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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Feel bad because all lifts, especially the Squat seem stuck.
225 feels as heavy as it did 6 months ago and my max is not moving up.

I also STILL hurt my lower back way too frequent in the deadlift and doing assistance stuff after a deadlift session is a crazy painful affair.

I've been lurking long enough to know thats it probably because I dont sleep enough / use a slow progression like 5/3/1 / have to clean up technique but it still sucks.

Hitting 3 plates in the squat this year was a goal but its maybe something that does not happen in a while or ever.

Has anyone felt that they got a lot "stiffer" through lifting?
I am as flexible as a brick and that was a lot better 2/3 years ago.


Any particular ending point you have in mind? Very nice slow and controlled cut btw. You have probably optimally minimized any strength loss.

Originally I just wanted to lose 10-15.

But I don't wanna be a fat dude with a wife who has abs!

Now I'm thinking sub 200. And yeah, no major strength loss. In fact, if you're going by percentages instead of numbers, no strength loss at all.

I should hit 200 by August. And we'll see where I'm at then :)


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement

That's another 20-25 lbs. Gah. We will see lol.
Just don't go too far and turn into your skinny cousin.


Originally I just wanted to lose 10-15.

But I don't wanna be a fat dude with a wife who has abs!

Now I'm thinking sub 200. And yeah, no major strength loss. In fact, if you're going by percentages instead of numbers, no strength loss at all.

I should hit 200 by August. And we'll see where I'm at then :)

Sub 200? Well hell yeah! Dis gun b gud


the piano man
But I don't wanna be a fat dude with a wife who has abs!

probably a silly idea, but has she considered showing her case (pics, progress etc) to fitness magazines so they can use it as advertising and get paid for it?

that's as good as it gets regarding a female before/after, it could inspire other women, imo.

congrats on your weightloss and keeping your strength!
Random, but, my gym is full of social butterflies but not a single person ever talks to me at the gym. If they do, they'll talk to me for like a week or two then go back to never acknowledging me, lol. Maybe I just look like an asshole or come off awkward. For the most part I avoid people cause I'm focused on my workout, but I'm actually a really nice guy and enjoy people asking for help.

Anyone else like this? It means nothing in the grand scheme of things, but I just find it amusing watching all these guys talk to each other at the gym every day and pretty much avoiding me like the plague.

Maybe I smell bad.


probably a silly idea, but has she considered showing her case (pics, progress etc) to fitness magazines so they can use it as advertising and get paid for it?

that's as good as it gets regarding a female before/after, it could inspire other women, imo.

congrats on your weightloss and keeping your strength!

The program she follows is called "Tone it up." It's a program geared towards woman with exercise videos/nutrition ideas. Nothing crazy or radical and she continued doing 5/3/1 on her big lifts so she didn't lose a bunch of muscle.

She put together a video for them since they have a contest going right now. Fingers crossed she gets picked!
Dude you're killing it. You always look massive and beastly in every pic, lol. Even while you're cutting. Keep at it man. I too thing you should go for a BF goal and see what you can do, you'll surprise yourself!

thanks man, coming from you it means a lot

and maybe I will shoot for a specific bf%. It will be after Vegas tho which is in the middle of July.

Just don't go too far and turn into your skinny cousin.

that boy needs a cheeseburger or 50

Random, but, my gym is full of social butterflies but not a single person ever talks to me at the gym. If they do, they'll talk to me for like a week or two then go back to never acknowledging me, lol. Maybe I just look like an asshole or come off awkward. For the most part I avoid people cause I'm focused on my workout, but I'm actually a really nice guy and enjoy people asking for help.

Anyone else like this? It means nothing in the grand scheme of things, but I just find it amusing watching all these guys talk to each other at the gym every day and pretty much avoiding me like the plague.

Maybe I smell bad.

I'm right there with you. I've been told I have a very bitchy/mean face when I am resting so maybe that is the case? When we are in a group, I tend to get approached more often than not. They talk to the other people tho rofl.

