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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Ok, checked my weight this morning. I'm down by about 3 lbs to 184. Should be back to normal by end of week.

Tater Tot

"My God... it's full of Starch!"
Finally broke the 175 bench for 6 reps! I was stuck on that weight for 2 months!!! I used to do 205 but with horrible form and the bar never went anywhere near touching my chest. I know 175 is not great but I did it with outstanding form. I also asked some random guy to spot me. It was pretty invigorating as he was motivating me by spotting and I think it was because of this that I broke my plateau. Wish I had a training partner each session.

Now on to 180, my goal is 185. So close.
Alright I finally started a facebook account.
Bleh I know right. All the dudes I want to follow fitness wise are all forcing me into it finally.

Any of you guys posting your lifting regimens or whatever on your profiles?

A well deserved long overdue cheat day is in the books.

-almost a full rack of leftover baby backs
-all you can eat sushi
-extra large tub of kettle corn at the movies
-2 pints of Häagen-Dazs
-4 slices of toast with butter and cinnamon
-3 quest bars
-bowl of PB&J

Mission accomplished!

That my friends is how you do a proper cheat mal.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
A well deserved long overdue cheat day is in the books.

-almost a full rack of leftover baby backs
-all you can eat sushi
-extra large tub of kettle corn at the movies
-2 pints of Häagen-Dazs
-4 slices of toast with butter and cinnamon
-3 quest bars
-bowl of PB&J
-huge bowl of cereal

Mission accomplished!
hey fitgaf,

i've posted in here a few times over the past year, all looking for advice on exercising or diet. i've followed some of it, but not enough to lose the remaining weight I have left to lose
to my chagrin

anyway, i come here, reinvigorated, actually motivated to try again. I'm living in the town where my university is, so I have access to its amazing gym and all of its equipment, but I still need some advice on what exercise to do. I've been using the weight machines for the past few weeks, mixed with a little cardio. I know Gaf does not recommend using the machines, but I'm still scared/self conscious of using the free weights/bars.

here are a couple pictures of myself i took this morning

I have yet to go to the gym today, so I am open to doing anything. Ideally, I would like to cut instead of bulk so I can lose all the excess fat before starting to put on muscle, unless this is not recommended.

Also, ignore most of the chest area. I have mild gynecomastia, and am looking to get an operation to remove the tissue by the end of the year.

As for diet, I've been eating a lot of eggs, a lot of chicken, a lot of greek yogurt, some sausage in the mornings, cheese sticks, peanut butter...basically trying to keep my calories lower than maintenance amount, while also trying to eat high protein, and semi low carb.

Any and all help is appreciated guys. I want to make some real progress this time!


So I'm going to continue to avoid this thread lol. Going to enter into another comp for Aug 15 since it's in the same place and I'm already lean. If anyone has missed me in here, sorry. I'll be back eventually...


Had a wild weekend sleep wise, didn't eat 100% either, but well enough. After only 4 hours of sleep again this morning, stepped on the scale expecting the worst, but surprised I was still 235.2, didn't change at all. That's good, that's damn good. This week should be good.


Super impressive numbers at that weight!

Thanks! Felt as if I was lifting the earth.

A well deserved long overdue cheat day is in the books.

-almost a full rack of leftover baby backs
-all you can eat sushi
-extra large tub of kettle corn at the movies
-2 pints of Häagen-Dazs
-4 slices of toast with butter and cinnamon
-3 quest bars
-bowl of PB&J
-huge bowl of cereal

Mission accomplished!

But did you spread PB all over those quest bars and heat them up? I think I might addicted to PB.
A well deserved long overdue cheat day is in the books.

-almost a full rack of leftover baby backs
-all you can eat sushi
-extra large tub of kettle corn at the movies
-2 pints of Häagen-Dazs
-4 slices of toast with butter and cinnamon
-3 quest bars
-bowl of PB&J
-huge bowl of cereal

Mission accomplished!

Did you keep IF during this cheat day


A well deserved long overdue cheat day is in the books.

