Phew.. Crucial 3 points. Worst Ronaldo performance in a very long time.
Pretty much. Wish we did have some Inter fans here....come out Inter fans, fight against Yurt and Zabo.Yurt and Zabojnik killed them.
van Gaal to Tottenham after the WC? It's not going to end well.
He'll be out after he loses his first friendly.
seeing so much shit from Carlo before, I am used to his current shit now. at least we won but my main concerns are ramos, isco, di maria. Jese should see more time. CR7 needs keep his selfishness in check, he denied benz and jese good chances at goal being better positioned than cr7 at times. if it were bale, the scoreline would be higher in our favor.
AC Milan reap what they sow. Allegri is garbage. I am not interested in AC Milan but I am surprised how they keep such an incompetent scrub in charge. Who did Allegri tap to keep his job?
27 points from the top.
13th place.
Highest wage bill in the league.
No it's notNo posts for 15 mins. It's only 10:30PM
No posts for 15 mins. It's only 10:30PM
Even without Afer Dark, this thread is going at about the same speed as the last one.
arsenal gaf
football gaf
arsenal gaf
football gaf
arsenal gaf
football gaf
Allegri: "I can't complain about the players' performance today. They played well."
Mario Balotelli ‏@FinallyMario 56m
Buon natale e buon anno a tutti all arbitro anche. Merry christmas and happy new year to everybody and the referee too . 😉
Ryse or Rise?are the ryze cinemtics worth youtubing? Looked pretty good from the little I saw, tempted to just watch them as I have no interest in the game
Ryse or Rise?
Killzone?Whichever one is the underwhelming ps4 title
Whichever one is the underwhelming ps4 title
It's on the Xbone you dummy. You mean Ryse.
Killzone Shadow Fall is utter shite.