thanks for all your help doods. y'all rock
From the OP:Any lifting shoes you all recommend?
Shoes-Weightlifting shoes are very important. You should not lift in running or crosstraining shoes, as the compressable heels/soles are terrible for weight lifting and do not allow consistent force production. Get something with a solid, flat sole (Chuck Taylors are great), or a dedicated weightlifting shoe (Adidas Adipower, Nike Romaleo, Anta, and Wei Rui Warrior are a few recommendations).
Congrats!Officially married now. So glad it's done and now no more wedding projects.
I never had this problem with my resistant bands, but the smell should go away after use (based on my experience with a lacrosse ball). You can keep them in a tied or sealed bag in the meantime.how do i get these resistance bands to stop smelling. stinking up my apartment man...
advice on training with injuries
So I have a arm/shoulder impingement in my left arm, had this for over a year now. Anyway have only just starting lifting the last 2-3 weeks; due to the pain or weakness in the left arm I struggle to push further than I can. When doing dumbbell chest presses my right arm already feels stronger and I am ready to move up weights, but my left arm can only just keep up. I don't want to put more heavy weights on my right one due to muscle imbalance?
Also if I do push ups by the 20th rep I can feel me subconsciously shifting my weight to my right arm.
I think you have to "swallow" the breath into your body/stomach? So I hear, I'm pretty spotty with it myself. I totally thought you had it there though, I'm sure you'll get it next time.hmmm okay, so basically breathe out and not hold it in?
I only use it when I'm on the machine doing my cool-down cardio, though. Otherwise yeah, I agree walking around the gym like that has made some folks careless.I've gotten to the point that I look at people who listen to music with the same scorn that I look at people who use their phones.
I'm old, though.
Need some advice. My fiancée has been busting her ass in the kitchen trying to lose weight by going on a low calorie, healthy diet. That hasn't lead to her losing much weight though, and she wants to start exercising to tone up before our wedding in 60 days. Does anyone know of a cardio fitness plan for beginners that can be effective? And no I'm not expecting miraculous changes in 60 days for her, but she wants to work out to start feeling better about her health.
Shit, sorry. She's about 5'4 around 160-170. She's always had a stocky build, but she's gained some weight around her midsectionin the past few years. She had an accident 10 years ago that took away a lot of flexibility in her arms and ankles, so she's not been very active since then.stats?
5 - 10lbs or so weight loss should be achievable in that time, which is a big difference. If she isn't tracking calories that would be the first thing to do. You have to do it religiously and accurately, using a scale where necessary. As for cardio, its all volume and intensity. If you can do some kind of HIIT or variation, then that is probably the most efficient use of your time. I have one of theseNeed some advice. My fiancée has been busting her ass in the kitchen trying to lose weight by going on a low calorie, healthy diet. That hasn't lead to her losing much weight though, and she wants to start exercising to tone up before our wedding in 60 days. Does anyone know of a cardio fitness plan for beginners that can be effective? And no I'm not expecting miraculous changes in 60 days for her, but she wants to work out to start feeling better about her health.
It's not music, but I catch up on the Giant Bombcast while lifting since I don't listen to it on car rides anymore.So for fellow gamers here in the fitness thread, what are some of your playlists for the gym?
I personally find that Street Fighter's music puts me into a huge pump, my cardio can't go as long without it. Street Fighter V's original soundtrack and a bunch of fan remixes of 3rd Strike make up my playlist. I love SF, haha.
Need some advice. My fiancée has been busting her ass in the kitchen trying to lose weight by going on a low calorie, healthy diet. That hasn't lead to her losing much weight though, and she wants to start exercising to tone up before our wedding in 60 days. Does anyone know of a cardio fitness plan for beginners that can be effective? And no I'm not expecting miraculous changes in 60 days for her, but she wants to work out to start feeling better about her health.
I'm trying to IF but I swear to god my body won't let me sleep unless my stomach is full enough for a bear to go into hibernation.
