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FL AG asked Trump for donation to drop fraud case

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remember me
Trump bragged on stage at the debates about bribing people when asked why he gave money to Democrats. Looks like he wasn't kidding.

Florida's attorney general personally solicited a political contribution from Donald Trump around the same time her office deliberated joining an investigation of alleged fraud at Trump University and its affiliates

The new disclosure from Attorney General Pam Bondi's spokesman to The Associated Press on Monday provides additional details around the unusual circumstances of Trump's $25,000 donation to Bondi.

The money came from a Trump family foundation in apparent violation of rules surrounding political activities by charities. A political group backing Bondi's re-election, called And Justice for All, reported receiving the check Sept. 17, 2013 — four days after Bondi's office publicly announced she was considering joining a New York state probe of Trump University's activities, according to a 2013 report in the Orlando Sentinel.

After the check came in, Bondi's office nixed suing Trump, citing insufficient grounds to proceed.

The money came from a Trump family foundation in apparent violation of rules surrounding political activities by charities. A political group backing Bondi's re-election, called And Justice for All, reported receiving the check Sept. 17, 2013 — four days after Bondi's office publicly announced she was considering joining a New York state probe of Trump University's activities, according to a 2013 report in the Orlando Sentinel.

I found this pretty interesting:

According to another report filed in August 2014, a political group called And Justice For Jason claims that the report filed in September 2013 intentionally removed the bass guitar in the mix in what was referred to as 'a petty and passive aggressive act that was detrimental to mix, which was already a mess'.


Poet Centuriate
A political group backing Bondi's re-election, called And Justice for All



Halls of justice painted green
Money talking
Power wolves beset your door
Hear them stalking
Soon you'll please their appetite
They devour
Hammer of justice crushes you
The ultimate in vanity
Exploiting their supremacy
I can't believe the things you say
I can't believe, I can't believe the price you pay
Nothing can save you


Oh this is really really bad. check this out.

So I asked to see her office's investigative reports for myself.

Her office took about four weeks to respond and then finally did so with a massive document dump — thousands of pages, many of which were exchanges with the press about why they weren't investigating now and stressing they never had. A copy of an email I sent back in 2013 was included 39 different times.

All told, they provided 8,491 pages of records.

Perhaps they thought no one would really look at them.

If so, they were wrong.

I did — and found lots of troubling things and inconsistencies.

For instance, Bondi's office originally claimed it had received "no complaints" about the Trump University (Page 3,229) since she took office.

Later, a staffer said: "Under this administration, we have received one complaint regarding Donald Trump, Trump University or Trump Entrepreneur Institute (page 4,268).

Later still, a staffer said two (page 5,142).

Another refers to five complaints about businesses under other Trump names, though it doesn't cite a timeframe for all of them (page 1,733).

The same email also mentions 100 complaints about "The Trump Group," but suggests those involve an unrelated businesses. (State records show another owner with the last name Trump, which wasn't clear in the original version of this column.)

And multiple emails cite "23 complaints" about businesses related to Donald Trump while stressing that most of them were lodged before Bondi took office.

It goes on like that for hundreds of pages.

Most importantly, though, let me tell you what I did not find among those 8,491 pages — much evidence that Bondi's investigators had actually probed or investigated the complaints that had come her way.

In one case, a man said Trump University cost him $26,000 and drove him into bankruptcy. He asked if Bondi would follow the New York attorney general's lead in investigating the matter. Bondi's office instead suggested he "visit an Internet search engine such as http://www.yahoo.com or http://www.google.com to search for information on any class action lawsuits you may benefit from." (Page 5,449)

Evidence of hard-core investigative work — the likes of which New York's attorney general has conducted — appeared largely absent.

No sworn affidavits or interviews of company officials I could find. Instead, staff suggested people who felt victimized should hire their own lawyers or perhaps join the New York case.

This is really really bad. This AG needs to step down immediately. Not surprised cuz Florida. But the people of Florida needs to be enraged that this AG has absolutely no care in the world to protect the people of Florida if the price is right.

Source: http://www.orlandosentinel.com/opinion/os-pam-bondi-donald-trump-scott-maxwell-20160604-column.html
Trump is so anti-establishment, he circles around and becomes establishment.

The people that rather vote for trump over Hillary if Bernie doesn't get the nom only look stupider and stupider.
Lol, it'll be swept under the rug like millions in Medicare fraud, or the administration's whole million dollar sell out for drug tests administered by the company the governor's wife has majority control of. Or the disappearances of the works of people who admit climate change is a thing, or property taxes split from schools to pay for things other state taxes should pay for, like DMVs or polling places. I could go on.
Trump is so anti-establishment, he circles around and becomes establishment.

The people that rather vote for trump over Hillary if Bernie doesn't get the nom only look stupider and stupider.

Bernie is going to back Hillary hard after he concedes. The man himself would definitely agree that anyone that was intending to vote for him but is switching to Trump is stupid.
Nooo, nooooooo, it's too soon. Wait until after the convention. I want this train out of the station before it goes off the rails!
Pam Bondi is human garbage. I was actually more concerned over the her re-election than Voldemort's re-election back in 2014, and I was subsequently disappointed that she won.

This news comes as no surprise to me.


No Scrubs
This is some of that old school, Jersey-style corruption. Money changing hands, lawsuits getting dropped, now that's old school.
Floridian here. Pam Bondi has always been a piece of shit, even bigger than Gov. Rick Scott if you can believe it.

Hopefully this is finally the scandal that makes her step down.

Nothing will happen to Trump due to this, just he's got 8 million other terrible things that can affect him at the same time. If people start pairing this with the money paid out to that Texas governor for pretty much the exact same thing, then we might start seeing something.


This cycle is crazy.
We went from dogwhistle racism and nebulous corruption accusation to racist AF rants and honest to goodness corruption from the likes you only see in cartoons.
Trump overdelivered this time.


Actually, it bears a striking resemblance to when Hillary accepted money from the credit card industry and suddenly changed how she voted, then expressed regret about her actions after the fact.


I expect slimy deals from Trump, but don't pretend Hillary is above this kind of behavior.

You do know that there's a difference between that and actually bribing an elected official to drop a lawsuit?
Did the Clintons give money bags to Kenneth Star or something?
This is the stuff I expected would make Trump want to drop out before it went this far. Between this type of corruption and tax records, I'd think the reality show host wouldn't want to be under the scrutiny of a Presidential General Election.


Tagged as I see fit
So, she's gonna go to jail for this, right guys?



Nooo, nooooooo, it's too soon. Wait until after the convention. I want this train out of the station before it goes off the rails!

Also, this - we don't want to peak too soon here. Timing is everything.
I wonder if anything will come out that could make Trump drop out of the race before the is officially the nominee at the convention
You do know that there's a difference between that and actually bribing an elected official to drop a lawsuit?
Did the Clintons give money bags to Kenneth Star or something?

They hooked him up with a job at Baylor. See how well that turned out.



You do know that there's a difference between that and actually bribing an elected official to drop a lawsuit?
Did the Clintons give money bags to Kenneth Star or something?

They're both bribery, it's just the first one requires you to make a very simple connection and listen to what her peers were saying.


Trump supporters really don't care what Trump does be it corruption, bribery, open racism. Those emails though of Hillary. That's where they draw the damn line! Too far. Too far.
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