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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Yeah the calories might be too high if you want to lean down. Those would be bulking calories for most people. Also you could do with a lot less protein if you feel like it. .82g per pound should be enough.

But see how it goes and adjust.

That for the input! It's funny, because I am actually afraid I might not be eating enough. I guess I should state that I'd like to prioritize maintaining linear progress, as outlined in the program, over fat loss. With that in mind, I am trying to err on the side of caloric excess rather than risk running at a defiecit. I figure if I can build a good base of strength in the first 4-6 months, losing some bodyfat after should be a lot easier. That said, everything I have read nutrition-wise says that someone with my bodyfat level should be able to lose fat and make gains at the same time on the program, granted my nutrition is on point.

But yeah, I feel like I am flying blind at the moment and my macros are really just a semi-educated guess. I'll have a better idea in a few weeks, hopefully.


245x14 deadlift today. It's the only lift I do that makes me 'growl' for some fucking reason, at least on my amrap set.

My estimated 1RMs from 5-3-1 are at 908lbs total (squat, deadlift, bench - aren't those the main 3?). Would love to hit 1,000, but that'll certainly take time.


That for the input! It's funny, because I am actually afraid I might not be eating enough. I guess I should state that I'd like to prioritize maintaining linear progress, as outlined in the program, over fat loss. With that in mind, I am trying to err on the side of caloric excess rather than risk running at a defiecit. I figure if I can build a good base of strength in the first 4-6 months, losing some bodyfat after should be a lot easier. That said, everything I have read nutrition-wise says that someone with my bodyfat level should be able to lose fat and make gains at the same time on the program, granted my nutrition is on point.

But yeah, I feel like I am flying blind at the moment and my macros are really just a semi-educated guess. I'll have a better idea in a few weeks, hopefully.

Maintaining linear progress on the lifts is a good idea in your situtation. Just don't get fatter in the meantime. But in your situation a recomp is usually what happens anyway. Luckily your body can and will pull extra calories from fat stores so you may be able to progress even if you were in a slight deficit and/or maintaining.


245x14 deadlift today. It's the only lift I do that makes me 'growl' for some fucking reason, at least on my amrap set.

My estimated 1RMs from 5-3-1 are at 908lbs total (squat, deadlift, bench - aren't those the main 3?). Would love to hit 1,000, but that'll certainly take time.

Shingles ain't got nothin on Mikey
speaking of totals. i'm just going to do next week for 1rm just to see where i'm at.

855# gym total.

bench is holding me back LOL.

stupid deadlift too. so close to doing 400. and i need to squat more and less afraid of failing.

today will be arms (bi and tri, and some shoulder, and if time is allotted abs)


That feeling when you get fully back into a routine and legit feel 'off' the 1-2 days a week you don't work out. I was going to skip today after going 5 straight but I couldnt do it.


That feeling when you get fully back into a routine and legit feel 'off' the 1-2 days a week you don't work out. I was going to skip today after going 5 straight but I couldnt do it.

So excited for that feeling. Home gym means you go at any pace you want. Going to be glorious.
Ok, so it's definitely an injury. Bit of testing seems to indicate that the pain comes on when I rotate my leg above the ankle (foot in place, twist... basically). Interestingly, I was able to just about cope on the turbo trainer, mostly by virtue of being able to keep my foot / knee in line as I'm pedalling. I wont be able to do any proper riding (way too much pivoting for balance), but I should be able to keep training, and go out for a pootle about on decent surfaces.

Definitely wont be squatting for a while. Will see how my lighter deadlifts feel tomorrow before deciding what I'm doing with that (much easier to keep your feet and knees straight).


Ok, so it's definitely an injury. Bit of testing seems to indicate that the pain comes on when I rotate my leg above the ankle (foot in place, twist... basically). Interestingly, I was able to just about cope on the turbo trainer, mostly by virtue of being able to keep my foot / knee in line as I'm pedalling. I wont be able to do any proper riding (way too much pivoting for balance), but I should be able to keep training, and go out for a pootle about on decent surfaces.

Definitely wont be squatting for a while. Will see how my lighter deadlifts feel tomorrow before deciding what I'm doing with that (much easier to keep your feet and knees straight).

Sorry to hear that bud :(

and go out for a pootle about on decent surfaces..

Wait, what?


Brolic, if you're out there, do you ever do DB shoulder press?

I've started doing them 1X a week and my bar OHP is taking off because of it (I think)


Brolic, if you're out there, do you ever do DB shoulder press?

I've started doing them 1X a week and my bar OHP is taking off because of it (I think)
I'm no Brolic, but I feel that they help me a lot. I do them once per week after presses and my 1RM is over 165 now, 10lbs up from early February (Edit: maybe January)


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I dropped seated DB OHP. I never felt as worked and it was taking away from my traditional standing BB OHP.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Brolic, if you're out there, do you ever do DB shoulder press?

I've started doing them 1X a week and my bar OHP is taking off because of it (I think)

Someone hit the bat signal, so here I am. Lol.

Yeah, I do them warming up on strongman day, or on deload log/ohp day.

I also use them on my non dominant arm to make up volume on circus DB training day.

