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Florida plane crash survivor: 'God is good'

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whoa, this place is a graveyard.

people say stuff like this all the time, no matter what happens, 'ooh i found a dime! thanks God!' 'everyone died but me, thanks God!'

they think God is their personal best bro that goes out of his way to help them all the time.

gafs hatred towards reddit still confuses me. reddits not the only place on the internet with dumb and arrogant posters you know, their kinda all over the rest of the internet as well.


She's probably in a bit of shock, but this is Neogaf thanking God for anything obviously deserves our ire, right?

Being in shock is a defense for her. It isn't a defense of the statement itself. You can hold the opinion that this wasn't a good thing to say, while simultaneously not thinking the woman is a horrible person.


Big bad neogaf, always out to get someone. Someone posted a story, people started discussing it. Much like any other topic that gets posted. Imagine that.

Oh, the OP definitely guided the discussion with those bolded spots and his comments. It just looks like a very unfortunate situation and someone saying something very common. This reeks of an overreaction that the woman said something with god in it. We have no real reason to suspect she intended any disrespect to the deceased. Its a very common phrase, she could very well not even be extremely religious at all.

Dead Man

Oh, the OP definitely guided the discussion with those bolded spots and his comments. It just looks like a very unfortunate situation and someone saying something very common. This reeks of an overreaction that the woman said something with god in it. We have no real reason to suspect she intended any disrespect to the deceased. Its a very common phrase, she could very well not even be extremely religious at all.

Sorry for bolding, I guess. You should probably read the posts the OP made.


Amazingly horrible. Or horribly amazing. Certainly not good.

Well you have to factor bias into account. She's obviously going to look more toward the good, just like anyone else. People who voted for Obama didn't hold him accountable to every thing he did, just like those who voted for Romney didn't hold him accountable for everything HE did.

I mean, it's a fair assessment to favor neither the good nor the bad more heavily....but we're human. We have biases. :) It's not logical, but we have them.


Should it come as a surprise that adopting a belief system centered around the idea of the Creator of the Universe dying for the salvation of a select few would breed solipsism in other area's of one's life? How could it not?

Few religions fondle & manipulate the ego as masterfully as Christianity. It's actually to the point where people seeing their own fortune amid the extreme misfortune of others as confirmation of God's love is dismissed as natural.


Oh, the OP definitely guided the discussion with those bolded spots and his comments. It just looks like a very unfortunate situation and someone saying something very common. This reeks of an overreaction that the woman said something with god in it. We have no real reason to suspect she intended any disrespect to the deceased. Its a very common phrase, she could very well not even be extremely religious at all.

I would argue that the article is the primary source of that. The headline is actually the thread title, "Florida plane crash survivor: 'God is good'".

This isn't some quote cherry picked by the atheist crew from deep within a plane crash article. It's the primary topic.
Big bad neogaf, always out to get someone. Someone posted a story, people started discussing it. Much like any other topic that gets posted. Imagine that.

I have no problem discussing it, I'm just defending the woman's expression. As someone else pointed out, she may not even be a fervent believer. I have agnostic friends who say "Thank God" all the time.

Dead Man

Well you have to factor bias into account. She's obviously going to look more toward the good, just like anyone else. People who voted for Obama didn't hold him accountable to every thing he did, just like those who voted for Romney didn't hold him accountable for everything HE did.

I mean, it's a fair assessment to favor neither the good nor the bad more heavily....but we're human. We have biases. :) It's not logical, but we have them.
I think that is a cop out. It is also human to rape people, does that excuse it? Extreme example, I know, but if you like you can replace it with lie, cheat, steal, beat up, humiliate, any other horrible thing we do. It is human to do all these things, but not accepted. Now a bias in cogintion is nowhere near the level of these, and I am not suggesting it should be, but to excuse something by saying it is just human, or hman nature, seems a very weak argument to me. We should always strive to be the better parts of our nature, not just accept the bad parts.

That came out much more sanctimonious than I intended, sorry. What I mean is just becuase something is natural doesn;t mean we shouldn't try and improve it.

Should it come as a surprise that adopting a belief system centered around the idea of the Creator of the Universe dying for the salvation of a select few would breed solipsism in other area's of one's life? How could it not?

Few religions fondle & manipulate the ego as masterfully as Christianity. It's actually to the point where people seeing their own fortune amid the extreme misfortune of others as confirmation of God's love is dismissed as natural.



