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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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I just want to lose my belly fat, I have cut sodas, candies and all sorts of trash food, is hard to lose it and I dont want to run, I have not time and I always come work tired, Im doing the "one hundred push ups program" and doing some planks too.

Is that enough? or do I need something more for lowering that belly, damn :(

how long have you been dieting?

and you prolly have to do something else. cardio, weights, etc.


Abs are made in the kitchen.


Ok, is there any simple, and I mean simple guide like something that say this:

Eat this and this and this and nothign more.
Eat this and this and this and nothign more.
Eat this and this and this and nothign more.


All the guides I have seen contains food that I dont even know where to buy it, there must be some simple stuff like eat a chicken breast one a day for meal, breakfast a yoghurt, something easy to do for someone that spends 12 hours at work and gets home tired.

Im thinking on just stop eating for a week and do pure water and a banana a day or something drastic like that.

Hate this belly.
Congrats dude. I know very little about cycling but you had me at 120 minutes

Cheers, I'm particularly pleased because obviously I'm still coming back from my knee injury. I'm yet to actually push myself back to 100% for fear of making it worse, but all the same, that felt like within 1-2% of everything I had for today.

Im thinking on just stop eating for a week and do pure water and a banana a day or something drastic like that.

Hate this belly.

Sounds like a great way of fucking up your body.

Rome wasn't build in a day. Learn what's in food, learn what you can cook that's healthy and then freeze (examples: curry, chilli, pulled pork), then learn to keep track of what you're eating. If you're really, truly fucked for time (no-one is that fucked for time), then find one of the many sites that sell muscle food and order in meals ready to cook as you need them. Beyond that, obviously things like protein bars (quest) and protein power.

If that's too complicated, stop eating processed shit (not just what you think is junk food, pretty much anything processed) and see if you lose weight or not.

Oh, and read the OP.


Cheers, I'm particularly pleased because obviously I'm still coming back from my knee injury. I'm yet to actually push myself back to 100% for fear of making it worse, but all the same, that felt like within 1-2% of everything I had for today.

Sounds like a great way of fucking up your body.

Rome wasn't build in a day. Learn what's in food, learn what you can cook that's healthy and then freeze (examples: curry, chilli, pulled pork), then learn to keep track of what you're eating. If you're really, truly fucked for time (no-one is that fucked for time), then find one of the many sites that sell muscle food and order in meals ready to cook as you need them. Beyond that, obviously things like protein bars (quest) and protein power.

If that's too complicated, stop eating processed shit (not just what you think is junk food, pretty much anything processed) and see if you lose weight or not.

Oh, and read the OP.

Thanks for the tips, I think I will have to pay attention and really learn what Im eating.

for instance last night I ate a baggete, turkey ham, cheese, salad and water that for me is a good non processed food but I could be mistaken and thats why I cant lose weight.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
IF is so insane. Over 4,000 calories yesterday from 1pm-8pm and I wake up completely empty and starving.
It really is the best once you adapt to dealing with hunger. And even then, after a while I wouldn't even call it hunger as much as cravings.
so i finally used the bars at the gym today. I did bench press, squats, dead lifts, and I did rowing instead of pull ups because I can't do a pull up yet. I didn't lift a lot (like at all), but it felt good to do. How do the increments work if I'm cutting though? Like how much weight should I go up by.

I'm going to watch some videos tonight and over the weekend about proper form as well. I've done most of these exercises at some point before, but my form could almost definitely improve.

Also, very interested in some recipes people use when on a cut. I've been eating relatively well, but I'm sure I could do better, so anything in that regard would be great too.

Looking forward to going back to the gym tomorrow.
Thanks for the tips, I think I will have to pay attention and really learn what Im eating.

for instance last night I ate a baggete, turkey ham, cheese, salad and water that for me is a good non processed food but I could be mistaken and thats why I cant lose weight.

Depends. A salad can range from 100 calories to 1500 calories. A sandwich from 400 to over 2000. Baguette and salads everyday are fine if you know exactly how many calories you're putting in them and measure the portions of every ingredient.
for instance last night I ate a baggete, turkey ham, cheese, salad and water that for me is a good non processed food but I could be mistaken and thats why I cant lose weight.

