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FL AG asked Trump for donation to drop fraud case

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They aren't clearly analogous though. The charge against Trump is that he's willing to take advantage of corruptible people / systems. The charge against Hillary is that she, herself, is corrupt. This is the same justification as Trump's defense for minimizing his tax exposure, that as a savvy businessman, he takes every advantage he can. Clever spin for Trump would be something like "the case had no merits but Crooked AG Bondi used her position to *extort* me, the job-creating businessman, just like Crooked Hillary and all politicians abuse their positions. I played the other side of the game as a businessman and I hated it and I'm going to end it as President!" Certainly I don't think that's a persuasive angle, but a lot of Trump supporters jump at opportunities to see Trump in opposition to corrupt politicians.

Why give them that opportunity? To see Trump as "cutting a deal"? I think it's more effective to attack Trump on this directly, rather than as some double standard or hypocrisy. He's a slimy coward who tried to worm his way out of defending himself in court. Period.

Trump supporters are going to follow Trump regardless, it really doesn't matter what the media says about him.

Moderates, on the other hand, need to know about this kind of thing. They need to know that Trump didn't just have some "smoke signals" of impropriety, he literally has a dumpster fire with records. I have no doubt that the Trump campaign will try to spin this, but I also have no doubt that rational people will see through the spin and acknowledge this for what it is. Bondi is an ardent Trump supporter, received money from Trump, and decided to drop the Trump U case. That shit needs to be reported on. I don't care whether they make the case for whether it's analogous to the Clinton Foundation, and would actually prefer if they just reported on this in it's own right without the comparison. The charge against Trump is that he actually participated in pay to play, and possibly broke the law by involving his foundation. The charge against Hillary is that "hey, maybe they're doing some shady stuff but there's no proof." So yeah, completely different situations but if they're going to spend all week reporting on the Clinton Foundation's supposed "shadiness" then they should clearly report on the Trump's clear evidence of the same thing.


remember me
Trump finally addresses it


“I never spoke to her, first of all. She’s a fine person, beyond reproach. I never even spoke to her about it at all. She’s a fine person. Never spoken to her about it, never,” Trump said Monday while campaigning in Ohio. “Many of the attorney generals turned that case down because I’ll win that case in court. Many turned that down. I never spoke to her.”

Complete ineptitude for the news media to ignore this story when it first came out.
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