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Fitness |OT9|...You looked better before


What is the best way to get my fitness in if I am gonna be backpacking through South America? I imagine that I will most likely lose some weight but I want to do my best to maintain muscle mass and strength. Will I be forced to just dedicate a ton of push ups and sit ups every morning? I will be slow traveling and visiting usually small to medium cities. Maybe stopping by a day at a big city before going onto a main spot that I will be staying at.


What is the best way to get my fitness in if I am gonna be backpacking through South America? I imagine that I will most likely lose some weight but I want to do my best to maintain muscle mass and strength. Will I be forced to just dedicate a ton of push ups and sit ups every morning? I will be slow traveling and visiting usually small to medium cities. Maybe stopping by a day at a big city before going onto a main spot that I will be staying at.

My only real tip is to stay hydrated. Bring a couple of bottles in your pack if you can. Never know when you'll get a chance to refill them.
I've been trying to watch my calories for a bit, and kind of unintentionally my routine has been eating a lot when I wake up, and then not eating much the rest of the day. Today when I got up my aunt brought by some fast food when I got up, which was around 1100 calories. Since then I've only eaten about 400 calories the rest of the day, although I'll likely eat more later tonight. Should I try to spread out my calorie intake better or is this an ok way to do things?


I've been trying to watch my calories for a bit, and kind of unintentionally my routine has been eating a lot when I wake up, and then not eating much the rest of the day. Today when I got up my aunt brought by some fast food when I got up, which was around 1100 calories. Since then I've only eaten about 400 calories the rest of the day, although I'll likely eat more later tonight. Should I try to spread out my calorie intake better or is this an ok way to do things?

I'd say as long as you hit your calorie and macro goals for the day feel free to structure your eating as you see fit. Personally, I eat once a day (4 hour window). Basically I consume my calories from the time I get home and eat dinner, until after I work out, right before bed. I was never one for breakfast, and since I'm on a calorie deficit I prefer this approach to smaller meals throughout the day that don't leave me satisfied.

Once I reach my goal and transition to lifting/bulking I may add lunch back in to accommodate the additional calories. Or I may just stick to what I'm doing. We'll see.


Currently at 83kg.

Gradually moving up in calories each week to get into a bulking phase. This week I'm at 3400, aiming to get up to roughly 3600 and maintain that diet until Christmas (checking if I'm putting on weight each week in the process - at the very most 0.2kg) then cut temporarily for a few weeks to get more definition back. Repeat until Summer next year.

If I'm successful enough will get myself into Glasgow's bodybuilding competitions in June 2018.

Here's my progress from June 2015 to March 2017. Managed to put on 15kg from July 2016 to May 2017.



Thanks a lot my bros 💪🏻

Great progress. How tall are you? Also what are your stats for the main three lifts?
5 foot 10 (ish).

82.5kg bench, 137.5kg squat and 182kg deadlift. These are the last recorded 1RPM, since then I've been able to bench at least 70kg for 8 reps with no spot. Curious to see how much has changed since then.

Limiting my sugar intake too. My ideal maximum per day is 70g. Myfitnesspal has been super ideal to help with progress.


I roughly did the same thing and being at 69kg at 6'1 was hell. The visible 6 pack and definition wasnt worth it at that weight. I barely ate anything. Am at 81kg now and 3k+ cals a day is a struggle.

Your squat and dead has got me beat thoroughly , 3plates/4plates are my goal for the next bulk. Some good lifts all around.

Hit chest today and 100kg(225 x1 ) went up the smoothest it ever has. https://instagram.com/p/BXsuigdgeDN/
Money is my issue when it comes to eating 3K+ calories, plenty of rice and pasta help around that problem with bulking up.

I'll be aiming for sub 100kg bench by Christmas. It's been a while since I last did a 1RPM but I'm pretty confident that my strength is now closer to 90kg.

I'm going lighter with Deadlift so that my back can handle more weight after 180kg. Same for squats but only so that I can get even lower when lifting heavier.


You gotta play the long game , wear nothing but baggy clothing around people until one day you take off a loose jumper to reveal a nice tight shirt underneath , people will lose their minds.

I look terrible in baggy clothing. I look weird. Lol I can't do it anymore. There's also some skin tight clothing that I do not look good in either.

