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football thread 13/14 |ot12| last roll of the dive

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il capo silenzioso
Zabo, please don't skip the tutorial. It's vital that you learn how to parry and dodge*.

*you'll get this later on.


I'll look into it, thanks. It's been a while since I've used it.

If only Sony released proper DS4 drivers for Windows. If only. I know there are workarounds, but still. Why can't we have nice things?

I'm a bit weary about using a DS4 of these kind of games. I noticed that a couple of people in the thread for the PC version of Rising have mentioned that the rubber of the left stick has worn out whilst playing Rising.


Zabo, please don't skip the tutorial. It's vital that you learn how to parry and dodge*.

*you'll get this later on.




Nahki Wells appears to be going to Hudders. Such a sideways move, but the kid wants to play championship. More concerned it appears to be £1.2m + Keith Southern. I like Southern, but he isn't what we need a 1.2 is a bit on the small side. Would have liked 2m minimum.

Oh well, time to bring in some replacements pronto.
I'm a bit weary about using a DS4 of these kind of games. I noticed that a couple of people in the thread for the PC version of Rising have mentioned that the rubber of the left stick has worn out whilst playing Rising.

my mate has had the PS4 since launch and his DS4 is as new. chalk it up to folks who have no idea how to handle a controller.


not as impressive as it was compared to Highbury.

not as impressive as it was compared to Highbury.

not as impressive as it was compared to Highbury.

not as impressive as it was compared to Highbury.

not as impressive as it was compared to Highbury.

not as impressive as it was compared to Highbury.

Highbury was impressive maybe 2 or 3 times a season.
Shit atmosphere is the curse of being a big club in England.


"Still fresh in my mind is the mop-top boy who stormed onto the Champions League stage as if it was his most natural arena. I can’t forget the dull Sunday afternoons when the team was struggling which were only brought to life by a flash of his skills. And then, of course, there was the anxious waiting and praying that he would overcome his latest injury to be able to make it onto the pitch each weekend. There was a spell when my only consolation in a grim season was that, at least, we still had Jojo."

That Jovetic is forever gone. He was gone before he went to City. No player* has ever come fully back from a torn ACL.

*that I know of

Zabo, please don't skip the tutorial. It's vital that you learn how to parry and dodge*.

*you'll get this later on.

I don't plan to!


There was a tutorial??? Nowonder i loathed the game until the third chapter

It's strange. The tutorial unlocks in parts as you play the game, it is not all available at the beginning. Obviously when you load up the tutorial it kicks you out of the game and returns you to the last checkpoint, which is understandable. Makes it easy to miss.

I found it strange that just accessing the upgrade menu does this as well...which is not really understandable.


Shanks is the type of dude that presses XXXXX and YYYY.

He will be sucked.

The Jetstream Sam final boss DLC is the most ridiculous difficulty spike I have played this gen. Granted I shouldn't have been playing on Hard my first time, but fuck dat shit yo.


WOW it's a perma for flippedb

for this:

his ban message read something about GAF not being an outlet for his "childish" and "bigoted" views on women, fat people, trans people, etc

are you fucking kidding me mods




pls this is ludicrous

how in the bloody fuck is that a permaban

EDIT: oh I see a certain female gafcelebrity is in the thread. carry on then, this probably goes higher up the foodchain

Not ban worthy imo. Feel for him considering this was the very next post
WOW it's a perma for flippedb

for this:

his ban message read something about GAF not being an outlet for his "childish" and "bigoted" views on women, fat people, trans people, etc

ouch, just saw this. random ban criteria strikes again.

and no, i wouldn't even go near her (or him), got my own stuff to care of.


EDIT: oh I see a certain female gafcelebrity is in the thread. carry on then, this probably goes higher up the foodchain


Don't fuck with that woman, ladies & gentleman. For your own sake. Unless you can make a very good case for yourself and have facts or logic backing you up, just shut the fuck up and move on.


il capo silenzioso
The Jetstream Sam final boss DLC is the most ridiculous difficulty spike I have played this gen. Granted I shouldn't have been playing on Hard my first time, but fuck dat shit yo.

hahahah, that cunt. I managed to No Damange him on Hard somehow.