I'm afraid that most bread is shit... and I don't know what a turkey ham is, maybe they don't have them on farms near me?

Turkey is usually pretty good, ham, not so much. Most deli meat is packed full of salt too, which isn't great.

How do the increments work if I'm cutting though? Like how much weight should I go up by.

I don't change my plan for cutting. If I can still make progress, great. If I stay at the same numbers... well at least it isn't going backwards.
I just want to lose my belly fat, I have cut sodas, candies and all sorts of trash food, is hard to lose it and I dont want to run, I have not time and I always come work tired, Im doing the "one hundred push ups program" and doing some planks too.

Is that enough? or do I need something more for lowering that belly, damn :(

You can avoid running if you really control your diet, but if you want to get rid of the fat as quickly as possible I would definitely advise some intense form of cardio like running or swiming.

It really is the best once you adapt to dealing with hunger. And even then, after a while I wouldn't even call it hunger as much as cravings.

It really does get easier and easier. I just love being able to eat sheer volume now and not worry about it doing anything. It's a way of eating that fits right in line with how I already view food which is - Eat until there is nothing left or I pass out. Whichever comes first


Depends. A salad can range from 100 calories to 1500 calories. A sandwich from 400 to over 2000. Baguette and salads everyday are fine if you know exactly how many calories you're putting in them and measure the portions of every ingredient.

For counting calories I need to read the labels rigth and see how much calories it has?
I'm afraid that most bread is shit... and I don't know what a turkey ham is, maybe they don't have them on farms near me?

Turkey is usually pretty good, ham, not so much. Most deli meat is packed full of salt too, which isn't great.
The one I buy looks like this one:


All white turkey breast or something is called.

You can avoid running if you really control your diet, but if you want to get rid of the fat as quickly as possible I would definitely advise some intense form of cardio like running or swiming.

I guess I will have to find the strenghts to do some cardio at nights.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
A buddy of minee has argued against Madcow's intermediate program because it has very low tonnage. He says that sets across, like 3x5, work much better in developing strength and muscle than ramped sets with one heavy set at the end.

What's everyone's thoughts on this?


Getting very used to working out fasted now. No headaches in sight, strength real good. Next week I start another 5s week and we give it a real test then. Looking very forward to it.

IF is so insane. Over 4,000 calories yesterday from 1pm-8pm and I wake up completely empty and starving.

I usually don't feel any hungry till the 22-24 hour mark. And if I go past that, my hunger is usually gone. It's my brain expecting food at certain times. Real hunger is different feeling wise.

It really is the best once you adapt to dealing with hunger. And even then, after a while I wouldn't even call it hunger as much as cravings.

Eating out of bordem is the biggest enemy imo. But yah, fasting is just so good.


Hey guys, will be hitting the gym for the first time ever in a week. Here's my details according to the OP:

Age: 21
Height: 185cm (6ft 1)
Weight: 88kg (14 stones)
Goal: Get decent results inside 6 months with the idea of continuing this for as long as possible afterwards.

So yeah, not super detailed but this is all I have. Find it really difficult to get the correct advise for stuff to do at the gym. Even now, the recommendation from what you have in the OP to what my brother and my friends have told me varies massively. I guess because they are in different stages of their progress compared to me, they pretty much compare their needs to mine.

I'd say I'm about a stone overweight (7kg). Not too worried about it. I can lose weight fairly easily with a decent diet as I eat terribly a lot of the times. Will be changing that for when I start gym obviously. Mainly will be carbs before gym and protein for dinner with veggies. I'm just more concerned about losing fat. I'm looking to build muscle but also to lose fat.

As a result, do you recommend me to do cardio as part of my regime? I don't see it as part of the beginners guide to starting at the gym. Would 3 sets of 5 reps of the various type of bar exercises be the correct way to start for me? Can I add exercise like bicep curls instead of stuff like power clean (as I don't know if my gym will be okay with dropping weights like that)?

Might have missed some stuff but I'd appreciate any help I can get :)

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Seeing OHPs like these is like trying to explain the cost of buying a home to my 4 year old. The numbers are just so far beyond the range I'm familiar with that I can't even really understand what they mean. Other than that you're damn strong, of course.

