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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Ha you know whats funny I don't do any BCAA's. I actually don't do protein powders, creatine, really any of it just food, but....My nephew does and he swears by it to avoid feeling queasy or having a headache. He does 1 scoop with his coffee half hour before he works out.

Really? That's crazy. On lift days (4 days a week) I have two shakes.
Really? That's crazy. On lift days (4 days a week) I have two shakes.

Yup none.
I think its a inferior way of getting your protein and amino acids. Of course that just my opinion.

I stopped completely last winter and only derive all my nutrients through food. Its a pain because I have to plan things out but I know several BB guys that swear by it.

To determine if it really was the case for me I did the same Spring to Summer training regimen and Macro count I did last year. Only difference being this year my metabolism is 1 year slower and I was replacing the two protein shakes I had each day with food.

I got bigger faster and also was able to decrease my HIIT and overall cardio to stay lean.
I just had my brother switch to it 3 months ago as well but he is looking more for sheer bulk. Again he is getting bigger faster and putting quality weight on that will be easy for us to shred off him when he starts to lean out.
***Warning.....I didn't intend for this to become a long rant, but it morphed into one****

1- the calc is really just an estimate. If you're between 15-20% then that's fine. It just gives you a starting point instead of just "guessing" where you are and trying to come up with stuff from nowhere.

2- Go to MyFitnessPal and/or Calorieking and start designing your meals based on the ifcalc calorie numbers. As a guideline:

Protein is "tougher" to digest, and therefore will make/keep you full. Lowest calorie density too, but generally expensive if you're looking for lots of meat. 1g/lb is the general consensus and isn't a terrible number to work off of. 1g/lb of lean mass isn't all that much though, and you can calculate that now that you have a ballpark of your body fat percentage.
Fats are the most calorie dense in general, but are essential to your hormonal health. Worth cutting down, but not all that much. Also staves off your hunger signal in the long term, which is why ketogenic diets really have no issue with hunger.
Carbohydrates are the most optional, but are delicious, making them the easiest/hardest macro to cut out. Keeps you full in the short term compared to fats, fibrous foods will keep you full the longest.

Those are just what I take into consideration when making my own diet, hope it helps you.

3- I totally mistyped that, was about to leave for the day. I generally mean that if you're not overloading your body, then typically you probably won't need to eat any extra for "recovery" and can keep eating at a decent deficit ("rest days" according to the calc). Any "recovery" will be handled by your body fat for light exercise, in theory.

Nothing wrong with any kind of training btw. A lot of people here will talk lifts and barbells, but personally I think those are the most efficient ways to get changes. P90X, Insanity and all those other programs are good too, as long as you're actually pushing yourself and making progress. Once it becomes easy though, then it's no longer really training...you're just going through the motions. And in that case, do you think you're getting the same calorie burn as before (ifcalc doesn't take this into consideration btw, you're still eating at a light deficit when training to lighten the stress on your body's systems during recovery)? If you're pushing yourself to 100% of your workload, then eat. If you're moving around for an hour to burn 200 calories, then wouldn't it be better to just not eat the 200? Just pick a good program and hit it hard, progressive overload will get you results.

But eat less to lose weight. That's your goal, isn't it? Fixing your diet is probably the top priority.

Anyways I hope all that puts you in the right direction. If anyone else has more to throw in then have at it, I think that's all the advice I really got. I have to cut more myself after a month or so of eating terribly and "bulking".

Yup none.
I think its a inferior way of getting your protein and amino acids. Of course that just my opinion.

I sort of agree. Not to say it's totally inferior but I use it super sparingly.


Yup none.
I think its a inferior way of getting your protein and amino acids. Of course that just my opinion.

I stopped completely last winter and only derive all my nutrients through food. Its a pain because I have to plan things out but I know several BB guys that swear by it.

To determine if it really was the case for me I did the same Spring to Summer training regimen and Macro count I did last year. Only difference being this year my metabolism is 1 year slower and I was replacing the two protein shakes I had each day with food.

I got bigger faster and also was able to decrease my HIIT and overall cardio to stay lean.
I just had my brother switch to it 3 months ago as well but he is looking more for sheer bulk. Again he is getting bigger faster and putting quality weight on that will be easy for us to shred off him when he starts to lean out.

