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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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I think I'm obviously doing something wrong when it comes to benching. I barely feel anything in my chest and my arms give up waaay before I get a proper chest burn. I know it's hard to say without a video or something but any ideas where I could be going wrong?
ty ty ty so much for the love, fam. I feel like that losing 15 lbs isn't going to be enough and I need to drop more but I just think mentally, I won't be able to handle it. Won't be worth the size lost.

sphinx, I got you man. Let's do this work!

Was feeling good about progress today.

I definitely think I'll do a harder cut come summer. It's been a long ride but I could definitely be leaner.

continue to keep going, your facial gains is so much better than last year.
I think I'm obviously doing something wrong when it comes to benching. I barely feel anything in my chest and my arms give up waaay before I get a proper chest burn. I know it's hard to say without a video or something but any ideas where I could be going wrong?

Without looking back at anything to see if you've talked about it...have you done a form check? Feet on the ground, back arched, good grip width, etc?


Without looking back at anything to see if you've talked about it...have you done a form check? Feet on the ground, back arched, good grip width, etc?

Nah, I'll try get something recorded and posted soon though. I do have pretty long arms and have been doing a shoulder width grip, do you think I should maybe go a bit wider? Besides that, I do try to keep my back arched throughout and my feet are always firmly planted.


In the middle of running a hypertrophy block, squatting and benching 3 times a week while deadlifting twice a week. Only using between 60 - 75% of my maxes and sticking to between 5 - 10 reps for my sets. Focusing on alternate variations of my competition style lifts so mainly using front squats, high bar squats, close and wide grip bench, and sumo deadlifts.

The first week really kicked my ass and didn't think I would be able to increase the intensity the next week but my body's adjusted to the higher rep scheme now. After this block I'll run another one using 65 - 80% of my max and reps of 4 - 8 before transitioning to a couple strength blocks and a peaking block. I'm excited to see how all this volume pays off when peaking.


1650 calories suuuuuuucks. Cardio suuuuuuucks. But it's working really well so I am going to tough it out. Hopefully 4-6 weeks should do it.
Welp, third deload on bench and I've not added a single extra kg to my output since the first deload... and this given I've added around 6kg (13lbs) to my weight in that time.



Welp, third deload on bench and I've not added a single extra kg to my output since the first deload... and this given I've added around 6kg (13lbs) to my weight in that time.


I might have asked this before, but have you added in any tricep work? I just added one tricep exercise and that fixed my bench and my OHP and that's while cutting.
forget bench. lets just squat.

Can I deadlift instead?

I might have asked this before, but have you added in any tricep work? I just added one tricep exercise and that fixed my bench and my OHP and that's while cutting.

Yeah, I do tricep work. My OHP is actually improving, but my bench is appalling.

Related, I noticed on DB bench I can only really push reasonable numbers on a decline. If I do incline bench I have to drop the DB weight by about 30%.
Can I deadlift instead?

Yeah, I do tricep work. My OHP is actually improving, but my bench is appalling.

Related, I noticed on DB bench I can only really push reasonable numbers on a decline. If I do incline bench I have to drop the DB weight by about 30%.

we need a male who squats only. there's a few i know on youtube that do deadlifts. (y)


Nah, I'll try get something recorded and posted soon though. I do have pretty long arms and have been doing a shoulder width grip, do you think I should maybe go a bit wider? Besides that, I do try to keep my back arched throughout and my feet are always firmly planted.

Definitely record it...something's probably off with form for sure.


Junior Member
Sweeeet. Fractional plates are here and they're looking snazzy.


Also, testicles!


How much is your home gym costing you? Also, price of those fractional plates?
Definitely record it...something's probably off with form for sure.

LTTP because of work, but what he said. Over the past month I've made a point of paying more attention to form, and it's paying off. You might feel a little pushback at first, but it clicks fast.

And tricep work. Always tricep work.
So, I'm a complete novice lifter and I began the Starting Strength program earlier this week. Saw this thread and thought posting in here periodically might help keep me motivated.