-almost a full rack of leftover baby backs
-all you can eat sushi
-extra large tub of kettle corn at the movies
-2 pints of Häagen-Dazs
-4 slices of toast with butter and cinnamon
-3 quest bars
-bowl of PB&J
-huge bowl of cereal

Mission accomplished!



So I'm going to continue to avoid this thread lol. Going to enter into another comp for Aug 15 since it's in the same place and I'm already lean. If anyone has missed me in here, sorry. I'll be back eventually...

Wait, we do miss you. Why are you avoiding it? I won't post lobster bake pics again, I promise.


A well deserved long overdue cheat day is in the books.

-almost a full rack of leftover baby backs
-all you can eat sushi
-extra large tub of kettle corn at the movies
-2 pints of Häagen-Dazs
-4 slices of toast with butter and cinnamon
-3 quest bars
-bowl of PB&J
-huge bowl of cereal

Mission accomplished!

Something is wrong with gaf. I'm reading this post and its from cooter and not MTP. Is my internet broken


hey fitgaf,

i've posted in here a few times over the past year, all looking for advice on exercising or diet. i've followed some of it, but not enough to lose the remaining weight I have left to lose
to my chagrin

anyway, i come here, reinvigorated, actually motivated to try again. I'm living in the town where my university is, so I have access to its amazing gym and all of its equipment, but I still need some advice on what exercise to do. I've been using the weight machines for the past few weeks, mixed with a little cardio. I know Gaf does not recommend using the machines, but I'm still scared/self conscious of using the free weights/bars.

here are a couple pictures of myself i took this morning

I have yet to go to the gym today, so I am open to doing anything. Ideally, I would like to cut instead of bulk so I can lose all the excess fat before starting to put on muscle, unless this is not recommended.

Also, ignore most of the chest area. I have mild gynecomastia, and am looking to get an operation to remove the tissue by the end of the year.

As for diet, I've been eating a lot of eggs, a lot of chicken, a lot of greek yogurt, some sausage in the mornings, cheese sticks, peanut butter...basically trying to keep my calories lower than maintenance amount, while also trying to eat high protein, and semi low carb.

Any and all help is appreciated guys. I want to make some real progress this time!

If you can get over your fear of the weights / bars, we'll blow your mind with workouts, diets, etc.

I can tell you this from experience...no one will make fun of you at the gym. You'll be surprised how helpful people can be in the fitness community. Also, I've seen 200-300+ lbs guys benching just the bar, so don't feel bad if you can't lift a lot right now. It's more about the exercises, repetition, form, etc.


Wait, we do miss you. Why are you avoiding it? I won't post lobster bake pics again, I promise.

Nope. The ribs were my breakfast

I'm confident saying MTP can take most of the blame for this one.

Honestly it's just easier to think less about bodybuilding etc. I might be around more in the next couple weeks, but once it gets closer and I get into more unhealthy levels of food I'll see. I guess to relate it to some of the fastgaf it's like those first few days everyday. I would eat and within thirty minutes be starving. I'd just munch on cucumbers and celery so I wouldn't tempt myself. Also at work people would be annoying by telling me to smile more. I was starving with a billion quest bars in my face and not able to eat any of them. Suffice to say even in a gym people can be clueless on dieting woes.

Here's a stage shot from my coach it's the only good pic I've found so far.
Posing is where I'll have the most improvement come this next show.


Honestly it's just easier to think less about bodybuilding etc. I might be around more in the next couple weeks, but once it gets closer and I get into more unhealthy levels of food I'll see. I guess to relate it to some of the fastgaf it's like those first few days everyday. I would eat and within thirty minutes be starving. I'd just munch on cucumbers and celery so I wouldn't tempt myself. Also at work people would be annoying by telling me to smile more. I was starving with a billion quest bars in my face and not able to eat any of them. Suffice to say even in a gym people can be clueless on dieting woes.

Here's a stage shot from my coach it's the only good pic I've found so far.
Posing is where I'll have the most improvement come this next show.

What, no speedos???
A well deserved long overdue cheat day is in the books.