It's 4:48am![]()
Eat plant based foods for that whole period. Lots of greens (salads without fatty/oily dressings), beans, rice, potatoes, veggies, fruits, some nuts, and only water for drinking. Massively restrict animal products or just cut out completely (no dairy/meat) and cut out all oil, refined sugars, and processed foods. Eat these whole plant based foods until satiation.
Two guys at my gym are having a benching contest in which the person who gets the most reps of their bodyweight wins. I think it's a fun idea. I could probably get 40 reps of 180 I'd imagine. lol Maybe more. One weighs 240 and the other 190. I have money on the big guy.
It's this afternoon.
Two guys at my gym are having a benching contest in which the person who gets the most reps of their bodyweight wins. I think it's a fun idea. I could probably get 40 reps of 180 I'd imagine. lol Maybe more. One weighs 240 and the other 190. I have money on the big guy.
Two guys at my gym are having a benching contest in which the person who gets the most reps of their bodyweight wins. I think it's a fun idea. I could probably get 40 reps of 180 I'd imagine. lol Maybe more. One weighs 240 and the other 190. I have money on the big guy.
New to the thread, uh, can we post progress pics? Is that a thing?
New to the thread, uh, can we post progress pics? Is that a thing?
That's a great idea if you're trying to lose a lot of weight in a short time... but if you want to retain muscle / put on any muscle, you'd be well short of the protein intake that you'd realistically need (unless you supplemented).
Hmm I've realised I have had 2 scoops of whey protein + 2 caesin protein every single day for the past 2 years. Is this bad?
You're definitely gonna die.
Have you seen my squat vid? Any suggestions?
You're definitely gonna die.
I know it's far better to get solid food but as a student who has no time to prepare food (and the fact that powders are cheaper than actual chicken), I'm curious if it's actually okay to get the majority of your protein intake from powders without any adverse or ill effects over the long-term
How many scoops of whey do you guys get in per day?
ok... so Kevin Lebrone is back and he will compete for Mr. Olympia 2016.
I got to watch this video https://www.facebook.com/Mxmuscleselite/videos/1228106440568789/ (I hope you guys can watch it)
This is the guy with the infamous "detransformation" (is that a word??) pic on the internet. (left is before! right is AFTER! after he stopped competing)
so he started training again and is making a comeback and looks like in the before pic, maybe even bigger judging by the video
quiet amazing, in several ways.
and Brolic, nice to have you back![]()
It just causes water retention; nothing too serious and once you put on the weight it'll be constant (rather than increasing continually over time). Unless you don't want the number on the scale fucking with your head (I don't, and I know I'm basically capped out on my lifts while on a cut so I don't take it), go for it and just focus on appearance.Hey guys - am thinking about buying some creatine because my lift progression has been somewhat slow. However, I've read that it bulks you up, which is not my goal right now (doing lean gains/carb cycling). Should I hold off on buying it until I've reached my goal weight?
Had to go back and look. When you unrack you're in a bad position. Watch your lower back give when you unrack. Try to use your hips to pop the bar out, not
Your back. Also make sure you take a deep breath and push against your belt before unracking and before going down. It didn't look like you did that at all. Like you rushed it.
As for where you stuck, that would be a glute issue. Make sure you're trying to thrust your dick at the rack to finish.
ok... so Kevin Lebrone is back and he will compete for Mr. Olympia 2016.
I got to watch this video https://www.facebook.com/Mxmuscleselite/videos/1228106440568789/ (I hope you guys can watch it)
This is the guy with the infamous "detransformation" (is that a word??) pic on the internet. (left is before! right is AFTER! after he stopped competing)
so he started training again and is making a comeback and looks like in the before pic, maybe even bigger judging by the video
quiet amazing, in several ways.
and Brolic, nice to have you back![]()
As for where you stuck, that would be a glute issue. Make sure you're trying to thrust your dick at the rack to finish.