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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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No, you eat a calorie deficit of 500 each day and have 1 cheat day in a week but go 3000 over. Was just randomly pondering. I can barely hit my calorie deficit nevermind going 3000 over anyways.

Gotcha. You threw me off with the 1 cheat meal a day line


Woo, hit all my macros with a minor (carb) calorie deficit. How important is it that I get that last 40g (out of 71g) of missing sugar? I'm having difficulty figuring out what to eat and 1tbsp of marmalade was incredibly too sweet for me. MFP states I should be getting only 90g of protein but that seems wrong (being at 170ish lbs), so I'm at 140g right now. Might be able to get another 20 in once my stomach settles and I have the rest of my protein shake.
Woo, hit all my macros with a minor (carb) calorie deficit. How important is it that I get that last 40g (out of 71g) of missing sugar? I'm having difficulty figuring out what to eat and 1tbsp of marmalade was incredibly too sweet for me. MFP states I should be getting only 90g of protein but that seems wrong (being at 170ish lbs), so I'm at 140g right now. Might be able to get another 20 in once my stomach settles and I have the rest of my protein shake.

lately the MFP has been messing up on me. like i have my protein at 225g and it says i'm about to hit it at 120 or something. at least on android that is.


I decided to just hit my mom's pool instead of going to the lake. Here's a picture of me and my oldest and youngest. Summer is here!

Most of FitGaf, myself included, are jelly of your kids. Not only do they get to cool off at a nice pool.

You can tell from those huge smiles that they are benefitting from your genes.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Most of FitGaf, myself included, are jelly of your kids. Not only do they get to cool off at a nice pool.

You can tell from those huge smiles that they are benefitting from your genes.
Thanks Szu. I appreciate it. I've got great kids. All are very grateful for what they have and they have huge hearts. Makes being a parent pretty damn easy.


Can't sleep, but this time I'm not going to waste 6 hours in bed. Gonna get up, do PC stuff till work, watch e3 stuff then pass out. No gym today.


I wore a medium shirt last weekend for the first time after losing around 20lbs...was extra large a few months ago. Unfortunately, I cheated like nobody's business too so need to get back on it.


Squat form check. Don't mind the idiot wearing the running shoes.

Edit: interesting how my knees come forward a bit when I try to sit low at the bottom of my squat. I think I lost the tension in my quads when I get that low.


Need some advice about working out and tattoos. I just got a pretty large tattoo on my back/shoulder area. Tattoo upkeep guides say to wait a while before exercising again. For those with experience, how long did you wait before resuming exercise of the tattoo area?


Need some advice about working out and tattoos. I just got a pretty large tattoo on my back/shoulder area. Tattoo upkeep guides say to wait a while before exercising again. For those with experience, how long did you wait before resuming exercise of the tattoo area?
Not until at least the scab was healed/gone. Not worth messing up the healing process. You will have the tattoo for life. Don't sweat missing a couple weeks of back/lats. If you still feel pain when the area stretches, wait longer.


Having a little issue at home, wondering if anyone has advice training wise. My gut says "stay the course, if you keep meeting prescribed reps keep increasing, if not reset as usual". But sometimes your gut can lie to you.

I've talked about my kid's sleeping problems before and it's impact on my sleep. Since changing his diet a few months ago subsequent to an autism diagnosis that improved dramatically. The last three weeks though it's become horrible again, we think due to anxiety from starting a 2 day summer program at the school where he'll be enrolled for 3 year preschool in the fall as part of his therapy regimen.

Anyway, the whys are probably irrelevant. End result is: the last three weeks I've been averaging maybe 5 hours a night, with some as bad as 3-4, and almost always significantly interrupted. We're doing everything we can think of to help him back to a better sleep routine (for all our sake) but in the meantime training is really taking a hit. Squats and bench are barely making reps, deadlift and OHP last week I only got 1 rep of the prescribed 3 on my top set. Even when I make reps, I'm feeling like shit. Today I hit a 1 rep PR on squat, and instead of feeling energetic and giddy like normal, I felt weepy and emotional so clearly my hormones are out of whack.