Crazy stuff. I just got to 135lbx7, 3 of which are actually strict and the rest integrate the hip thrust that Rippetoe pushes for in his tutorial videos. Seems my working sets are Brolic's warmups lol. Make sure to post another vid when you got that 3 plate press on lock man.

And that's definitely okay. Brolic wasn't born lifting school busses, he worked hard at it. Keep working at it and you'll get there. Progress is something that feels slow until you look back and say "holy shit, I've come THIS far?"

Brolics form is so impressive. Seriously clean.

Brolic you make me wish I could OHP without pain.

Dude, crazy impressive.

New folks / lurkers...this is how you OHP.

Thanks guys, hopefully the progression keeps going. Today I finally get to break is Texas bar and my home made platform in for deadlifts.
As a result, do you recommend me to do cardio as part of my regime? I don't see it as part of the beginners guide to starting at the gym. Would 3 sets of 5 reps of the various type of bar exercises be the correct way to start for me? Can I add exercise like bicep curls instead of stuff like power clean (as I don't know if my gym will be okay with dropping weights like that)?

As strange as it sounds (especially coming from me), you don't really need cardio in order to lose fat providing you're capable of keeping your diet on point. If you're not capable of being super strict, then cardio can be a way of allowing you a little more leeway on your intake, though be careful, most of the calorie burn calculators out there are completely full of shit (massively overestimate burn).

As for the weights, if your gym has Olympic lifting, you'll be fine to drop the weights (the right weights, in the right place). If not, maybe dumbbell cleans?

Unrelated... has anyone had, I don't know, hormonal problems when on a cut? I've felt quite down the last few weeks and I really can't put it down to anything other than the diet / routine. Seems like all my motivation has gone out of the window, even though my progress is reasonable.


Unrelated... has anyone had, I don't know, hormonal problems when on a cut? I've felt quite down the last few weeks and I really can't put it down to anything other than the diet / routine. Seems like all my motivation has gone out of the window, even though my progress is reasonable.

Yes. Constant cutting puts stress on your entire body. It's recommended to take breaks and eat at maintenance after a few months.

I've read cutting 6-8 weeks, 1-2 weeks maintenance, then back to cutting.


As strange as it sounds (especially coming from me), you don't really need cardio in order to lose fat providing you're capable of keeping your diet on point. If you're not capable of being super strict, then cardio can be a way of allowing you a little more leeway on your intake, though be careful, most of the calorie burn calculators out there are completely full of shit (massively overestimate burn).

As for the weights, if your gym has Olympic lifting, you'll be fine to drop the weights (the right weights, in the right place). If not, maybe dumbbell cleans?

Unrelated... has anyone had, I don't know, hormonal problems when on a cut? I've felt quite down the last few weeks and I really can't put it down to anything other than the diet / routine. Seems like all my motivation has gone out of the window, even though my progress is reasonable.

Thanks for the advice. I absolutely hate cardio! I've never enjoyed it and it definitely affected my motivation to weight lift after it (used to do treadmill/weights at home). I'd prefer not to do it but all of my friends and my brother do cardio to "warm up". Maybe I should only do 1km or something like that to warm me up? I shouldn't get tired from that (well not enough to demotivate the actual workout).
Yes. Constant cutting puts stress on your entire body. It's recommended to take breaks and eat at maintenance after a few months.

I've read cutting 6-8 weeks, 1-2 weeks maintenance, then back to cutting.

Interesting. Cheers.

I'd prefer not to do it but all of my friends and my brother do cardio to "warm up".

There are a multitude of ways to warm up (including doing your specific exercises at much lower weights)... cardio is just one of the options.

I believe the OP has a section on that sort of thing.


I do cardio for warm up on leg days sometimes(~10 min). Feel like it just helps get the hip flexors used to moving and it def gets quads primed. Mostly though I just do a few sets of warmup squats.

Otherwise I just do it to burn out myself after a workout. If you do high intensity cardio first then low rep weights you are going to sacrifice the latter activities performance.

The mental state from flat out cardio exertion is more like unplugging your brain than weight lifting. The latter is mostly me being overly anxious about how I can kill myself with the bar. So for that reason I still really like cardio.


