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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Medium?? I wear a large! So when are we getting a progress pic? 229? 225? 200? 215?

It was a tight fit! I'm wearing large everyday but stuff isn't as tight as it used to be, which I'm bugged about, I'm now used to tighter clothing. When I was obese, I obviously wore baggy clothes all the time, so that was a hard habit to kick.

I'll post new progress pic when I'm in the 210s. I'll have 2 or more pairs of boxer briefs on just to make sure.


Thanks bud, it's light weight really, but working reps and no tacky sucks

That tank I was in the other day for deads and the T shirt I wore for the DL competition were large. Lol.

Ok this post made me try on one of my old favorite large gym shirts. It actually fits kinda nice. :)



I feel like I'm just discovering my strength gains.

I while ago I was struggling to squat 210 now I'm doing 230 5x5.

I think it helped that I'm committing to if its not a deep squat it ain't a squat.


So I'm currently attempting to make a protein cheesecake today. I couldn't find the Optimal Nutrition brand for protein powder, so I ended up buying something called Isoflex. Smelled good; hope it tastes good, too. And I accidentally bought sweetener in packets, so I had to spend 10 minutes opening 200 packs, lol. Also, I couldn't find fat-free cream cheese. Ended up going with Light Philadelphia cheese.

I don't know if it's because of the cream cheese, but after doing some quick math, the calories in this cheesecake will be 1500, which is way more than the 865 the recipe said. I guess I need to look for lower-calorie ingredients? The sweetener was 500 by itself.

I'm a huge proponent of martial arts. If you only want to start working out at home. Then, you can probably benefit more with some immediate to advanced bodyweight workouts. I posted a link a few pages back. Most BW workouts focus on your core. And that's one of the most important aspects of martial arts training.

I'm assuming you mean the link in this post?

I don't have much equipment at home, but that video has plenty that do without. I'll give them a shot. Would doing fewer, more advanced workouts be more beneficial than doing longer, more simpler ones? Like the push-up. Is it better to do, say, 50 of the ones where you clap as opposed to 100 of the normal ones?


What's up guys.

It's been a long time since I've been in here. It's been over a year of me injuring my shoulder, rehab, injury, rehab, injury, rehab, 4 months off completely, got weak as hell but not inflamed anymore, and now I'm slowly rehabbing back up.

To put it in perspective, I was doing weighted push-ups with 50 pounds before the injury and now I can barely do a kneeling quarter push-up without shaking like crazy. This is the same shoulder that I've already had 2 surgeries on. My shoulder joints (both of them) are hypermobile so I need to bulletproof my shoulders.

My goal is to work up slowly to being able to do a couple clean push-ups. Seriously, that is it (for now).

For anyone that couldn't do a push-up for whatever reason and then now are doing them, what is the best form of progression? (sets/reps, frequency, exercises etc?).


Had to post some pics of the korean BBQ today, 100% keto safe and delish. Everything is topped with sesame oil and spices.



Had to post some pics of the korean BBQ today, 100% keto safe and delish. Everything is topped with sesame oil and spices.

Ugh, there's absolutely no Korean BBQ. Can't wait to visit home in two weeks!


Had to post some pics of the korean BBQ today, 100% keto safe and delish. Everything is topped with sesame oil and spices.

Man that looks deeeeelishus.

Just cycled for ~7 hours... and now I'm going to watch Le Mans and have a MASSIVE CHEAT DAY.

7 hours!? good lawd enjoy your cheat day my friend.

Training multiple events in one day is brutal. No video of farmers since forearm still giving me shit, cut them short.

Circus DB 85x5. And atlas stones, no tacky to 46" 160lbs x 5 and to 54" same weight x5.


I love your vids man, I honestly have learned quite a bit from watching them. Saw your squatting vid and that got me into front squats.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I decided to just hit my mom's pool instead of going to the lake. Here's a picture of me and my oldest and youngest. Summer is here!



Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Haha. I call it her pool but it is a central pool for everyone who lives in the town homes. Geez, I wish!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Probably somewhere around 12. Maybe a shade higher. No flexing. I may have been laughing though. Not sure.


Well, damn. The protein cheesecake was a dud. I don't know if it was the protein powder or what, but it somehow came out both sweet and bitter, lol. I don't know if I should just throw it out or try to eat it throughout the week. I guess I can try it with some strawberries tomorrow morning. If it still tastes like crap, I'm just gonna toss it. I'm not wasting my limited calorie intake on something I don't like. It's a good thing I bought just enough ingredients. Except for the protein powder, but I'm hoping I can make tastier things using that.

Edit: Man, this cheesecake really does suck. No amount of strawberries is gonna change that. I guess I can chalk this up to a learning experience. I'll definitely have to research the different brands of protein powder available to me to find a good one.


Has anyone seen this this weird dude's bodybuilding videos on YouTube?

The comments on all his videos are interesting to say the least.

He's clearly enhanced if that's what you're taking about and seriously doubt he's 19.

Even Jeff Seid who is juiced to the gills doesn't have that development yet.

Bodybuilders tend to peak in mid 30s since it takes a long time to put on muscle, even on drugs.

