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Fitness |OT9|...You looked better before


My overhead press has been the same for like 4 straight weeks. Can't get past 100 smh

OHP is probably the hardest lift to improve once you hit a wall. I hit 220lbs on OHP last year and I couldn't for the life of me get 225. I was so salty lol.


Try front raises and also, what plan are you running (e.g. how often are you OHP, what's the progression, set structure, etc.)

OK I will. I ohp once a week on shoulder and traps day.. Just 3 sets of 6-10 reps. Was going up 5 pounds a week but I'm stalled now

OHP is probably the hardest lift to improve once you hit a wall. I hit 220lbs on OHP last year and I couldn't for the life of me get 225. I was so salty lol.
Damn 225 on ohp wtf lol


OK I will. I ohp once a week on shoulder and traps day.. Just 3 sets of 6-10 reps. Was going up 5 pounds a week but I'm stalled now

Switch to 2X a week (sneak them in somewhere) for a couple of weeks. On the new shoulder day, decrease the weight and increase the reps (3X12 at 75% of your 6 Rep Max, for example).

The easiest way to bust a plateau is to give that part more attention.


Switch to 2X a week (sneak them in somewhere) for a couple of weeks. On the new shoulder day, decrease the weight and increase the reps (3X12 at 75% of your 6 Rep Max, for example).

The easiest way to bust a plateau is to give that part more attention.

OK I will do that thank you.


Went back to 5x5 becasue after all my back issues for the past couple years I figured it's time to squat and DL again.

after a month I'm having to pause my squats and DLs again because my back. It's just permanently messed up and needs a break now and then. I'll probably get back at in in a week and in the meantime I'll do a regular bro exercises. It just sucks when your legs are so strong but your stupid herniated disks can't handle the weight.

My bench is 340 5x5 and it feels like I can easily get it much higher. I wonder what my bench max is now, it's gotta be at least 450 I think.

Sad that my Bench is higher then my squats and DLs but I didn't restart with bench like I had to with more back focused exercises. At least they are all back in the 300s.

OHP is pretty good at 220 5x5.
Went back to 5x5 becasue after all my back issues for the past couple years I figured it's time to squat and DL again.

after a month I'm having to pause my squats and DLs again because my back. It's just permanently messed up and needs a break now and then.

Just wondering what style of squats you do? Your lifts are way beyond mine, so it's not like I'm useful for any advice, but high bar wrecked my back last year, but low bar using Rippetoe's cues hasn't and, in fact, my back didn't even really get better until I started low bar, time off didn't even really help all that much.

(Yes, I'm just one dude, not a doctor, not recommending low bar as the fix all for someone else's unique back situation, just throwing in an anecdote.)


Just wondering what style of squats you do? Your lifts are way beyond mine, so it's not like I'm useful for any advice, but high bar wrecked my back last year, but low bar using Rippetoe's cues hasn't and, in fact, my back didn't even really get better until I started low bar, time off didn't even really help all that much.

(Yes, I'm just one dude, not a doctor, not recommending low bar as the fix all for someone else's unique back situation, just throwing in an anecdote.)

Thanks for the help.

I'm actually using this because the size of my shoulders makes it difficult to squat without feeling like my shouders are going to rip out of their sockets and it's also supposedly better for back issues since it takes pressure off the L5. It has seemed to help and I can squat for longer without taking a break but eventually the disk flares up.

It's much harder than a regular squat though, feels more like a front squat but keeps your back at a straighter angle.


Oh my god, I hit 135lbs for deadlifts today! This is a huge step for me! I'm 107lbs (female) and had to work my way up from essentially 60lbs. It has been a pain in the ass to go from 60lbs to 135lbs because I have had to stack plates underneath to get the bar at the right height. Not only that but when I started out, 60lbs felt like the heaviest thing in the world! I would get quite a bit of stares for stacking the plates as many people gave me a "what are you doing?" look.

But oh my god I hit 135lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy! If only my squats could improve too... I'm stuck at 110lbs...
Thanks for the help.

I'm actually using this because the size of my shoulders makes it difficult to squat without feeling like my shouders are going to rip out of their sockets and it's also supposedly better for back issues since it takes pressure off the L5. It has seemed to help and I can squat for longer without taking a break but eventually the disk flares up.

It's much harder than a regular squat though, feels more like a front squat but keeps your back at a straighter angle.

