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FiveThirtyEight: Men Are Sabotaging The Online Reviews Of TV Shows Aimed At Women

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Man, with this thread, the lingering thread full of guys who don't think women are funny, and the Ghostbusters threads, one could be forgiven if they thought a lot of men don't think very highly of women.

Don't limit yourself. It spreads to dating and gaming threads around here too. Then take a look at social media sites. Then politics. Keep pulling that thread.
RIght but that doesn't necessarily mean that men are sabotaging women's shows, women could just be failing to correctly shit on men's shows. The lists used in the article aren't too great, too; unless Spawn got revived recently there's a huge time spread on the top men's shows that could be resulting in unseen errors due to nostalgia/hypernerds.

And I haven't watched AVGN in some years but when did the show become misogynist? Using Ghostbusters as an example isn't too useful.

Also Sex and the City took a giant dump in quality after Carrie dumped Aiden and I've talked to few women who disagree.

bolded part makes me laugh :>

and yessssssssssssssssssss on sex and the city comment after aiden was dumped


Like I said on the previous page, it seems far more likely that the ratings would come from people who had to watch the show with their girlfriends/wives and didn't like the show than basement dwelling misogynists down-voting those shows, otherwise the average ratings from men would be closer to 1.

Dumb article.


RIght but that doesn't necessarily mean that men are sabotaging women's shows, women could just be failing to correctly shit on men's shows.

That is literally the point I am making in the post you responded to. It doesn't matter which of those is true. They are two different views of the same example of sexism.


Like I said on the previous page, it seems far more likely that the ratings would come from people who had to watch the show with their girlfriends/wives and didn't like the show than basement dwelling misogynists down-voting those shows, otherwise the average ratings from men would be closer to 1.

Dumb article.

But the women who had to watch a "man's show" either didn't shit up the ratings or were able to enjoy something that wasn't geared specifically for them.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I'm thinking this as well. I did go through the entirety of Sex and the City back in the day, and there is pretty much nothing in there that appealed to me. That's by design, of course, but it still alienates a significant portion of its audience.

At which point normal people say, "oh this isn't meant for me, back to the a team..."

Instead of deliberately undermining it out of spite or sheer stupidity.
If I do ever use IMDB ratings for girly shows, I find it helps to look at the ratings for individual episodes instead since those tend to be less affected by people going through and rating one star to a show that really isn't targeted towards then. Hell that's probably true for most shows actually.
Like I said on the previous page, it seems far more likely that the ratings would come from people who had to watch the show with their girlfriends/wives and didn't like the show than basement dwelling misogynists down-voting those shows, otherwise the average ratings from men would be closer to 1.

Dumb article.

From the article
(Men give twice as many 1's to female shows)

But that’s for all shows with more than 10,000 votes. When you look at shows that have at least 10,000 ratings and raters who skewed male or female, a different picture emerges. Of the top 100 shows that skewed male, 3.3 percent of female votes were 1 out of 10. But of the top 100 shows that skewed female, 6.7 percent of male votes were 1 out of 10. That’s a pretty huge difference.
You really think entertainment isn't educating you?

No, I think mostly it entertains me. If I want it to be educational I'd approach it from a literary criticism perspective, for example. I thought Ibsen's a "A Doll's House" was dull. I successfully got an A in class when assigned a project to do a feminist literary criticism of the play, and can appreciate why it's groundbreaking from a feminist perspective. If you ask me to rate it out of ten I'm not going to give it high marks, because it didn't entertain me. Fact is, when I am done a days worth of intellectual pursuits at work, or reading the latest news, current events, research in my field, or whatever it is I do all day, I just want to go home and be entertained. You don't learn from passive entertainment. You can learn by actively looking at it through a critical lens, but that's not how most people spend their time with entertainment.


You don't learn from passive entertainment. You can learn by actively looking at it through a critical lens, but that's not how most people spend their time with entertainment.

That's not really how the mind works. We learn based on everything that we see and hear. It doesn't matter if we're passive or not, ideas are filtered in through our brain that shapes the way that we see the world.
i seeee, the onus is on women to stop being such a failure at correctly shitting on shows

of course!
The onus is on nobody. Nobody needs to do anything. This isn't something that matters. It's a symptom of something that does matter which is male normative culture, but nobody, not men, not women, owes entertainment that is not for them, a positive review, if they don't like it.

Now, if male normative culture - patriarchy, let's call it - were obsolete, I wonder how these voting habits would change? Without women being conditioned to accept male-targeted entertainment as the norm, it's almost as if the votes for shows like Entourage would go... Down?
That's not really how the mind works. We learn based on everything that we see and hear. It doesn't matter if we're passive or not, ideas are filtered in through our brain that shapes the way that we see the world.