Damn dude, that takes a ton of dedication. Do you have any kids?
Can add me to the no protein powder team. Since I started eating a reasonable amount of protein rather than a broscience amount of protein it's actually been relatively easy to do.
Yeah, it's no excuse but right now, protein powder is just SUCH an easy way of ingesting protein. I do eat well, but I'd have to make so much more food to cut out powders.

I am only so high and mighty about it because I got very little pulling on my extra time. Having a kid or kids would be a whole different ballgame.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Thanks to everyone who commented on my DL since my last post. This place is hands down the best. Regarding protein powder, I have one shake (30gs) a day. I like to get most of it by food although I do consume 1 or 2 quest bars a day which is whey also and that brings my total up to 70 grams.
Thanks to everyone who commented on my DL since my last post. This place is hands down the best. Regarding protein powder, I have one shake (30gs) a day. I like to get most of it by food although I do consume 1 or 2 quest bars a day which is whey also and that brings my total up to 70 grams.

The Quest bars are just too dang good to pass up.
One interesting thing I have noticed is when I would have a Giant Shake around 8pm to get my last meal calories I always wake up bloated.
Since replacing that shake with food my body just assimilates all of it. I wake up completely empty and lean and it actually ends up being more calorie dense than the shake.


Yeah I'd say I like to get most of my protein from food as well. I don't know about powders being inferior but I do something like 50g or so from powder/protein bar then my food is usually double so around 100g or so.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Man, I'd be so poor if I ate 2 quest bars a day. They cost a fortune in the UK. More than double the US price last time I checked.
I spend about $120 a month on them. Putting my wife's new nurse money to good use! When you drop as much money on groceries as I do feeding a family of 5 you kind of get numb to food costs. I justify it by them being semi healthy and by them being a valid meal replacement. Shit, if my wife eats 1 during her graveyard shift and doesn't go to the cafeteria to buy something that's a win in my book. A quest bar only costs 2 bucks.


I spend about $120 a month on them. Putting my wife's new nurse money to good use! When you drop as much money on groceries as I do feeding a family of 5 you kind of get numb to food costs. I justify it by them being semi healthy and by them being a valid meal replacement. Shit, if my wife eats 1 during her graveyard shift and doesn't go to the cafeteria to buy something that's a win in my book. A quest bar only costs 2 bucks.

Yeah, to be honest, $4 a day isn't THAT bad if it's your treat and a healthy source of protein.


Down another .6, 234.2 now.

Ha you know whats funny I don't do any BCAA's. I actually don't do protein powders, creatine, really any of it just food, but....My nephew does and he swears by it to avoid feeling queasy or having a headache. He does 1 scoop with his coffee half hour before he works out.

Yah man, i stopped having anything other then creatine. All research i've done shows creatine is a huge help, but otherwise all my macros come from real food. I went a step further, and cut out all dairy also. I love it. But like you, i have no kids, so i can make the time to do it the way i want. Now with all the experience under my belt, i'm quite sure i can take the way i do things all the way. But who knows lol.
I spend about $120 a month on them. Putting my wife's new nurse money to good use! When you drop as much money on groceries as I do feeding a family of 5 you kind of get numb to food costs. I justify it by them being semi healthy and by them being a valid meal replacement. Shit, if my wife eats 1 during her graveyard shift and doesn't go to the cafeteria to buy something that's a win in my book. A quest bar only costs 2 bucks.

I spend well over a grand per year on chicken. My missus's fault for only letting me go for the free range stuff. =/


Hurt my hand a few weeks ago, so I haven't been able to go heavy on any upper body lifts for a few weeks. Was making pretty good progress too.


Not even sure if I should continue dead lifting with the hexagonal plates at my new gym. Having the plates roll every time you go down irritates the shit out of me.
Down another .6, 234.2 now.

Yah man, i stopped having anything other then creatine. All research i've done shows creatine is a huge help, but otherwise all my macros come from real food. I went a step further, and cut out all dairy also. I love it. But like you, i have no kids, so i can make the time to do it the way i want. Now with all the experience under my belt, i'm quite sure i can take the way i do things all the way. But who knows lol.

Creatine absolutely works but I find it makes me a bit bloated for some reason. Not having kids lets you devote all kinds of ridiculous times to fruitful and fruitless pursuits :p

Not even sure if I should continue dead lifting with the hexagonal plates at my new gym. Having the plates roll every time you go down irritates the shit out of me.

I hate hexagonal plates with a intense fury.
Wooh! Was able to do legs (seemingly) without injuring myself again.