I really want to try out one of those bars, seems like it would be a good time.
Oh my god, I hit 135lbs for deadlifts today! This is a huge step for me! I'm 107lbs (female) and had to work my way up from essentially 60lbs. It has been a pain in the ass to go from 60lbs to 135lbs because I have had to stack plates underneath to get the bar at the right height. Not only that but when I started out, 60lbs felt like the heaviest thing in the world! I would get quite a bit of stares for stacking the plates as many people gave me a "what are you doing?" look.

But oh my god I hit 135lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy! If only my squats could improve too... I'm stuck at 110lbs...


Keep going!


Gold Member
Was doing back squats today and it was going well. Did 385 for 4 sets of 6, then I was doing 405 for 5 sets of 5 (I'm 41 so you know). On set 4 with 405, it felt like the muscle in my thigh 'popped', like it popped to the left and then went back into place again. I tried to do some reps with 225 but the whole top of the thigh tightened up.

So I quit the workout and came home and put the heat pack on it. Hope it doesn't linger. Just frustrating as hell.


Oh my god, I hit 135lbs for deadlifts today! This is a huge step for me! I'm 107lbs (female) and had to work my way up from essentially 60lbs. It has been a pain in the ass to go from 60lbs to 135lbs because I have had to stack plates underneath to get the bar at the right height. Not only that but when I started out, 60lbs felt like the heaviest thing in the world! I would get quite a bit of stares for stacking the plates as many people gave me a "what are you doing?" look.

But oh my god I hit 135lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy! If only my squats could improve too... I'm stuck at 110lbs...

Good job
When you're trying to use the ab machine but a girl stands right in front of you and when you do a crunch your face is basically touching her butt.
Saw a sports medicine specialist three weeks ago for my knee. He said I have a millimeter tear in pantella tendon. It'll heal on its own and no need for surgery so thank Christ.

I did start my first PT today and I have quite a bit of stability and mobility issues where one leg is weaker than other. Should take no more than 5/6 sessions.

PT had me do overhead squat with stick. I could hardly lower body. He then made me Place my heels on an aparatus and try it again and holy shit not only could I go all the down but my spine looked perfect.

Sucks I can't do lower body for now and my legs lost size, but my body comes first. I'm starting from scratch and need to work on form and loosening up my hips, hamstrings, and quads. I'll get it the mass back.
So I see people saying you should add 5 lbs per week. When I add weights my only option is adding 10 kilos, every time.

5 pounds every workout. For as long as you can.

Your gym really needs to have plates going down to 2.5 pounds, or 1.1KG. Really good gyms may even have smaller plates than that. This is what allows you to keep doing 5 pound increments as you progress, as you add 2.5, 5, 5 + 2.5, 10, 10 + 2.5, etc., per side.
5 pounds every workout. For as long as you can.

Your gym really needs to have plates going down to 2.5 pounds, or 1.1KG. Really good gyms may even have smaller plates than that. This is what allows you to keep doing 5 pound increments as you progress, as you add 2.5, 5, 5 + 2.5, 10, 10 + 2.5, etc., per side.
Beggars can't be choosers. This is the price of a $1 admission, I guess.
Oh my god, I hit 135lbs for deadlifts today! This is a huge step for me! I'm 107lbs (female) and had to work my way up from essentially 60lbs. It has been a pain in the ass to go from 60lbs to 135lbs because I have had to stack plates underneath to get the bar at the right height. Not only that but when I started out, 60lbs felt like the heaviest thing in the world! I would get quite a bit of stares for stacking the plates as many people gave me a "what are you doing?" look.

But oh my god I hit 135lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy! If only my squats could improve too... I'm stuck at 110lbs...

Awesome! Congrats on your pull!
What, why?
1. I'm the heaviest lifter there (but by Fitness-GAF standards I'm probably somewhere in the middle.)
2. I'm in a foreign country and most of the guys there are like 5-10, 140, and they don't the idea of some foreigner showing them up (it's crazy the owners don't let me deadlift over 350)
3. I stood up for myself when I was being ridiculed for my beliefs.
1. I'm the heaviest lifter there (but by Fitness-GAF standards I'm probably somewhere in the middle.)
2. I'm in a foreign country and most of the guys there are like 5-10, 140, and they don't the idea of some foreigner showing them up (it's crazy the owners don't let me deadlift over 350)
3. I stood up for myself when I was being ridiculed for my beliefs.

Next time you go bring a loud stereo and blast Stone Cold's entrance music and crack two beer cans together and pour them down your face.