People who are learning any significant amount from popular media have bigger problems than "not consuming a diverse enough field" of popular entertainment. This is a silly point. Entertainment is passive. You do it solely for gratification. There's no point in forcing yourself to consume media that doesn't please you most of the time, and if you are "forcing" yourself, you're not doing it for entertainment, you're doing it for enrichment or education.

You can make an argument that in a college degree program there needs to be a wide and diverse body of literature for students to consume to make sure their points of view are varied and balanced. Trying to apply that same argument to leisure activity is ridiculous to me. It's like telling someone they are ignorant if the only physical activity they do is jogging or golf. They should be playing sports, but not just one sport, all sports equally so they are well rounded!

The onus is on nobody. Nobody needs to do anything. This isn't something that matters. It's a symptom of something that does matter which is male normative culture, but nobody, not men, not women, owes entertainment that is not for them, a positive review, if they don't like it.

Now, if male normative culture - patriarchy, let's call it - were obsolete, I wonder how these voting habits would change? Without women being conditioned to accept male-targeted entertainment as the norm, it's almost as if the votes for shows like Entourage would go... Down?

This is such a ridiculous leap. It's just as easily evidence that women simply have a broader array or interests. It's just as easily evidence that female centric entertainment does a worse job at bringing in male audience than male entertainment does for female audiences. There are literally no conclusions to be drawn from this other than men rate media aimed at females more negatively. Anything else is pure speculation.
This is really interesting, I'm sure marketing groups already trawl it for data. I'm curious if it accounts for men being more likely to use the internet.

That isn't what this is. Stop using it like that.

Amelie was awesome.

It really is. Men are so used to being the default audience that we get incredibly uncomfortable when we're not the target audience, and we lash out.

Harassing feminist critics, hating female comedians, seeing female bosses as frigid and bitchy, hating media made for women; all these behaviours come from the same core feeling, even if the particular manifestation of that feeling may be different.
The onus is on nobody. Nobody needs to do anything. This isn't something that matters. It's a symptom of something that does matter which is male normative culture, but nobody, not men, not women, owes entertainment that is not for them, a positive review, if they don't like it.

Now, if male normative culture - patriarchy, let's call it - were obsolete, I wonder how these voting habits would change? Without women being conditioned to accept male-targeted entertainment as the norm, it's almost as if the votes for shows like Entourage would go... Down?

i was partially joking~ i commented on a post above that the idea made me laugh :>

but in general, im quite serious that i think i love the idea that everyone wouldnt shit on other people's things, is all

i donno why men have to be so harsh on female-centric media, in the first place :3
That is literally the point I am making in the post you responded to. It doesn't matter which of those is true. They are two different views of the same example of sexism.
Unless the goal is to present a factoid and nothing more the difference does matter because it changes the intended outcome. Men shitting on women's shows less is a different outcome than women shitting on men's shows more. Further, it's not really the same form of sexism (at least not without broadening sexism into a overly broad lump), as one has to do with (if the premise is corrrect) men's views towards women's preferences while the other has much more to do with how women internalize their role, behavior, or something else.
i was partially joking~ i commented on a post above that the idea made me laugh :>

but in general, im quite serious that i think i love the idea that everyone wouldnt shit on other people's things, is all

i donno why men have to be so harsh on female-centric media, in the first place :3
No worries!

I think men are used to being able to stay ensconced in male-targeted media and don't have to cross over to the other side very often and watch stuff that wasn't really made with them in mind. But women have to do that all the time. That's how things like the "male gaze" (camera shots that are looking female characters up and down just like a man would) are getting noticed in mainstream movies. But it's also why men have such low tolerance for being out of their comfort zone--they rarely have to be. "Ewww, romcom. 1/5 stars."

I honestly thought saying "cmon sisters just downvote violent macho shit you don't really relate to" was empowering. And someday, when media isn't so male-centric, I predict that's exactly what they're going to do.
This is such a ridiculous leap. It's just as easily evidence that women simply have a broader array or interests. It's just as easily evidence that female centric entertainment does a worse job at bringing in male audience than male entertainment does for female audiences. There are literally no conclusions to be drawn from this other than men rate media aimed at females more negatively. Anything else is pure speculation.
I dunno man, women having a "broader array of interests" (I.E. entertainment targeted at men) sounds like a pretty obvious symptom of cultural conditioning to me.

And female targeted entertainment doing "a worse job at bringing in male audience than male entertainment does for females" sounds like men being conditioned to never have to leave their comfort zone.


I'm not a fan the title. Sabotage implies willingly dragging a score down out of spite or malice. This reads as just that men are harsher critics of things they don't like, and that men will actively criticize things even if those things aren't targeted at them.
I'm not a fan the title. Sabotage implies willingly dragging a score down out of spite or malice. This reads as just that men are harsher critics of things they don't like, and that men will actively criticize things even if those things aren't targeted at them.

