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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Could you buy a cheapy bike and actually get out on the road / trails? It's a much more pleasant way to get your cardio in.

Edit - Walking is nice, but if you're doing it for conditioning you should probably grab a weight vest.

If I had a way to take my bike to work I'd absolutely love to get a mid-day ride in. But my office is an hour away and I carpool, can't exactly ask car mates to mount up a bike rack to their cars every day I don't drive (which is 4 out of 5 days).

One of the reasons I moved to a home gym is to maximize time with my son, because of his special needs. Due to sleep/scheduling issues for his sake and my wife's sanity I really can't leave the house before I have to go to work. A bike ride during my scheduled home time is pretty much out.

I know this is starting to sound like a lot of excuse making when it comes to cardio. You are right, I do need to get a weight vest.


Nick change, BTW.

Eat 2 for twice the trick :O

Lol weight fluctuations are so strange. Glad you're back on track

Lol I know right. Shits weird.

Although I think I know the overall culprit. Quest protein + Kodiak cakes multiple times a day for multiple days. All that fiber.

Not only did the flood gates come open when I gave them a rest this past week, but they flew open multiples times a day.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Whenever I see someone in a diet/weight loss thread say something like, "Just eat the 'right' types of food (which generally tends to be a lower-carb/higher-fat diet) and your appetite will regulate itself. Just listen to your body and don't worry about counting calories," I have to laugh...

...because, when a rack of ribs or a pound of fatty brisket is put in front of me, my body says EAT ALL OF THAT. Appetite-regulation be damned.

I think my brain was made for bulking.

Ribs and brisket won't make you fat.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
My dad does weight watchers and he said that even they've shifted away from "fat makes you fat"...towards sugar makes you fat.

By the nature of what it is you'd have to eat a shitload of it to get fat. Also by the nature of it, you won't be able to eat a shitload of it. It's the other shit you eat with it that makes you fat.

And I'd agree. Sugary items are the major cause of fatness.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Been semi slacking this past week. Saturday, Sunday, Monday were cheat days (mini bulks lol) followed by a clean Tuesday, dirty Wednesday, and clean Thursday and Friday. I was 177 on Saturday and if I weigh in at 180 today I might be convinced that I inadvertently sold my aesthetic soul to the devil.


Been semi slacking this past week. Saturday, Sunday, Monday were cheat days (mini bulks lol) followed by a clean Tuesday, dirty Wednesday, and clean Thursday and Friday. I was 177 on Saturday and if I weigh in at 180 today I might be convinced that I inadvertently sold my aesthetic soul to the devil.

Lol that's awesome. Keep eating brother.

*eyes the Mrs. mKenyon trophy*
My dad does weight watchers and he said that even they've shifted away from "fat makes you fat"...towards sugar makes you fat.
Fats are great, IMO. Truthfully due to my vitamin D deficiency I eat a bit more fat and it's helped a ton alongside my D supplement to raise my levels to normal range. D is fat soluble so I take 3k IU per day at once every Sunday morning (21k total). Huge help in absorbing my thyroid hormone replacement. I respond well to fats, personally.
My dad does weight watchers and he said that even they've shifted away from "fat makes you fat"...towards sugar makes you fat.

Still looking for that simple answer though... when in reality, as always, it's eating too much that makes you fat (illnesses aside). Compared to most here I eat a MASSIVE amount of sugar (as do most cyclists) and obviously because we're also burning huge amounts of calories it's just fine. It can't be that we're eating too much of course, that's just too simple. It's the fat, or the sugar, or the lack of fibre, or eating at the wrong time of day, or not eating breakfast, or eating breakfast, or not having your carbs with protein, or drinking diet drinks, or not having enough meals a day, or too many... and so on.

I've lost weight on high carb, low carb, high protein, low fat, high fat, 33/33/34... pretty much every combination you can think of. I've never tried high fat, high carb, low protein though. Not sure I want to either.

Oh, and on my last cut I was still drinking at least three times a week and was still ripped by the end of it. So beer doesn't make you fat either. :p


Haha. Now I'm curious.

Nice try, slick. You want me banned so I lose motivation!

