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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Cross post from the face books.

While my strict overhead press has been stronger in the past (280lbs) I can't remember it ever feeling this good, tight, and controlled. I just might make 300+ strict this year, but I'm not counting those chickens yet. Here is today's last joker set 255lbs x 1.

Here is the log.

Overhead press: 95x5, 115x5, 135x3, 165x5, 190x3, 210x5, 220, 230, 245, 255, 165x10
Incline bench press: 135x5, 225x5,6,5.
Swiss bar CGBP: 135x12,12,10
Dip/curl superset 12,12,12/10,8,8


Dude, crazy impressive.

New folks / lurkers...this is how you OHP.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Decided to wear a tight fitted shirt today for the first time since I started working out. I normally wear hoodies and loose fitted shirts but I figured I've trimmed a surprising about of bellyfat on keto so why the hell not. Lot of people in my mosque started asking if I've been hitting the gym since I look a lot bigger with an flat belly now. Might pick up some more of these kinds of shirts lol.

Feels good man.


Decided to wear a tight fitted shirt today for the first time since I started working out. I normally wear hoodies and loose fitted shirts but I figured I've trimmed a surprising about of bellyfat on keto so why the hell not. Lot of people in my mosque started asking if I've been hitting the gym since I look a lot bigger with an flat belly now. Might pick up some more of these kinds of shirts lol.

Feels good man.

Great feeling dude. Nice to hear!


Very impressive. I need to start incorporating it into my routine. I'm still working on squatting as much as brolic OHPs.

And that's definitely okay. Brolic wasn't born lifting school busses, he worked hard at it. Keep working at it and you'll get there. Progress is something that feels slow until you look back and say "holy shit, I've come THIS far?"
Here is the log.

Overhead press: 95x5, 115x5, 135x3, 165x5, 190x3, 210x5, 220, 230, 245, 255, 165x10
Incline bench press: 135x5, 225x5,6,5.
Swiss bar CGBP: 135x12,12,10
Dip/curl superset 12,12,12/10,8,8


Crazy stuff. I just got to 135lbx7, 3 of which are actually strict and the rest integrate the hip thrust that Rippetoe pushes for in his tutorial videos. Seems my working sets are Brolic's warmups lol. Make sure to post another vid when you got that 3 plate press on lock man.
Seems my working sets are Brolic's warmups lol. Make sure to post another vid when you got that 3 plate press on lock man.

My working set wouldn't even count as his warmup apparently. =/

Keep working at it and you'll get there. Progress is something that feels slow until you look back and say "holy shit, I've come THIS far?"

Which is odd, because I was just looking back at what I was doing a year ago, and my overwhelming feeling is "meh". I don't think I'm cut out for this lifting stuff.

Aesthetically I'm doing great, but I still can't lift for shit.
Stronglifts 5X5, but I'm not progressing for shit. Before that was Starting Strength... where I also didn't progress for shit.

On the bright side, I'm not really getting any weaker on this cut, but I'm not entirely sure a much weaker version of me can exist!

Nelo Ice

Which is odd, because I was just looking back at what I was doing a year ago, and my overwhelming feeling is "meh". I don't think I'm cut out for this lifting stuff.

Aesthetically I'm doing great, but I still can't lift for shit.

I'm the opposite lol. I started lifting about 2 years ago. My lifts are actually pretty good besides OHP. I weight about 140 lbs. Haven't actually tested yet but if 5/3/1 is working then my 1 rep maxes should be
OHP: 120 lbs
Bench: 185 lbs
Squat: 275 lbs
Deadlift: 365 lbs

Besides that aesthetically no one would believe I lift unless you saw me at the gym and I'm just now getting compliments that I look bigger and stronger lol.
My working set wouldn't even count as his warmup apparently. =/

Which is odd, because I was just looking back at what I was doing a year ago, and my overwhelming feeling is "meh". I don't think I'm cut out for this lifting stuff.

Aesthetically I'm doing great, but I still can't lift for shit.

Stronglifts 5X5, but I'm not progressing for shit. Before that was Starting Strength... where I also didn't progress for shit.

On the bright side, I'm not really getting any weaker on this cut, but I'm not entirely sure a much weaker version of me can exist!

I think Stronglifts might be too much volume for shoulders, esp if you're looking to go up. Might be better off doing 3(or less)x5 in that case just to be able to push more? Unless you're not actually completing a set of 5.

