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FL AG asked Trump for donation to drop fraud case

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This cycle is crazy.
We went from dogwhistle racism and nebulous corruption accusation to racist AF rants and honest to goodness corruption from the likes you only see in cartoons.
Trump overdelivered this time.

And the funniest part is that Trump and his Trumpettes still think he can win! Hahahahahahahaha! This is truly entertaining. He keeps digging his own grave, ready for Hillary to throw the gasoline and light him on fire.

The not so funny part is that the Republicans, despite saying he is racist, still back him up. They would rather put a corrupt racist in the White House to advance their agenda and compromise the spirit and soul of the United States. They have damaged to country enough with their idiotic policies.
Maybe! I'm definitely just a spectator here. Politics isn't my forte, and honestly I learn more here than anyone else. I was just offering the comparison! Hmmm, anyway... back to the background for me.

Don't hesitate to post, it kind of amplifies learning through due diligence before presenting an argument. It's not as fun to argue something that doesn't hold up.


extortion means you have something you want to hide. if trump wasn't worried about this fraud case, he wouldn't have to dig out his wallet with his tiny little hands
extortion means you have something you want to hide. if trump wasn't worried about this fraud case, he wouldn't have to dig out his wallet with his tiny little hands
Pretty much.
It is a more devious way to settle out of court. Pretty much means Trump U victims are SOL.


Million Dollar Belt still the GOAT.


Bribery got her vote changed. Whether or not that vote was on the winning or losing side of the bill is completely irrelevant.

So where is the evidence beyond circumstantial? Is it possible, perhaps highly likely that might have tipped her vote, yes, is there any publicly view-able evidence that showcases that money directly influenced her vote, no.
Person A gives money to person B.

Person B immediately changes vote without explanation, and even expressed regret years later over her vote.

what happened, it's so complicated!!!

I understand where you're coming from, but that's how this kind of thing works. Do you have a reputable source that has investigated this allegation?


I understand where you're coming from, but that's how this kind of thing works. Do you have a reputable source that has investigated this allegation?

I did bring this up with a link to the New York Times and documented commentary from her colleagues, I don't know what kind of additional evidence something this cut and dry would require.

From uslegal.com:

The guilt of a bribe taker depends solely upon his/her own corrupt intention and the defendant cannot escape conviction upon the ground that the bribe giver had no criminal intent[viii]. Therefore, some bribery statutes do not require that an agreement be reached between the briber and the bribee but only require that the briber offer money or property to another with the subjective intent that he/she will induce some prohibited act in return[ix].

So based on a pretty standard definition of bribery, you don't actually need evidence of an agreement, and I think we're all smart enough to understand what happened here, so let's just stop the charade. My point in even bringing this up was the random posts suggesting Hillary would never do something like this when we know it occurred, legal or not, still morally wrong.


And the funniest part is that Trump and his Trumpettes still think he can win! Hahahahahahahaha! This is truly entertaining. He keeps digging his own grave, ready for Hillary to throw the gasoline and light him on fire.

The not so funny part is that the Republicans, despite saying he is racist, still back him up. They would rather put a corrupt racist in the White House to advance their agenda and compromise the spirit and soul of the United States. They have damaged to country enough with their idiotic policies.

Republicans love rich people doing whatever they want and really love racism so of course they back Trump up with an "ah shucks he really shouldn't" public face.


Hey maybe Trump liked the AG and had no intention of persuading her to drop the case...that's on her man...Trump is just giving money to good people.

Trump knew what he was doing
I did bring this up with a link to the New York Times and documented commentary from her colleagues, I don't know what kind of additional evidence something this cut and dry would require.

From uslegal.com:

So based on a pretty standard definition of bribery, you don't actually need evidence of an agreement, and I think we're all smart enough to understand what happened here, so let's just stop the charade. My point in even bringing this up was the random posts suggesting Hillary would never do something like this when we know it occurred, legal or not, still morally wrong.

This piece here? http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/07/u...uptcy-reform-that-haunts-hillary-clinton.html

Did the other Democrats that voted for it get paid off?

There was a spirited debate over a bankruptcy overhaul bill that is not too different from any other debate over a bill. Clinton changed her mind 3 years later when actually able to vote on it as a senator? I don't see anything unusual about that.

Ms. Warren later cited Mrs. Clinton’s campaign fund-raising from the banking industry as a factor in her vote. Mrs. Clinton represented Wall Street as a senator, but as she made the case for the legislation, she talked about small credit unions around New York whose members suffered, she said, when the credit union had to cover bankruptcy losses.

That's legislation in a nutshell.

I try not to convince myself of things to fit a narrative rather than to reach an educated conclusion, you have to be aware of it.


It certainly has the appearance of impropriety. But Bill and Hillary getting hundreds of millions in "speaking fees" and other donations from nations and companies when Hillary was Secretary of State and planning a White House run are surely on the level.


It certainly has the appearance of impropriety. But Bill and Hillary getting hundreds of millions in "speaking fees" and other donations from nations and companies when Hillary was Secretary of State and planning a White House run are surely on the level.
Yeah, the difference being that the Clintons are at the receiving end of things. The couple of Hilary supporters that believe she isn't corrupt are deluding themselves.


This piece here? http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/07/u...uptcy-reform-that-haunts-hillary-clinton.html

Did the other Democrats that voted for it get paid off?

There was a spirited debate over a bankruptcy overhaul bill that is not too different from any other debate over a bill. Clinton changed her mind 3 years later when actually able to vote on it as a senator? I don't see anything unusual about that.

