I had mine cut yesterday. I love getting my hair cut, you leave the hairdressers feeling so full of swag.
I'm 20, Bud.
the important lesson in life i'd like to share with you, young padawan, is that your penis will continue to get bigger over the next couple of years.
Also getting my hair cut tomorrow. Starting to get to that length i can't do shit with it.
how old is everyone in this thread?
i'm 24. i turn 25 next year.
i'm already having my quarter-life crisis.
I hate it. I hate the whole process of people picking through my hair and making idle chit chat. I wish they were all mute and deaf and blind but extremely good at hair cutting so they'd never see and never talk.
how old is everyone in this thread?
i'm 24. i turn 25 next year.
i'm already having my quarter-life crisis.
Real Madrid fans celebrating second places now? smhsurvived group of death = $$$
I have many worries. I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow morning and haven't decided what to get yet.
Some people hate bayernPeople hate Barcelona because they are the best team in the world, and because even if that's not enough, they win many points because of refereeing mistakes. That's pretty annoying and makes you guys easy to hate. But other than that, nobody hates Barcelona out of spite.
Pandev was so so bad in that game, iirc he saved a shot from sneijder that was going in for sure. Thank god he scored at the end or he wouldn't have returned alive in Italyfuck Pandev
This is what he did in a Milan derby almost 3 years ago when Mou was still managing us, he's terrible.oh and fuck that ref, what a homer
I have many worries. I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow morning and haven't decided what to get yet.
I had mine cut yesterday. I love getting my hair cut, you leave the hairdressers feeling so full of swag.
I'm 20, Bud.
I don't really like that bit, to be honest. The worst is if you go to a place that wash it beforehand. I do, and it's just some guy like 'lean back', and then he starts trickling water on your head asking 'how does that feel. Is that good'. And I'm like, 'yea'. And he's like 'good'.
And then they pass you onto someone and you recount your life story, thinking the whole time 'I FUCKING TOLD YOU THIS LAST MONTH. DO YOU EVEN HAVE A MEMORY OR ARE YOU JUST A HAIR MACHINE'
My fringe/quiff thing is getting to the point where its too long that it doesn't stay quiffy, it flops to the side and I look like I'm hiding my eyeball.
Might just go short back and sides, keep it foofy on top. Look like an indie cunt.
:lolI hate getting my hair cut. I got mine saturday. I always get nervous, too.
The only reason I like, is because the girl that cuts my hair is fucking cute, and the feeling of her hands around my head gives me such a boner.
You're an absolute monster. Why not just hold that thing in. And I'm not even adding a question mark to that because it doesn't require an answer. You're a monster.The worst I ever had was when I thought 'fuck it gonna splash out' and I went to Rush and I had this wonderfully hot woman doing my hair. We were doing the old chit chat thing and it was awkward as fuck. She asked what I was studying, what school I went to etc etc. And then she said she'd be back in a minute, was gonna go get something.
She came back quicker than expected. She smelt the ominous fart I had gathered for the duration of the hair cut and let go in the interval of cutting. It was rancid, like it almost had a physical presence. She coughed, didn't speak to me for the rest of the hair cut until the end where she noted that 'it was quite hard to cut from underneath the main body of hair because I had to bend down a bit'.
I'm more like that after my high school pomp when my hair grew down around my head. Fuck long hair, it's shite. I've slowly been descending the numbers on the sides and back, I'm now at a 3, but in a year I'll be at 1.Yeah im more of a neat and tidy guy these days. 1 down the sides and back and just enough on top to style.
You're an absolute monster. Why not just hold that thing in. And I'm not even adding a question mark to that because it doesn't require an answer. You're a monster.
Probably the biggest smile I've ever had while watching knock out rounds in the world cup. Absolutely top class[/QUOTE]
He wouldn't have done it if he wasn't playing an African team.
He wouldn't have done it if he wasn't playing an African team.
I go to a straight up dude barbershop. Last time i went to a 'salon' i ended up getting my hair cut by a girl i went to school with who i fucked and ignored for the rest of my school life.
I was so scared i was going to lose an ear.
Probably the biggest smile I've ever had while watching knock out rounds in the world cup. Absolutely top class
I've never had a hot woman cut my hair, to be fair. I don't like waiting around for a hair cut though, I get a bit jumpy. Just want to go in, do the deed, and leave.
You're an absolute monster. Why not just hold that thing in. And I'm not even adding a question mark to that because it doesn't require an answer. You're a monster.
A few years ago my hair got really thick and curly if I let it grow a bit. Now, it still gets curly but has gotten noticeably thinner.
I'm only 21 ffs.
:lol :lol :lol
I bumped into a girl who gave me a drunk handjob once in Asda and she was with her mum. Mother picked up a pack of pork and leek sausages and my mates started making suggestive noises as the girl went as purple as my helmet and ran away with the trolley.
I'm more like that after my high school pomp when my hair grew down around my head. Fuck long hair, it's shite. I've slowly been descending the numbers on the sides and back, I'm now at a 3, but in a year I'll be at 1.
Keep a bit of fringe to quiff, let the main body get scissored up, and I'm good to go.
Which one are you in your avatar?
Man when i first read this i thought she gave you a drunk handjob in Asda.![]()
dat swag reflective jacket
I've been vomiting since 2AM, fml
My hair kind of looked like that once upon a time, Wilbz.
Enjoy the inevitable baldness, fucker.
I'm very bitter.
Grandad and dad have a full head of hair.
Enjoy baldness you old fuck
:lol elsk. What's up baby?
I'm only two years older than you.
I do not know, I've only eaten at home in the last 48 hours. I think my mom wants to kill me
I feel likeshitchelski
Your mother wants to kill you because you keep eating at home? I have the cure.
I do not know, I've only eaten at home in the last 48 hours. I think my mom wants to kill me
I feel like chelski shit
Fire your mom.
Di Matteo got fired?