Haha, wow, Dead Man, you inadvertently claimed many a body tonight.

Tragic for all parties.

I thought this thread was an absolute graveyard then I noticed it was just the same 2 or 3 people going back and forth :p

It's definitely a tragedy for everyone , but what she said came off as tasteless when the other 3 involved lost much more than their home.
I dont know if I would be sad about people dying right after I came close to dying either.Maybe if she hadn't done an interview that soon she might've said something else.


The article only posts 2 direct quotes from that person. How do people who criticize her for praising God even know that she doesn't feel sorry for those who died in the plane crash? Overreaction much?


"Thank God I was spared" is reasonable, and inoffensive.

But "God is good," after 3 others were just killed, is a little less sensible a thing to say, in my opinion.


The article only posts 2 direct quotes from that person. How do people who criticize her for praising God even know that she doesn't feel sorry for those who died in the plane crash? Overreaction much?

Idk Im pretty sure she pissed on their bodies.


The article only posts 2 direct quotes from that person. How do people who criticize her for praising God even know that she doesn't feel sorry for those who died in the plane crash? Overreaction much?
People fucking DIED. They probably have kids, parents, friends, family, that will never see them again. They are gone forever. Its fucking TRAGIC.

To thank god in that sort of situation is the most selfish, self-centered thing somebody could do, in my opinion.

Be thankful you're alive, sure. But to act like some being had power over your life/death implies that the same being allowed all those other people to die and saved you personally. Its gross.


"I'm just praising God that I'm alive," Crockett said Saturday.

Shes praising God because she is alive. Look at the picture of her house. Her whole family could be dead now. She didn't say she is praising god because others died. I'm sure she feels awful for the families.


People fucking DIED. They probably have kids, parents, friends, family, that will never see them again. They are gone forever. Its fucking TRAGIC.

To thank god in that sort of situation is the most selfish, self-centered thing somebody could do, in my opinion.

Be thankful you're alive, sure. But to act like some being had power over your life/death implies that the same being allowed all those other people to die and saved you personally. Its gross.

100% agreed. Also, even with that notion aside...God crashed a plane into your house, lady. Survival or no survival, that doesn't sound like a "keep on keepin' on" message in my book.

Shes praising God because she is alive. Look at the picture of her house. Her whole family could be dead now. She didn't say she is praising god because others died. I'm sure she feels awful for the families.

Read what she actually said. It's horrendously insensitive to the dead. She's saying "God saved my life and left these other three people to die." She's presuming knowledge of the creator of reality's motivation and apparently the definition of "good" is "lady survives, three other people die" in this case. There are ways to say "Thank God for sparing my life" that do not involve equating the notion of goodness with the deaths of three human beings.

And, of course, you're still up against the "if the omnipotent creator is personally involved here, why didn't he just not smash the plane into your house?" wall. Why not cause the plane to pull out at the last second, saving all four lives? Or if the people on the plane had to die for some Mysterious Ways reasons, why not smash the plane 20 feet to the left and not destroy the poor lady's house?


I remember hearing about this on TV. Pretty crazy incident. Sad that the passengers didnt make it but atleast the family, whose home got hit, didnt die as well.

Not sure why some of you get so uptight that the lady gave her thanx to her god ,for I guess keeping her and her family alive, that day. As an atheist, it doesnt bother me nor should some of you since its not an offensive thing to say "thank god" when you miss some crap coming your way either by pure luck or what not.

I only get a little upset when folks try to pass of their beliefs onto me, thats a no no.


People fucking DIED. They probably have kids, parents, friends, family, that will never see them again. They are gone forever. Its fucking TRAGIC.

To thank god in that sort of situation is the most selfish, self-centered thing somebody could do, in my opinion.

Be thankful you're alive, sure. But to act like some being had power over your life/death implies that the same being allowed all those other people to die and saved you personally. Its gross.
These types of phrases are embedded into language. Would you say a Newtown parent is being insensitive when she grabs her kid and says, "Thank God you're alive!"

Even an atheist or non-Muslim speaker would be using the various Allah-embedded phrases like inshallah constantly.


That lady's callous attitude suggests a dim, egocentric worldview that's all too common. Stupid people say thoughtless things.


100% agreed. Also, even with that notion aside...God crashed a plane into your house, lady. Survival or no survival, that doesn't sound like a "keep on keepin' on" message in my book.

