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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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So, I got into a discussion on another site earlier about natural ways to increase testosterone and a particular study was brought up which had people watch porn for four minutes then do a three rep max for squats. Porn group managed more weight vs their control lifts.

So... uhh, there might be something to it.

I figured fuck it, I have my own gym so I'll leave some porn playing on the screen I normally use for my cycling videos etc. I can't say that I felt stronger, but I did definitely have a lot more energy... though I must admit that it was bloody distracting at times.

Set a few PRs, and interestingly, I seemed to be sweating more than normal, though no increase in average heart rate.

One major side effect... I'm horny as hell now. I guess two hours of porn will do that. glol



Thanks for the reply.

I'm sorry to be asking questions that may seen obvious, but I'm not quite grasping everything that is being said, either because I'm just dumb or because there is some kind of language barrier here (english is not my first language).

Most likely it's the language. Don't sweat it. I'll break the reply down here a little more to hopefully keep it clear.

I do understand that I should be using barbells and I do intend to use them in the program, as I'm aware of the weight of the bar+plates.

If I got the idea, what you described is what I'm supposed to do on my first week to find out what will be my loadout. Start with the bar only, do one rep. Add 10 lbs (2 plates of 5lbs), do another rep. Repeat until going slower.

No, do a full set of 5 reps. Add weight, full set of five reps. Repeat until you feel yourself going slower.

This weight (let us say, 30lbs) is gonna be my beginning weight from now on (Monday). I should repeat that to all exercises I'm doing for the first time.

Ok, this is why I was going on about barbell vs Dumbbells. The bar alone is 45 lbs. When you say "30 lbs is my beginning weight" it sounds like you are talking about Dumbbells... Because a barbell is 45 lbs plus whatever weight you loaded on.

In the scenario you describe above, where you are using a bar with 30lbs loaded on, the weight you are lifting is 75 lbs (a 45 lb bar plus 30 lbs in plates). THAT is your starting weight.

So if we are talking about Squat, on wednesday I'll be doing the same exercise with 40lbs. On Friday, 50lbs. And so on until I can't do all sets. When that happen, I should reset the weight 10~20% back.

You add 10 lbs every time, yes. Just don't forget the total weight includes the bar. Always record it that way, always include that when discussing it, always use that when calculating new weights especially when you reset (which is where it will make the most difference).

If you are deadlifting 150 lbs, that's a 45lb bar + 105lbs in plates. The reset is based off the total weight, NOT the weight of the plates which how you have been describing the weight you lift here. The true reset weight would be 10% of 150, not 10% of 105.

I think I got that. Having said that, I still don't know how (or if I should, at all) warmup before each exercise or before the entire routine.

Always warmup. Start with the bar and and do progressively smaller sets up until your working weight.

If you are scheduled to squat 150lbs, for example, your warmups might look something like this:

45 lbs (just the bar), 5 reps
60 lbs, 5 reps
90 lbs, 3 reps
120 lbs, 2 reps

Then do your work sets of 150, 3 sets of 5.

Moreso, on my last set of squat, should I keep going until 'fatigue' (AMRAP) or stick to 5 repetitions no matter what? Like 5 repetitions (set one), 5 repetitions (set two), 5 repetitions (set three) or 5, 5, X (as many as I can)?

Again, sorry for the dumb questions, but I'm trying not to kill myself here :p
BTW, that's the program I'm talking about:

You do what your chosen program says to do. If it says 3 sets of 5, you do 3 sets of 5. If last set is an AMRAP set it will say so. Some programs will use a + after the rep requirement to note that. So no, the program you are running does not call for a AMRAP set.
It happened again. I ate dinner, and then I downed 3 Quest Bars immediately afterwards. I wolfed them. With those pig sounds.

