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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Right? I could do a perfect form tutorial but I'd probably do it at 225...not 500+ POUNDS!!!!

Damn your deadlifts are dialed in Brolic. It's like a god damn tutorial video. And yes, I too am liking the slightly leaner version of you.

Wife likes it too, lol. Thanks guys. I take a lot of pride in my deadlift and it's still a work in progress.

There he is, it feels like it's been a while since I've seen a Brolic vid. Awesome as always.

I like how Brolic's definition of cardio is finding something that weighs like a car and pushing it.

Been doing them less. And thanks, as my first time with a prowler. I like it.

I had a nice leg day. I was able to hit 135x3x5 for overhead squat. Then, I just went for some volume with 225x3x10. While I was doing the back squat, the 62 year old powerlifting lady was deadlifting behind me.

Now, a bit of context, she's pretty critical about form. She will give pointers to people if she feels you doing things incorrectly. And if you happen to know her, then she extra critical. So, I was ready for her to pick apart my squat.

However, she actually critiqued the guy next to me who was also doing squats. I forgot all the details, but she used me as an example and said that my form was fine.

WOO HOO!!!!!!!

Great praise coming from a 60 plus year old woman who does this:

Lol, nice.


Guys, my legs start kind of spreading out during squats. I never really noticed it because it's never bothered me, but my friend says I'm using the inside of the thigh more than my quads. Not sure if that makes sense. My feet aren't moving either, it's just that it seems like my thighs start separating more at the bottom of the lift. Hopefully I'm describing this well enough. How do I fix this?


Guys, I'm reading Starting Strength and it's great. The n00b here is very grateful for the recommendation.

My question is: is Starting Strength recommended if I'm in a calorie-deficit diet (I guess people say "during a cutting period")?

If not, what would be a good program I could look into?

Edit: guess I forgot this:

Age: 23
Height: 5'4''
Goal:Fat loss
Current Training Schedule: None
Current Training Equipment Available: None
Looks like I can forget about leg work again for the foreseeable future. Despite the physio (and I) thinking that we'd got on top of the IT band problems, it got fucked up again yesterday in training.

Really don't know what else to do now. Was already doing an hour of stretching a day as well as heat treatment as well as weekly physio. Properly depressing.


the piano man
Such an off day. Was doing squats and wasn't feeling it. Maybe it was my music choice. Lol those classical probably killed my mood when it played

I work with classical music for a living and I have still not found a piece of music that fits well with lifting.

There's plenty of passionate, thunderous stuff out there yet nothing seems to put me in the right mood.

I used to put the toccatina by Kasputin, an etude for piano, in my mp3. Its jazz rhythm and harmony would pump me up, but that's about it.


Im a bit late to the oatmeal talk but I wanted to chime in with some tips that might make your oatmeal even tastier AND better for you.

Oats contain something called Phytic Acid which humans cant digest and it also acts as a mineral blocker. Meaning it reduced or hinders your body from absorbing certain minerals such as calcium, iron, and zinc.

In ordrer to combat this try soaking your oats overnight. And if you want even more benefits make sure to add some apple cider vinegar to your "overnight oats". That way it will also be lactic acid fermented in the morning, which increases the amount of phenolic acids which is a powerful antioxidant.

Now you are probably thinking that this doesnt sound tasty at all! But you can dress this up exactly how you want it. My go to breakfast is overnight oats with 2 eggs (i nuke them before putting it in the fridge over night), 1tbl spoon of honey, coconut milk, covered with low fat quark and fresh berries.

Id add some nice pictures of my oats but mine usually look like a trainwreck, so here are some pictures straight from google!




Looks like I can forget about leg work again for the foreseeable future. Despite the physio (and I) thinking that we'd got on top of the IT band problems, it got fucked up again yesterday in training.

Really don't know what else to do now. Was already doing an hour of stretching a day as well as heat treatment as well as weekly physio. Properly depressing.

Sorry to hear this, man. Take a break. It might do wonders. Though, you might go mental in the process.


Looks like I can forget about leg work again for the foreseeable future. Despite the physio (and I) thinking that we'd got on top of the IT band problems, it got fucked up again yesterday in training.

Really don't know what else to do now. Was already doing an hour of stretching a day as well as heat treatment as well as weekly physio. Properly depressing.
In not a doctor, but my IT band issue worsened with stretching. Instead I just took some time off and did upper body circuits for cardio. A week off allowed me to run that 10-mile race, albeit at a slower pace.

