Yeah the calories might be too high if you want to lean down. Those would be bulking calories for most people. Also you could do with a lot less protein if you feel like it. .82g per pound should be enough.
But see how it goes and adjust.
That for the input! It's funny, because I am actually afraid I might not be eating enough. I guess I should state that I'd like to prioritize maintaining linear progress, as outlined in the program, over fat loss. With that in mind, I am trying to err on the side of caloric excess rather than risk running at a defiecit. I figure if I can build a good base of strength in the first 4-6 months, losing some bodyfat after should be a lot easier. That said, everything I have read nutrition-wise says that someone with my bodyfat level should be able to lose fat and make gains at the same time on the program, granted my nutrition is on point.
But yeah, I feel like I am flying blind at the moment and my macros are really just a semi-educated guess. I'll have a better idea in a few weeks, hopefully.