There's a balance. Lol
So today I had a workshop of new equipment at the gym I work at....it lasted about 7 hours and my heart rate was in the fat burning zone for 5.5 hours...reaching a max of 171 after a 45 minute HIIT session. Why it was 45 minutes is beyond me. Another day of training tomorrow and I can barely fucking move. RIP in Peace.
Do you guys have some front squat tutorials for how to hold the bar?

If i use over 135 lbs my wrists hurt, i need to find another way to hold the bar. Or should i just focus on normal back squats every week?


Gold Member
I use the crossed arm grip. To me the clean grip just feels crazy. But from what I've seen the large majority use the clean grip. And the people I have seen using the crossed arm grip at my current gym use it very loosely. I try to keep it high and tight.
I use the crossed arm grip. To me the clean grip just feels crazy. But from what I've seen the large majority use the clean grip. And the people I have seen using the crossed arm grip at my current gym use it very loosely. I try to keep it high and tight.

Are your arms literally holding weight up or just keeping it balanced on your shoulders/chest?
Do you guys have some front squat tutorials for how to hold the bar?

If i use over 135 lbs my wrists hurt, i need to find another way to hold the bar. Or should i just focus on normal back squats every week?

How do you normally hold the bar? I've always just kept my elbows pointing forward (I don't cross my arms) and just the fingertips of two fingers on each hand are under the bar... Basically just for balance, not support.
How do you normally hold the bar? I've always just kept my elbows pointing forward (I don't cross my arms) and just the fingertips of two fingers on each hand are under the bar... Basically just for balance, not support.

I got my fingers basically on my colarbone. I try to keep my elbows straight but its hard and my wrists are bending so much it hurts. Thats why i want to try out a new grip.


squat is probably setup most likely but mainly descending.

Nice , i hit 315 before i hit a 2 plate squat or bench. I think mainly for squats its the set up and fear of getting into the hole and not getting out. Bench however just goes up slower than both the squat and dl so i wouldnt worry.

Yeah you're both right - the setup and fear of falling kinda ruins me anytime I squat.

For the past month I've alternated between box squats (200lbs/2reps max) and Smith Machine squats (185/2reps max) to build up my confidence. Think I'll try regular squats again this week.
Teaching my dad how to properly bench press. He's currently doing 3x5 at 170ish, but his form is all chest, impinged shoulders, no lats, no tightness!

I'm giving him a modified Candito bench program that I have been running, which uses 3x5 instead of 4x6 and other periodization techniques, as he still has a lot of strength to gain before worrying about that.


I've also sent him the Mark Rippetoe bench press technique vid, as I found it was the most comprehensive compared to other YT bench technique vids.
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Ok, I'm going to Vegas in 2 weeks for a bucks and I want to shred as much fat as possible.
I'm going to aim for 6 HIIT sessions a week and throw in some walking, and doing a strict paleo diet. Am I doing this wrong?
Crossposting, because it's fitness related and a few of you knew I'd been training for it...

In all the excitement I completely forgot to post!

I beat my target of sub 10 hours and got an overall time of 9hrs 19mins.

The biggest issues came mostly from starting from the back. I lost huge amounts of time being stuck behind other riders on both the ups and the downs (there were some utterly awful descenders there). If I did it again (and had to start from the back) I'd be FAR more aggressive with my overtakes.

The other issues came about because my timer failed which resulted in screwing up my food and drink schedule. But I really can't complain, I did what I came here to do, and had an amazing time doing it (to be honest, it was easier than my test rides because of having to go slower).


I'm really looking forward to coming back to Colorado. What an incredible place.

Now it's time to EAT. I've been 130lbs or thereabouts for the last couple of weeks and I look like a skeleton. Going to get back on a proper weights regime and sort out at least 10lb of extra weight ASAP.
I think I've figured this abs thing out:

1. Realize you're neglecting your abs when you suddenly glance at your stomach.
2. Look up ab exercises online, where you can see contrasting opinions like "Plank to have abs" and "Why planks don't give you abs".
3. Settle for a few. All of them looks easy!
4. Find a decent time to do them since all of them are embarrassing to execute.
5. Find out they're all painful and are hell on Earth and are hard to do.
6. Neglect your abs again.
7. Go back to number 1.