Also, not sure if it applies either, but have you tried microloading on shoulder press? I'm going up by increments of 5 lbs and it's quite the struggle since it's a compound move that focuses so much on a relatively tiny muscle. I've been meaning to pick up a couple of 1lb/0.5lb plates to microload the weight instead of frustrating myself at the point where I can't get that last rep for 2-3 weeks before pulling some sort of miracle the week after. Just a consideration anyways! I'm paying for my procrastination and stinginess with time at the gym, it seems.
Yeah, I've been considering switching to 1kg increments instead of 2.5kg increments on OHP. I think my OHP numbers are particularly bad because of injuries over the years though. My shoulders are a complete trainwreck.

Though that said, nothing that should be affecting deadlift, and my numbers are still crap for that. ;)


Brian Burke punched my mom
Second week in a row doing cgbp, last week I only did 275? this week 295x3. May switch over to regular bench after if I hit 315-330 if shoulders feel good.

J. Bravo

4×7 and 1×10 @ 240 for squats. Kill me now. Doesn't seem like it would be that hard just looking at the numbers but damn I'm exhausted.


Cross post from the face books.

While my strict overhead press has been stronger in the past (280lbs) I can't remember it ever feeling this good, tight, and controlled. I just might make 300+ strict this year, but I'm not counting those chickens yet. Here is today's last joker set 255lbs x 1.

Here is the log.

Overhead press: 95x5, 115x5, 135x3, 165x5, 190x3, 210x5, 220, 230, 245, 255, 165x10
Incline bench press: 135x5, 225x5,6,5.
Swiss bar CGBP: 135x12,12,10
Dip/curl superset 12,12,12/10,8,8

Seeing OHPs like these is like trying to explain the cost of buying a home to my 4 year old. The numbers are just so far beyond the range I'm familiar with that I can't even really understand what they mean. Other than that you're damn strong, of course.


I think the best progression is 5x5 till maxed out, 3x5 till maxed out, then switch to 5/3/1. That is just general progression tho, and probably not good for someone looking to build muscle quickly. Good for someone cutting and getting max out of newb gains. I've never bulked so i can't really say what is proper for that in any way shape or form.

Nelo Ice

I think the best progression is 5x5 till maxed out, 3x5 till maxed out, then switch to 5/3/1. That is just general progression tho, and probably not good for someone looking to build muscle quickly. Good for someone cutting and getting max out of newb gains. I've never bulked so i can't really say what is proper for that in any way shape or form.

I kinda just follow whatever program sounds good since I don't trust myself to make a routine on my own lol. I've never done a 5x5 so I did SS, Greyskull, then 5/3/1.
I've been working with the dumbells. So far things are going alright (I think), the sore is gone and I can use them regurlarly. I've been doing the push ups on the counter. They're feeling better too. I still can't do many sets of those, but I'm working on it.

One question. Do you guys think it's better to work out on an empty stomach or a while after eating (I am doing the IF and usually start eating late afternoon)? I've been working out (working with the dumbbells and jogging usually) a while after I've eaten. I wonder if I should change that.

And another question. I usually have two meals. One is high on carbs (with some little fat from flaxseed and oats) and another one high in protein. Which do you guys think I should eat first? I usually eat the one heavy on carbs first and work out a while later. Should I switch my meals?

Maybe these are dumb questions.


"Edge stole Big Ben's helmet"
Is it okay to lift before donating blood?

I'd say no, depending on how long you wait after lifting to donate. Totally anecdotal but I donated after a workout about a year ago and the blood shot out of me really fast due to the heightened blood pressure. I apparently turned white and nearly fainted. That said, I don't think I the nurse was paying attention to me since it usually takes a while to fill up the bag and mine filled up crazy fast. Anyway I was really out of it the rest of the day.

So my best advice would be if you do, wait a bit and pay careful attention to how fast it's going.
lol, I don't think it would be a good idea to go straight in after getting your pump on. If that's what you meant, then no, don't do that. I assumed at least an hour later.
So how do you decide if you've plateaued? The whole three cycles thing? What if it's only on one lift, and others seem to be progressing?

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
So how do you decide if you've plateaued? The whole three cycles thing? What if it's only on one lift, and others seem to be progressing?

If every lift but one is progressing that sounds like a pretty good program to me. I am interested to hear answers for those that have moved one, as I'm in a similar situation. Though personally, I don't count plateaus that occur while on a cut, so my plan is for a long, slow bulk until I have to reset three times each lift.