Hello darkness my old friend!!
Started beyond 5/3/1 for squat and bench. I like the idea of customizing the joker sets and the last set first for how I feel that day. Really lets me go with how my body feels and what I think I can achieve. Prolly not the best idea on a cut but hey, why not. Let me run through this for a few months before taking some time off and starting it up again in the fall.
So, I got into a discussion on another site earlier about natural ways to increase testosterone and a particular study was brought up which had people watch porn for four minutes then do a three rep max for squats. Porn group managed more weight vs their control lifts.

So... uhh, there might be something to it.

I figured fuck it, I have my own gym so I'll leave some porn playing on the screen I normally use for my cycling videos etc. I can't say that I felt stronger, but I did definitely have a lot more energy... though I must admit that it was bloody distracting at times.

Set a few PRs, and interestingly, I seemed to be sweating more than normal, though no increase in average heart rate.

One major side effect... I'm horny as hell now. I guess two hours of porn will do that. glol


isn't that what people do when they can't have sex. they usually do pushups? lol


Most likely it's the language. Don't sweat it. I'll break the reply down here a little more to hopefully keep it clear.

No, do a full set of 5 reps. Add weight, full set of five reps. Repeat until you feel yourself going slower.
Gotcha. Understood.

Ok, this is why I was going on about barbell vs Dumbbells. The bar alone is 45 lbs. When you say "30 lbs is my beginning weight" it sounds like you are talking about Dumbbells... Because a barbell is 45 lbs plus whatever weight you loaded on.

In the scenario you describe above, where you are using a bar with 30lbs loaded on, the weight you are lifting is 75 lbs (a 45 lb bar plus 30 lbs in plates). THAT is your starting weight.
I'm throwing those weights just for the sake of example. In truth, I don't even know how much 30lb weights because I'm not that familiarized with the imperial units. I'll be worrying about the conversion later on. Sorry about the confusion.

But this topic makes me wonder: when you say "add 5lbs to squat" you mean two plates of 5lbs (total of 10lbs per day) or two plates of ~2.5lbs (total of 5lbs per day)?

You add 10 lbs every time, yes. Just don't forget the total weight includes the bar. Always record it that way, always include that when discussing it, always use that when calculating new weights especially when you reset (which is where it will make the most difference).

If you are deadlifting 150 lbs, that's a 45lb bar + 105lbs in plates. The reset is based off the total weight, NOT the weight of the plates which how you have been describing the weight you lift here. The true reset weight would be 10% of 150, not 10% of 105.
Ow, I see. I didn't really put much thought into it, so I didn't think the weight of the bar would have much of a pratical impact. Understood.

Always warmup. Start with the bar and and do progressively smaller sets up until your working weight.

If you are scheduled to squat 150lbs, for example, your warmups might look something like this:

45 lbs (just the bar), 5 reps
60 lbs, 5 reps
90 lbs, 3 reps
120 lbs, 2 reps

Then do your work sets of 150, 3 sets of 5.
Great. That was one of my points of confusion.

You do what your chosen program says to do. If it says 3 sets of 5, you do 3 sets of 5. If last set is an AMRAP set it will say so. Some programs will use a + after the rep requirement to note that. So no, the program you are running does not call for a AMRAP set.
Well, I'm going for the one at the OP, so I imagine its 3 sets of 5, no matter what.

Thank you for your help and patience, Faiz, it's been really helpful.
I think I got that. Having said that, I still don't know how (or if I should, at all) warmup before each exercise or before the entire routine.

Definitely do warmup sets before each exercise if you can. If nothing else, it will help your body adjust to the immense weight of the bar once your work sets start getting heavy. It will also help burn the movement pattern into your brain so that once you get to your work sets, you can focus more on moving the bar and less on maintaining proper form. I use this website on my phone for calculating warmup sets for SS: http://warmupreps.com/

Also, if you are serious about doing Starting Strength as your program of choice, I would strongly recommend buying the book, if you haven't already.


