This isn't quite true, on every site you go or wherever you see some poll made by fans, Aliens isn't that far ahead of Alien and I'm sure I saw a couple of polls where Alien comes in front.
This is from the AVPGalaxy site and to me 51 to 33 isn't so definitive.
What Alien fans want -- me included, as I'm a huge Alien fan -- is a movie where:
- you don't fuck around too much with the mystery, not everything needs to be explained.
- good quality in story, decent writing, atmosphere, no more comically idiotic decisions made by characters.
- where the Xeno isn't some afterthought, nobody cares about anything else in the Alien universe, you want someone questioning life itself? , no problem, go make that movie separate or another franchise.
- no more prequels or interquels or whatever Romulus is, no fan wants Alien to become a congested, convoluted universe like MCU where everybody knows everybody and you can find lost things like your keys home.
Romulus is a good soft restart which at least nailed the atmosphere part, but I would rather have another self contained horror like the 1st one than Aliens, not because I don't like it, quite the contrary, but because they would fuck up, they would take all the wrong lessons from Aliens.