That could take forever for deadlifts since I only do them once a week. I don't think I'll mind as long as something is going up.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I've donated blood within 20-30 minutes of lifting numerous times. Never had an issue. One time the lady told me I set a record for quickest time. It took like 2 minutes. lol


I've donated blood within 20-30 minutes of lifting numerous times. Never had an issue. One time the lady told me I set a record for quickest time. It took like 2 minutes. lol

Cooter, things like this statement and the DL video aren't helping your disguise as a human being.


Hey guys, question about recovery. I hurt something in my inner shoulder, possibly my rotator cuff—think I upped weights too fast after taking a break during vacation. Giving it just a day or two obviously did not help, so I'm taking a much longer break. Any sorts of stretches or exercises I should be doing (I won't have access to a gym for a while while I'm traveling) to help speed the recovery, or should I just leave my shoulder alone for a while and just start back on weights slowly and work my way back up?
I've been working with the dumbells. So far things are going alright (I think), the sore is gone and I can use them regurlarly. I've been doing the push ups on the counter. They're feeling better too. I still can't do many sets of those, but I'm working on it.

One question. Do you guys think it's better to work out on an empty stomach or a while after eating (I am doing the IF and usually start eating late afternoon)? I've been working out (working with the dumbbells and jogging usually) a while after I've eaten. I wonder if I should change that.

And another question. I usually have two meals. One is high on carbs (with some little fat from flaxseed and oats) and another one high in protein. Which do you guys think I should eat first? I usually eat the one heavy on carbs first and work out a while later. Should I switch my meals?

Maybe these are dumb questions.
If you are trying to shed fat then I would run on a steady pace on a empty stomach. I wouldn't recommend lifting on an empty stomach. Personally, I like eating complex carbs like oats, brown rice, sweet potatoes like an hour or 45 minutes prior to working out. Gives me the energy for the workout. Then afterwards I try to get some carbs but mostly focusing on protein.
Hey guys, question about recovery. I hurt something in my inner shoulder, possibly my rotator cuff—think I upped weights too fast after taking a break during vacation. Giving it just a day or two obviously did not help, so I'm taking a much longer break. Any sorts of stretches or exercises I should be doing (I won't have access to a gym for a while while I'm traveling) to help speed the recovery, or should I just leave my shoulder alone for a while and just start back on weights slowly and work my way back up?

If its rotator stretching will speed up your recovery tremendously.
Identify the specific point where you get pain - Arm straight out in front, to the side, or above your head. Really pinpoint when your body tells you its in pain. Then base your stretches for the first couple of days to be outside that range of motion but then slowly start getting into it and take note of if your pain is lessening.


First fluctuation of the cut, up .4lbs, but i had horrible sleep, not much of it, and had to take stuff to sleep again. Oh well, back to the grind.
I'm noticing one of those on shoulder exercises at the moment. I'm also getting somewhere near abs, maybe...

Unrelated, time for two hours of fasted training on the turbo trainer. These are always my hardest ones as I tend to be right near the sorts of heart rates where working out fasted isn't a great idea.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Cooter, I was there. The nurse said your 'blood type' was 10-w30
Woohoo... I almost put myself in the ground doing it, but I just broke my 60 minute, 90 minute and 120 minute records on the turbo trainer. Done fasted, and the day after leg day. :D

That's also at my lightest weight ever, so to put it in terms FitGAF understand basically the same sort of thing as Cooter's deadlift PR the other day. Much improved power to weight ratio, which is really important for cycling.

Edit - Holy shit my legs are seizing up big time. Got to walk around.


Woohoo... I almost put myself in the ground doing it, but I just broke my 60 minute, 90 minute and 120 minute records on the turbo trainer. Done fasted, and the day after leg day. :D

That's also at my lightest weight ever, so to put it in terms FitGAF understand basically the same sort of thing as Cooter's deadlift PR the other day. Much improved power to weight ratio, which is really important for cycling.

Edit - Holy shit my legs are seizing up big time. Got to walk around.

Congrats dude. I know very little about cycling but you had me at 120 minutes


I just want to lose my belly fat, I have cut sodas, candies and all sorts of trash food, is hard to lose it and I dont want to run, I have not time and I always come work tired, Im doing the "one hundred push ups program" and doing some planks too.

Is that enough? or do I need something more for lowering that belly, damn :(


I just want to lose my belly fat, I have cut sodas, candies and all sorts of trash food, is hard to lose it and I dont want to run, I have not time and I always come work tired, Im doing the "one hundred push ups program" and doing some planks too.

Is that enough? or do I need something more for lowering that belly, damn :(

Abs are made in the kitchen.
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