If I believed in god, that would be a fucking warning signal in my book.


100% agreed. Also, even with that notion aside...God crashed a plane into your house, lady. Survival or no survival, that doesn't sound like a "keep on keepin' on" message in my book.

Read what she actually said. It's horrendously insensitive to the dead. She's saying "God saved my life and left these other three people to die." She's presuming knowledge of the creator of reality's motivation and apparently the definition of "good" is "lady survives, three other people die" in this case. There are ways to say "Thank God for sparing my life" that do not involve equating the notion of goodness with the deaths of three human beings.

And, of course, you're still up against the "if the omnipotent creator is personally involved here, why didn't he just not smash the plane into your house?" wall. Why not cause the plane to pull out at the last second, saving all four lives? Or if the people on the plane had to die for some Mysterious Ways reasons, why not smash the plane 20 feet to the left and not destroy the poor lady's house?

She didnt say that.

She did say this though.

"I'm just praising God that I'm alive," Crockett said Saturday.


These types of phrases are embedded into language. Would you say a Newtown parent is being insensitive when she grabs her kid and says, "Thank God you're alive!"

Even an atheist or non-Muslim speaker would be using the various Allah-embedded phrases like inshallah constantly.

"Thank god" is a common saying. I use it quite a bit. Like when I remember I have a pizza in the oven right before it starts to burn.

"God is good, he really is"..........well, no, thats not common. Thats the talk of a deeply religious person. I mean, Christianity, and a lot of religions, are self-centered like that by default, really. Its no surprise to see its followers saying things that reflect on the exact sort of close-minded attitudes that their belief system is endowed with in the first place.


These types of phrases are embedded into language. Would you say a Newtown parent is being insensitive when she grabs her kid and says, "Thank God you're alive!"

Even an atheist or non-Muslim speaker would be using the various Allah-embedded phrases like inshallah constantly.

The problem, as I understand it, is that people are upset that she did not say "Thank God I survived so horrible a tragedy," but "God is good" after so horrible a tragedy, which some would find insensitive, given that three people have just died.

Of course, some people in this thread are taking things a bit further than they ought, I think. Was it perhaps insensitive of her? Possibly, but after a plane fell on your home and killed three people, and you were spared, you might not be pausing to consider the grammatical implications of what you're saying when you're expressing gratitude that you did not die.


Can people really not understand the difference between:

"Thank god"


"God is good"

One is thanking him for whatever. In this case, its sparing your life.

But to say "God is good" implies that he's, uh, good. But he just, like, killed a few people, if you accord him that power. If he was human, he'd be a murderer and condemned to a long time in prison.

Its like being in the Aurora theater where the killings happened and going up to the killer afterwards and thanking him and telling him he's good. Thats what a secular person thinks when shit like that is said.

I'm sure these people dont think about what they say. Of course they dont. But thats kinda the problem, isn't it?


People fucking DIED. They probably have kids, parents, friends, family, that will never see them again. They are gone forever. Its fucking TRAGIC.

To thank god in that sort of situation is the most selfish, self-centered thing somebody could do, in my opinion.

Be thankful you're alive, sure. But to act like some being had power over your life/death implies that the same being allowed all those other people to die and saved you personally. Its gross.

So somehow a person thanking God means that they don't care about people who died? I don't see where the connection is between this and that. And how do you get all this from 2 direct quotes in the article? How do you know she made no mention of the 3 people who died and feels sorrow for them? So just because the writer of the article chose to focus on the victim thanking God that you feel that she is insensitive to 3 people who died? I actually feel more outrage that you are using the deaths of 3 people as an attack against people who are religious and that she thanked God that she and her family aren't hurt.


Neogaf can be a really hateful place. If her children or grandchildren were there they would most likely be dead. She is thankful to still have a family.


Can people really not understand the difference between:

"Thank god"


"God is good"

Apparently not. I've stated a few times that thanking God isn't the issue and it's been ignored. It seems to me like Christians consider "God is Good" and "Thank God" to be equal even in the face of tragedy. I wonder how many people would have had to have died in the incident for her to ask God for mercy instead.


The lady just survived a plane crashing into her house and she's probably still coming to the realization that if she was in another part of her house, she'd be six feet under now. I think judging her on her comments is a bit insensitive too, since she's likely still shaken and not really thinking straight.