I'm 32 years old, 5'11", 232 lbs. and I'd estimate I am currently at around 35% bodyfat. I don't have any set goals other than to feel better, improve body composition and get stronger. I've been following Jordan Feigenbaum over on the SS Nutrition board for awhile now and I am basing most of my nutrition on what he has outlined in this blog post.

I'm mainly worried about form at this point, especially with squats and because I'm doing this stuff alone in my garage. I'm thinking of getting set up to record myself starting tomorrow, and eventually even taking a drive down to Crystal Coast Strength and Conditioning in Newport, NC (I'm in Raleigh) to see a certified SS coach eventually, just to make sure I am not learning bad habits early on.

Anyway, I enjoy reading the posts here and with any luck I'll have some updates of my own soon.


Welcome, digtal1alchemy.

I think you'll be fine, especially if you're seeing a certified coach. But ask away if stuff comes up. Take it slow and most of you body composition progress will come from your diet.

You will notice your appetite increase on SS as a novice. Upping your lean protein intake will help with that. I prefer meat, poultry, fish for that over powders since they're more filling, which helps when you're trying to lose fat.


So, I'm a complete novice lifter and I began the Starting Strength program earlier this week. Saw this thread and thought posting in here periodically might help keep me motivated.

I'm 32 years old, 5'11", 232 lbs. and I'd estimate I am currently at around 35% bodyfat. I don't have any set goals other than to feel better, improve body composition and get stronger. I've been following Jordan Feigenbaum over on the SS Nutrition board for awhile now and I am basing most of my nutrition on what he has outlined in this blog post.

I'm mainly worried about form at this point, especially with squats and because I'm doing this stuff alone in my garage. I'm thinking of getting set up to record myself starting tomorrow, and eventually even taking a drive down to Crystal Coast Strength and Conditioning in Newport, NC (I'm in Raleigh) to see a certified SS coach eventually, just to make sure I am not learning bad habits early on.

Anyway, I enjoy reading the posts here and with any luck I'll have some updates of my own soon.

First off, welcome!!

I can't begin to tell you how beneficial recording yourself is. Sean said it the other day...he thought his squats were well below parallel, he recorded them and they weren't. He got to work and fixed it before it became a habit.

I record all of my lifts and tweak every single time. Since you're relatively new to this, feel free to post them here. When you get used to your form, you'll be able to self-diagnose.


Just ran up 13 floors of stairs with a bag on my back and as exhausting as it was, I'm feeling great afterward. I plan doing that every time I leave my apartment and get back home.


So, I'm a complete novice lifter and I began the Starting Strength program earlier this week. Saw this thread and thought posting in here periodically might help keep me motivated.

I'm 32 years old, 5'11", 232 lbs. and I'd estimate I am currently at around 35% bodyfat. I don't have any set goals other than to feel better, improve body composition and get stronger. I've been following Jordan Feigenbaum over on the SS Nutrition board for awhile now and I am basing most of my nutrition on what he has outlined in this blog post.

I'm mainly worried about form at this point, especially with squats and because I'm doing this stuff alone in my garage. I'm thinking of getting set up to record myself starting tomorrow, and eventually even taking a drive down to Crystal Coast Strength and Conditioning in Newport, NC (I'm in Raleigh) to see a certified SS coach eventually, just to make sure I am not learning bad habits early on.

Anyway, I enjoy reading the posts here and with any luck I'll have some updates of my own soon.

Too lazy to read the entire blog post. Care to give a quick rundown on your calories/macros?
I can't begin to tell you how beneficial recording yourself is. Sean said it the other day...he thought his squats were well below parallel, he recorded them and they weren't. He got to work and fixed it before it became a habit.

It seems like everyone in the gym thinks they squat parallel when they mostly don't lol. In my gym it's probably the fault of having a mirror in front since seeing it from that viewpoint can mess things up.

I'm always feeling unsure about my squat depth though. =\

BTW Cooter I did your cheat day method (probably only really got 8000 cals in tops though) and I'm 1.6lb down from the same point last week, but my weekly average is still higher. I'm guessing I gotta compare my Thurs/Fridays instead of my overall average now since there's a crazy weight spike at the beginning of the week. Thanks for your help with it and I'm looking forward to the continued magic next week.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
Are squats supposed to go below sitting position?
i.e.: plant the hamstrings on your calves, then back up?