Some ab work next, and then later an hour on the bike. Glad yesterday doesn't seem to have affected me too badly.


Wooh! Was able to do legs (seemingly) without injuring myself again.

Some ab work next, and then later an hour on the bike. Glad yesterday doesn't seem to have affected me too badly.

Stationary? I honestly don't know how you do it. You're a warrior with the cycling, dude.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Thanks to everyone who commented on my DL since my last post. This place is hands down the best. Regarding protein powder, I have one shake (30gs) a day. I like to get most of it by food although I do consume 1 or 2 quest bars a day which is whey also and that brings my total up to 70 grams.

Damn, they're like $3-4 here individually. Have to get boxes on sale for like $30, I just gave up on them.

And great job on the DL at 180!
If I ride the stationary bike, it's for 15 minutes.

It's all about needs really. If it was just for some tabata intervals then 15 mins would probably be fine. Probably not so helpful for my cycling endurance though. :)

Longest I do these days are two hours. Any longer and I lose the will to live.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Damn, they're like $3-4 here individually. Have to get boxes on sale for like $30, I just gave up on them.

And great job on the DL at 180!
Thanks brotha. Only $2 here fortunately. If they cost that much I wouldn't be eating nearly as many.


Anyone who says they bolded has likely never experienced the glory of keto.

I think its relative to the type of exercise you are doing. For me moderation duration (45-60min) of Zone 3 Cardio with some Zone 4 intervals requires me to eat carbs to pull it off on a daily basis. Same goes for circuit or heavily supersetted resistance training.

My current stuff is pretty low rep oriented so Im considering cutting back on carbs slightly.

lets do this fitgaf


Getting the hang of this fasted working out. Strength out of control today and didn't get a headache at all. Things are looking very good. The only issue I can say is even tho I'm very strong right now, heart rate is way higher then what I'm used to. Maybe that's a good thing tho. This is transition period so I'll give it some time.

I'm 2.7lbs away from all new lows, but I'm already halfway to the 10th belt hole on my gym belt. Huge difference. I was really a tight fit on the 9th hole before.

I think its relative to the type of exercise you are doing. For me moderation duration (45-60min) of Zone 3 Cardio with some Zone 4 intervals requires me to eat carbs to pull it off on a daily basis. Same goes for circuit or heavily supersetted resistance training.

My current stuff is pretty low rep oriented so Im considering cutting back on carbs slightly.

Lots of runners are switching to low carb and getting amazing results. The issue is giving your body enough time to become fully adapted. Trying it for a week is not enough.


First of all, you don't look half that bad and most likely way better than you think. I have no idea about your body fat percentage and what comes to your vacation, staring at the percentage doesn't do you any good. If you have two weeks to look as good as you can, I say that eat low carb and very little salt and quite much good fats, protein and drink loads of water. It will take the possible bloat away and will make you look leaner.

What comes to your long term goals, you could perhaps offer us a photo of how you would like to look within couple years. I am sure the lads are able to help you more if they know what you are aiming for.

Good luck with your quest. :)

Thanks for the compliment and the advice. I took it to heart. I'm a little less worked up right now, haha. After I get back from my vacation, I'm going to hit it hard and I'm going to do it with more confidence, haha. I'll post here for advice and guidance.

Until then, I'm just going to try to lose about 3-5 pounds (of fat hopefully) by doing miscellaneous non-regimented strength exercises and some cardio--primarily in the form of biking to work, which is about a 35 minute bike ride for me. I rarely do it because it's faster to drive, but I'll feel amazing if I do it every day next week in addition to some strength training.
***Warning.....I didn't intend for this to become a long rant, but it morphed into one****

Okay, a few things:

1. Doing that calculator I linked to, it says I'm 13.8% body fat. I really have no idea, so I took a picture just for you guys. Maybe you can guestimate what I am BF% wise because I can't use a caliper :( . I feel like I'm closer to 20 than 15, but maybe I'm just way off. My ass stores a lot of fat.

2. I was indeed kinda stupid with my whole "5-10 lbs in 2 weeks" crap. More realistic would be 5 pounds. I feel like I can do it, but I dunno. I just can't figure out how to eat.

3. When you say this:

2) I don't really like the word "workout". A lot of the times "workout" just implies that someone is going to move about in an effort to burn some calories. Assuming that you're going to train in a way that will stress the body enough to produce any worthwhile changes, then you're not going to have to eat for any sort of meaningful recovery.