Definitely do warmup sets before each exercise if you can. If nothing else, it will help your body adjust to the immense weight of the bar once your work sets start getting heavy. It will also help burn the movement pattern into your brain so that once you get to your work sets, you can focus more on moving the bar and less on maintaining proper form. I use this website on my phone for calculating warmup sets for SS: http://warmupreps.com/

Also, if you are serious about doing Starting Strength as your program of choice, I would strongly recommend buying the book, if you haven't already.
This site sure will be coming with me to the gym. Thanks.

And I'll take a look right now at the book. But the way you phrased your sentence made me wonder: Is there a better program to start with than the Starting Strenght? I'm going with this one solely based on the OP.
I was always under the impression people masturbated. :p

They're great, but you absolutely have to get the form right.
I highly recommend dumbbells and moving the upper arm through the extension to keep tension on the tris. I start with my upper arm perpendicular to the floor and DBs on the sides of my head and as I extend I rotate the arm upwards to a 30-45 degree angle so the maximum extension still carries tension on the tris vs just extending straight up. Some peeps do these with the arm locked at an angle and press above their heads, this is fine, too.

When I hit tris I always try to use a moving angle or an angle that keeps tension on the tris at full extension. Just me. I'm also a big fan of doing these underhand with an EZ curl bar. Hell I just enjoy working the tris. I have shoelaces for biceps so my arms have to come from somewhere XD
And I'll take a look right now at the book. But the way you phrased your sentence made me wonder: Is there a better program to start with than the Starting Strenght? I'm going with this one solely based on the OP.

I can't really say what's best since I have only been doing Starting Strength for a little over a month now, as a total novice. I am happy with my progress so far. I recommend the book because it will answer most of the questions you will have about the program, and also because it goes into incredible detail on how to properly learn and perform each excercise, which is especially important for preventing injuries.

And to offer some unsolicited advice, one of the best things I did as a beginner was buy a pair of actual weightlifting shoes. So you may want to look into that if you haven't already.


the piano man
Sphinx, you look great brother!! I didn't realize how skinny you were. Definitely put on some quality muscle!!

you are very kind. Thanks for taking your time to encourage people here.


3/3/3/3/3/4x 140kg/310lbs. It was amazing to squat 3 plates on each side for reps. Last set was a PR. I tend to have a little bit too much forward lean, but at least depth and speed are good :)

that looked great to me. very nice form. Congrats on your PR!

and sexy leggings! where do I buy them?? I want them in blue too :)


This site sure will be coming with me to the gym. Thanks.

And I'll take a look right now at the book. But the way you phrased your sentence made me wonder: Is there a better program to start with than the Starting Strenght? I'm going with this one solely based on the OP.

Regardless of what program you do, it behooves you to read as much about it and understand it as much as you can. There's really no "best" beginner program. One thing to keep in mind is that everything works... Until it doesn't. Then it's time to switch up programs.

You'll get a lot of mileage out of Starting Strength, or StrongLifts, or whatever program you choose, it's just important to follow the program as much as you can. Follow the program, eat for your goals, get plenty of sleep.

Another thing to keep in mind, the barbell movements are all about technique. Much to the surprise of many untrained lifters, a bench press isn't as simple as laying down and pushing up. A deadlift isn't as simple as picking a bar up off the ground. The Starting Strength book is really good at describing the mechanics of each lift in the program and making you understand what is efficient and what isn't, and why. It's just a great place to start all around. But also understand that many lifters spend years learning and tweaking and correcting their lifts. Brolic is probably the biggest lifter in this thread and that dude never stops learning from anyone he can and that's definitely one of the reasons he is so successful.

So keep reading, keep learning, record your lifts with your phone to see (or for others to point out) where you can improve. It will be a lifelong goal and process so never get discouraged.