Are squats supposed to go below sitting position?
i.e.: plant the hamstrings on your calves, then back up?

The hip crease is supposed to go at least just past your knees. This is what's known as hitting parallel and should really be the minimum depth.

What you describe is known as ass to grass, it's as low as your butt can sink into the hole, resulting in your hams resting on your calves.

Edit: oh so slow.


First off, welcome!!

I can't begin to tell you how beneficial recording yourself is. Sean said it the other day...he thought his squats were well below parallel, he recorded them and they weren't. He got to work and fixed it before it became a habit.

I record all of my lifts and tweak every single time. Since you're relatively new to this, feel free to post them here. When you get used to your form, you'll be able to self-diagnose.

This. I love recording my lifts. It's a good reality check most of the time.


This. I love recording my lifts. It's a good reality check most of the time.

I end up just doing it always now (especially since I lift in my garage). Every time I catch SOMETHING that I want to work on...however minor...and it's made my form in every lift significantly better.
Bollocks. I've hurt both of my legs in slightly different ways doing squats.

Behind of my left knee is painful (like I've over stretched something) and outside of my right knee / shin feels almost loose, and if I put my weight on it wrong I get a sharp pain.

Unrelated, holy shit are those cannonballs hard to use.

How much is your home gym costing you? Also, price of those fractional plates?

All told (for the new setup), probably about 2,200 GBP, which is around 3,150 USD. I've probably spent about half that over the years on my old bars, dumbbell handles and standard weights.

Those plates were 40 GBP (for a pair of 0.5kg, 1.0kg, 2.0kg), which seemed reasonable enough compared to some of the prices I've seen (100 GBP for the same amount of weights).

Back Day is fucking my hands up so much I hate it with a passion.

Do I need to improve my grip strength?

Yup, you do. Also, your hands need to toughen up. I've got little girly hands so this is a constant problem for me (hence things like those cannonball grips I bought).

If you absolutely have to, you can use straps on certain lifts, but obviously this wont help your grip strength improve.
decided i wanted to try oly lifting and it's such a weird transition coming from SS.

i took a 4 week course with a coach who used to compete and he did a pretty good job emphasizing form and resting in between reps.

one of the things my coach did emphasize, and that i quickly learned, is that there's a huge mental factor involved with the lifts. especially with snatches.
Are they mostly for grip / forearm strength?

Yeah, grip strength. They're mostly for the missus, for climbing strength training.

I was having a go at cannonball pull-ups, but I'm going to try them with a barbell and see how I get on with cannonball deadlifts. :)
First off, welcome!!

I can't begin to tell you how beneficial recording yourself is. Sean said it the other day...he thought his squats were well below parallel, he recorded them and they weren't. He got to work and fixed it before it became a habit.

I record all of my lifts and tweak every single time. Since you're relatively new to this, feel free to post them here. When you get used to your form, you'll be able to self-diagnose.

Thanks! I think filming myself will help a lot. I feel like I keep the bar over midfoot, keep my back straight, and everything else but I can't know for sure since I can't actually see myself.

Too lazy to read the entire blog post. Care to give a quick rundown on your calories/macros?

Sure, my P/C/F is 255/280/80 (2860 calories). On lifting days I am trying to eat around 30% of my total daily carbs in each of my pre/post workout meals and limiting those same meals to 20g of fat or less. Other than that, I'm just trying to stick to single ingredient foods as much as possible. I'm recording my weight and waist size every morning, so if I am not slowly losing weight after the first 2-3 weeks I'll adjust as necessary.


decided i wanted to try oly lifting and it's such a weird transition coming from SS.

i took a 4 week course with a coach who used to compete and he did a pretty good job emphasizing form and resting in between reps.

one of the things my coach did emphasize, and that i quickly learned, is that there's a huge mental factor involved with the lifts. especially with snatches.
I'm super jealous. I'd kill for a decent Oly coach around here. Nearest is 1.5 hours :(

Keep us informed on how it goes!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
BTW Cooter I did your cheat day method (probably only really got 8000 cals in tops though) and I'm 1.6lb down from the same point last week, but my weekly average is still higher. I'm guessing I gotta compare my Thurs/Fridays instead of my overall average now since there's a crazy weight spike at the beginning of the week. Thanks for your help with it and I'm looking forward to the continued magic next week.
Nice work! I usually use my 3rd day after a cheat day and the day of my cheat before I start eating to track. And yes, i t does feel like magic.
Nice work! I usually use my 3rd day after a cheat day and the day of my cheat before I start eating to track. And yes, i t does feel like magic.