Impressive work though, geared or not. He's moving some serious weight.


Persecution Complex
Well I think I've built back that foundation that was lost on my pizza, beer and drugs diet. I was alternating with Chest/Shoulders, Back and leg days.

Today I went full body workout of Squats, Incline Bench, back row pull downs and pull-ups because I don't think I'm ready for dead lifts yet. Haven't dead lifted since football a decade ago.

Now begins the transformation from 6'5 220 Lbs to my goal of 230-235 lbs. The train has already left the station and there is no stopping it now.
Finally back from a ban.....in a Dragon Ball Z thread of all fucking places
Faulconer still sucks

Anyways I'm trying to see if I can still increase my strength while doing gentle calorie deficits (like maybe 100-200 less than maintenance). 531 is perfect for this I think because of the slow progression

So far I'm 201 down from 210 and still able to get my reps


Someone mentioned an alternate cable fly method earlier. Gave it a go, really didn't like it. Felt like it put a horrible amount of strain on my shoulder joint; no way I'd risk going heavy with it.

It's not meant to be used heavy. Maybe you used too much weight?
Just crushed leg day today. Going out to dinner tonight with the family for a birthday. Eyeballing the menu these are my two choices:

Steak and Eggs, filet mignon with 2 sunny side, side of sweet potato fries

Full slab, side of sweet potato fries

I'm T1 diabetic but allow 1 cheat meal where I don't worry about simple carbs. I'm opting for the full slab. With fries that should be close to 1.4k cals. About 110g of protein in that one slab. Overkill but its my cheat meal.

I don't worry to much about sat fat from a single meal per week and being a Type 1 isn't bad gunning for sugary BBQ sauce - any time of day, right after eating, 30 min, hour, 2 hour, any time you can ask me to check my blood and I'm 90-110 at all times. I'm a machine with my glucose levels. A1C is always amazing so I don't sweat the cheat. Bit more insulin and I'm tops.

Slab or Steak? SLAB OR STEAK?


Thanks for the help for IF advice yesterday. I was able to hit my macros (Thanks, Qdoba). Went a little bit over on fat (Thanks, Qdoba) but I reached my protein goal without too much trouble. Third day is shaping up to be easier than the last two in terms of how much willpower I need to not think about eating. This unsweetened Trenta iced Green Tea is working wonders at keeping my appetite at bay.


So its not much compared to some of you guys but I hit some personal goals this week.

Deadlift - 380
Bench - 145
Squat - 260(could've done more but got self conscious when some bigger dudes started squating next to me)

The only thing is that I don't look any different but I know I'm getting stronger. My diet is still pretty shit and I just took a promotion where I won't be nearly as active as I was before. While I'm happy to see on paper my numbers go up, I still feel like shit if I look the way I do. Bleh.


So, I'm pretty new to squats and I was wondering if I'm getting a little shaky towards the bottom of a rep, should I lift a lower weight?


Why does he wear the mask!?
Right, this is a weird question.

Say I'm at a 500 calorie deficit at the end of each day and I take 1 cheat meal a day. If I went 3000 calories over my TDEE (I dunno how, but bear with me) Would that mean my progress throughout the week would be for naught? Would the 3000 calories cancel out that work?

I know it's a weird question, just wondered.


Right, this is a weird question.

Say I'm at a 500 calorie deficit at the end of each day and I take 1 cheat meal a day. If I went 3000 calories over my TDEE (I dunno how, but bear with me) Would that mean my progress throughout the week would be for naught? Would the 3000 calories cancel out that work?

I know it's a weird question, just wondered.

What progress? Maybe I'm misunderstanding but you're taking 1 cheat meal a day and going over your desired calories?


So, I'm pretty new to squats and I was wondering if I'm getting a little shaky towards the bottom of a rep, should I lift a lower weight?

Kind of a tough question. If your form is suffering, yes. If not, no, but focus on some of the stabilizers that can help (for instance, leg lifts). Also, make sure you're using proper weightlifting shoes.


What progress? Maybe I'm misunderstanding but you're taking 1 cheat meal a day and going over your desired calories?
He's wondering if he can kill a 6-day steady calorie defecit with one huge cheat day.

In other words "do calories average out over time?"


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
He's wondering if he can kill a 6-day steady calorie defecit with one huge cheat day.

In other words "do calories average out over time?"
Kill? Well you will undue some progress but with 3 or 4 days of strict clean eating you should be where you were pre cheat day. At least that's how my body works.


Why does he wear the mask!?
What progress? Maybe I'm misunderstanding but you're taking 1 cheat meal a day and going over your desired calories?

No, you eat a calorie deficit of 500 each day and have 1 cheat day in a week but go 3000 over. Was just randomly pondering. I can barely hit my calorie deficit nevermind going 3000 over anyways.


Kind of a tough question. If your form is suffering, yes. If not, no, but focus on some of the stabilizers that can help (for instance, leg lifts). Also, make sure you're using proper weightlifting shoes.
All right, I'll do some experimenting and see how it goes. Thanks for the advice!
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