Dodge, taunt and charge ad nauseam. Not my idea of fun :/


I have no idea who you mean, but if it's the poster I think you mean then I would actually suggest to avoid any discussion in general, no matter whether you have facts or logic backing you up.

pls believe me.

I have actually won an argument.

Just one though.

Mumei must have had my back.

Maybe it was EviLore. I'm sure he has a soft spot for my photoshops with his face.

hahahah, that cunt. I managed to No Damange him on Hard somehow.

Dodge, taunt and charge ad nauseam. Not my idea of fun :/

A true bro is what you are.


S5 will be Boardwalk Empire's last? Well, that sucks. Was hoping it would go to S6 and we'd get to see the rise (S5) and fall (S6) of Capone.


il capo silenzioso
Guys, just don't argue on GAF. It's a forum filled with gamers, what do you except? Honestly?

A true bro is what you are.

I'm sorry but I still think Armstrong is the worst thing in MGR. :/

Jack cw

I think Klose scored another two at the weekend. he is still The Striker in football for me and he is doing it in the hardest league. Germany will be fine as long as he is around.
Sure, but I'd rather have both alternatives. Nobody knows if he get injured in the tournament or suspended.


Speaking of EviLore, that iceburn to a feminist keyboard warrior was something else.
God damn, was it ever. I can't even find the thread, I don't remember what it was about.

That's pretty impressive.

To be fair, this isn't specific to that poster. It's hard to "win" an argument at GAF unless mods (or a ton of users) back you up. If you happen to support a minority stance you're practically fucked.

I'm sure you can win arguments as long as you have common-sense and facts behind your reasoning. Just don't expect people to accept defeat, they'd rather leave the thread entirely.

I'm sorry but I still think Armstrong is the worst thing in MGR. :/

wut pls


How can you not love that?


Some arguments, sure. There's certain subjects though, in general those that require a basic amount of empathy, where you are not going to succeed.

Also, cultural differences are huge. And a lot of people get banned because most (all?) of the mods are from USA/Europe and don't understand other points of view.
Guys, just don't argue on GAF. It's a forum filled with gamers, what do you except? Honestly?

I'm sorry but I still think Armstrong is the worst thing in MGR. :/

it would have been better to finished with Sam. Armstrong just comes out of nowhere and felt tacked on. Plus he had no real personalty.


well that confirms it then


--------------- ? -----------------
? -------- ? ----------? ------- ?
---------Khedira ---- ? ----------
---- ? ------- Jovetic ----- ? ---

dead xi

Pepe was the right winger but he ruined by playing in Coppa italia


I honestly never really realized how big the differences are until I spent some time at GAF. I mean I knew there were differences, but I never thought so many people would actually be in favour of (online) pillories or shaming kids.

For example I can't wrap my head around the whole idea of racism most american users have. Everything is race related to them.

I grow up in a 95% mestizo country so never had any real life contact with racism.


Speaking of EviLore, that iceburn to a feminist keyboard warrior was something else.
God damn, was it ever. I can't even find the thread, I don't remember what it was about.

Found it.


Can we rename Internet Feminism to something like Basement-Virgin First-Semester-Women's-Issues-Major Sex-Fearing Bubble-Person Prudism? That has more of a ring to it.

It begins. The reactions are fucking priceless. You know they're all fuming but can't say shit.

It's almost as if he doesn't respect outrage-mongering puritanical white knights intent on labeling consensual behavior between adults as regressive sexual objectification that demands limp-wristed internet outrage.



------------ Wiese --------------
? -------- Subotic --- Badstuber --- Schmelzer
---------Khedira ---- Diaby ----
---- Walcott ------ Jovetic ----- Afellay


il capo silenzioso
----------------------Casillas (C)-----------------
------------- ? ---------Subotic --- Badstuber --- Piszczek
---------Fletcher (has AIDS)----Khedira ----Diaby ----------
------------------- Theo------Jovetic ------

Bench (dead inside) : Mata, Torres, Song.
anyone else? :p


LOL, right! I forgot that half of BVB's team is dead too.
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