...what exactly do you mean? Are you saying I won't have to eat if I stress the body in a meaningful way? You're primarily meaning LOSING weight, right? I usually always eat after I "workout". That leads me to this......

4. Here's some background: For the past two months, I've done a "bulk" and this is what I've ended up looking like. I did nearly exclusively weight training. I'd like to lose a little bit of fat now but I just can't seem to figure it out.

And finally....a vent: In the grand scheme of things, I'm an amateur. I only started exercising in 2013 and I was incredibly skinny (135 lbs.). I've made a lot of progress but I don'tt know what to do next. This thread honestly overwhelms me, and so therefore I go back to doing Beachbody workouts (P90X, Insanity, Body Beast, etc.). I'd like to move on to the next level, but I can't afford a gym membership and I have invested heavily into my own dumbbell set I've built up over time (I'm super poor, FYI...gyms are out of the question on my budget). So for big GAINZ, Body Beast is my best option right now, followed by P90X. So the "bulk" I just did was 2 months of Body Beast.

I have huge goals. I want to look and feel amazing before I turn 30 (I'm 27...nearly 28) and I just don't feel like I'm even halfway to wear I want to be and it frustrates me a lot. I'm willing to do the work. But hurdles such as macro/calorie intake, form, and being totally alone doing fitness in my lonely life sucks. I know no one else with whom to workout or to ask for help.

Basically....what's my next step? Should I keep bulking with Body Beast? Just keep hitting that program as hard as I can with some others thrown in the mix?

Ugh....sorry for the rant guys. I feel better by saying this, though. I know the OP is an amazing resource, but this thread (and you guys in the thread) seem like you're on a different planet from me. I'd like to go to that planet :(

Thanks for listening, whoever did. And again, I'm sorry if this post is frowned upon.

I don't have any advice, just wanted to say that I think you're very good looking.
Well shit, maybe I should be ill more often. I just crushed that turbo trainer session.... so much so that I still had the energy to put in a small sprint at the end. Illness aside, normally on leg day I can barely do the turbo session, let alone stomp all over it.


@Pyrokai: Body Beast isn't horrific, short term, but to get the most out of it you need to add some compound exercises to it (proper deadlift and overhead press especially)... and more than that, you need to have progression on the weights. Last I checked they don't detail progression anywhere in the documentation, so it's easy to just get stuck doing the same sort of weights for weeks. I assume you have a barbell of some sort? Don't suppose you have a squat rack?


the piano man
I'd like to give a review about the weight vest I bought a couple of weeks ago.

in a nutshell: it is great but It's not essential.

Here in the pics you see how it works, it weights 5 kilograms, or about 11 lbs. (confirmed by stepping on the scale wearing it) It's attached on the front and the bulk of the weight is in the rear part. Feels like a very tight school bag.

Exercises that I've tested:

in one word: GREAT. Of course, pointless for people used to chain & plate but not having access to that, those 5 kilograms are exactly what I need to improve my strength on that exercise. I do several sets with it then on my 4th I take it off and I feel like flying up and down, huge difference

Hyperextensions, not very comfortable and feels weird,

Great but could use more than 5 kilograms already,

Dips: good but for some reason didn't feel much difference I thought I'd get half the reps I get without it but I managed to do 15, which is my max on that.

it costs about $25 dls, it's worth it.

the downside is that it's a pain in the ass to carry it around. When I go back home, I have to wear it, otherwise the gym bag is too heavy

Not even sure if I should continue dead lifting with the hexagonal plates at my new gym. Having the plates roll every time you go down irritates the shit out of me.

not only deadlifts, I remember the gym in Mexico had those hexagonal plates and the bar would reposition itself (like rolling) while I was carrying it on my back doing squats, terrible,

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Cross post from the face books.

While my strict overhead press has been stronger in the past (280lbs) I can't remember it ever feeling this good, tight, and controlled. I just might make 300+ strict this year, but I'm not counting those chickens yet. Here is today's last joker set 255lbs x 1.

Here is the log.

Overhead press: 95x5, 115x5, 135x3, 165x5, 190x3, 210x5, 220, 230, 245, 255, 165x10
Incline bench press: 135x5, 225x5,6,5.
Swiss bar CGBP: 135x12,12,10
Dip/curl superset 12,12,12/10,8,8

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