So I'm thinking about taking a complete break for a while till my sons sleep issues are back under control, but I want to stay the course and not give up ground. Am I being stubborn? Should I take a break?

TL;DR - son isn't sleeping so neither am I, training suffering, should I take a break or stay the course?


TL;DR - son isn't sleeping so neither am I, training suffering, should I take a break or stay the course?
I've gone through this a lot since I have 3 kids, one of whom is a year and just got through a wonderful teething phase.

Depending on how much sleep I get, I usually keep working out, even if I can't increase weight. I will even decrease if needed. I do this because I notice that even though I may not be making progress, taking a week or two off makes that problem even worse for me.

I think the bigger issue is being safe. If you are on 2 hours of sleep, getting under a squat bar might not be the best idea.
If you're not recovering properly, stop.

If you absolutely can't stop, maybe consider switching to some high rep stuff for a while so you're reducing the risk of hurting yourself.


I've been thinking about this IF and how it really tests your willpower and it got me thinking about an episode of Radiolab called "Limits" that discusses endurance running. I thought it was interesting what they found when your body activates its fatigue-warning mechanism when it senses you're "running out" of reserve energy (obviously) but (!) what they discovered when toying with hits mechanism was interesting:

  • The body activates the fatigue mechanism way earlier than necessary, well before you've even run out of reserves
  • You can trick this mechanism by swishing energy drink in your mouth and spitting it out; however
  • Your body knows the difference between 0-calorie sweeteners and ones with actual sugar - even if you spit it out!

They found that swooshing energy drink into your mouth convinces your fatigue mechanism that you're about to introduce fuel into your system and proceeds to deactivate the fatigue response.

Anyone ever heard of it? I'm wondering how this would effect IF is I swooshed and spit out gatorade. It'd be a waste, for sure, but I'm curious if it's effective to stave off hunger during the fasting window.
You really don't need to, it's trivial after a couple of weeks.

Interestingly enough, I was just planning on stopping using artificial sweeteners during my fasting period as there's (heavily debated) evidence that even though they're zero calorie, they can affect your blood sugar levels / insulin (including when "swooshed")... which you really don't want during a fasting period if you can avoid it.


You really don't need to, it's trivial after a couple of weeks.

Interestingly enough, I was just planning on stopping using artificial sweeteners during my fasting period as there's (heavily debated) evidence that even though they're zero calorie, they can affect your blood sugar levels / insulin... which you really don't want during a fasting period if you can avoid it.

Yeah, there are studies that show that although artificial sweeteners aren't absorbed by the body, gut bacteria can still utilize them for energy. Different sweeteners will promote different strains of bacteria, some good and some bad. Current studies point to Truvia/Stevia based sweeteners promoting beneficial bacteria, while others promote bacteria linked to diabetes. I posted about it here but I'll just copy/paste into this thread:

Was listening to an interesting podcast about this recently where she combs over the latest science journals for advice. Here are some excerpts:

But a new study suggests a tantalizing new explanation: although they don't directly raise your blood sugar, artificial sweeteners may affect how your body responds to the sugars in other foods, leading to elevated blood sugar and, possibly, insulin resistance, weight gain, or even Type 2 diabetes. The key turns out to be in the trillions of microbes that populate your gut.

The first key piece of evidence was that people who are overweight tend to have different intestinal flora than normal-weight individuals. Further, it appears that these microbes actually play a big role in promoting obesity. When intestinal bacteria are transplanted from the guts of obese subjects into the guts of normal subjects, the normal subjects start gaining weight. And vice versa.

The second piece of evidence is that zero-calorie sweeteners affect the makeup of your intestinal population. Although these sweeteners have no calories for us, they still provide a food source for your gut bacteria. Different bacteria appear to prefer different sweeteners. Lactobacillus and bifidobacteria, the beneficial bacteria found in yogurt and other probiotic foods, enjoy fructose, for example. A less helpful bacteria called Streptococcus mutans has an affinity for saccharine and aspartame (Equal.) Streptococcus mutans has been associated with an impaired ability to process sugar...the first step toward Type 2 diabetes.

