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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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What a lovely day. WHAT A LOVELY DAY!

Dope shirt and pic.

I've been working on my apparel line Battle District (@battle_District) so I haven't had much time to post, but here is an update. It's a result of German Volume Training... and yes, I'm still a Vegan.


Shredded as fuck. You look fantastic.


Yup, looking pretty damn ripped Team Jones.

Made the switch to chicken, eliminating all deli meat this week. Hopefully I can do this long term to cut down my sodium and get some better quality protein.


I've been working on my apparel line Battle District (@battle_District) so I haven't had much time to post, but here is an update. It's a result of German Volume Training... and yes, I'm still a Vegan.

Looking good man. Keep us updated on the apparel as well!
Made the switch to chicken, eliminating all deli meat this week. Hopefully I can do this long term to cut down my sodium and get some better quality protein.

Oddly I've never really worried about my sodium intake, though my blood pressure tends towards low, so I've never had to be concerned about it from that angle.
I was starting to see abs, then I had a pizza and can't see them anymore "D

-Team Jones, I mention you when people say vegans can't be swole because of carbs and lack of meat.
Just had my last bench session before trying my one rep max next week. Decided to do some doubles and triples instead of my usual fives and was able to do two sets of three with 120 kg (265 lb). Pretty happy with that. It should put my max between 127-130 kg. 130 kg (286 lb) would equal my PR from December even though I'm now 20 lb lighter so really glad that I haven't really lost any strength despite the weight loss.

Team Jones looking big and ripped. I've been trying to decrease the amount of meat and dairy recently and it's good to see that you can still get fantastic results on a vegan diet.
Shredded as fuck. You look fantastic.

Thanks bruh!!

Damn you even keep your six pack when sitting down? SHEEEEET

Back Straight and Flex LOL

-Team Jones, I mention you when people say vegans can't be swole because of carbs and lack of meat.

Thanks man, It's been about a year now. I like it, but I had my fair share of rough times especially while traveling internationally... Brazilian's pop there popcorn inBacon Fat with Bacon Chucks

Yup, looking pretty damn ripped Team Jones.

Made the switch to chicken, eliminating all deli meat this week. Hopefully I can do this long term to cut down my sodium and get some better quality protein.

Thanks! Deli meat's sodium content is crazy, but it's such a good quick meal. Just remember to drink a lot of water if you hop back on the Deli-Meat wagon.

How much you weighing these days Jones? Looking great!

Thank you! 5'9" 190! ...been fluctuating since it's summer; I've been doing more HIIT, my workouts aren't as consistent as during the winter and my German Volume Training routine is damn near circuit training (90 or 60 second rest periods between supersets).


I've been working on my apparel line Battle District (@battle_District) so I haven't had much time to post, but here is an update. It's a result of German Volume Training... and yes, I'm still a Vegan.


Awesome, man. Good going on staying Vegan. We need someone to balance out MTP.
Yessss! 7.2 miles in 63 minutes.

Finally gtting my "endurance" time down to sub 9-minutes per mile. I need to sign up for that half marathon to keep my motivation high. It can make such a huge difference in your training when you have some short term goals.

My goal is sub 10 minutes for my mile, which has been pretty tough. I'm definitely not built for distance, and since I started lifting, I kinda want to do more and more of that instead (lol). I know I need to keep at it for my health though, so I will persevere.

Except that I've been on vacation for like a week and am battling a shitty cold and migraine headache that has kept me from doing any exercising or healthy eating. Feels bad, man


Yessss! 7.2 miles in 63 minutes.

Finally gtting my "endurance" time down to sub 9-minutes per mile. I need to sign up for that half marathon to keep my motivation high. It can make such a huge difference in your training when you have some short term goals.

Does 3.2 miles count as distance/endurance? lol. I'm not a runner by any means, but I ran in a corporate challenge race in Central Park 2 weeks ago; only the 2nd time I've run more than maybe 1.5 miles straight thru in my life (first time was in the same corporate challenge race last year). My pace improved from 10:01/mi to 8:53/mi year over year which has me pretty stoked considering I barely do any cardio.

I was hurting real bad for the next couple of days tho lol.


My goal is sub 10 minutes for my mile...

