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football thread 13/14 |ot12| last roll of the dive

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Kharma pls
I might not care much for Arsenal and he might have his issues but I've always rated Giroud since he came to the Premier League. Danchi's post is exactly how I feel on him, albeit I'm going off of the rare live game (Champions League or whatever) and highlights.

His stats are pretty fucking good where end product is concerned for a 'donkey' (I mean that in the nicest possible way here). Decent amount of goals and assists. Sure, he makes a lot of mistakes but the amount of goals he contributes to is crucial all the same. As Danchi said, his knockdown play and ability to get chains going is crucial to a lot of attacking play I've seen Arsenal incorporate. He just needs to work on that end product more but I think he'll ease in more and more he plays first team football.

A bit unrelated but speaking of these sorts of players, I still rate pre-Liverpool Andy Carroll as the best donkey I've seen in years. He was legitimately phenomenal for Newcastle in the first half of that season he left in. He had pace for crying out loud and knew how to use it. Superb strength, hold-up play, a wicked shot and surprisingly good link-up for a striker of his stature. He was mobile and showed off legitimate talent. It's criminal that we probably won't see him like this anymore but that's football.

He put in 2 or 3 performances for Liverpool where he was basically a complete menace. Strong, fast, technically accomplished, threatening, and capable of intricate passing.

It only happened when he looked completely fit though, and he could lose that fitness from one game to the next for some reason.
Matic is battle ready, don't doubt it for a second. he's coming from a classic vs Porto, a bout vs a mid-table team should be easy enough for him.

That hurts more than the loss to Bayern ever will. Pls take it down :(
There there, bro. It's okay. Here:

Speaking of Chelsea and Inter, looks like they're both in a contest to try and get Kurt Zouma. Dude would make a great replacement for Terry.
I read all the Giroud comments and my two cents are that he is a great target man and passer but those skills are lost without a partner for him. Our "wingers" don't take advantage of his work as much as they should. Giroud has been great for us the last two seasons and might be our best pure striker signing under Wenger.
Maybe Anelka

I think if we had signed Lamela he would have been effective for us. He is a player who is always thinking of getting into the box and making good runs. Giroud would have been able to hold up play and find great passes for him.

I haven't watched Draxler much, but I am hoping he is a Lamela type winger/forward.

Of course Suarez would have been perfect for us and Giroud.


It must have been awesome! I think I heard that was one of livelier nights at the stadium.

Yeah the place was packed. The last 20 mins was the most tense I've felt in a long time everytime Barca won the ball back there were massive cheers. Awesome experience. Up there with the Clasico I went to.
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