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Florida Joker warns he plans to sue Rockstar for 5 million


Why is he pointing towards the bushes when he mentioned his "jewish lawyers"? Are they hiding in there smoking weed with him or something? Cuz you have to be on some shit to represent this guy and to actually think you have a case here...


Get a job.
With that face?
Morgan Freeman Good Luck GIF


Thank you Florida Joker for being the hero of our times. The brave David taking on the Goliath corporation that is GTA. Thank god he got Jewish lawyers, not only is he brave but he's smart. See you at the finish line, champ!


Gold Member
This clown is getting so much attention, and making a career out of being a fucking moron. Nobody gives a shit they didn’t steal your likeness. Sadly, there’s a few other fools who look like you.

And the fact that he said we have two Jewish lawyers just shows that you’re a piece of crap.

I’m not sure how this guy thinks he’s going to pay for these lawyers because he isn’t gonna win shit

Sorry for my French, but this guy rubs me the wrong way
Rockstar should just pay the dude, so he will shut up. Tired of seeing his wannabe joker looking ass.
No change...Rockstar will burn his ass...when he loosing and has no cure no pay in his contract with his lawyers he must try to get a loan and he is fucked. He will be paying for the rest of his life his lawyers....
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No change...Rockstar will burn his ass...when he loosing and has no cure no pay in his contract with his lawyers he must try to get a loan and he is fucked. He will be paying for the rest of his life his lawyers....
No doubt.

I don't know why he's mad when they used his likeness, I would have been honored that Rockstar knew who I was.
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He does know that even if there was any bite to this, they can literally just swap out the tattoos. But point is none of them are exact copies, just resemblance and also he isnt the only guy that has a stupid joker/skeleton face tattoo either. Suing for your mugshot is next lvl idiot.

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
I think Rockstar ought to refuse to pay him for his image but employee him to do improvised introductions to future trailers.

It'd be a giant win for him, make rockstar seem like they have a sense of humour and would infuriate a lot of people. Thumbs up for me.
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If this joker is lucky, the judge will throw away his case with prejudice, ending this non-sense early and saving him thousands in legal fees.
But if this thing goes to court, he is very likely to lose and get into a huge debt.
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