Do you ever feel the urge to say fuck it to strict lifting programs and just get in there and lift heavy? I know a few guys here don't follow a set program, I almost just feel like doing that for a little. Just going in and attacking the weight with intensity and focus. Stop getting so worried about minute program details.

Maybe I'm just being crazy. I dunno.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Vids please

Cross post again.

Broke my deadlift platform in proper today with some deadlifts. Had to do last maximal set with no pants (still had on my strongman shorts) since I was having an issue with the bar sticking (didn't help). Other than that, great session. On video Deadlift 510x3, 560x1 and barbell row 315lbs x 5. Full log is in description. Still on the high volume kick. Gonna keep it in high gear as long as I can to get ready for competitions next May. http://youtu.be/4CpreXWB7zg


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Do you ever feel the urge to say fuck it to strict lifting programs and just get in there and lift heavy? I know a few guys here don't follow a set program, I almost just feel like doing that for a little. Just going in and attacking the weight with intensity and focus. Stop getting so worried about minute program details.

Maybe I'm just being crazy. I dunno.
I don't say fuck it to guidelines but I make my own routine and sometimes go by feel. Guess it depends on your goals and what you are looking to get out of training.


There are a multitude of ways to warm up (including doing your specific exercises at much lower weights)... cardio is just one of the options.

I believe the OP has a section on that sort of thing.

Think I'll try cardio for 1 week and then lighter weights for the second week and see which one I prefer.

How long before I step up weights? Every week? By how much?


Cross post again.

Broke my deadlift platform in proper today with some deadlifts. Had to do last maximal set with no pants (still had on my strongman shorts) since I was having an issue with the bar sticking (didn't help). Other than that, great session. On video Deadlift 510x3, 560x1 and barbell row 315lbs x 5. Full log is in description. Still on the high volume kick. Gonna keep it in high gear as long as I can to get ready for competitions next May. http://youtu.be/4CpreXWB7zg

Great lifts. What is your weight at now? It keeps getting more noticeable how much you're slimming down.

I don't say fuck it to guidelines but I make my own routine and sometimes go by feel. Guess it depends on your goals and what you are looking to get out of training.

I guess I should have clarified, following your own program not someone else's.

Nelo Ice

I guess I should have clarified, following your own program not someone else's.

I still wonder how I would create my own program since right now I'm completely dependent on following a set program. Of course whenever I feel confident enough to make one on my own I would love to incorporate muscle ups....once I actually complete a rep ;_;.


Cross post again.

Broke my deadlift platform in proper today with some deadlifts. Had to do last maximal set with no pants (still had on my strongman shorts) since I was having an issue with the bar sticking (didn't help). Other than that, great session. On video Deadlift 510x3, 560x1 and barbell row 315lbs x 5. Full log is in description. Still on the high volume kick. Gonna keep it in high gear as long as I can to get ready for competitions next May. http://youtu.be/4CpreXWB7zg

Another impressive vid brolic, that platform looks great btw.
Think I'll try cardio for 1 week and then lighter weights for the second week and see which one I prefer.

How long before I step up weights? Every week? By how much?
I'm going to pretty much go ahead and say it again... read the OP.

It seems like you've decided on Starting Strength, but you've not actually read anything about it.


I'm going to pretty much go ahead and say it again... read the OP.

It seems like you've decided on Starting Strength, but you've not actually read anything about it.

I genuinely can't see anything about increase weights for novices. I might be completely missing it as I should be asleep atm :p

I haven't decided on anything lol. I have absolutely no idea what I should do as there are so many different types of programs and all my friends are giving me different recommendations.

I'm just trying to get as much advice as possible that's slightly more specific to what I want to do before I start so I get the best results.


I genuinely can't see anything about increase weights for novices. I might be completely missing it as I should be asleep atm :p

I haven't decided on anything lol. I have absolutely no idea what I should do as there are so many different types of programs and all my friends are giving me different recommendations.

I'm just trying to get as much advice as possible that's slightly more specific to what I want to do before I start so I get the best results.


Are lifting shoes actually necessary?

I have some Nike Frees that I bought for the gym...dont really feel like buying more shoes

You want to lift weight in shoes with flat, hard soles.(like skateboard shoes) They are more stable when standing making it easier for you to generate power through your legs.