Ms. Warren later cited Mrs. Clinton’s campaign fund-raising from the banking industry as a factor in her vote. Mrs. Clinton represented Wall Street as a senator, but as she made the case for the legislation, she talked about small credit unions around New York whose members suffered, she said, when the credit union had to cover bankruptcy losses.

That's legislation in a nutshell.

I try not to convince myself of things to fit a narrative rather than to reach an educated conclusion, you have to be aware of it.

But you don't understand, anything done that could benefit any corporation means that they're bought and paid by the corporation.
No one is doing anything without getting paid off.

Heck considering we're talking about vote getting changed because of corporate money, might as well talk about how Sanders is bought and paid by the NRA.
I like the attempts at, "But...but...but...Hillary!" as if that's germane to the topic. But anyway if this is true both Trump and the Florida AG should go to jail - her for corruption and him for bribery.


Lol, it'll be swept under the rug like millions in Medicare fraud, or the administration's whole million dollar sell out for drug tests administered by the company the governor's wife has majority control of. Or the disappearances of the works of people who admit climate change is a thing, or property taxes split from schools to pay for things other state taxes should pay for, like DMVs or polling places. I could go on.

This is Florida bros.

Pam is our next governor.

Goddamn, I love how bad this is getting...I too am not confident it'll sink Pam, but even with piece of shit Rick on his way out, I can't see her also failing upwards. My state can only let me down so much.
Goddamn, I love how bad this is getting...I too am not confident it'll sink Pam, but even with piece of shit Rick on his way out, I can't see her also failing upwards. My state can only let me down so much.

Well, I mean, the DNC kinda ignores this state until Debbie wants to get re-elected. The DNC has not significantly helped out here, and regional DNC chaptersarent' getting much in fundraising, either.

...Because we're a tourismand service economy. The only company in the top 10 employers in Florida that isn't one of those two is Lockheed Martin, and they have vested interest in getting more missiles sold. Rich old folk move down here and spread their ignorance, like all the other filth they bring, and drive the price of real estate sky high, too. Then you have gerrymandering -- oh there's a fun one, apparently felons in the state prisons count as people for the purpose of district drawing, but they can't vote. Guess where they end up?


I don't know if this deserved a new thread (since it's an update), but:

Trump pays IRS a penalty for his foundation violating rules with gift to aid Florida attorney general
Donald Trump paid the IRS a $2,500 penalty this year, an official at Trump's company said, after it was revealed that Trump's charitable foundation had violated tax laws by giving a political contribution to a campaign group connected to Florida's attorney general.

The improper donation, a $25,000 gift from the Donald J. Trump Foundation, was made in 2013. At the time, Attorney General Pam Bondi was considering whether to investigate fraud allegations against Trump University. She decided not to pursue the case.

Earlier this year, The Washington Post and a liberal watchdog group raised new questions about the three-year-old gift. The watchdog group, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, filed a complaint with the IRS — noting that, as a registered nonprofit, the Trump Foundation was not allowed to make political donations.
Washington Post

Ummmm....a $2.5K FINE? That's it?



Literal evidence of pay to play and yet the Clinton Foundation shit had days of airplay and this was discussed on CNN for all of 3 minutes today (from what I saw).

GG media.


What, are people too busy screaming about the Clinton Foundation's supposed smoke to be upset about Trump's fire?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I don't know if this deserved a new thread (since it's an update), but:

Trump pays IRS a penalty for his foundation violating rules with gift to aid Florida attorney general

Washington Post

Ummmm....a $2.5K FINE? That's it?


No that's not it. The fine is for the filing "error." If the AG doesn't return the money it's a crime.

Trump's people are effectively using the accounting version of the old "my pants fell down and I griped and fell into her and accidentally impregnated her" excuse.

This still has legs.

Which in turn gives Trump University se pre-November legs. Yet again six dimensional campaign suicide.


Literal evidence of pay to play and yet the Clinton Foundation shit had days of airplay and this was discussed on CNN for all of 3 minutes today (from what I saw).

GG media.

They aren't clearly analogous though. The charge against Trump is that he's willing to take advantage of corruptible people / systems. The charge against Hillary is that she, herself, is corrupt. This is the same justification as Trump's defense for minimizing his tax exposure, that as a savvy businessman, he takes every advantage he can. Clever spin for Trump would be something like "the case had no merits but Crooked AG Bondi used her position to *extort* me, the job-creating businessman, just like Crooked Hillary and all politicians abuse their positions. I played the other side of the game as a businessman and I hated it and I'm going to end it as President!" Certainly I don't think that's a persuasive angle, but a lot of Trump supporters jump at opportunities to see Trump in opposition to corrupt politicians.

Why give them that opportunity? To see Trump as "cutting a deal"? I think it's more effective to attack Trump on this directly, rather than as some double standard or hypocrisy. He's a slimy coward who tried to worm his way out of defending himself in court. Period.


I don't know if this deserved a new thread (since it's an update), but:

Trump pays IRS a penalty for his foundation violating rules with gift to aid Florida attorney general

Washington Post

Ummmm....a $2.5K FINE? That's it?


Good on the IRS to actually do...something. But come on, FBI. He's openly bribing people.


Unconfirmed Member
This is some of that old school, Jersey-style corruption. Money changing hands, lawsuits getting dropped, now that's old school.

I'm still waiting for the big media blowout about Trump's deep mob ties. I guess it's going to be an October thing at this point.

You don't end up with multiple Atlantic City casinos and extensive construction projects in New York City without some friends, capice?
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