The hard part is not freaking out about taking the time to heal. Just have to ease back into it and, if it hurts, back off a bit.


Guys, I'm reading Starting Strength and it's great. The n00b here is very grateful for the recommendation.

My question is: is Starting Strength recommended if I'm in a calorie-deficit diet (I guess people say "during a cutting period")?

If not, what would be a good program I could look into?

Edit: guess I forgot this:

Age: 23
Height: 5'4''
Goal:Fat loss
Current Training Schedule: None
Current Training Equipment Available: None

I'd still recommend it even if you're in a cutting period. I started it while I was cutting, and it worked wonderfully, especially if you're a training newb like myself. You're just not going to be making gainzzz with a caloric deficit is all.


C4 aint good for you? Shit I'm fucked then.

Its fine just I just feel completely blitzed when I use it. I get free samples of it sometimes.

Guys, my legs start kind of spreading out during squats. I never really noticed it because it's never bothered me, but my friend says I'm using the inside of the thigh more than my quads. Not sure if that makes sense. My feet aren't moving either, it's just that it seems like my thighs start separating more at the bottom of the lift. Hopefully I'm describing this well enough. How do I fix this?

What depth are you getting? Generally the wider your stance the more inner and glute you are getting vs narrow/oly is more quad oriented.

For me getting deeper squats, narrower stances, and shallower in my foot angle has been external knee rotation and glute activation work.


Looks like I can forget about leg work again for the foreseeable future. Despite the physio (and I) thinking that we'd got on top of the IT band problems, it got fucked up again yesterday in training.

Really don't know what else to do now. Was already doing an hour of stretching a day as well as heat treatment as well as weekly physio. Properly depressing.

Dude, sorry. Rest for a while.


Guys, I'm reading Starting Strength and it's great. The n00b here is very grateful for the recommendation.

My question is: is Starting Strength recommended if I'm in a calorie-deficit diet (I guess people say "during a cutting period")?

If not, what would be a good program I could look into?

Edit: guess I forgot this:

Age: 23
Height: 5'4''
Goal:Fat loss
Current Training Schedule: None
Current Training Equipment Available: None

Wait you have no access to any gym equipment? SS will be difficult.
The more and more I read about it, the more it seems that there may be no real solution. Even surgery doesn't work in many cases, and for others, if can come back repeatedly even after it seemed to be fully healed. As for time to heal, I already took off more than a month only for it to come back immediately on the next long ride. Seems that more than an hour and a half at full pace is enough to trigger it, even with physio assistance.

...and yeah, I'm reading more and more that the stretches are a waste of time because the IT band is un-stretchable.

I'm now tempted to go in a completely different direction and massively strengthen my glutes / hips so as to mechanically alter my pedal stroke.
Just checking in.

It's been about four months now since I last asked Fitness-GAF for some dieting help. Went with a straightforward 40/30/30 split on protein/fat/carbs on 1800cal, focused on eating low insulin response carbs during the day and high response ones after a workout, keeping track of everything with MFP.

It's worked out great, losing about 20lb in the past few months, getting to 180lb as of yesterday. Haven't measured, but visibly fat has reduced, and my lifts have gone up considerably (for me). 3rep max squats from 185 to 265, 3rep max dead from 185 to 300, bench from 185 to 205...I see the light now. I used to be terrified of carbs, but learning to incorporate them properly into my day has helped me a lot. Focussing on meeting my macros instead of a super rigid diet has helped a lot too. It's not all perfect - my weekends could still be better on macros - but for the first time in a while, I feel like I'm getting somewhere. Just had to keep it simple to start.

tl;dr listened to fitness-gaf and good shit happened. Thanks!


Just checking in.

It's been about four months now since I last asked Fitness-GAF for some dieting help. Went with a straightforward 40/30/30 split on protein/fat/carbs on 1800cal, focused on eating low insulin response carbs during the day and high response ones after a workout, keeping track of everything with MFP.