-almost a full rack of leftover baby backs
-all you can eat sushi
-extra large tub of kettle corn at the movies
-2 pints of Häagen-Dazs
-4 slices of toast with butter and cinnamon
-3 quest bars
-bowl of PB&J
-huge bowl of cereal

Mission accomplished!

hory sheet
Honestly it's just easier to think less about bodybuilding etc. I might be around more in the next couple weeks, but once it gets closer and I get into more unhealthy levels of food I'll see. I guess to relate it to some of the fastgaf it's like those first few days everyday. I would eat and within thirty minutes be starving. I'd just munch on cucumbers and celery so I wouldn't tempt myself. Also at work people would be annoying by telling me to smile more. I was starving with a billion quest bars in my face and not able to eat any of them. Suffice to say even in a gym people can be clueless on dieting woes.

Here's a stage shot from my coach it's the only good pic I've found so far.
Posing is where I'll have the most improvement come this next show.

Awesome stuff bro. Thanks for posting.


What's your guy's mile time currently.

I did it on a treadmill and it measured to around 8 minutes.

I raise the incline by one and the speed to 7.5 MPH.

Feels good!!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Something is wrong with gaf. I'm reading this post and its from cooter and not MTP. Is my internet broken
Difference being this is my extra special day I look forward to all week. For MTP it's his Tuesday afternoon.


Gym was packed today. Today was the first time I got a headache working out. Obviously still getting used to working out fasted. Strength felt good through 90% of the session, not bad.


Finally, calves starting to come back. One flexed, one not.


and chest gains

Hurt my lower back pushing my DL yesterday though, definitely from arching. I knew it the moment it happened. Stretched it out and went for a run today, feeling better already.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Youtube blocked my upload because the garbage gym music was copyrighted. I'd get earphones because it's so bad but my face sweats way too damn much. :(


235lbs x 20 barbell rows

A well deserved long overdue cheat day is in the books.

-almost a full rack of leftover baby backs
-all you can eat sushi
-extra large tub of kettle corn at the movies
-2 pints of Häagen-Dazs
-4 slices of toast with butter and cinnamon
-3 quest bars
-bowl of PB&J
-huge bowl of cereal

Mission accomplished!


Nope. The ribs were my breakfast

I'm confident saying MTP can take most of the blame for this one.

Damn, I'm sorry for my food porn posting habits. :(


Hey guys,

I have a quick question. I just did a brief 2.5 month bulk and it's the first time I've really done a "bulk" session. I realize 2.5 months isn't very long, but I like where I'm at as far as muscle size and I'd just like to cut the fat at this point.

So this is the first time I've done a bulk session and I am happy with my results, however I think I overdid the eating a little bit so I have a little bit more fat than I want. My question is in regards to eating:

I bulked on a 25/50/25 diet (with carbs and fat fluctuating a bit) and ate about 2700 calories a day. I was only required to eat about 168 grams of protein per day.

Now I'm looking to do a cut with a 2100 calorie diet eating a 50/25/25 ratio for 3-4 WEEKS ONLY. I realize I shouldn't be in this ratio zone for very long, and I think if I stick to that it should work out fine.

And yes, I'm going to be exercising along with this pretty hard.

But man....here's my main question: That's about 263 grams of protein!!! Am I going to die?! I know I won't, but man....that's a crap ton of protein. I'm not crazy here, right? This is appropriate for cutting efficiently?


Does the brand of protein matter? Been researching on how to make protein shakes heh.

I don't know where to start.
Whey protein is good. I haven't found a single conclusive study that shows different kinds of whey protein making any sort of difference.

The best deal I've found is @ Costco, and then GNC if you're a Gold Member. They do a "Buy One Get One 50% Off" that makes the prices stupid good.

I bought this on recommendation from a friend: http://www.weslap.com/slappy-birthday-cake-batter/

It's definitely the best tasting I've bought, but I don't really notice any difference.
If you can get over your fear of the weights / bars, we'll blow your mind with workouts, diets, etc.

