Glad I found this thread. I've reached a point in my life I need to turn things around and get healthy and fit again. Long story short, I'm 6'3", 31, always been chubby and lost a good amount of weight getting to my all time low of 199/200lbs when I was considering joining the military back in 04/05. I never got into weight lifting, just extreme cardio and was just slim. Got into a relationship and the weight came back to the point I reached 330lbs.
I carry my weight well since I'm overall a big dude, but I'm no longer happy being this size and want to get into shape. My Dr. has also told me my blood pressure is high and I will need to go on meds unless I get things under control. Life after 30 for me is starting to suck.
A coworker saw potential and really started pushing me to go to the gym with him, but I rejected his offers and decided to try things out on my own at home at my pace. I've been able to drop nearly 10 lbs in the past 1-2 months, but I honestly feel I could lose more if I go to the gym where they have all the equipment I would need.
Finally accepted my coworkers offer and hit the gym this morning with him. He's into weight lifting competitions and is crazy fit, so my goal is to utilize his momentum, encouragement, and assistance to get myself in the best shape of my life. I honestly feel really good about myself after doing this and really am dedicated to sticking with this. I want to be done with my man boobies and have some good tone/fitness to me at least once before I get older.
I'm really hoping to stick with this and will keep posting my status along the way here.