That's for a bulk right? You eat at maintenance for 6 days and then eat heaps for your cheat day.

A question I have about bulking is, do you only eat above maintenance on weight days? How do you factor in your training and burning calories whilst wanting to bulk slowly. I've seen a couple of posters say add 100 calories a week until you start seeing small weight gains but on different days I might do more cardio etc. Bulking seems way more difficult than cutting.

So say my maintenance is 2200 calories (without factoring in weights or cardio) how many calories should I be consuming on a bulk?


Junior Member
Bollocks. I've hurt both of my legs in slightly different ways doing squats.

Behind of my left knee is painful (like I've over stretched something) and outside of my right knee / shin feels almost loose, and if I put my weight on it wrong I get a sharp pain.

Unrelated, holy shit are those cannonballs hard to use.

All told (for the new setup), probably about 2,200 GBP, which is around 3,150 USD. I've probably spent about half that over the years on my old bars, dumbbell handles and standard weights.

Those plates were 40 GBP (for a pair of 0.5kg, 1.0kg, 2.0kg), which seemed reasonable enough compared to some of the prices I've seen (100 GBP for the same amount of weights).

Yup, you do. Also, your hands need to toughen up. I've got little girly hands so this is a constant problem for me (hence things like those cannonball grips I bought).

If you absolutely have to, you can use straps on certain lifts, but obviously this wont help your grip strength improve.
Seems like a reasonable price. I think my own cost me £1500 but yours appears to be more specced out haha. How much did your oly bar cost? Be sure to show pics when it's all done. Interested in seeing the final result.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
That's for a bulk right? You eat at maintenance for 6 days and then eat heaps for your cheat day.

A question I have about bulking is, do you only eat above maintenance on weight days? How do you factor in your training and burning calories whilst wanting to bulk slowly. I've seen a couple of posters say add 100 calories a week until you start seeing small weight gains but on different days I might do more cardio etc. Bulking seems way more difficult than cutting.

So say my maintenance is 2200 calories (without factoring in weights or cardio) how many calories should I be consuming on a bulk?
No, that's for maintenance. I eat at a severe deficit 5-6 days a week and go crazy for 1 or two. For bulks I don't really have cheat day. All I do is eat and lift heavy. I eat the same on training days and off days. When bulking don't be concerned about being super accurate with calories . Just have a general idea where you're at. I stick to 3500-4000 but everyone is different.


I'm planning out this hard cut for 8 weeks before I go to NOLA.

I'm thinking very high protein, somewhat high carb and low fat would be the easiest for me to stick to and keep my workouts up (since it matches my current high protein, high carb, medium fat). Stick to very bland tasteless food to push away cravings (a lot of just plain chicken, oatmeal). And then every couple weeks have a huge refeed like an entire pizza.


I dunno it's not for a while and it's very much a temporary thing but I have to give it more thought.
Seems like a reasonable price. I think my own cost me £1500 but yours appears to be more specced out haha. How much did your oly bar cost? Be sure to show pics when it's all done. Interested in seeing the final result.

375 Euro, so ~290GBP. I got a bar with the weights I just bought, but I wanted a decent one (this thing is crap).


the piano man
ugh... I have some piano recitals in june and the week prior to them I'll be hysterical... I gotta practice 4-6 hours leading up to the concerts, and at the same time I have to go to the school and teach AND keep eating and lifting...

what have I done :O

if I fail to prepare a piece then... "ladies and Gentleman, the Beethoven Sonata has been replaced with a tutorial on how to perform a high bar squat! here, let me show you how, just DOWN! UP! DOWN! UP!"

*gets smacked with a tomato
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