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Fitness |OT9|...You looked better before


Gold Member
You know, way back in the day, when I was bulking, I'd eat a small plate of chicken nuggets every night with my protein shake. Maybe half or 1/3 of one of the packages from the grocery.

It worked.


What are some quick high calorie meals I can eat to bulk up? I am munching on PB right now but even then that stuff is hard to keep down. I even drink 1-2 shakes a day but I am having trouble reaching my calorie goals.

Canned fish? Beans and rice?
What are some quick high calorie meals I can eat to bulk up? I am munching on PB right now but even then that stuff is hard to keep down. I even drink 1-2 shakes a day but I am having trouble reaching my calorie goals.

Oatmeal, peanut butter (with no added sugar just not the one you buy in the grocery store).

Cashew butter.

Just to name a few.
I've been doing decline crunches and cable crunches for abs, but Iately I've started doing hanging leg raises, and maaaan they really hit them hard!
Yesterday, the cable from the cable machine dislodged, so I left it there but I tied it first somewhere so that they know it's out of commission. Then this guy suddenly was about to use it, so two other guys went and helped him fix it. One of the guys cast a glance on me, he knew I was guilty! Oh well, the last time I tried to fix it I almost lost a finger or two. Next time I'll ask for help.


So after every squat set I feel very light headed, I'd almost describe it as feeling high. I enjoy the sensation, I finish my set and just wait for it. Lasts for like 10-15 seconds I'd guess.

I tried looking online but it seems like people don't actually like this feeling and look for ways to have it stop.

Anyone here enjoy that as I do? Should I not enjoy it and actually be worried about it?

In case anyone is wondering, I take in a deep breath as I go down and hold it in, letting it go either gradually or in one go as I'm coming up. Don't feel like I'm lacking in breathing.


Finally going to see a physical therapist for my groin. Haven't been able to do squats since my third workout ever, so that's a bit of a bummer. Have been doing deadlifts, leg curls and leg extensions on the leg side to compensate somewhat.

Anyway, so I'm doing a lot of leg extensions. Is it weird that I can do 100kg in the leg extension machine and deadlift about the same weight? (I've deadlifted 95kg 1x5 so 100 should be possible.) I'm pretty sure I use correct form and enough stretch in the machine, ass is firmly planted, only the lower leg moving, lower back always touching the back rest. My friends tell me that one should be able to squat way more than weight than for leg extensions, so that means if I could actually do squats I would squat more than deadlift? Makes no sense... Any help?


Ran 15km in rough terrain today in a sports/fun event for charity, felt good man! Didn't believe I could do such a "long" run without preparing, legs are pretty dead right now :)
For some reason i've been getting alot less sleep the last few weeks. I turn the lights out at 9:30, usually fall asleep around 10ish and wake up anywhere from 5 to 5:30. But lthe last few weeks i've been waking up at around 4 and cant go back to sleep. I even tried staying up til 11pm to try and trick my body into waking up at 5:30 again but i still woke up at 4.

my energy level is fine, im not drowsy at work or anything its just annoying because i know sleep is good for your body.


Gold Member
It's really easier on your knees to go below 90 than to stop above it.

A lot of people seem to interpret "90 degrees" as stopping when the back of your knee forms a right angle, which would be really high. You want to think of a line between the knee and hip joints; parallel would be when that line is parallel to the ground. (Maybe that's what you meant by 90 degrees, but as I said, a lot of people seem to mean the first one.)
Going to head out and do my first weights session in about a month. Going to make it VERY light. lol

I've learned my lesson with regards to DOMS after a significant break.
there's plenty of squat racks out there.



Squats bug the fuck outta me. Should I go down all the way or 90 degrees. I like my knees.

Parallel = Top of Knee is in line with your hip crease. This the accepted standard of reaching depth. It's also where your stretch reflex is going to fire best. Squatting all the way down (ATG) isn't going to kill your knees. It's how I squat a majority of the time and I have zero knee problems

How far you should squat down depends on your mobility and injury history. Aim for parallel if you can. If you can't, then do Squats as deep as you can and work to increase your ankle and hip mobility in the mean time.
Someone just did deadlifts in front of the squat rack. Nevermind the other spots let's just take up the squat area lol

This is actually insanely common... I think part of the blame is often the gym itself though. I've been to a few now over the years and not only are platforms for deadlifts and stuff rare, but most of the time there just isn't room for deadlifts, or at least nothing convenient that also has easy access to weights.
This is actually insanely common... I think part of the blame is often the gym itself though. I've been to a few now over the years and not only are platforms for deadlifts and stuff rare, but most of the time there just isn't room for deadlifts, or at least nothing convenient that also has easy access to weights.

our gym, they need to get rid of one smith machine, one of the cable machine. do a little reearranging, build a deadlift platform, and buy weights (or a pair of 45# bumper plates) and bars for that area.
but with the influx of lifters who are doing deadlift its only a matter of time before they won't allow it considering it's a commercial gym.


This is actually insanely common... I think part of the blame is often the gym itself though. I've been to a few now over the years and not only are platforms for deadlifts and stuff rare, but most of the time there just isn't room for deadlifts, or at least nothing convenient that also has easy access to weights.

Yeah, at my old gym, there were two power racks, no lifting platforms. Barbells were required to be used inside the rack. So even if you wanted to take a bar over to an empty corner, it was expressly prohibited.
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