Hi Fit GAF
Age 27
Height 5'7
Weight 190
Over the last 5 days I cut the Suger, Sweats, Fast food,beer and white bread (I try to cut all bread ASAP)
Just recently started exercising again.
I'm playing it very safe for the exercise so far so I come back to you guys for advice after I'm eased to it but I need to talk about safe, easy and convenient meals
I'm not burning a lot yet so I don't need to go strict 5 meals and crazy protein right now
Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner will cover me for now
I'll just snack on light veg, fruit and nuts if I feel peckish
But for the dinner I'm thinking of a system like
Broccoli / Spinage + Sweet Potato/ Brown rice + Chicken / Salmon
Is that a safe combo?
Any suggestions on what else?
Fir other meals it be a mix of Boiled eggs, Omelettes, whole grain tuna sandwich, Oatmeal and salads.
Feedback be great
Cheers GAF
Age 27
Height 5'7
Weight 190
Over the last 5 days I cut the Suger, Sweats, Fast food,beer and white bread (I try to cut all bread ASAP)
Just recently started exercising again.
I'm playing it very safe for the exercise so far so I come back to you guys for advice after I'm eased to it but I need to talk about safe, easy and convenient meals
I'm not burning a lot yet so I don't need to go strict 5 meals and crazy protein right now
Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner will cover me for now
I'll just snack on light veg, fruit and nuts if I feel peckish
But for the dinner I'm thinking of a system like
Broccoli / Spinage + Sweet Potato/ Brown rice + Chicken / Salmon
Is that a safe combo?
Any suggestions on what else?
Fir other meals it be a mix of Boiled eggs, Omelettes, whole grain tuna sandwich, Oatmeal and salads.
Feedback be great
Cheers GAF