. Everyone is different, it's why you need to adjust your intake to take into account your results.

Edit - New weights have arrived. \o/


I'm doing my first bulk, 183cm,77.5kg, lifting 3 times a week and largely sedentary life and my tdee is around 2200. I've been eating 2500 calories but I haven't been gaining much, I know you only can do 1kg of muscle a month, but I don't think even that is happening so I'm increasing calories to 2700-800. I've been reading some threads on other forums, reddit etc and ton of people are bulking at 3-4-5k calories - wat :| a lot of them shorter or weigh less. I mean unless they lead very active life and have low bf that seems crazy... But anyway, strength going up up up hopefully will gain more size now too, gotta be careful not to put too much fat on.

Variances in metabolic speed among different people is huge. Some people need more food.

I'd suggest upping calories by 100 per week until you start gaining. 300 at once might be too much.


I'll try that. This is the lowest I think I can go without butt winking, but I'll see what happens if I go lower.

Do a set of 15 with just the bar, going well below parallel. You really want to train the muscle memory to feel comfortable that low if youre not currently. Do this a couple times a week.

Just waiting for the rack now...


(My phone camera hates my garage, but you get the idea)

Looking good so far!
I'll try that. This is the lowest I think I can go without butt winking, but I'll see what happens if I go lower.
I'll try posting a video later of my squat warm-up. Another thing to help with depth is just to chill and sit in a deep squat position while you watch TV. Another tip is just to walk back and forth in your living room or anywhere there's room in a squat position. Stretch. Do anything to help increase depth and muscle memory in-between sessions. I am always stretching and doing stuff when I'm not lifting to stay limber. Been studying martial arts since I was 11 so it's habit for me to randomly throw a stretch out somewhere when you've got 5 minutes. Gotta keep dem limbs limbering.


Had a really shitty run Sunday. Everything was off. It made me feel miserable afterwards. Came in today feeling anxious about running. My goal was to hit 5 miles at an 8:30 or faster pace. Blasted through 7 miles at an 8:05 pace.

F*ck YOU, Sunday. F*ck. You.


Had a really shitty run Sunday. Everything was off. It made me feel miserable afterwards. Came in today feeling anxious about running. My goal was to hit 5 miles at an 8:30 or faster pace. Blasted through 7 miles at an 8:05 pace.

F*ck YOU, Sunday. F*ck. You.

Sometimes it happens...so weird. Weather, where your head is at, aches, etc. can all turn a run into a nightmare. Nice bounceback!


Went to get some coffee before my workout yesterday and realized I forgot to pick up more at the store. All I had was this lone pumpkin spice k-cup that I have been actively ignoring in the back of the cupboard. I figured oh well and drank it. Not only did it suck, I don't know if it had more caffeine than I am used to or what, but it messed up my eyesight as well. I was super distracted trying to do squats and I forgot my knee sleeves. Wound up doing warmups and then 1 rep of my first work set of only 215 and gave up.

I feel like maybe I should just roll back to 185 on squats and just maintain there until I finish my cut so I don't hurt myself. I've just lost all confidence in that lift.

On the other hand, I did 5-5-7 @ 137.5 on bench for new PR so things are just weird.


Since buttwink is mentioned, I thought it was pretty interesting that lack of shoulder mobility can cause it.

Omar Isuf uploaded a video about it a few days ago.
The source he put in the description box.


Tried Gibala HIIT today. Really good workout. Here's the Wiki of it...

Gibala regimen
Professor Martin Gibala and his team at McMaster University in Canada have been researching high-intensity exercise for several years. Their 2009 study on students[9] uses 3 minutes for warming up, then 60 seconds of intense exercise (at 95% of VO2max) followed by 75 seconds of rest, repeated for 8–12 cycles (sometimes referred to as "The Little Method"). Subjects using this method trained 3 times per week obtained gains similar to what would be expected from subjects who did steady state (50–70% VO2max) training five times per week. While still a demanding form of training, this exercise protocol could be used by the general public with nothing more than an average exercise bike.

Gibala's group published a less intense version of their regimen in a 2011 paper in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. This was intended as a gentler option for sedentary people who had done no exercise for over a year. It included 3 minutes of warm-up, 10 repetitions of 60-second bursts at 60% peak power (80- 95% of heart rate reserve) each followed by 60 seconds of recovery, and then a 5-minute cool-down.

ACE 1991

The past month I've decided "fuck it" and added in 3 sets of high rep bi and tri isolation work to my two lower body days. It's definitely starting to make a difference.


The past month I've decided "fuck it" and added in 3 sets of high rep bi and tri isolation work to my two lower body days. It's definitely starting to make a difference.

I'm a big fan as well. Mostly for aesthetics but it does help with stabilizers.

ACE 1991

I'm a big fan as well. Mostly for aesthetics but it does help with stabilizers.

I'm doing it literally only for aesthetics, let's be honest ;)

I've found 21's to be really effective bicep builders. Gotta leave my ego at the door and use light weights for it, though!


I'm doing it literally only for aesthetics, let's be honest ;)

I've found 21's to be really effective bicep builders. Gotta leave my ego at the door and use light weights for it, though!

Try biceps curls drop sets:

Pick a weight you can do 8 reps...then drop the weight and do until failure....then drop the weight and do until failure. That's one set. Do 3 sets. (Those pre-loaded BBs come in handy)
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