Bro I need the meat! I'm so skinny man I'm only 155 right now.
Woooooooooow. Dude you look incredible. Keep up the amazing work as always.
Bro I need the meat! I'm so skinny man I'm only 155 right now.
Bro I need the meat! I'm so skinny man I'm only 155 right now.
How tall are you? 155-160 is my target weight, but I doubt I will look even close to that at that weight.Bro I need the meat! I'm so skinny man I'm only 155 right now.
Thanks guys. Really happy these days.
You look absolutely incredible. Keep it up broseph.
Woooooooooow. Dude you look incredible. Keep up the amazing work as always.
How tall are you? 155-160 is my target weight, but I doubt I will look even close to that at that weight.
You look fantastic bud. Top notch really. Keep it up.Bro I need the meat! I'm so skinny man I'm only 155 right now.
You know whats crazy this weight is a complete accident. I haven't been able to lift for about 5 weeks and I have just been running and doing the odd pushup here or there.
Oh. I am 5'10 and currently 153 or so. I'm no way as lean as you but I'm pretty confident that once I am there is no way I will look as muscular as you. Probably my old man fat built up around my organs.Bro I'm so sorry I saw that meat and my brain shut off. Congrats!! That is incredible news.
Aww thanks Bum.
You know whats crazy this weight is a complete accident. I haven't been able to lift for about 5 weeks and I have just been running and doing the odd pushup here or there.
Bruce, what's your diet looking like these days?
You look fantastic bud. Top notch really. Keep it up.
Brokeback Mountain 😥😥
...sounds sexy. glol
Bro so minimal.
Short eating window from about 2pm - 5pm.
Probably had about 1500 calories yesterday.
Bro I need the meat! I'm so skinny man I'm only 155 right now.
Bro I need the meat! I'm so skinny man I'm only 155 right now.
on another note, how do I prevent my cheat night from turning into a cheat weekend?? -_-
I wasn't going to lift today, but your pic inspired me to get it done. Thanks bud!
And damn... 3 hour windows daily...thats dedication.
You looked like Rob Liefeld drew you.
Its honestly not something I was trying to do. I have had a lot of life upheavals I have been dealing with lately and its just kind of sapped my strength and appetite. I'm more shocked that I haven't lost more muscle than anything else.
Szu can I tell you I love you.
Hope all is well man.
Maybe it might be time to go a few weeks without a cheat night? Then really appreciate having a couple of days (less if you want) before hitting it hard again.
Tuna feels like sand in your mouth, this isn't as dry.
Wild salmon is amazing man. Low in Mercury too. Bake it with a little olive oil / herbs and finish it with lemon. Delish.
You're eating the wrong tuna.
Other stores here offer their wild salmons too but are smaller and for some reason not with the same nutrients, not as good as this.
lol, maybe I am cooking them wrong? my tuna filets are definitely drynot sure how to prepare them to avoid that.
Sure, but I'm still concerned about letting you and your meat on top of me.Szu can I tell you I love you.
Sure, but I'm still concerned about letting you and your meat on top of me.
Sounds like it. I tend to eat mine raw or marinated and lightly steamed, so I can't really speak for other cooking methods.
Jamie Oliver has some suggestions here...
Hahaha as you should be.
Dammit, fuck me. I left myself wide open for that one.
I'm fine, don't take me out of the game.
Mmmm, hit 145x3 on OHP clean on 500 calories a day plus 8+k steps. Psmf putting in work.
Thanks guys. Really happy these days.
You look absolutely incredible. Keep it up broseph.
Bruce you tiny man. 155!! Shit. Looking like a model though. Glad to see you back.
I'm good man. Still working in S Lake Tahoe. Raising a family. Maintaining at the gym. You know, life stuff. Zero complaints.Coot!!
My hero. How are you bro?
I'm good man. Still working in S Lake Tahoe. Raising a family. Maintaining at the gym. You know, life stuff. Zero complaints.
Hey FitnessGAF, quick question regarding bicep training:
do you guys do a set number of sets or train it until exhaustion? Up until recently I always seemed to stop right when it felt like my bicep was as big as possible, all the blood seemed to be rushing up there. It felt good. But now I'm training beyond that and it feels kind of fluff when I stop. I can barely flex it. Is it that normal? I'm not at the point of exhaustion.
The most recent science says to do it up until your form starts to fail. Chasing the pump feels good, but doesn't really do anything for you.
Half of my mountain biking rides work that way. No pre-workout though, just ridiculous amounts of caffeine.
Really? Does it ever spike your heart rate to an uncomfortable level? I haven't taken a preworkout in months and I think it's going to stay that way, but I have used a little caffeine at the start of races before since I no longer get much adrenaline out of the experience.Half of my mountain biking rides work that way. No pre-workout though, just ridiculous amounts of caffeine.
good job... seeing change is the biggest motivator.Since I've gotten serious about my fitness and eating regimen, I've lost 7 lbs. Feels good man