Agreed with this. "Sabotage" is pretty clickbaity.


Wait, there are people defending this behavior...?

Of course not. It's terrible that men are expressing their opinions of media they don't like. Super gross.

Look, maybe you just read the headline, but there's no evidence that this is a bunch of MRAs violently 1-starring chick flicks. It looks more like men giving honest but unfavorable views to media they don't like. What exactly is your problem with that?


Men forced to watch Sex and the City by their girlfriends take their revenge online?

Makes sense.

It is the only outlet for the rage.


I'm not a fan the title. Sabotage implies willingly dragging a score down out of spite or malice. This reads as just that men are harsher critics of things they don't like, and that men will actively criticize things even if those things aren't targeted at them.

Also, it sounds like there are more men rating TV shows on the internet in general. So that's how it works out.
I was browsing Netflix documentaries last night, and I notice that a lot of documentaries about women had really low scores. For example Hot Girls Wanted had a really low score on Netflix, but has an 80% on Rotten Tomatoes. On IMDB it's rated 6.1. Made me suspect that there's some angry ass MRA dudes giving everything that has to do with women low scores lol.

I haven't seen any of the docs I'm talking about btw. Just noticed a pattern in the rating which I thought was strange.

If I were going to rate Hot Girls Wanted, I'd put it low as well, and it has nothing to do with it being about women. And even ignoring my point of view, it's an anti-porn documentary on the internet. Of course it's going to get rated badly.
I dunno man, women having a "broader array of interests" (I.E. entertainment targeted at men) sounds like a pretty obvious symptom of cultural conditioning to me.

And female targeted entertainment doing "a worse job at bringing in male audience than male entertainment does for females" sounds like men being conditioned to never have to leave their comfort zone.

You are free to speculate, as long as you acknowledge it's speculation. I can speculate that women having a broader array of interests stems from the fact that there are studied differences in levels of empathy between gender, and inherent difference gives them a more easy ability to put themselves into the shoes of characters across a broad spectrum of forms of entertainment. Or I can speculate a dozen other things. It's still all just speculation.


Maybe they didn't like it? Are we saying we need segregated scoring does that now all dictate only women would watch and like Sex in the City.
I don't see how any numbers based evidence can lead to the conclusion reached in the headline. Not without a heaping help of projection.


No surprises here. Many many men were forced to sit through the entirety of Sex and the City with their wives or partners. It aired pre-Netflix and DVR. Sitting there, quietly seething at having to endure another episode, men sought vengeance the only way they knew how: by scoring the show slightly lower than women on IMDB.


Men conditioned by society to think of themselves and their interests as the default freak the fuck out when they're not being catered to 24/7. :/
No surprises here. Many many men were forced to sit through the entirety of Sex and the City with their wives or partners. It aired pre-Netflix and DVR. Sitting there, quietly seething at having to endure another episode, men sought vengeance the only way they knew how: by scoring the show slightly lower than women on IMDB.

Such a foreign concept to me. I ain't watching shit I don't like..it's why I have more than one television.


Men conditioned by society to think of themselves and their interests as the default freak the fuck out when they're not being catered to 24/7. :/

I can attest to this. I always start sweating and shaking whenever I walk past women's makeup section at the mall. The patriarchy made me this way, it's not my fault!
Did HBO attempt to build an another show after Sex and the City to keep that audience? I haven't watched the show, but it doesn't seem to get as much credit for building the brand and changing the television landscape like Sopranos or even The Wire.


Hilarious...? I like sex and the city but does anybody really find it hilarious? Maybe 15+ years ago when talking about sex on TV was funny... but today?

It has some hilarious moments. Usually when the main characters are giving each other shit.
Is Two Broke Girls aimed at women? Because that show is just goddamn awful. Am I wrong if I go and rate it poorly because I'm not the demographic they are targeting? Should only people in the targeted demographic be able to rate something?

sigh.. no of course not.
Same with downvoting the Ghostbusters trailer.

It's just that even good shows get rated lower by men because it's not for them so it must be bad. It's just a statistical trend.
It's just as easily evidence that women simply have a broader array or interests. It's just as easily evidence that female centric entertainment does a worse job at bringing in male audience than male entertainment does for female audiences. There are literally no conclusions to be drawn from this other than men rate media aimed at females more negatively. Anything else is pure speculation.

Agreed. But that isn't going to stop people in this thread from making a million wild, baseless assumptions.


Alot of focused female media is of questionable quality, alot I consider bad I don't mean that simply because it doesn't fit my tastes I mean from a writing, directing, editing, ect, tends to be of average quality. Its only now were starting to get decent female focused media such as SPY a really great action film that has the quality to make it a universal movie for both genders to enjoy.

That being said yeah I defiantly think there is sadly a loud minority of men that are trying to ruin any media that is aimed at women.
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