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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Aarrrrrgh. How irritating it can be to go to a gym with a family member who has no idea what she is doing. She is an obese single mom who mainly does accessory movements and zumba and explains to me that she "doesn't want to have too much muscles since the ladies on fitness competitions look gross". Great, just great. She seems to think that muscles are like influenza just waiting the right moment to find their way into your body - you don't even want it but it just kinda happens. Oh well, I guess it is better that at least she does something and tries to improve herself.

Also as a very positive note I can finally take down all my meds. Within matter of weeks I should be free from them and slowly get back to my normal gym routines (I just need to find myself a new gym). If the pain will come back I will go to the surgery but it seems (and I certainly hope) that it will be smooth sailing.

This is only 10 days after the last shot.
I weigh 4lbs more and I have a lower BF% so its working so far but I just have to see how quickly I plateau.


So far I am impressed.

Also the a tan adds 10lbs.
Well, so far I am extremely impressed as well. :p

I'm pretty sure you were taller than me though? Or am I misremembering? I'm only 5'3 so 150 for me is tooooooo much.

NO. They had me stay even later today at work hahahaha. Got home, made a quick protein shake for dinner, now in bed. The project I was working on is done now though so... Working out tomorrow, come hell or high water. So maybe I'll do a compact "week 1" of SS tomorrow, Friday and Saturday and then get on the proper M/W/F rotation next week. Or something lol. It never works out correctly.

I need to do some more walking--lots of forest paths right beside me. :) Who's Rabbitweed??
I am quite exactly 5'6 so not that much taller. :p You have had amazing results. So good to see you being positive as well. :D

How has your working out been so far? I just myself got back home today and last week all I did was gardening, walking and gym once with my little sister.

Oh and Rabbitweed is one lad from here. He seems to be pretty nice (listening me opening up about my work outs, meds and so forth) and free ride is always highly appreciated.

Dunno why the previous image just disappeared, but here it is again:


So yeah, 12-15% bodyfat percentage seems like a fair estimate, yes?
I have no idea what is your bf%, but what I do know, is that you look pretty damn nice.

Sort of cross post from the fitness progress thread. For the past month my XL have been a bit too baggy. I've been holding off converting to Ls because I felt uncomfortable in them. My wife finally convinced me and I grabbed 4 polos and 5 v necks from Uniqlo for under 100.00 (happy birthday America!)

I like the fit. I just haven't worn a large in over 2 years
It does look very good on you. Well done. You have come a long way!

So I'm going to continue to avoid this thread lol. Going to enter into another comp for Aug 15 since it's in the same place and I'm already lean. If anyone has missed me in here, sorry. I'll be back eventually...
Awwwwww. I have missed you! You better be back with another awesome set of pics if you will be gone again. :p

What, no speedos???
I am also slightly disappointed.

Finally, calves starting to come back. One flexed, one not.

and chest gains

Hurt my lower back pushing my DL yesterday though, definitely from arching. I knew it the moment it happened. Stretched it out and went for a run today, feeling better already.
What have you been doing what comes to your calves? Mine are becoming pitiful and I don't know what to do.

Also I really liked the photos. Thanks for sharing. :D


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Jesus Christ dude. You weren't kidding. You can eat. Possibly rivaling MTP??

(Camera pans to MTP eating 3 rotisserie chickens, a chocolate cake and his monitor in disgust...end scene)
You're great. That was fantastic!


Brian Burke punched my mom
Jesus Christ dude. You weren't kidding. You can eat. Possibly rivaling MTP??

(Camera pans to MTP eating 3 rotisserie chickens, a chocolate cake and his monitor in disgust...end scene)

I just snacked on a bag of round donuts, ate over 20 of them with 500ml of milk and a berry smoothie.

They're 130cal each.

Now I have to go pause squat. :(

I finally did lunges for the first time since I tore the adductors in my leg last November, while doing lunges.. This was a huge mental block for me.
Aarrrrrgh. How irritating it can be to go to a gym with a family member who has no idea what she is doing. She is an obese single mom who mainly does accessory movements and zumba and explains to me that she "doesn't want to have too much muscles since the ladies on fitness competitions look gross". Great, just great. She seems to think that muscles are like influenza just waiting the right moment to find their way into your body - you don't even want it but it just kinda happens. Oh well, I guess it is better that at least she does something and tries to improve herself.

My nephew is like this. "I don't want to get bulky"

It's amazing really. I've been spending all this time trying to put on a bit of size, and these lucky bastards walk out of their first lifting session built like brick shithouses. :(


I finally did lunges for the first time since I tore the adductors in my leg last November,while doing lunges.. This was a huge mental block for me.

Nice. Even after years of training, I still can't do lunges perfectly. It's one of those when I finish my cut I'll start working on things.


What have you been doing what comes to your calves? Mine are becoming pitiful and I don't know what to do.

Also I really liked the photos. Thanks for sharing. :D
Running. Only leg stuff I do in the gym are squats, deadlift, and lunges. Running always gets them huge.

And thanks!