It's worked out great, losing about 20lb in the past few months, getting to 180lb as of yesterday. Haven't measured, but visibly fat has reduced, and my lifts have gone up considerably (for me). 3rep max squats from 185 to 265, 3rep max dead from 185 to 300, bench from 185 to 205...I see the light now. I used to be terrified of carbs, but learning to incorporate them properly into my day has helped me a lot. Focussing on meeting my macros instead of a super rigid diet has helped a lot too. It's not all perfect - my weekends could still be better on macros - but for the first time in a while, I feel like I'm getting somewhere. Just had to keep it simple to start.

tl;dr listened to fitness-gaf and good shit happened. Thanks!

Love to hear this. Don't stress about the "bad weekends". You're feeling great and are losing over a pound a week, plus getting much stronger. Great job!!
Just checking in.

It's been about four months now since I last asked Fitness-GAF for some dieting help. Went with a straightforward 40/30/30 split on protein/fat/carbs on 1800cal, focused on eating low insulin response carbs during the day and high response ones after a workout, keeping track of everything with MFP.

It's worked out great, losing about 20lb in the past few months, getting to 180lb as of yesterday. Haven't measured, but visibly fat has reduced, and my lifts have gone up considerably (for me). 3rep max squats from 185 to 265, 3rep max dead from 185 to 300, bench from 185 to 205...I see the light now. I used to be terrified of carbs, but learning to incorporate them properly into my day has helped me a lot. Focussing on meeting my macros instead of a super rigid diet has helped a lot too. It's not all perfect - my weekends could still be better on macros - but for the first time in a while, I feel like I'm getting somewhere. Just had to keep it simple to start.

tl;dr listened to fitness-gaf and good shit happened. Thanks!

Congrats man, great job. The hard part is sticking to it so stay true when the fat loss and strength gains slow.


I'm am really enjoying a 16-hour fast schedule now that I'm getting used to not eating so often.

I don't even have to think about food in the morning, I get to eat a relatively huge lunch and feel satisfied, followed by a snack in the afternoon, then a big dinner at 6.

Coming in at 1700-2400 calories depending on the day (3 high, 4 low). Very curious to see what happens with this.


I'm am really enjoying a 16-hour fast schedule now that I'm getting used to not eating so often.

I don't even have to think about food in the morning, I get to eat a relatively huge lunch and feel satisfied, followed by a snack in the afternoon, then a big dinner at 6.

Coming in at 1700-2400 calories depending on the day (3 high, 4 low). Very curious to see what happens with this.

Had a massive headache wile I fasted during the day. Ill just skip breakfast from now on. Do you prep your big dinner?

Lots of drama on the youtube fitness. Damn.


Dealing with my left arm(tris) being a bitch on incline chest today and its just screaming "I'm a T-Rex arm and I'm staying that way".

Don't know what else to do except stick to dumbbells and set my intensity based on the weaker arm.

At least I killed it on lat pulldowns.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Feels like I strained my neck a couple days ago either on squats or deadlifts. You know that nagging feeling when you sleep on the bed the wrong way, kinda annoying.


Had a massive headache wile I fasted during the day. Ill just skip breakfast from now on. Do you prep your big dinner?

Lots of drama on the youtube fitness. Damn.
Are you drinking enough water?

As for dinner prep...well, my wife does lol. I'm thankful. Come home to a great meal every night. Often make "breakfast" for myself immediately after.

Also, what drama?


Feels like I strained my neck a couple days ago either on squats or deadlifts. You know that nagging feeling when you sleep on the bed the wrong way, kinda annoying.
This just happened to me with deadlifts. Kept looking forward to see my stance in the mirror. Bad idea.
Getting the feeling I need to switch things up on the chest. Been stuck at 200 x 5 for weeks now. Doing RPT with that, and hitting 180 for 6 afterwards is easy, every time.

I did manage to graduate to using a 35 lb weight on my dips today though. Got 11 reps off. Maybe I'm not meant to be big in the chest, but I do like pushing.

1700 cal/ work day, 1200 (ish) rest. 169, trying to get it down as much as I can before winter. I want to bulk, lol.


1700 cal/ work day, 1200 (ish) rest. 169, trying to get it down as much as I can before winter. I want to bulk, lol.

That seems like crazy low calories, even for rest days.

Edit: I guess if you were shooting to lose over 1lb per week that would be right. Just wouldn't be fun lol


Are you drinking enough water?

As for dinner prep...well, my wife does lol. I'm thankful. Come home so a great meal every night. Often make "breakfast" for myself immediately after.

Also, what drama?

