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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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The full recipe was 3 meals. That should have been 1.5, and I only just about managed the 1 part (I threw the rest). I feel crammed full now.

I think if I made it again I'd quarter it.


Felt really good today, got 160x5 then 180x3 on overhead press, so I missed my reps on that. I got all my reps afterwards on accessories and on the AMRAP. Even tho I didn't hit all reps on the last set, I still feel terrific.

At an all new low weight wise, hit the 9th belt hole entire gym session, first time I've done that, and just overall looking huge and cut. I'm going to count today as a success.


Pulled 345 x6 and felt good thanks to more concentration and watching that Ed Coan deadlifting thing

This is a no brainer but it took me a while to realize, listening to science podcasts is just not a good idea when I should focus on learning lifts. Super dumb that I even thought I could deal with two things.

The new Queens of the Stone Age album is a way better help


The full recipe was 3 meals. That should have been 1.5, and I only just about managed the 1 part (I threw the rest). I feel crammed full now.

I think if I made it again I'd quarter it.

Yeah its big, it's my entire breakfast though. I'm glad you enjoyed it but if you discover a secret ingredient PLEASE let me know!


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Finally back squatted 135lbs 5x5 with decent form! I know its kid weight to you beasts but considering I was struggling with such little weight a few months ago makes me happy.

5 months ago I was struggling with just the bar alone. I should've improved more but I got hurt a couple times and had to take breaks.

J. Bravo

I watched so you think you can squat with my little brother yesterday trying to teach him how to squat. It actually really helped me last night with my setup and focusing on pushing my knees out. The outside of my thighs are sore today which has never happened before.

Everyone, even those who think they got their squat on lockdown, should watch that series


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Finally back squatted 135lbs with decent form! I know its kid weight to you beasts but considering I was struggling with such little weight a few months ago makes me happy.

5 months ago I was struggling with just the bar alone. I should've improved more but I got hurt a couple times and had to take breaks.
That's awesome dude! We're all about progress around here and that is huge. Be proud. Nice job!


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
205lb PR on my deadlift as well since my bud was pushing me hard. I can taste that 2 plate club.

Edit: thanks coot.


Hmm... Don't think I ate enough today. Ran off about 800 calories, but still only ate 1750 total.

Just ate a quick snack of Greek yogurt and low-carb toast at the end of my feeding window, but now that time has passed. I always worry about losing whatever muscle I do have when this happens...

I'm surprised. I thought I would be starving.

Nelo Ice

Finally back squatted 135lbs 5x5 with decent form! I know its kid weight to you beasts but considering I was struggling with such little weight a few months ago makes me happy.

5 months ago I was struggling with just the bar alone. I should've improved more but I got hurt a couple times and had to take breaks.

Congrats!. Hitting a plate feels great. I remember when I started 2 years ago a plate felt like a ton of bricks and now it feels like the bar to me lol.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Does anyone know how much this chain weighs? Just did body weight + 25 + this chain 1x5 and 1x4 chins.



Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I'm sure I will look silly but I suppose I can carry it onto the bathroom scale later.

Edit: it's a 20 pound chain. I am rather pleased.
Dayumm! That be a humongous chain. Sucks you have to put a tiny 5 on to do 25 pound pull ups. Haha

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Dayumm! That be a humongous chain. Sucks you have to put a tiny 5 on to do 25 pound pull ups. Haha

I don't think I could fit that chain through a five. Or a ten for that matter. Things are going to get really ugly as I cobble incremental weight onto myself at this gym.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Really proud of my girlfriend. She's only been to the gym five times in her life. Today was her fifth time. Last time she went was a month or two ago.

Anyway, I feel like she's pretty fucking strong for being basically untrained. I was there to correct her form when need-be, but it was great for the most part.

Her lifts:

Bench: 3x5 @ 70
OHP: 3x5 @ 50
Squats: 3x5 @ 105
Deadlifts: 1x5 @ 135

Ummm.... someone correct me if I'm wrong, but these are pretty awesome numbers, no?


Really proud of my girlfriend. She's only been to the gym five times in her life. Today was her fifth time. Last time she went was a month or two ago.

Anyway, I feel like she's pretty fucking strong for being basically untrained. I was there to correct her form when need-be, but it was great for the most part.

Her lifts:

Bench: 3x5 @ 70
OHP: 3x5 @ 50
Squats: 3x5 @ 105
Deadlifts: 1x5 @ 135

Ummm.... someone correct me if I'm wrong, but these are pretty awesome numbers, no?