J. Bravo

Random, but, my gym is full of social butterflies but not a single person ever talks to me at the gym. If they do, they'll talk to me for like a week or two then go back to never acknowledging me, lol. Maybe I just look like an asshole or come off awkward. For the most part I avoid people cause I'm focused on my workout, but I'm actually a really nice guy and enjoy people asking for help.

Anyone else like this? It means nothing in the grand scheme of things, but I just find it amusing watching all these guys talk to each other at the gym every day and pretty much avoiding me like the plague.

Maybe I smell bad.
Lol outside the gym I am very social. But inside it I am too focused on my workout. So much so that when I finally talked to one of the employees, she was like "nice to finally talk to you, we all thought you were a dick" I was just like lmao thanks? Probably not going to talk to anyone again regardless haha. I'm there to work out, not talk.


I'm social with the regulars. What starts as head nods turns into small talk.

I try to keep it at a minimum though. Don't wanna be a chatty Kathy


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Man squats 225lbs for 100 reps.

Fucking hell. Yesterday I put 225lbs on my back for the first time in my life and managed to squat it for 3 full reps. Super proud of myself and my legs are feeling it today.

I can't imagine the kind of muscular endurance I would need to add 97 reps on TOP of that. Jesus.


Spirit, I was sort of like you but I went to a gym where a ton of high school and college age kids went so they approached me for advice. Then, a few older regulars approached me a lot to bitch about the volume of high school and college age kids.


the piano man
Random, but, my gym is full of social butterflies but not a single person ever talks to me at the gym. If they do, they'll talk to me for like a week or two then go back to never acknowledging me, lol. Maybe I just look like an asshole or come off awkward. For the most part I avoid people cause I'm focused on my workout, but I'm actually a really nice guy and enjoy people asking for help.

Anyone else like this? It means nothing in the grand scheme of things, but I just find it amusing watching all these guys talk to each other at the gym every day and pretty much avoiding me like the plague.

Maybe I smell bad.

I am pretty sure I come off like an asshole in my gym.

I am not sure how some things* are called in german so I don't want any kind of small talk where I don't know what I am going to say.

the audience in my gym is the gym rat in the 13-25 age bracket, many look spectacular, Being a 37 year old with a gut I feel somewhat alienated.

Plus I am a awkward, I admit it but I am very ok by myself most of the time. I am grateful for the ocassional spotting while benching but I am not in dire need of it

There's this guy that is friends with everyone in the free weight area, he'll shake 50 hands before starting his work out, it's so damn clear he's there for the business, He wants to recruit people and be the coach. I don't really like him.

EDIT: examples

Squat: Kniebeuge
Pull-up: Klimmzüge
OHP: Schulterpresse


I used to be social at the gym, now I avoid any type of interaction. I just want to get my lifts in and be out.

Today at the gym was amazing. So much strength. Hit 5x220 easy on bench, hit every rep on accessories and just felt so energized.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
The best deadlift day in recent memory. That massage did wonders for my low back and glutes, let alone my mobility. Also C4 is a decent pre workout. Worked up to 475x5 for a final main working set, then did some joker sets (500x3, 525, and 550). Finished with some prowler work at 225lbs + prowler for 100ft. Full log in video description if you're interested. Did quite a bit of volume.

Hated that stuff, the only one that ever worked for me was the one they banned for being full of amphetamines.

I suspect it's better if you're doing a lot of low rep stuff rather than getting your heart rate up though.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
I think I need to turn up the intensity of my workouts somehow or increase the volume. That prowler looks fun. The only intense part of my workouts is the power clean, and it's so short-lived.

I also feel like a total sloth doing no more than five reps of anything. But I'd feel like a quitter if I change from Starting Strength before hitting three full resets, which is problematic because I've been cutting weight. I don't know if this summer cut is worth it.

Except that I can start adding weight to my pull-ups for the first time in years. Body weight + 25, 3x5 yesterday. Can't wait to keep working up.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Yeah, I'm so caffeine tolerant none of those work on me.

+25 3x5 is damn good Joey. Keep going!

J. Bravo

Hated that stuff, the only one that ever worked for me was the one they banned for being full of amphetamines.