The Chef

Oh man doing a proper clean takes some serious skills.
The tough part is getting under the bar and letting it land on your shoulders without a ton of impact.
Love them though. I'm definitely going to start incorporating them into my weekly routine.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
One of my favorite workouts tonight:

Deadlifts - 240lbsx3, 270x3, 300x3 (PR)
Farmer walks - 110s x ~20 steps x 3
Rack pulls (first time) - 135x10, 155x10, 175x10, 195x10, 215x10

Is 5x10 good for rack pulls, or would 5x3 be better? My only concern is increasing strength.

This deadlift PR brought to you 7 lbs BW lighter than a month ago. Gracías Brolic.


So I made a fun little post on r/fitness yesterday comparing my first ever before to now, and commenting how there's only a 2lb difference.

Well, it blew up. 2k upvotes and over 275k views 😱

Then the mods randomly removed it for it not having enough info in the middle of the night but I wrote more and they put it back up


I vote to put this picture in the next OP. It's what this is all about.




So I made a fun little post on r/fitness yesterday comparing my first ever before to now, and commenting how there's only a 2lb difference.

Well, it blew up. 2k upvotes and over 275k views 😱

Then the mods randomly removed it for it not having enough info in the middle of the night but I wrote more and they put it back up

I responded on your /r/progresspics thread, but infinite shout outs to you -- especially since you're the same height and age as me. :D Wish my beard game was as strong as yours though, my facial hair just grows straight out. :( Hopefully it'll settle down if I let it go on for long enough.


Since this is fitness related, any of you desk jockeys have standing desks at work?

I started a new job recently, losing my standing desk. Since I'm new, I don't want to demand too much up front. I'm sitting for the first time in 8 years!

Feels weird man.

I may do a standing desk after getting settled as I don't want to come across as a diva--I did get a nice raise from my previous job and the opportunity is much better career wise.


My gym replaced the power rack safetys with straps which is kind of nice... I guess they're better for the bars?

They are, but also not great for certain lifts.

I've just added neoprene to my pipe and pin, which as long as I don't flat out drop it on them from shoulder height; should protect the bar just fine.


So I had some labs done (blood) as a routine check up. Everything looked great except one thing: my cholesterol!

I have a total cholesterol level of 238 (200 is the normal max), most of which was good cholesterol. Problem is my LDL (bad cholesterol) of 120 (100 is the normal max).

Looking at my diet, most days I only have about 220mg of cholesterol. I don't eat a lot of red meat or processed foods. Weekends however, which is when I eat 4 eggs and bacon/sausage on both Saturday and Sunday, it skyrockets to 800+mg per day.

Have you guys ever had this issue? This is a first for me. I've always had normal levels.

I love eggs. They're my favorite food :(
Dietary cholesterol != Blood cholesterol

The link has been disproven time and time again. I could find you some studies if you really need, but yeah eggs are not the cause.

Also, bad cholesterol is not necessarily bad, but to understand that better you'd probably want to read this: http://www.amazon.com/dp/1844546101/?tag=neogaf0e-20

Edit - There's an excellent section in there on reducing your cholesterol levels naturally. If I can find my kindle I'll let you know what it says (though I do definitely recommend the book if you're concerned).


Dietary cholesterol != Blood cholesterol

The link has been disproven time and time again. I could find you some studies if you really need, but yeah eggs are not the cause.

Also, bad cholesterol is not necessarily bad, but to understand that better you'd probably want to read this: http://www.amazon.com/dp/1844546101/?tag=neogaf0e-20

I was literally just reading exactly that statement in an article. What the heck do I change then?

Edit: I'll check it out. Thank you!


Ahh, found it. The recommendations were (all backed by studies)...

  • Fish Oil (I personally take 650mg EPA / 450mg DHA daily)
  • 100mg cQ10 Daily
  • 100mcg Selenium Daily
  • 4g L-carnite Daily

The details are in the book (it's very long btw).

Hmm, well I've got the fish oil covered. I think I take over a gram daily. The rest I will have to look into. Thanks!


So I had some labs done (blood) as a routine check up. Everything looked great except one thing: my cholesterol!