There are also special olympic-style weightlifting shoes you can buy. They feature a raised heel. Most people don't have the ankle flexibility to do squats with their legs shoulder-width apart, but olympic shoes correct this. (though most people instead just squat with their feet further apart.)

Regular running shoes aren't really designed for the gym, but they will do.



Ah okay, thanks for that. Clearly I need to get some sleep!

You mentioned the beginner full body program in the OP, which it states is Starting Strength, which also provides a link to a Starting Strength FAQ...


...which details pretty much everything you might want to know.

Yeah but I just wanted to know if that program was suited to what I wanted to achieve which is initially weight loss. But I guess it is?

Sorry for my obtuseness! I'm way too tired for this and shouldn't really be doing it now.


Cross post again.

Broke my deadlift platform in proper today with some deadlifts. Had to do last maximal set with no pants (still had on my strongman shorts) since I was having an issue with the bar sticking (didn't help). Other than that, great session. On video Deadlift 510x3, 560x1 and barbell row 315lbs x 5. Full log is in description. Still on the high volume kick. Gonna keep it in high gear as long as I can to get ready for competitions next May. http://youtu.be/4CpreXWB7zg

Absurd. Great lifts Brolic. I still study your vids for form even though I've been lifting for a while now (true story).

Also, bullshit about removing your pants for bar sticking issues. It was for Sadetar, and that was really nice of you.
Yeah but I just wanted to know if that program was suited to what I wanted to achieve which is initially weight loss. But I guess it is?

Sorry for my obtuseness! I'm way too tired for this and shouldn't really be doing it now.

Reducing calorie intake is suited to weight loss. Everything else is secondary.

For body composition, strength and aesthetics, lifting helps. For fitness, and accelerated calorie burn, cardio helps. It's really not much more complicated than that at its base level.

Time for some muscle-up love! I was a little rusty due to not training them in over a year but still proud of the 6 nonetheless. I'm confident 10 is achievable within a month or two.


lol, the guy in the Nike top straight out got turned into a mannequin from all the mirin.


It really is the best once you adapt to dealing with hunger. And even then, after a while I wouldn't even call it hunger as much as cravings.

What makes it so good if you get hungry? That was phrased like shit, but I'm just asking. :p
Adapting only takes a couple of weeks... and learning the difference between thinking you're hungry and actually being hungry can be life changing for some.

Unrelated, had protein powder for the first time in ages tonight as I knew there was no way I'd have enough time to get my calories / macros in. Forgot how gassy it makes me. Nasty. =/


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Adapting only takes a couple of weeks... and learning the difference between thinking you're hungry and actually being hungry can be life changing for some.
This in a nutshell. Many times you think you are hungry because your body is used to eating at certain times. Breaking the pattern and establishing new ones completely eliminates most of the usual hunger pains. You may feel like eating after 12-14 hours but like Bish said, many times that is due to boredom.


Thanks Bum. I've put in my dues at the pull-up bar over the years. Practice makes perfect.


So how do you decide if you've plateaued? The whole three cycles thing? What if it's only on one lift, and others seem to be progressing?
I stopped progressing on all of my lifts except for deadlift. Since I have achieved my initial target of bw bench and 1.5 bw squat. I decided to move on to a slower program.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Time for some muscle-up love! I was a little rusty due to not training them in over a year but still proud of the 6 nonetheless. I'm confident 10 is achievable within a month or two.


So damn impressive.

I've been working on doing bar stuff and calisthenics for the last half year or so, and I'm getting close to being able to a muscle up, or at least I think so, but it's tough. I'm getting really good at strict pull-ups and deep dips, but it's really tough to combine them into a muscle up.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Absurd. Great lifts Brolic. I still study your vids for form even though I've been lifting for a while now (true story).

Also, bullshit about removing your pants for bar sticking issues. It was for Sadetar, and that was really nice of you.

I assure you that wasn't the case. The bar was catching something fierce. Might need to get baby powder.

Time for some muscle-up love! I was a little rusty due to not training them in over a year but still proud of the 6 nonetheless. I'm confident 10 is achievable within a month or two.


Nice work!
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