I wouldn't do that. It sounds like old skool broscience levels of protein. Well, unless you weigh something like 300lbs anyway, in which case ignore me.

Ratios are all well and good, but I've always preferred setting my target protein and fat intake and letting carbs work themselves out after that.

Actually, Psycho, my "cut" is secretly the first phase of P90X2, which uses this meal plan. Is it really that bad?

Why do I struggle with this stuff so much? Blahhhhhh


Brian Burke punched my mom
That's solid as hell for your first day back. Nice work bro.

Thanks! Had DOMS tonight from the lunges and a cold but still did paused and front squats, I felt like shit after those. Gave up half way through DB press, did face pulls, and then left lol


First day back at the gym after a week away and I'm surprised I only gained exactly 1 pound from before I left. I was pretty strict with my diet except that last day where everyone wanted to go out before my flight. I even broke another RM record after thinking I would be pretty weak. Thanks for the tension band recommendation, I was only able to use it a few times but it helped. Mostly did cardio since it was more convenient usually.


I am quite exactly 5'6 so not that much taller. :p You have had amazing results. So good to see you being positive as well. :D

How has your working out been so far? I just myself got back home today and last week all I did was gardening, walking and gym once with my little sister.

Oh and Rabbitweed is one lad from here. He seems to be pretty nice (listening me opening up about my work outs, meds and so forth) and free ride is always highly appreciated.

3 inches makes a lot of difference! Haha.

It...still hasn't happened lol. Things keep popping up and I haven't been motivated. It's bad...but I've been losing weight without it so far and I make sure I walk a decent amount right now. Excuses excuses, I know haha.

Oh, it's nice you've found a FitFriend! :D

J. Bravo

3 inches makes a lot of difference! Haha.

It...still hasn't happened lol. Things keep popping up and I haven't been motivated. It's bad...but I've been losing weight without it so far and I make sure I walk a decent amount right now. Excuses excuses, I know haha.

Oh, it's nice you've found a FitFriend! :D
Especially if you've only got 3" to begin with
over 5'.


Tossing and turning for hours already. Damn you energy levels. Pretty sure I could run a marathon right now. I need to fix my sleep badly for the rest of my life.


I would advise you to get a tracking band if you want to fix your sleep. I'm currently using a cheap xiaomi band. With the band you get to see exactly how much sleep you get daily then you work from there as an objective point of reference.
Actually, Psycho, my "cut" is secretly the first phase of P90X2, which uses this meal plan. Is it really that bad?

Why do I struggle with this stuff so much? Blahhhhhh

Bad? That's debatable.

But there's just no need to eat those sorts of levels of protein.


I believe a lot of people here top out at 1g / lb of lean body mass, and even that's arguably too high (though I understand erring on the side of caution). You could have a look here for different options: http://iifym.com/iifym-calculator/
Blech. Food poisoning. How do I protect my gainz bros/broesses?

I suspect I'm not going to be lifting today for numerous reasons (not least risk of bowel explosion mid set).


Brian Burke punched my mom
Blech. Food poisoning. How do I protect my gainz bros/broesses?

I suspect I'm not going to be lifting today for numerous reasons (not least risk of bowel explosion mid set).

Lots of liquids, which you will probably expel but you'll need to hydrate. The only time I had food poisoning it came out both ends...at the same time.


Blech. Food poisoning. How do I protect my gainz bros/broesses?

I suspect I'm not going to be lifting today for numerous reasons (not least risk of bowel explosion mid set).

Ugh, that sucks. On the positive side, you're going to be envied for the cut.


Blech. Food poisoning. How do I protect my gainz bros/broesses?

I suspect I'm not going to be lifting today for numerous reasons (not least risk of bowel explosion mid set).

Ugh, sorry bud. Food poisoning is the worst. The more you try to do the longer it'll take to fight so just relax, drink water AND gatorade, pop a couple probiotics and get well soon.

Lots of liquids, which you will probably expel but you'll need to hydrate. The only time I had food poisoning it came out both ends...at the same time.

'Round here, we call that a 'gargoyle'...

That's insane. I am not ready for that yet lol. Must be a killer workout though.

i tried walking at 4-4.5mph. lol. i'm afraid to run at 8 because i don't know how good the treadmill can be if i'm on it at that height. don't want to break it but then again... it's not my machine (y)

Gonna try it tomorrow on cardio day if i don't have a gym buddy for Leg Day part 2.


I would advise you to get a tracking band if you want to fix your sleep. I'm currently using a cheap xiaomi band. With the band you get to see exactly how much sleep you get daily then you work from there as an objective point of reference.

How will a sleep band help me go to sleep when I can't fall asleep in the first place? I had to take medication last night, no choice.

Still dropped a bit, down to 234.8, .4 down.


I think the bar was a bit high while squatting yesterday. Tiptoed once to get the bar out of the rack, and now one of my big toes is feeling quite sore. Feels bad man. Never making that mistake again. On a lighter note, can now bench body weight (165lbs) for 3 sets of 5 New goal: get as tan as Bruce :D


How will a sleep band help me go to sleep when I can't fall asleep in the first place? I had to take medication last night, no choice.