Still looking for that simple answer though... when in reality, as always, it's eating too much that makes you fat (illnesses aside). Compared to most here I eat a MASSIVE amount of sugar (as do most cyclists) and obviously because we're also burning huge amounts of calories it's just fine. It can't be that we're eating too much of course, that's just too simple. It's the fat, or the sugar, or the lack of fibre, or eating at the wrong time of day, or not eating breakfast, or eating breakfast, or not having your carbs with protein, or drinking diet drinks, or not having enough meals a day, or too many... and so on.

I've lost weight on high carb, low carb, high protein, low fat, high fat, 33/33/34... pretty much every combination you can think of. I've never tried high fat, high carb, low protein though. Not sure I want to either.

Oh, and on my last cut I was still drinking at least three times a week and was still ripped by the end of it. So beer doesn't make you fat either. :p

I agree, but weight watchers give you a daily "point" allotment, which will obviously correlate somewhat to calories. It's just that the points are now driven more by sugars than fats. For someone like my dad who LOVES snacking, it's helpful.
Related, I have plenty of issues with weightwatchers... their long term success rate is utterly appalling, and I can't help wonder if that's intentional.


Related, I have plenty of issues with weightwatchers... their long term success rate is utterly appalling, and I can't help wonder if that's intentional.
You mean so that people's success is dependant on their products/services? I'm sure it is intentional. I doubt they have steps in place to transition people out of their program so that they can sustain weight management without the weight watchers system.

Fine print: I know very little about weightwatchers


I disagree based on the fact that the program is literally just a glorified calorie counter. Failure comes from the inability to stick to it like other diets. I agree with what Mike said for sure.
I disagree based on the fact that the program is literally just a glorified calorie counter. Failure comes from the inability to stick to it like other diets. I agree with what Mike said for sure.

A glorified calorie counter which completely fails to take into account metabolic changes over time (unless they've improved it recently, which I don't believe they have).

...and they have a two in one thousand success rate over five years (or had). That's significantly worse than people trying to lose weight outside of their program ("other diets"), so something is clearly going on.

Anyway, it's all a bit off topic, and there's loads of info out there for people who want to read the studies.


Well it would be like if you learned about currency using Xbox live points as opposed to actual money. You'd probably go bankrupt when put into the real world.


I think you can get a point adjustment as you lose weight. My dad only gains weight when he stops because he doesn't think he needs it anymore.

P.s. This is definitely on topic lol
Yeah, but as many of us here who have studied the science know, it's more than just the expected calorie loss from the weight loss. The suppression caused by long term weight loss causes significantly more of a metabolic drop than the weight alone would suggest.


I'm definitely not saying it's the end all be all in diet programs...hell I really don't have an idea what the nuances of it are. It's worked for my dad though, which I'm happy about.

Anyway, deloading this week (finally).


Junior Member
Yes, simply by eating in a defecit. Eat less = lose weight. I feel like there's an argument to be had though about body composition, not to mention cardiovascular health, for opting to eat more and do cardio.
So what cardio is recommended to ensure you don't sacrifice your gainz?

I've been 'cutting' (eating at a weekly deficit) but I haven't had the time to do any cardio tbh (busy med student lifestyle and exams coming up, heh).
I'm definitely not saying it's the end all be all in diet programs...hell I really don't have an idea what the nuances of it are. It's worked for my dad though, which I'm happy about.

Anyway, deloading this week (finally).

Oh don't get me wrong, it can work... just the statistics are heavily against it working long term.

As an anecdotal counterpoint, I know 5 women on the program who are bigger now than when they started (they never left the program, and they've been doing it about 10 years), having basically yoyo'd their way from their target weight back to being significantly overweight.

I know a couple who were "slimmers of the year" in the UK who are massive now. However, one of them did leave the program (though you could argue that being in the program should enable you to make long term changes you can stick to).

So what cardio is recommended to ensure you don't sacrifice your gainz?


Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
My estimated 1RM for power cleans has jumped 10 lbs over the same period I lost 10 lbs body weight. 5/3/1 style progression was a good decision.

Power Cleans - 130x5, 145x3, 165x3 (PR)

Body weight power clean could happen within a month or two.


I'll have to do a video when I go for it.

As I've said before, I'd rather do a BW power clean than a BW Press. Coming from someone with zero natural acceleration and speed growing up.