I suspect it's better if you're doing a lot of low rep stuff rather than getting your heart rate up though.

jack3d was the shiznit. c4 is pretty much amazing too. but the only preworkout I take is a prescription ADD pill and occasionally some espresso. never really feel myself lacking for energy unless I just didn't eat enough throughout the day.

I have a few questions for everyone though. The time has finally come where I'm going to start running. It's mostly to help motivate my younger brothers so they get in fantastic shape for soccer and basketball. I need some new running shoes though. How can I tell which kind of runner I am? I know I heel strike, but not sure if I pronate or supinate. And how do I know which shoes to get?

I also want to get my entire family in a couch to 5k program, do you guys have any recommendations?

How early is too early for weightlifting? I have 2 brothers, 14 and 12. Definitely planning on getting the 14 year old a membership for the summer at least, but what about the 12 year old? Do I just have them lift heavy in the big 3 (after teaching them proper form obviously)? How much assistance work is too much? They have never touched a weight in their lives, but they have both said they'd go with me.

I want to help them with their respective sports (12yo likes basketball and soccer, 14yo pretty much soccer only), so do I need to add in some sport specific workouts amongst the heavy lifting?

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
+25 3x5 is damn good Joey. Keep going!

Thanks Cooter. I remember hanging 45+ off the belt when I was 24 or so, but that was more likely for dips. My main goal for pull-ups is to do 20 raw though. Progress towards that hasn't been very fast even with losing weight, so I'm going the strength route.


The best deadlift day in recent memory. That massage did wonders for my low back and glutes, let alone my mobility. Also C4 is a decent pre workout. Worked up to 475x5 for a final main working set, then did some joker sets (500x3, 525, and 550). Finished with some prowler work at 225lbs + prowler for 100ft. Full log in video description if you're interested. Did quite a bit of volume.


Good looking lifts dude. You look super comfortable at that weight which is fucking bonkers.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Awesome lifts Brolic. And looking fantastic in a tank too

Lol, thanks man.

C4 is the preworkout you take yourself but wouldn't share with a family member because you care about them.

If you think C4 is bad, I'm glad you never tried craze. C4 is tame.

Good looking lifts dude. You look super comfortable at that weight which is fucking bonkers.

Thanks! Decided to hover at 230 for a while before dropping to 220 to facilitate strength gain along with fat loss. Thing is I'm still getting leaner while hovering which tells me I'm retaining water and still losing fat. Plus I got back on creatine last month.


Lol, thanks man.

If you think C4 is bad, I'm glad you never tried craze. C4 is tame.

Thanks! Decided to hover at 230 for a while before dropping to 220 to facilitate strength gain along with fat loss. Thing is I'm still getting leaner while hovering which tells me I'm retaining water and still losing fat. Plus I got back on creatine last month.

Yep, that was some badass deadlifting. Nicely done.

Welcome to Team C4 :) I haven't taken it all week in an effort to see the difference without it. I was hoping it was placebo to some extent. The verdict: night and f***ing day. I felt like a sloth.


Lol, thanks man.

If you think C4 is bad, I'm glad you never tried craze. C4 is tame.

Thanks! Decided to hover at 230 for a while before dropping to 220 to facilitate strength gain along with fat loss. Thing is I'm still getting leaner while hovering which tells me I'm retaining water and still losing fat. Plus I got back on creatine last month.

Yeah C4 was too much for me too. One cup of coffee with a shot of espresso is enough to get me in peek mental / physical state. Anything above that and I just get jittery.


Yeah C4 was too much for me too. One cup of coffee with a shot of espresso is enough to get me in peek mental / physical state. Anything above that and I just get jittery.
I'm jealous. Coffee is dull and prolonged for me. I would prefer to use only that since it's healthier. C4 though is short and intense. I feel like a madman on it. Unfortunately, I love it.


The best deadlift day in recent memory. That massage did wonders for my low back and glutes, let alone my mobility. Also C4 is a decent pre workout. Worked up to 475x5 for a final main working set, then did some joker sets (500x3, 525, and 550). Finished with some prowler work at 225lbs + prowler for 100ft. Full log in video description if you're interested. Did quite a bit of volume.