Apparently not. I've stated a few times that thanking God isn't the issue and it's been ignored. It seems to me like Christians consider "God is Good" and "Thank God" to be equal even in the face of tragedy. I wonder how many people would have had to have died in the incident for her to ask God for mercy instead.
Religious people are being unsurprisingly apologetic.

You can be thankful to your god for sparing your life or whatever.

But to say he's 'good' means you are attaching morality to this god of yours. If you attach morality to it, and afford him the power of life and death, then what he just did was kill a few people. Thats not 'good' in my book. Thats fucking horrific.

I wish religious people would start to think like this more, honestly. I know it was probably in the moment, and they didn't think about what they were saying, but they probably wont think twice about later, either. They'll probably repeat it to others. This isn't some, "Oh yea, that was kinda stupid" thing. Religious people do this sort of crap. When their god's morality is put in question, they explain it away anyway they can.

"There's a plan."

"That person went to a better place."

Yea, yea, yea. I find this sort of reasoning sub-par, to be as nice as I possibly can. Its not an acceptable response. But lots of people do think like this, and to excuse this away as, "Oh its just somebody saying something in the moment", for me, ignores that there ARE lots and lots and lots of people who really do think like this.


The lady just survived a plane crashing into her house and she's probably still coming to the realization that if she was in another part of her house, she'd be six feet under now. I think judging her on her comments is a bit insensitive too, since she's likely still shaken and not really thinking straight.

And the fact we are here behind our chair, in out comfy homes, judging what this person just went through or has witnessed. Im thankful that in the 20+ years or my life, I havent witness such a tragedy.

"God is good" is not an offensive or insensitive thing to say. Yes people died but due to her faith and what she believes, she and her family were sparred that day so god was good to her and her family. It may seem selfish but I understand what she means even when I am an atheist. Some people are just so far left that its as irritating as far right people in their mentality.

Now if you are a Christian and are offended at what she said, then I dont know about that because Im not religious. Im sure those criticizing her are not Christians themselves though...


Apparently not. I've stated a few times that thanking God isn't the issue and it's been ignored. It seems to me like Christians consider "God is Good" and "Thank God" to be equal even in the face of tragedy. I wonder how many people would have had to have died in the incident for her to ask God for mercy instead.

In fairness, to a great many the former is likely seen as the latter, which, while not grammatically true, could be the source of some confusion.

But if she asked for mercy there would then be a GAF thread mocking her for asking for mercy after a tragedy instead of before.

I'm not saying I don't see the other side of this so-called issue, but you can always bet on these sort of mountains from molehills showing up in the OT.

Religious people are being unsurprisingly apologetic.

You can be thankful to your god for sparing your life or whatever.

But to say he's 'good' means you are attaching morality to this god of yours. If you attach morality to it, and afford him the power of life and death, then what he just did was kill a few people. Thats not 'good' in my book. Thats fucking horrific.

I wish religious people would start to think like this more, honestly. I know it was probably in the moment, and they didn't think about what they were saying, but they probably wont think twice about later, either. They'll probably repeat it to others. This isn't some, "Oh yea, that was kinda stupid" thing. Religious people do this sort of crap. When their god's morality is put in question, they explain it away anyway they can.

"There's a plan."

"That person went to a better place."

Yea, yea, yea. I find this sort of reasoning sub-par, to be as nice as I possibly can. Its not an acceptable response. But lots of people do think like this, and to excuse this away as, "Oh its just somebody saying something in the moment", for me, ignores that there ARE lots and lots and lots of people who really do think like this.

I know this is a tad unfair, since you cannot reply, but your thinking is somewhat skewed on the bolded, I feel. Just because it is within the power of someone to save someone else does not make them a murderer when they do not. It is within my power to donate money to charities and in so doing, save lives, but I am no murderer if I do not.
She's happy to be alive, who knows what she was thinking about at that time other than being alive. The interviewer probably asked how did she feel about the close call, or probably didn't bring up the a question about how she felt about other people.

- John how are you feeling today?
- The sun is bright, the wind is relaxing, it's a beautiful day all around.

- You do realize 39 people died during the time you replied to my answer right? You monster.

Well even if we ignore the passengers on the plane . . . wouldn't it be better if a plane had not crashed into her house?

It just seems a little odd to be happy over an overall negative event but I guess that is better than freaking out about it.


Weird, never heard "God is good" before. It has almost the same meaning as "Allahu akbar"

Guess Moslems and Christians are not that different after all.
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