Except that I've been on vacation for like a week and am battling a shitty cold and migraine headache that has kept me from doing any exercising or healthy eating. Feels bad, man

You will get there. Time is on your side of you continue to train and gradually progress.

Also, breaks like that happen. It's life. Don't allow yourself to get too frustrated about it. Get back on track when you feel better.


Does 3.2 miles count as distance/endurance? lol. I'm not a runner by any means, but I ran in a corporate challenge race in Central Park 2 weeks ago; only the 2nd time I've run more than maybe 1.5 miles straight thru in my life (first time was in the same corporate challenge race last year). My pace improved from 10:01/mi to 8:53/mi year over year which has me pretty stoked considering I barely do any cardio.

I was hurting real bad for the next couple of days tho lol.

That's awesome!

I'm sure psychotext would laugh at us even using the term "endurance" lol. There are marathon runners (26.2 mi) and even ultra runners (100+ mi), so Im really just using the term from my own perspective on my humble scale of a half marathon being a challenge for myself at any pace.


Sorry to repost, but any feedback would be appreciated. I do feel like I'm messing up my form at the bottom in an effort to get lower.

Squat form check. Don't mind the idiot wearing the running shoes.

Edit: interesting how my knees come forward a bit when I try to sit low at the bottom of my squat. I think I lost the tension in my quads when I get that low.


Going back down, at 233.2 this morning. Not really too concerned since this week is going to be all over the place, but want to keep an eye on things.

Feel OK right now, once I eat I should feel good to lift today.


Yessss! 7.2 miles in 63 minutes.

Finally gtting my "endurance" time down to sub 9-minutes per mile. I need to sign up for that half marathon to keep my motivation high. It can make such a huge difference in your training when you have some short term goals.


My first 10k was 67 mins. It was pretty much couch to 10k in a month. Now for my second race, I have 4 months to train. I'm aiming for a sub 55 finish. Here's hoping I can achieve my goal too.


Sorry to repost, but any feedback would be appreciated. I do feel like I'm messing up my form at the bottom in an effort to get lower.

Looks fine to me, I honestly don't think you need to go THAT low though. As long as your hip crease goes below your knees, you're working the muscles properly.


Looks fine to me, I honestly don't think you need to go THAT low though. As long as your hip crease goes below your knees, you're working the muscles properly.
I can feel my quads losing tension when I go that low. I don't think that's good. So you are right that I probably should stop forcing myself to go that low


I can feel my quads losing tension when I go that low. I don't think that's good. So you are right that I probably should stop forcing myself to go that low

I think the consensus is if flexibility allows and there is no back rounding, the deeper is better.


Sorry to repost, but any feedback would be appreciated. I do feel like I'm messing up my form at the bottom in an effort to get lower.

Looks fine to me. Agree with Bowser looks like you're going pretty low. I usually go no lower than parallel to the bar. Maybe a little lower than that if the weight is light enough.


Sorry to repost, but any feedback would be appreciated. I do feel like I'm messing up my form at the bottom in an effort to get lower.

It looks great man, not sure what the issue is. Are you doing 135 in the vid though (sorry if I didn't spot more plates)? If so, do your 5 or 3 RM and post a vid since form breaks down sometimes at higher weight.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Man oh man. We went to the beach Monday and I got burned pretty bad. I attempted to squat yesterday but when I worked up to three plates I was in some serious discomfort. Did 3 and said screw it and went downstairs and did walking DB lunges. Haha


Man oh man. We went to the beach Monday and I got burned pretty bad. I attempted to squat yesterday but when I worked up to three plates I was in some serious discomfort. Did 3 and said screw it and went downstairs and did walking DB lunges. Haha

There are some things in life that bother a man more than they should. Sunburn is definitely one. I can't do anything when I have a bad burn.
Had that with cycling the other day. Straps on my camelbak (water bag) were bouncing up and down on the sunburn on my shoulders. Was horrible, every little bump became agony.


It looks great man, not sure what the issue is. Are you doing 135 in the vid though (sorry if I didn't spot more plates)? If so, do your 5 or 3 RM and post a vid since form breaks down sometimes at higher weight.
Yep that was only 135 which is my warm up weight. Will check it with working weight and compare. Thanks!