I drank only water but that wasn't enough. I'll take those splenda/Ice tea. I'll meal prep tonite for tommorow. Got my sweet potatoes and chicken breast.

As for the yt drama, it was Marc Lobliner ranting about a vegan gains dude calling his kids out and saying he'll get cancer (him and Furious Pete) and that he's glad he'll get cancer. Went to check some of his videos, and wow. This dude. Calling everybody out.

Now Lex fitness is asking him for a fist fight....


Edit: He's telling people that Chris Jones, Hodge twins are telling lies. I never followed HT's in their whey protein after I asked if I needed to take some in the fitness thread 2 years ago, I just let it go.But I got great results following fasting and a so so vegetarian and pescatarian diet. I'm guessing he's against non vegan protein powders?! Like what's his deal?


I drank only water but that wasn't enough. I'll take those splenda/Ice tea. I'll meal prep tonite for tommorow. Got my sweet potatoes and chicken breast.

As for the yt drama, it was Marc Lobliner ranting about a vegan gains dude calling his kids out and saying he'll get cancer (him and Furious Pete) and that he's glad he'll get cancer. Went to check some of his videos, and wow. This dude.

Now Lex fitness is asking him for a fist fight....

https://youtu.be/9LBC6sDdoYE?t=36s...the morning. Doesn't help with hunger though.


Anyone ever tried "ATrainer flyes"?


Basically they are flyes with a twist, named after a user on BB.com. With these you position your arms so that they are completely supinated. Done right, this should take the front delts completely out of the picture. Normally they contribute significantly in the movement. This should result in a better chest isolation and from what I read from the other posts, it really works. Burns like a motherfucker. Gonna try these tomorrow!


What depth are you getting? Generally the wider your stance the more inner and glute you are getting vs narrow/oly is more quad oriented.

For me getting deeper squats, narrower stances, and shallower in my foot angle has been external knee rotation and glute activation work.

He told me it's not really my depth apparently. It's just that my inner thighs drift outward whenever I go down. I can see what he meant, and I tried going down without having my inner thighs opening up more but it felt really uncomfortable. Flexibility problem perhaps?

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
He told me it's not really my depth apparently. It's just that my inner thighs drift outward whenever I go down. I can see what he meant, and I tried going down without having my inner thighs opening up more but it felt really uncomfortable. Flexibility problem perhaps?

I'm pretty sure your knees are supposed to track over your feet, which would results in the thighs opening up during the squat.

I can't test this now at the office, but I think you're doing them correctly.


He told me it's not really my depth apparently. It's just that my inner thighs drift outward whenever I go down. I can see what he meant, and I tried going down without having my inner thighs opening up more but it felt really uncomfortable. Flexibility problem perhaps?

Dude, some people's knees naturally poke outwards. I think you're probably fine. Take a video and upload if if you want us to critique.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Due to the ongoing internal struggle of "am I losing size" during a cut I decided to double my calories last night to 4000-4200. It was mostly carbs with added protein. I think it was the correct long-term decision but I'll be damned if I didn't wake up a little bummed I broke my streak.
Due to the ongoing internal struggle of "am I losing size" during a cut I decided to double my calories last night to 4000-4200. It was mostly carbs with added protein. I think it was the correct long-term decision but I'll be damned if I didn't wake up a little bummed I broke my streak.

brother, ain't nothing wrong with those days. I honestly feel like you need those days to just have a break in the monotony of a strict diet. Helps keep you sane. More energy and this my be brosciencey, but having a break of a 2-3 days between 2-3 weeks helps me restart and accelerate the weight loss when coming back. Take that last statement with a grain of salt lol.
brother, ain't nothing wrong with those days. I honestly feel like you need those days to just have a break in the monotony of a strict diet. Helps keep you sane. More energy and this my be brosciencey, but having a break of a 2-3 days between 2-3 weeks helps me restart and accelerate the weight loss when coming back. Take that last statement with a grain of salt lol.
There are hormonal reasons for that... so it's not actually bro science. I think you only need a day to trigger it though.

I can see why more might be nice psychologically.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
brother, ain't nothing wrong with those days. I honestly feel like you need those days to just have a break in the monotony of a strict diet. Helps keep you sane. More energy and this my be brosciencey, but having a break of a 2-3 days between 2-3 weeks helps me restart and accelerate the weight loss when coming back. Take that last statement with a grain of salt lol.
No, I obviously subscribe to the same brosciency logic but it still feels a little wrong. I'm really paranoid of losing any of this muscle I worked all winter to get. Looked in the mirror and felt smaller. Could be all on my head but after 10 days at 2000 or less I didn't want to chance it.