I can tell you this from experience...no one will make fun of you at the gym. You'll be surprised how helpful people can be in the fitness community. Also, I've seen 200-300+ lbs guys benching just the bar, so don't feel bad if you can't lift a lot right now. It's more about the exercises, repetition, form, etc.

intellectually i know this. every time I go to the gym I tell myself I'm going to try and use the weights, but I never do it, even though I really want to. I know the first time I do it I'll feel more comfortable doing it subsequent times too.

i actually didn't go to the gym today and am going tomorrow (I usually go M/W/F, sometimes thursday as well) since I got out of work late, and the gym closes relatively early in the summer due to school not being in session.

I will really try to do this tomorrow.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
That cheat day I posted is how you go from 177.8 to 184.6. Just in case anyone is looking to put on 7 pounds in about 14 hours. lol
But man....here's my main question: That's about 263 grams of protein!!! Am I going to die?! I know I won't, but man....that's a crap ton of protein. I'm not crazy here, right? This is appropriate for cutting efficiently?

I wouldn't do that. It sounds like old skool broscience levels of protein. Well, unless you weigh something like 300lbs anyway, in which case ignore me.

Ratios are all well and good, but I've always preferred setting my target protein and fat intake and letting carbs work themselves out after that.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Quick question to you all:

There's a thread going on right now about this 100 pushup challenge thing.

Lots of people casually dropping that they can do 50+ reps at once. I'm not super strong by any stretch of the imagination, but I do hit up the gym fairly regularly and see decent progress (nothing compared to a lot of you folks). 100 rep sets sounds insane to me. I can do probably 30~ strict pushups (chest touching the floor at bottom, arms extended and locked at top) at most in a single set.

What about you all? I'm just trying to get a feel for whether or not I'm super pathetic in this regard or some of the posters in that other thread are likely embellishing a bit about their abilities or maybe not doing their reps with good form.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Quick question to you all:

There's a thread going on right now about this 100 pushup challenge thing.

Lots of people casually dropping that they can do 50+ reps at once. I'm not super strong by any stretch of the imagination, but I do hit up the gym fairly regularly and see decent progress (nothing compared to a lot of you folks). 100 rep sets sounds insane to me. I can do probably 30~ strict pushups (chest touching the floor at bottom, arms extended and locked at top) at most in a single set.

What about you all? I'm just trying to get a feel for whether or not I'm super pathetic in this regard or some of the posters in that other thread are likely embellishing a bit about their abilities or maybe not doing their reps with good form.
I can probably do about 60 quality push ups.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
That cheat day I posted is how you go from 177.8 to 184.6. Just in case anyone is looking to put on 7 pounds in about 14 hours. lol

Pre or post bowel movements? Don't want 6 pounds of fat gain. Please quantify sushi intake. Thank you.
Quick question to you all:

There's a thread going on right now about this 100 pushup challenge thing.

Lots of people casually dropping that they can do 50+ reps at once. I'm not super strong by any stretch of the imagination, but I do hit up the gym fairly regularly and see decent progress (nothing compared to a lot of you folks). 100 rep sets sounds insane to me. I can do probably 30~ strict pushups (chest touching the floor at bottom, arms extended and locked at top) at most in a single set.

What about you all? I'm just trying to get a feel for whether or not I'm super pathetic in this regard or some of the posters in that other thread are likely embellishing a bit about their abilities or maybe not doing their reps with good form.
I don't know how many push-ups I can do, I don't pay for a gym so I can do exercises I can do at home. I pay to do exercises that I can't do 100 times because it's too heavy.

I mean, shouldn't you be adding weight once you can do 20 instead of doing more, anyway?


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I hate the fact that my gym only has 1 legit squat rack and a trainer decides his client needs to use it and reserve it while he's off doing some weird ass circuit training. Had to settle for goblet squats so I could leave in a timely manner.

Cutting sounds more fun if you can have cheat days like that and not get set back too much.

It's fun when you start out and see your fat evaporate but ends up sucking later on as your lifts plateau T_T


Pre. Sushi intake was substantial. 8 rolls-ish and about 16 pieces of sushi.

Jesus Christ dude. You weren't kidding. You can eat. Possibly rivaling MTP??

(Camera pans to MTP eating 3 rotisserie chickens, a chocolate cake and his monitor in disgust...end scene)
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