Anyone ever been to any gyms in Spokane, WA? Any you can suggest? I am going to be there for 6 days and don't want to slip off the wagon.

Haven't been to any gyms there but sorry you have to go there. Wouldn't wish that on anyone....I was stationed at the Air Force Base there for a couple years.
1. I'm the heaviest lifter there (but by Fitness-GAF standards I'm probably somewhere in the middle.)
2. I'm in a foreign country and most of the guys there are like 5-10, 140, and they don't the idea of some foreigner showing them up (it's crazy the owners don't let me deadlift over 350)
3. I stood up for myself when I was being ridiculed for my beliefs.
I don't know what #3 is but just ignore them. If it gets too unruly, if there's physical confrontation, just go to another gym.

I guess I'm glad my gym is full of folks who mind their own business. I'm the skinniest there but I have never heard anything bad from anyone there. In fact, they've been helpful, like that one time I tried deadlifts and they swiftly told me I was doing it the potentially dangerous way.
[/B]27133]Haven't been to any gyms there but sorry you have to go there. Wouldn't wish that on anyone....I was stationed at the Air Force Base there for a couple years.

I gotta go, yo. My wife's 20th reunion. I've only been out there once. It was during winter. That place looked like a damn snowglobe! Pretty as a picture. Every food place we ate at was terrible though. This will be my first time in the summer. Why'd you hate it? Not a Gonzaga fan?
I'm really mulling over joining an obstacle course race but I'm worried I won't be able to clear the monkey bars and the rope. But I really want to join, shame none of my friends want to accompany me.


Unconfirmed Member
First, let me state that I'm trying to lose weight, not to bulk up.

I recently changed countries and my plan too accelerate my weight loss this way seem to be a success. You know, food is much more expensive here, less delicious taco stands every corner, longer commutes with my bicycle. I actually lost so much weight that I got scared that I was losing weight too fast and I was on risk on hurting myself. So I increased my calorie intake. I even bought ice cream as is very good over here and cheap'ish to boot.

Now, I recently looked at the protein bar isle and bought some and, to my surprise, they actually taste like candy bars! Not high end candy of course, but I was expecting them to taste like plastic or medicine. Therefore, my question:

Are this things just relabeled candy bars that should only be consumed during a marathon by athletes like the sports drinks? Is their marketing hype miss labelled and should I stick to carrots for snaking? Can I consume them instead of, lets say, breakfast?

Ty for your answers.
I've been using the so called 'bro split' with high reps for a while now, as recommended by people around me.
It seems to work for a lot of people, but not for me. Maybe it's not the program's fault, I don't know...

Is push-pull-legs with low reps a better option? Do I have to change it after a while or do I stick to it forever?
Do I have to change some of the exercises or the number of repetitions every month or so? (that was the case with the brosplit)
Next time you go bring a loud stereo and blast Stone Cold's entrance music and crack two beer cans together and pour them down your face.
I already asked one of trainers if they would like me to: "show you the Bronx, right here,

I don't know what #3 is but just ignore them. If it gets too unruly, if there's physical confrontation, just go to another gym.

I guess I'm glad my gym is full of folks who mind their own business. I'm the skinniest there but I have never heard anything bad from anyone there. In fact, they've been helpful, like that one time I tried deadlifts and they swiftly told me I was doing it the potentially dangerous way.
Yeah, we're way past that point.


First, let me state that I'm trying to lose weight, not to bulk up.

I recently changed countries and my plan too accelerate my weight loss this way seem to be a success. You know, food is much more expensive here, less delicious taco stands every corner, longer commutes with my bicycle. I actually lost so much weight that I got scared that I was losing weight too fast and I was on risk on hurting myself. So I increased my calorie intake. I even bought ice cream as is very good over here and cheap'ish to boot.

Now, I recently looked at the protein bar isle and bought some and, to my surprise, they actually taste like candy bars! Not high end candy of course, but I was expecting them to taste like plastic or medicine. Therefore, my question:

Are this things just relabeled candy bars that should only be consumed during a marathon by athletes like the sports drinks? Is their marketing hype miss labelled and should I stick to carrots for snaking? Can I consume them instead of, lets say, breakfast?

Ty for your answers.
Depends on the bar. Some are pretty much candy bars while others are low in sugar but still taste good enough. Just have to check the macros. Protein bars can be high calorie though so heads up on that. If you can fit then in fine if not just get another source of protein.
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