Still dropped a bit, down to 234.8, .4 down.
You will have an clearer view on your sleep pattern, when you fall asleep, when you wake up. With that in mind you can try to adjust things accordingly.

It is just like logging our workout to get a better idea on how to improve it.


What ab exercises do you guys think I should avoid... I've been doing crunches for a while and I can really feel it starting to burn around the 15 rep mark, but I've had friends telling me to avoid them because they aren't that intense and a waste of time.


What ab exercises do you guys think I should avoid... I've been doing crunches for a while and I can really feel it starting to burn around the 15 rep mark, but I've had friends telling me to avoid them because they aren't that intense and a waste of time.

Personally, I don't really do ab exercises (with the exception of weighted side bends). I find that focusing on engaging your core while you lift heavy, supersetting exercises and throwing in burpees and mountain climbers can keep your abs real nice. I used to do crunches, sit ups, etc. but the time can be better spent with a bar or DBs in your hands (in my opinion)
What ab exercises do you guys think I should avoid... I've been doing crunches for a while and I can really feel it starting to burn around the 15 rep mark, but I've had friends telling me to avoid them because they aren't that intense and a waste of time.

Not too sure what to avoid but I will say what I enjoy.

Hanging leg raises
Decline situps/crunches
Stir the pot (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EuMtm2MzRA)
Side bends


204! And I wanted to hit 200 by the end of August. Maybe adjust that to 198? Stepping on the scale is now like hitting PRs. Love it.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
204! And I wanted to hit 200 by the end of August. Maybe adjust that to 198? Stepping on the scale is now like hitting PRs. Love it.
You trying to get abs like your wife because you are well on your way at this pace.


July 4th eating represented on the scale yesterday. Weighed in at 177 after being down to about 172-173 a few weeks ago. Actually been going up the past few weeks because I have been cheating more than I should have because dad bod and all.

I still feel I want to lose more weight to get rid of stubborn fat but I really should go to a slight bulk and lift heavier but may need a rest week or 2 to let body recover since I have been hitting it hard since Christmas.

I have softball tonight(Tuesday league) and my right hamstring is not ready at all. It has been sore since last week and still slightly sore. I won't give in though.


Side bends are what I always tell people to stay away from the most. If you use weights you'll just gain muscle thus pushing out the obliques making it look like you have a bigger waist.


Side bends are what I always tell people to stay away from the most. If you use weights you'll just gain muscle thus pushing out the obliques making it look like you have a bigger waist.

I use 45 lbs plates and do sets of 15 in between sets of burpees. No good? It's always worked well to this point but I'd be willing to shed them if you think that's counterintuitive


You will have an clearer view on your sleep pattern, when you fall asleep, when you wake up. With that in mind you can try to adjust things accordingly.

It is just like logging our workout to get a better idea on how to improve it.

I understand what it's for, and I actually plan on getting something like that at one point. But my issue is not the sleep quality or pattern, it's falling asleep. Once in asleep I'm good, I just struggle getting to that point. I can pull 36 hour days everyday, I have way too much energy.

I really don't like taking any medication at all.


I use 45 lbs plates and do sets of 15 in between sets of burpees. No good? It's always worked well to this point but I'd be willing to shed them if you think that's counterintuitive

Well with weights just like any muscle you're causing them to break down and grow. I never do them. Mainly I'll just see girls at my gym doing them and they'll tell me they want a smaller waist so that's the main reason I'm against them.


Well with weights just like any muscle you're causing them to break down and grow. I never do them. Mainly I'll just see girls at my gym doing them and they'll tell me they want a smaller waist so that's the main reason I'm against them.

I've always felt it's given me a more defined cut in my waist. I'm only rocking a size 31 at 170 lbs anyway, but I'll drop them for a while to see how it feels.


I've always felt it's given me a more defined cut in my waist. I'm only rocking a size 31 at 170 lbs anyway, but I'll drop them for a while to see how it feels.
Yeah just try it a few weeks they might grow smaller. I gave up a dedicated arm day, but those still didn't shrink much lol


Personally, I don't really do ab exercises (with the exception of weighted side bends). I find that focusing on engaging your core while you lift heavy, supersetting exercises and throwing in burpees and mountain climbers can keep your abs real nice. I used to do crunches, sit ups, etc. but the time can be better spent with a bar or DBs in your hands (in my opinion)

I can definitely feel my core working when lifting heavy, I need to do that more though as my form gets out of place sometimes, thanks for the tip.

Not too sure what to avoid but I will say what I enjoy.

Hanging leg raises
Decline situps/crunches
Stir the pot (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EuMtm2MzRA)
Side bends

I love that exercise, also I regularly do most of what you listed minus Dragonflies and Side bends, i'll incorporate those from now on.
Managed to have something to eat... and I've not been doing too badly on liquid. No way in hell I can manage to cover off my protein requirements for the day though.
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