Hell yeah!!! I've seen high school boys at my gym who have been there for months who can't even hit those numbers.


Anyone ever tried "ATrainer flyes"?


Basically they are flyes with a twist, named after a user on BB.com. With these you position your arms so that they are completely supinated. Done right, this should take the front delts completely out of the picture. Normally they contribute significantly in the movement. This should result in a better chest isolation and from what I read from the other posts, it really works. Burns like a motherfucker. Gonna try these tomorrow!

Ok tried these today. Didn't get any super intense burning sensation but maybe my form was a bit off. Anyway did something right because I was only able to use so little weight. First two sets I used 10lbs and third set only 5lbs. Did sets of 15.

On standing flyes I normally use 45lbs or a bit more but it's because you can/will use your body to cheat.

Will try these again next time and see how it goes!

Evo X

So I've realized my biggest weakness in getting fit is my diet. I do not have a solid meal plan, and pretty much end up eating out, mostly Chipotle, when I don't have time to prepare and cook my food on the spot.

I've gotten strong, but at the expense of putting on too much fat. I've gained over 22lbs in 7 months and it's pretty easy to tell that a good portion of that is fat.

All the gains are useless if they're hidden behind a layer of blubber. I have no desire to be a power lifter and keep increasing mass at this point.

So can anyone share a good meal plan with me that will allow me to lose some extra weight? If I knew what to eat at what time for the week, it would be a tremendous help.

Also, do you recommended I try a different workout routine other than Starting Strength at this point to accommodate the changes in diet and goals? I doubt I will be able to squat and dead lift massive weights while cutting.



Thinking about buying a new slow cooker. I have one that's ancient, cumbersome and not really easy to use. Got it for free so it's not that bad I guess.

Anyway these things are not really that common in Finland and cheapest of the bigger ones I could find is ~90€. Would be more but my workplace happens to have that one for sale. I could get a little one for 30€ but I need more than 3 liters. The bigger one is 6,8 liters so it should be plenty.

Anyone here use one frequently? Any good recipes?


I did for a couple months! Progression was quick for squat until I hit a wall at 225 and realized my form was off. Am almost back up to that, and am confident I will surpass it. Bench was a similar story at 150, but now that's at 160 and DL is at 280.

When I started cutting (before I started SS) I was 180 and soft with a beer gut. Am now floating between 165-170 and have to remind myself to eat enough to make gains. It'll reward you if you do it right and stick to it.

That's awesome. Here is hoping my endomorphism is finally worth something and I can put on some nice newb gainzz!


I feel like I have short arms after watching that. Or the ass is too fat...

I can't get that much air when L sitting unless I lift myself onto my knuckles.


Made it look easy. Well played.
I feel like I have short arms after watching that. Or the ass is too fat...

I can't get that much air when L sitting unless I lift myself onto my knuckles.

That's why I had to take off my shoes. I really had to tuck my feet/legs in, but that still didnt keep my feet from scraping the ground.

Edit: just realized what you meant. Well, truth is my lower body is small for my size. I would rather have your problem TBH.


Lol wut. Even as an untrained freshman I could bench 85 a couple times. These kids must have 0 idea what they're doing...

Some of them are in the negative zone.

I've seen one kid try a chin up by jumping up to the bar and using his momentum to get above the bar. Then, he proceeds to wiggle his chin over and under the bar. And I guess he counts that as reps.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Got my arm workout yesterday then let loose a little bit during the game. Went to a bar, had a few moscow mules, 2 buffalo chicken wraps, fries, and chocolate lava cake with ice cream. And the Warriors won! Overall, a pretty successful night lol.

haha awesome!
Are you a Warriors fan? You just keep getting more awesome! Way to let loose big guy. Sounded great.
Lol wut. Even as an untrained freshman I could bench 85 a couple times. These kids must have 0 idea what they're doing...

We once tested our bench maxes in high school and some untrained people just don't have any strength at all. There were a couple of guys that struggled with the empty bar and their max was no more than 25 kg (55 lb). I think we were around 17 years old back then. Personally I managed to lift around 77 kg / 170 lb which was more than my bodyweight but I already had a few years of lifting under my belt then.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I am for the series.

Magic fan at heart.
Gotcha. Good enough for me. Hoping Steph goes off for 50 one of these next games!