This brings us to the latest study, published this month in the science journal, Nature. The researchers started with a series of animal studies. First, they determined that mice fed saccharine, aspartame, or sucralose had higher blood sugar levels than mice fed sugar or no sweeteners. Furthermore, the blood sugar problems in the mice appeared to be related to changes in their intestinal bacteria. They then did a very small, but tantalizing human study.

One last tip: Although the research on how various zero-calorie sweeteners affect gut bacteria is still pretty limited, there is some data to suggest that stevia-based sweeteners may be the best choice. Unlike Equal and Splenda, which encourage the growth of Streptococcus mutans, stevia appears to encourage the growth of a strain called Bacteroides, which, in combination with a diet rich in vegetables and fiber, appears to promote a healthy body weight.

And the research she refers to:

Link 1, 2, and 3.
Related, was also planning on trying some of those probiotic drinks. Never really considered them of any use in the past, but supposedly they're legit.


Related, was also planning on trying some of those probiotic drinks. Never really considered them of any use in the past, but supposedly they're legit.

I've been doing my own kefir for a little while now. Basically got the grains (ie. the culture) from someone and I give it fresh whole milk daily. After it has fermented one batch, I'll transfer the little fellow to another milk batch.

It should be swarming with beneficial bacteria. Much more so than in the commercially available ones.
so tired today. unsure why i decided to stay at the gym so long yesterday and decided it was okay to hit legs twice.

doesn't help that the pre i took decided to kick in 4 hours AFTER. so basically restless night last night lol
Related, was also planning on trying some of those probiotic drinks. Never really considered them of any use in the past, but supposedly they're legit.

I bought into the broscience so I eat cultured yogurt and cheese. Also added asparagus to my diet because they say it is a great prebiotic and better than any supplement. And it tastes good although it stinks when cooked


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I watched so you think you can squat with my little brother yesterday trying to teach him how to squat. It actually really helped me last night with my setup and focusing on pushing my knees out. The outside of my thighs are sore today which has never happened before.

Everyone, even those who think they got their squat on lockdown, should watch that series

I watched the first part a long time ago but decided to rewatch it again for good measure and I think I figured out something that was bothering me. I've always kept my head at neutral or bit below neutral since that's the way I was taught to squat and the video says keep it a bit above neutral. But I've noticed lately that the bar path on my squats is going a bit too forward causing me to use excessive lower back strength to get it back on track. I think my head was partially the cause of this since it made keeping my chest up difficult.

I haven't recorded my squats in a while so I'll try to take a video today and do a comparison of what I'm doing to the video.
I bought into the broscience so I eat cultured yogurt and cheese. Also added asparagus to my diet because they say it is a great prebiotic and better than any supplement. And it tastes good although it stinks when cooked

I don't really know what cultured cheese is, that's a new one to me.

...and I love asparagus, but it's far too expensive here to eat a lot of. I actually grow it, but the crops never work out that big.


Is it normal that whey protein give you acne? I feel like I'm back to 14, and who cares about a good body if your face looks like the grand canyon. What do you guys think I can do?


Is it normal that whey protein give you acne? I feel like I'm back to 14, and who cares about a good body if your face looks like the grand canyon. What do you guys think I can do?

You sure it's from the whey? Could be from hormones from lifting more, sweat clogging your pores from sweating more, etc.


Is it normal that whey protein give you acne? I feel like I'm back to 14, and who cares about a good body if your face looks like the grand canyon. What do you guys think I can do?
Not normal man. I consume whey daily and my face softer than a babies. Have yet to see any side effects from it. You have that type of reaction with dairy products in general?
You're right. The thing is that's the only "variable" I can find as I was clean 3 weeks ago. I'm taking Nitrotech whey, it was very expensive but I heard good things about it.