So excited for that feeling. Home gym means you go at any pace you want. Going to be glorious.

It has its drawbacks, like being complacent it's there and distractions at home. Also lack of people to lift with, th social aspect of a gym and heating is a bitch.

That said, my garage is a better gym than any gym in the immediate area now with all the shit I have.


Someone hit the bat signal, so here I am. Lol.

Yeah, I do them warming up on strongman day, or on deload log/ohp day.

I also use them on my non dominant arm to make up volume on circus DB training day.

It has its drawbacks, like being complacent it's there and distractions at home. Also lack of people to lift with, th social aspect of a gym and heating is a bitch.

That said, my garage is a better gym than any gym in the immediate area now with all the shit I have.

Do you prefer them standing or seated?

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Do you prefer them standing or seated?

Anything I can do standing, I do standing.

Also, if you're finding DB ohp to be increasing your OHP and it's not an imbalance issue, I'd argue you just needed more volume, whether it's shoulder or tricep would need more information. I'd bet tricep though.


Anything I can do standing, I do standing.

Also, if you're finding DB ohp to be increasing your OHP and it's not an imbalance issue, I'd argue you just needed more volume, whether it's shoulder or tricep would need more information. I'd bet tricep though.

I think tricep as well. I feel it when I do DB press so much.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
First new squat PR after refocus on depth!

Squats - 225lbs 1x5, 250x3, 285x1 (PR)

12 weeks to 3 plates. Also shooting to drop from 190 to 175 (I'm already down from 200 the past couple months).


Noticed I have veins starting to appear around my torso...



Whenever I see someone in a diet/weight loss thread say something like, "Just eat the 'right' types of food (which generally tends to be a lower-carb/higher-fat diet) and your appetite will regulate itself. Just listen to your body and don't worry about counting calories," I have to laugh...

...because, when a rack of ribs or a pound of fatty brisket is put in front of me, my body says EAT ALL OF THAT. Appetite-regulation be damned.

I think my brain was made for bulking.


Saturday morning weigh in: 169.8. That's 1.8 up since last week. Ugh.

Opinions needed, drop to 1600 daily or ride 1700 out another week?


Whenever I see someone in a diet/weight loss thread say something like, "Just eat the 'right' types of food (which generally tends to be a lower-carb/higher-fat diet) and your appetite will regulate itself. Just listen to your body and don't worry about counting calories," I have to laugh...

...because, when a rack of ribs or a pound of fatty brisket is put in front of me, my body says EAT ALL OF THAT. Appetite-regulation be damned.

I think my brain was made for bulking.

Lol it's natural though. If you can do it in moderation, and bounce back the next meal, I'd fully encourage eating the things you love.


Saturday morning weigh in: 169.8. That's 1.8 up since last week. Ugh.

Opinions needed, drop to 1600 daily or ride 1700 out another week?
Are you weighing yourself daily or only once a week? 1600 is low for me, but I'm doing roughly 500 calories worth of cardio most days. I'd rather eat more (1900) and have to work it off.


Are you weighing yourself daily or only once a week? 1600 is low for me, but I'm doing roughly 500 calories worth of cardio most days. I'd rather eat more (1900) and have to work it off.

I agree with this. I love eating and staying active so it works itself out


Are you weighing yourself daily or only once a week? 1600 is low for me, but I'm doing roughly 500 calories worth of cardio most days. I'd rather eat more (1900) and have to work it off.

Twice a week, wednesday and Saturday. I was up a little on Wednesday (169) but didn't think much of it, fluctuations mid-week haven't been an issue in the past as long as end of the week is a drop from previous week.

I'd rather eat more and do cardio too, but I have ankle and knee issues that become aggravated easily if I do too much. I've considered adding a bike to my home gym but the money isn't there ATM and not really sure where I would put it anyway.

When I dropped 20 last fall I did it fairly easily eatting +10% on lift days and -30% on off days. My plan this time was a little different: -20% all days but Saturday (DL and OHP day), because I didn't enjoy the -30% days at all. I will say off days usually had an hour worth of walking, but it's been too cold and too busy at work to really manage it. With temps coming up I plan on adding that back In soon.

I didn't expect a huge drop week over week starting out but to go up almost 2 lbs was confusing.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Are you weighing yourself daily or only once a week? 1600 is low for me, but I'm doing roughly 500 calories worth of cardio most days. I'd rather eat more (1900) and have to work it off.

Also, and I'm not sure how to enable this, MyFitnessPal can track your steps if you have a current iPhone, and adds the extra calorie amount you can eat for the day. This keeps me from dropping weight way too fast.
Could you buy a cheapy bike and actually get out on the road / trails? It's a much more pleasant way to get your cardio in.

Edit - Walking is nice, but if you're doing it for conditioning you should probably grab a weight vest.


Could you buy a cheapy bike and actually get out on the road / trails? It's a much more pleasant way to get your cardio in.

Edit - Walking is nice, but if you're doing it for conditioning you should probably grab a weight vest.
He could always pootle
Fools! Pootling is for injured and old people. You don't burn decent calories when you pootle.

/shakes head in disgust

...and yes velociraptor, you don't need cardio to cut. It just makes it a fair chunk easier.
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