Gold Member
Before I post the below, let me say first that squats are one of the two best exercises you can do to get strong and everyone who is able to should be squatting.

Now, having said that, failing on squats and dropping the bar on the safety rack is something that should be done carefully and with close attention to what you're doing. Years ago, a very strong guy at the gym I went to lost part of his thumbs when he failed at... 755? and he didn't let go of the bar when he dropped down.
Before I post the below, let me say first that squats are one of the two best exercises you can do to get strong and everyone who is able to should be squatting.

Now, having said that, failing on squats and dropping the bar on the safety rack is something that should be done carefully and with close attention to what you're doing. Years ago, a very strong guy at the gym I went to lost part of his thumbs when he failed at... 755? and he didn't let go of the bar when he dropped down.
I don't think Its ever necessary to lift that that kind of weight. Especially most people who essentially want to look good and have good relative strength.
Well Fitness-GAF..I did it.

Tendonitis on my left knee and right ankle after doing excessive squats.

I thought eye pain or lower back pain was the worst physical pain one could endure. This easily tops it. The ankle/ball of my right foot is the worst. Will need a walking cane for a few weeks.


I think I've figured this abs thing out:

1. Realize you're neglecting your abs when you suddenly glance at your stomach.
2. Look up ab exercises online, where you can see contrasting opinions like "Plank to have abs" and "Why planks don't give you abs".
3. Settle for a few. All of them looks easy!
4. Find a decent time to do them since all of them are embarrassing to execute.
5. Find out they're all painful and are hell on Earth and are hard to do.
6. Neglect your abs again.
7. Go back to number 1.

Get abs from the kitchen aka eat better and lift weight on a consistent basis. :)


Could anyone provide some advice on diet to lose weight while also starting to lift? Should I keep calories low on off days and hit a maintenance level with a focus on protein on lifting days? Losing weight is the #1 goal. Right now myfitnesspal recommends I eat 1590 calories to lose 1.5 a week as a fairly sedentary 5'11 205lbs. I plan on lifting twice a week and hiking/biking the same.


I don't think Its ever necessary to lift that that kind of weight. Especially most people who essentially want to look good and have good relative strength.

What's the max you think a grown adult male should be squatting if his goal is purely aesthetics??


I've heard a lot of fitness gurus say not to train abs because it leaves your midsection bigger and you don't want that.
Training your core up to a point helps keep your core tight and trim , especially when incorporating vacuums. People often refer to training the obliques when they make that statement but you'd probably need to turn in your natty card or to genetically have wide hips for them to get massive. Pro Bodybuilder Chul Soon is a prime example of having stupidly thick obliques

Either way theres many benefits to training your core, someone who hits abs is likely gonna be looking better than someone who doesnt.

Lol, thought you posted some photoshopped image at first, then I looked him up and saw other photos that almost fooled me for fakes as well... crazy
Try going heavy with the compound movements and keep the accessory work high rep. Some programs are designed to be run for a set number of weeks or until you get bored/dont see results. You dont change the excersises monthly on ppl.

Fuck these assholes. I'd probably change gyms because eventually your gonna blow the fuck up and deck someone when they try and get physical.

I did the "bro split" for years and can't say i didn't have success (i did low reps, high volume) but now I wouldn't recommend it. I mean it seemed to work for me, but studies indicate natural lifters will see better results hitting each part twice a week versus once a week... So i switched to a upper/lower split and have been doing that for a year or two now.

I now spend less time in the gym (4 days a week versus 5-6 days a week), workout time is around the same / less, and I still see great progress. I wish I would've done this sooner.

Push/Pull/Legs is great too and I've tried it, but I prefer hitting everything twice a week now and attending the gym less.

Ok, thanks. I found a routine on reddit, gonna be starting today.


Had a great chest and triceps workout just now. Getting up 185 on bench without a spotter no problem. 225 will be mine.
Had a great chest and triceps workout just now. Getting up 185 on bench without a spotter no problem. 225 will be mine.

Man, first time getting 225lb on bench made me so damn happy, I recall when that was a huge goal of mine. Same with 315 squat, that felt insanely badass as well. Sadly, haven't touched that weight for either in quite some time.
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