I'm very sad :/

damn =/

I would be too, that sucks. You could try a different whey. Maybe you can get your money back or exchange it for a different product?


I see guys, thanks. So hormones it is. It's likely because I've never worked out so hard and constant in my life so it might be a side body effect. Do you have any advice besides a paper bag? Haha thank you!


I see guys, thanks. So hormones it is. It's likely because I've never worked out so hard and constant in my life so it might be a side body effect. Do you have any advice besides a paper bag? Haha thank you!
I have the same issue from working out, with and without whey. I get it on my upper back, which is why I never show back shots.

I try to shower twice a day and getting some sun (in moderation) really helps clear it up. Don't use any harsh scrubbers or anything. It can make it worse.


Really proud of my girlfriend. She's only been to the gym five times in her life. Today was her fifth time. Last time she went was a month or two ago.

Anyway, I feel like she's pretty fucking strong for being basically untrained. I was there to correct her form when need-be, but it was great for the most part.

Her lifts:

Bench: 3x5 @ 70
OHP: 3x5 @ 50
Squats: 3x5 @ 105
Deadlifts: 1x5 @ 135

Ummm.... someone correct me if I'm wrong, but these are pretty awesome numbers, no?

For being basically untrained her pressing is impressive


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
How do you guys handle the eccentric (downward) movement of a deadlift? I've been doing a negative motion where I try to control the descent as much as possible so I don't slam the weight down. Problem is that it makes the following reps more difficult and according to some lifters I know it's more dangerous for your lower back to try to slow the weight down when it's really heavy.


How do you guys handle the eccentric (downward) movement of a deadlift? I've been doing a negative motion where I try to control the descent as much as possible so I don't slam the weight down. Problem is that it makes the following reps more difficult and according to some lifters I know it's more dangerous for your lower back to try to slow the weight down when it's really heavy.

I have no reason to do the negative, makes deadlifts a lot harder to recover from and not worth the extra hypertrophy. I do a full reset in between reps and just drop the bar after every rep, gym doesn't mind, though if it did I'd just lower it safely as fast as possible.

Thinking about switching to sumo instead of conventional. Does it matter which one I do????

What is your training goal?


I see guys, thanks. So hormones it is. It's likely because I've never worked out so hard and constant in my life so it might be a side body effect. Do you have any advice besides a paper bag? Haha thank you!

Not saying you are doing this but never go to sleep after a workout without showering, if you're developing acne.


Not saying you are doing this but never go to sleep after a workout without showering, if you're developing acne.
I would say never go to sleep without at least washing your face period, even if you worked out and showered in the morning. Trust me. Makes a huge difference.
Something bit one of my forearms yesterday and suddenly I find myself looking like Darth, all swole and shit.

Left arm looks pathetic as normal. lol
Man, I'm definitely not feeling swole at the moment. Had a terrible flu last week and had to take a week off from training so feeling weak and puny. Not cool. Well, I'm back to the gym now even though I'm still not feeling 100 %. Had a pretty light shoulder day yesterday and today I did some chin-ups and arms but I was done in 30 mins or so. At least the chin-ups went well and I'm back at the +10 chin-ups club. Earlier this year I was struggling to hit three sets of five but losing 20 pounds has helped a lot and chin-ups feel lighter and lighter every week. Probably going to switch to pullups in a few weeks.


OK FastGAF, you just lost a club member.

I cannot for the life of me stop binging after my fasts. At first I was fine, but my meals kept getting bigger and dirtier until bad things started to happen and cravings became primal. Very strange.

Also, and this might be BS, but I felt like I was having mood swings lol.

Back to more frequent smaller meals for me.


OK FastGAF, you just lost a club member.

I cannot for the life of me stop binging after my fasts. At first I was fine, but my meals kept getting bigger and dirtier until bad things started to happen and cravings became primal. Very strange.

Also, and this might be BS, but I felt like I was having mood swings lol.

Back to more frequent smaller meals for me.

Good to have you back, bud!
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