There he is, it feels like it's been a while since I've seen a Brolic vid. Awesome as always.

I like how Brolic's definition of cardio is finding something that weighs like a car and pushing it.


I had a nice leg day. I was able to hit 135x3x5 for overhead squat. Then, I just went for some volume with 225x3x10. While I was doing the back squat, the 62 year old powerlifting lady was deadlifting behind me.

Now, a bit of context, she's pretty critical about form. She will give pointers to people if she feels you doing things incorrectly. And if you happen to know her, then she extra critical. So, I was ready for her to pick apart my squat.

However, she actually critiqued the guy next to me who was also doing squats. I forgot all the details, but she used me as an example and said that my form was fine.

WOO HOO!!!!!!!

Great praise coming from a 60 plus year old woman who does this:


There he is, it feels like it's been a while since I've seen a Brolic vid. Awesome as always.

I like how Brolic's definition of cardio is finding something that weighs like a car and pushing it.

It looks like he's running with a baby stroller. Except it has no wheels and the only baby in it would be a baby beluga whale.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Damn your deadlifts are dialed in Brolic. It's like a god damn tutorial video. And yes, I too am liking the slightly leaner version of you.


Feel bad because all lifts, especially the Squat seem stuck.
225 feels as heavy as it did 6 months ago and my max is not moving up.

I also STILL hurt my lower back way too frequent in the deadlift and doing assistance stuff after a deadlift session is a crazy painful affair.

I've been lurking long enough to know thats it probably because I dont sleep enough / use a slow progression like 5/3/1 / have to clean up technique but it still sucks.

I'm right there with you as far as stuck on 225 squats. Am in the process of working back up from 185 cause my form was out of whack. Doing pause squats and pushing my knees out like I should have been, so now I'm really feeling it. It's been all about form and technique for me lately.

Also, holy crap those DL's.
Random, but, my gym is full of social butterflies but not a single person ever talks to me at the gym. If they do, they'll talk to me for like a week or two then go back to never acknowledging me, lol. Maybe I just look like an asshole or come off awkward. For the most part I avoid people cause I'm focused on my workout, but I'm actually a really nice guy and enjoy people asking for help.

Anyone else like this? It means nothing in the grand scheme of things, but I just find it amusing watching all these guys talk to each other at the gym every day and pretty much avoiding me like the plague.

Maybe I smell bad.

It might be that they know each other from outside the gym. I know I can be pretty chatty if I run into someone I know, but otherwise I can come across as a huge dick.


Been a hectic few weeks. Finally moved into my new place and was able to hit the gym. Sitting at 157 lbs, 3RM week is around the corner. Looking at 305/325/365 for 3RM of b/s/dl

Evo X

Do you guys have any fun stories either about when your strength came in handy or you just had a realization, like "holy shit, I'm strong!"

I've pretty much had a normal build my whole life. Played a few sports for fun with some track and field in HS, but that's about the extent of my physical activity. Also did some lifting in HS for a few months, but stopped when I when to college.

These past 7 months are the first time I actually focused on increasing my strength through weight training, so I still distinctly remember how weak I used to be.

Anyway, my first realization was when we were selling one of our old refrigerators. Someone called about the ad on craigslist and said they would come pick it up from the garage.

Well, when they got here, it was an elderly couple that must have been in their 70s. The old guy said his son in law was supposed to come help him, but he never showed.

I just said no problem, picked the damn thing up by myself and loaded it into the back of their pickup. Old lady commended my strength. lol

Second one is when I was cleaning up the garage last week. I saw these two bags of salt that I wanted to move outside. They seemed pretty small, so I picked one up in each hand, carried them about 100ft and tossed em to the side. Didn't realize until after that they were 50lbs each.

Not a big deal, but still had a thought going through my mind that I would have never been able to do that last year.
Such an off day. Was doing squats and wasn't feeling it. Maybe it was my music choice. Lol those classical probably killed my mood when it played
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