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Football Thread 13/14 |OT13| Top 15 finish for AC Milan: Sogno Possibile

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il capo silenzioso
Our trophy room.


dat human trafficking


il capo silenzioso
Arturo Vidal ‏@kingarturo23 20h
In 10 grande carattere...ma noi non molliamo un.....jajajaja



Injured -> assisted vs Madrid in CL semis -> injured -> loaned out to Schalke -> returned injured -> now he is healthy* and on the bench.

*hopefully healthy for more than a week

You know what's the funny part (or the sad part for Barca)

I don't think he was ever injured at PSV, in all his years there. Maybe for a week :lol


It basically says Real Madrid paid around €20M to Tottenham, and the rest (around €80M) was paid by the banks. The other option was Tottenham waiting 3 years before RM could pay everything directly.


not in my link. All the spanish banks did was say "RM is good for the money, their credit is impeccable"

or are you talking about your fairy tale news


Alba has been fantastic on left flank. Left side is so different when he's not playing and there is Adriano instead who is still decent backup, but he is no Alba.


An announcement is gonna be made in a little over an hour regarding Beckham's MLS Miami team, hopefully its an announcement for an official announcement and we are in.


Did you even read the article from start to finish? :looooooool

shieeet you're gonna make me spell this out for you eh?

Tres pagarés y ningún crédito
El Real Madrid no ha necesitado ningún préstamo para fichar a su nueva estrella.

Three payments and no credit
Real Madrid has not needed any loan to purchase their new star.

Según cuentan este miércoles diariogol.com y Voz Pópuli, el Real Madrid habría acordado hacerse con los servicios de Bale mediante el abono de las citadas cantidades en cuatro plazos. El primero de todos ellos sería inmediato. El Real Madrid ya habría dejado entre 16 y 26 millones de euros en las arcas del Tottenham.

According to sources, Madrid has bought Bale through four payments, the first of which is immediate and is somewhere around the range of 16m-26m euros.

El resto (75 millones de euros) habrían sido diferidos entre tres pagos distintos que tendrían como fechas de vencimiento los meses de agosto de 2014, 2015 y 2016.

the rest (75m euros) is due to be payed on August 2014, 2015 and 2016.

El apoyo del 'pool' del Real Madrid
Así las cosas, y ante esta opción, el Deutsche Bank se habría puesto en contacto en los últimos días con el pool de entidades bancarias que apoyan al Real Madrid para sondear el riesgo de impago que tiene el equipo blanco.
Estas entidades (Santander, BBVA, Banco Popular y Banco Sabadell) habrían respondido ya a la petición del Deutsche Bank asegurando que el Real Madrid es un club con un mínimo riesgo de impago.

bla bla bla, spanish banks have reasurred Tottenham and Deutsche Bank that Madrid is a club with minimal risk of not paying.

What the fuck are you even reading? Article is clear as daylight.


shieeet you're gonna make me spell this out for you eh?

Tres pagarés y ningún crédito
El Real Madrid no ha necesitado ningún préstamo para fichar a su nueva estrella.

Three payments and no credit
Real Madrid has not needed any loan to purchase their new star.


Keep reading, you're almost there :lol
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