I know you've been working really hard at it. Your form is solid too. You'll have no problem getting it soon!

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
I know you've been working really hard at it. Your form is solid too. You'll have no problem getting it soon!

I have, thanks. This year has been extremely consistent so far above and beyond most of last. And I think clean pulls and hang cleans are bringing the form to another level.

Big challenge will be keeping momentum through vacations coming up.


Where has Bruce been? Dude hasn't been in this thread in forever.

Also, sadetar??? I feel like with brolic bridging the gap between aesthetics and disturbing / raw power, and the rest of us training for the sweet 16, she's missing out.


Did squats with a belt for the first time today - it felt really really good.

Ok, serious talk here, and some people need to ask their SOs since we don't have much of a female presence - do women notice men at the gym? I don't mean for dating (I'm married), just looking and then thinking "damn!" I mean I don't stare or anything, but there are some very impressive female rear ends at my gym and it's hard not to at least notice.

Is this a thing for women or am I just a disgusting dirty man?


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
Yesterday I got PR's on my row, squat, and deadlift. Bench is still sitting there stuck, weak as hell.
Did squats with a belt for the first time today - it felt really really good.

Ok, serious talk here, and some people need to ask their SOs since we don't have much of a female presence - do women notice men at the gym? I don't mean for dating (I'm married), just looking and then thinking "damn!" I mean I don't stare or anything, but there are some very impressive female rear ends at my gym and it's hard not to at least notice.

Is this a thing for women or am I just a disgusting dirty man?

Women definitely check out men at the gym. I've caught women doing it to me before.

The thing you have to keep in mind is most gyms skew heavily male inside the weights areas, so if there's one or two women there. They might check out a few of the guys, but they're obviously not going to check out every single guy there. So the chances of a woman checking out any random guy is smaller, than a guy checking out any random woman.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Did squats with a belt for the first time today - it felt really really good.

Ok, serious talk here, and some people need to ask their SOs since we don't have much of a female presence - do women notice men at the gym? I don't mean for dating (I'm married), just looking and then thinking "damn!" I mean I don't stare or anything, but there are some very impressive female rear ends at my gym and it's hard not to at least notice.

Is this a thing for women or am I just a disgusting dirty man?

If you are a straight man then yes, it happens. That's life. And do woman check men out? Oh most definitely!


Brian Burke punched my mom
Women definitely check out men at the gym. I've caught women doing it to me before.

The thing you have to keep in mind is most gyms skew heavily male inside the weights areas, so if there's one or two women there. They might check out a few of the guys, but they're obviously not going to check out every single guy there. So the chances of a woman checking out any random guy is smaller, than a guy checking out any random woman.

Men and women always checking out my ass...let me squat in peace pls
I just had the largest protein shake. I put a ton of chocolate ice cream in, some oreos, a bunch of peanut butter, scoop of vanilla protein powder, 2 raw eggs, a large handful of oats and topped it off with whole fat milk. So good.

In short: I just bought a blender :O


My friend suggested to me, to go buy protein powder and mix it with all of my food and drinks. They fitness store right beneath me have a sale going on.

In other news, I'm eating more now, but way healthier food, and I am training the amount, that I can feel the slight pain in my body. But I figure I should intensify it all.

I just had the largest protein shake. I put a ton of chocolate ice cream in, some oreos, a bunch of peanut butter, scoop of vanilla protein powder, 2 raw eggs, a large handful of oats and topped it off with whole fat milk. So good.

In short: I just bought a blender :O

Maybe I should try this shake?

I have had a blender standing there on my kitchen table for a year without being used.


the piano man
Men and women always checking out my ass...let me squat in peace pls

yeah, this happens to me too. I wished people stopped staring/ogling while squatting.

I had to quit using my favorite squat shorts, even though they are the best for stretching and leg day. admittedly they are a tad small and revealing but that's noone of anyone's business, people should go lift something.
Phew, got through deadlift (new PR!) and calf raises without any major leg problems.

Have dumped straps and the belt on my Pendelay rows. I can't get my hand positioning right when I'm using straps, and the belt messed with my form too much. New PR on that as well, so I must be doing something right. :)

First time using the belt on deadlifts. I think I like it; my core definitely felt more engaged. Form was a little off though, I think it's going to take a bit of time to adjust.
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