Man oh man. We went to the beach Monday and I got burned pretty bad. I attempted to squat yesterday but when I worked up to three plates I was in some serious discomfort. Did 3 and said screw it and went downstairs and did walking DB lunges. Haha

Ugh, it doesn't take much to burn me too. Just a few minutes too long and I switch to my lobster setting.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Hey friends. With all the downtime associated with a gaf ban I got fat. Checking in to weight loss gaf.


Had a fantastic session today, did 3x170 and 2x190 on overhead press. I probably didn't have the third rep in me, so I didn't try. Felt freaking terrific tho.

Also got 16-18 pull ups today total in 5 sets I did. Felt pretty amazing.

Keep in mind this is still only 1750 calories a day. And I weighed in at 233lbs this morning.

Hey friends. With all the downtime associated with a gaf ban I got fat. Checking in to weight loss gaf.

Brother. We welcome you back with open arms. Hit that cutting cycle broseph.
Below is my German Volume Training (GVT) routine, It's actually great for summer/pre-summer cut-up!

German Volume Training (GVT)

-'Superset' is the grouping of two (or more) exercises
-High Volume Training, so start lite! The goal is to make it through the entire superset without adding or subtracting weight.

Day 1: Chest & Back

A's: Superset - 10 sets @ 10 reps (90 sec OR LESS between each exercise. 90 sec rest between supersets)
A1- Decline Dumbbell Press (palms facing inwards)
A2- Chin-Up (palm facing inwards)

B's: Superset 3 sets @ 12 reps (60 sec OR LESS between each exercise. 60 sec rest between supersets)
B1- Incline Dumbbell Flyes
B2- One-Arm Dumbbell Row

Day 2: Legs and Abs

A's: Superset - 10 sets @ 10 reps (90 sec OR LESS between each exercise. 90 sec rest between supersets)
A1- Squats (Ass to the grass! Heel should be driving in the groups NOT the toes or balls of your feet)
A2- Lying Leg Curls

B's: Superset 3 sets @ 15 -20 reps (60 sec OR LESS between each exercise. 60 sec rest between supersets)
B1- Cable Crunch (http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercis...-cable-crunch-with-alternating-oblique-twists)
B2-Seated Calf Raises

Day 3: Arms and Shoulders

A's: Superset - 10 sets @ 10 reps (90 sec OR LESS between each exercise. 90 sec rest between supersets)
A1 - Parallel Bar Dips
A2- Incline Hammer Curls

B's: Superset 3 sets @ 12 reps (60 sec OR LESS between each exercise. 60 sec rest between supersets)
B1 - Bent-Over Dumbbell Lateral Raises
B2 - Seated Dumbbell Lateral Raises

German Volume Training (GVT)

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Thanks friends. Been a tumultuous time. Moving, traveling, moving, it's just crazy. Looking forward to settling in, taking root, and regaining my once-legendary focus. No excuses! Either I fuckin want it, or I don't. That's all there is to it!
Boy I want to. When I got in on Monday I wondered why I never stayed here. Beach life is the life for me, hands down. The fuck am I doing in Oklahoma?

Beaches for me as well. I love Denver but I would get rid of the mountains for beaches in an instant. Either that or let me travel to Cali every 6 weeks or so on the company's dime. I be happy with that.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Beaches for me as well. I love Denver but I would get rid of the mountains for beaches in an instant. Either that or let me travel to Cali every 6 weeks or so on the company's dime. I be happy with that.
So far I'm getting there. Work has really been sticking new shit on me and I love it. I'm out in Santa Ana right now soaking up some crazy expenses. It's beautiful.


Had a pretty good leg day session. Hit a new personal best.

Overheard squat

Something just clicked with my form and I was able to knock out two sets of 7 at the weight. Normally, my posture gets compromised after the 5th rep. I think I could have hit 10 reps on the first set, but I was in shock that I did more than 5.

Finish the rest of the night with some volume work on back and front squats, hammies, and calves.


Nice, are you running the Massthetics template of the conjugate method?

It's similar but I didn't have all the information they've just recently put out when I started running it back in October. I'll edit this post with my version of it when I get on a PC.
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