All my guilt for my refuel day was for nothing as you said. I'm back where I was and then some. Yours will serve the same purpose I'm sure.
We once tested our bench maxes in high school and some untrained people just don't have any strength at all.

I never did. Tiny frame, have to work my arse off even for small gains. Prime candidate for steroids I reckon, but oh well!

I know a couple of guys with even less naturally.

J. Bravo

We once tested our bench maxes in high school and some untrained people just don't have any strength at all. There were a couple of guys that struggled with the empty bar and their max was no more than 25 kg (55 lb). I think we were around 17 years old back then. Personally I managed to lift around 77 kg / 170 lb which was more than my bodyweight but I already had a few years of lifting under my belt then.
I guess. I quit lifting until second semester of my senior year because I got 95 pounds stuck on my neck at summer weights leading into my freshman year. Felt bad man. At the end of hs my max was only 170. And it's only 250 now, almost 6.5 years later. What have I been doing with my lifting....smh


So guys, I've been going to the gym for boxing/muay thai for the past 2.5 months, and although I feel I've lost a bit of fat and have a bit more muscle, I still feel really weak. So I've been thinking of adding a workout routine to my schedule that can get me stronger. In particular, my arms and legs. Whenever we do squats/walking squats, I always feel like I'm pushing myself to the limit, yet still have to stop every now and then to rest. And for push-ups, we do the kind where after the push-up we angle off to the side and hold on arm up (kid of like in a fallen T position). When we do this, my arm seriously starts to shake and I'm afraid if I push myself too hard it'll snap.

Right now, I'm thinking simply doing squats and push-ups at home is a good start. Is that a good idea? If so, should I stick to a routine (like 10x10reps) or try to gradually increase the number I'm doing over time (like, should I try to push myself to do as many as I can)?

Not sure if it matters, but I'm male, 5'10", 25y/o, and 156 lb.


What a wonderful day today, down 2lbs overnight, SWOOSH as they call it. Down to 231.6. I knew i was making progress from my gym belt fitment at the gym, the scale just confirmed it. 21.6lbs to go for my first goal weight, then figure out a hard plan on how to get to 9% and stick to that for the rest of my life.
We once tested our bench maxes in high school and some untrained people just don't have any strength at all. There were a couple of guys that struggled with the empty bar and their max was no more than 25 kg (55 lb). I think we were around 17 years old back then. Personally I managed to lift around 77 kg / 170 lb which was more than my bodyweight but I already had a few years of lifting under my belt then.
This is pretty common. As a kid I had no strength or conditioning. Couldn't bench the bar in high school, couldn't do any pullups or pushups. I remember the day we had "weight training day" in gym class I vowed to never set foot in a gym cause weightlifting is for dumbasses.

Look at me now.

For what it's worth when I started my weight loss journey I couldn't bench the bar then either, and this was at 21. My trainer/coach had to get me to do pushups from my knees till I had enough strength to bench properly.

I don't think it was only a strength thing. Just nerves and not being used to balancing a bar over your head. It's a really scary position to be in for someone new to the gym.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Hell yeah!!! I've seen high school boys at my gym who have been there for months who can't even hit those numbers.

Awesome! I'll let her know. She's definitely excited. On a proper program I honestly think she can be hitting some nice numbers.


So guys, I've been going to the gym for boxing/muay thai for the past 2.5 months, and although I feel I've lost a bit of fat and have a bit more muscle, I still feel really weak. So I've been thinking of adding a workout routine to my schedule that can get me stronger. In particular, my arms and legs. Whenever we do squats/walking squats, I always feel like I'm pushing myself to the limit, yet still have to stop every now and then to rest. And for push-ups, we do the kind where after the push-up we angle off to the side and hold on arm up (kid of like in a fallen T position). When we do this, my arm seriously starts to shake and I'm afraid if I push myself too hard it'll snap.

Right now, I'm thinking simply doing squats and push-ups at home is a good start. Is that a good idea? If so, should I stick to a routine (like 10x10reps) or try to gradually increase the number I'm doing over time (like, should I try to push myself to do as many as I can)?

Not sure if it matters, but I'm male, 5'10", 25y/o, and 156 lb.

I'm a huge proponent of martial arts. If you only want to start working out at home. Then, you can probably benefit more with some immediate to advanced bodyweight workouts. I posted a link a few pages back. Most BW workouts focus on your core. And that's one of the most important aspects of martial arts training.
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