I have a total cholesterol level of 238 (200 is the normal max), most of which was good cholesterol. Problem is my LDL (bad cholesterol) of 120 (100 is the normal max).

Looking at my diet, most days I only have about 220mg of cholesterol. I don't eat a lot of red meat or processed foods. Weekends however, which is when I eat 4 eggs and bacon/sausage on both Saturday and Sunday, it skyrockets to 800+mg per day.

Have you guys ever had this issue? This is a first for me. I've always had normal levels.

I love eggs. They're my favorite food :(

Try having a glass of red wine every night (one glass, 4 oz.). It honestly works.


So, I got into a discussion on another site earlier about natural ways to increase testosterone and a particular study was brought up which had people watch porn for four minutes then do a three rep max for squats. Porn group managed more weight vs their control lifts.

So... uhh, there might be something to it.

I figured fuck it, I have my own gym so I'll leave some porn playing on the screen I normally use for my cycling videos etc. I can't say that I felt stronger, but I did definitely have a lot more energy... though I must admit that it was bloody distracting at times.

Set a few PRs, and interestingly, I seemed to be sweating more than normal, though no increase in average heart rate.

One major side effect... I'm horny as hell now. I guess two hours of porn will do that. glol



Thanks for all of the info psycho. If my doctor tells me to exercise more, I might punch him in the face...


I vote to put this picture in the next OP. It's what this is all about.

I see you bruh.

I responded on your /r/progresspics thread, but infinite shout outs to you -- especially since you're the same height and age as me. :D Wish my beard game was as strong as yours though, my facial hair just grows straight out. :( Hopefully it'll settle down if I let it go on for long enough.

That's super awesome man :D

Yeah I was just like oh that's pretty cool, shows a neat difference. And then didn't expect it to blow up in comments


So I had some labs done (blood) as a routine check up. Everything looked great except one thing: my cholesterol!

I have a total cholesterol level of 238 (200 is the normal max), most of which was good cholesterol. Problem is my LDL (bad cholesterol) of 120 (100 is the normal max).

Looking at my diet, most days I only have about 220mg of cholesterol. I don't eat a lot of red meat or processed foods. Weekends however, which is when I eat 4 eggs and bacon/sausage on both Saturday and Sunday, it skyrockets to 800+mg per day.

Have you guys ever had this issue? This is a first for me. I've always had normal levels.

I love eggs. They're my favorite food :(
I had the same thing happen to me several months ago, except my LDL was 160. HDL was high and triglycerides were low = good. I was reading more into how they calculate your LDL, because they indirectly measure for it; turns out the formula used gets inaccurate with high HDL and low triglycerides, I don't remember which or if it's both, you can verify it.

Anyway the doctor said I have to cut meat (4oz ground beef from 8oz) and dairy (no more shredded cheese in he morning and no more coffee with heavy cream), which resulted in increasing my carbs to compensate. Going to see how that turns out, I'm going to get some blood work done in he near future. I'm skeptical because he doesn't care about my good HDL and triglycerides level and was so hung up on my LDL. LDL isn't one of the five criteria for metabolic syndrome.

I would suggest everyone to ask for a NMR LipoProfile test for their blood when they go for their checkups. The LDL particle number (LDL-P) is a better indicator of CVD, etc. It also comes with your actual LDL cholesterol level (LDL-C).


Lol the FitGAF shoutouts in that post from Sean made me smile. You look amazing dude, so crazy how much you've changed. Keep it up big guy.

Thanks man! 😁😁. It's guys like you, cooter and Brolic that keep a lot of people consistently lifting.

Quick overview of said principles?

- calorie counting is key
- know your ideal macros for your goals
- meal timing is important but not as necessary as the previous two points
- food composition and supplements have an even smaller impact than all previous 3

It's a good book! You should check it out.

"Pretty sure I saw you on Neogaf before...you were dating your sister IIRC" LOL wtf...

Lol! I've heard a couple times my wife and I look similar. I personally don't see it at all
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