Due to the ongoing internal struggle of "am I losing size" during a cut I decided to double my calories last night to 4000-4200. It was mostly carbs with added protein. I think it was the correct long-term decision but I'll be damned if I didn't wake up a little bummed I broke my streak.

Aren't you basically just describing carb cycling? 5-6 days of no carb/low carb and calorie deficit, 1-2 days high carbs (and the increase in calories that come with it)?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Aren't you basically just describing carb cycling? 5-6 days of no carb/low carb and calorie deficit, 1-2 days high carbs (and the increase in calories that come with it)?
Basically but I go longer than 5-6 days.

I'll admit that I looked much more jacked when I woke up this morning. Again, possibly in my head.


Basically but I go longer than 5-6 days.

I'll admit that I looked much more jacked when I woke up this morning. Again, possibly in my head.

Yeah, I know you go longer with the strictness (hell, I remember your posts about pizza and donuts a few days ago!)...but it's been pretty well researched that having those types of days (as long as they're not too frequent) are beneficial in aiding with weight loss and preserving muscle, so no need to beat yourself up! You look like Zeus anyway lol.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Yeah, I know you go longer with the strictness (hell, I remember your posts about pizza and donuts a few days ago!)...but it's been pretty well researched that having those types of days (as long as they're not too frequent) are beneficial in aiding with weight loss and preserving muscle, so no need to beat yourself up! You look like Zeus anyway lol.
Can't argue with science! Feeling much better now. Thanks. Zeus? lol I think he's taller ;) but thank you.

Yeah, once I get to maintenence mode I go 6 days and have MTP type cheat days. Entire large pizza, tons of doughnuts or a couple pints of Häagen-Dazs. So looking forward to those days again...


Wait you have no access to any gym equipment? SS will be difficult.

Wait, I read that wrong. I have access to a gym I'm a member of. Pretty sure they have everything needed.

I'd still recommend it even if you're in a cutting period. I started it while I was cutting, and it worked wonderfully, especially if you're a training newb like myself. You're just not going to be making gainzzz with a caloric deficit is all.

Great! How was your progression? Did you increase the weights as recommended (5 lbs for upper body, 10 lbs for lower), or you had to slow that down?


Great! How was your progression? Did you increase the weights as recommended (5 lbs for upper body, 10 lbs for lower), or you had to slow that down?

I did for a couple months! Progression was quick for squat until I hit a wall at 225 and realized my form was off. Am almost back up to that, and am confident I will surpass it. Bench was a similar story at 150, but now that's at 160 and DL is at 280.

When I started cutting (before I started SS) I was 180 and soft with a beer gut. Am now floating between 165-170 and have to remind myself to eat enough to make gains. It'll reward you if you do it right and stick to it.
That seems like crazy low calories, even for rest days.

Edit: I guess if you were shooting to lose over 1lb per week that would be right. Just wouldn't be fun lol

'Bout dat. I don't typically count things like leafy greens or Brussels sprouts or broccoli or anything like that (but I don't put anything on 'em unless I've got a few grams of fat I can snag). I also have a cheat on Saturday nights usually consisting of some beers and splitting a thin crust pizza, or some Buffalo fingers.

Trying to get down to 165 here for the pool sometime soon. I have my regular meal schedule all planned out. Oatmeal, homemade chili, cod, chicken, turkey, etc. I'll get there, but I can't wait until I can do something like...eat. Not going to get much stronger without bulking. That's what I'm afraid of, anyway.
I use a big blender so I can have 3 meals out of it (usually 2 big ones for me and 2 half meals for my wife).

It's roughly 4 cups milk, 2 cups coffee, 2 scoops of ptotein (50 grams total), 4 tablespoons peanut butter, 1 fage Greek yogurt, 2 cups oatmeal, 2 frozen bananas, top with Chia seeds. If the bananas are frozen you don't need ice!

Just made this. Not bad, though for my tastes it needs a little something... not entirely sure what right now though.

Even after halving the recipe it's MASSIVE though. You must have one hell of an appetite.
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