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Football Thread 13/14 |OT14| Juan Flew Into The Slug's Nest

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Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Happy Birthday dc

You will be delighted to know you share a birthday with future Barcelona manager Tim Sherwood.


Huh, Glen Johnson back next week according to Rodgers. Thought he'd be out for ages.

If we can get Johnson (performing well) and Agger back next week then I already feel a hell of a lot better about our defence.

Flanagan will be a fine LB until the end of the season hopefully.

Happy birthday DC!


Happy Birfday DC


Maestro, liberami dal male, poichè ho dubitato di te. Irradiami con la tua luce divina e i tuoi cross.

PS: Happy birthday DC!

Happy birthday DC

Have a Blue Moon on me.

Happy birthday DC.

Hope I'm not late.

Thanks erryone!

since you ignored me on whatsapp cunt

happy birthday fake reggie

Ignored you?! NEVER. <3

Happy Birthday dc

You will be delighted to know you share a birthday with future Barcelona manager Tim Sherwood.

Sweet! If I was born a day earlier I'd have shared a birthday with CR7, Tevez, Januzaj and others. But this has made me feel much better.

If we can get Johnson (performing well) and Agger back next week then I already feel a hell of a lot better about our defence.

Flanagan will be a fine LB until the end of the season hopefully.

Happy birthday DC!



that's like giving up on sex after your dick goes limp

Might be.

On a serious note, I just didn't like the combat and concept of the game, shouldn't have fallen for the GAF-hype in the first place.

I'll stick to Hello Kitty Adventures.


Hahahaaha Newcastle have suspended their u21 coach cos he hit one of their players when they lost the u21 derby on monday night



Any advice for BACHELOR papers?

Je nachdem wie viel Aufwand du investieren möchtest, solltest du vielleicht ein kurzes Buch zum "wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten" durchblättern? Es hilft um einen Startpunkt zu haben, querlesen reicht schon ~ alles braucht man bestimmt nicht lesen.

Am wichtigsten ist es sich einen Zeitplan festzulegen und diesen einzuhalten. Also wie lange gibst du dich der Literaturrecherche hin, wie lange willst du 'Schreiben' (tatsächlicher Vorgang), etc.. Du solltest bspw. zwei Wochen vor der Frist fertig sein, dann kannst du die Arbeit eine Woche liegen lassen und danach fallen dir bisher unerkannte Fehler ins Auge. Darüberhinaus ist es wichtig deine Arbeit von Freunden/Familie zur Kontrolle lesen zu lassen.

Achte auf eine eventuell geforderte Zitiertechnik, und bleibe bei ein- und derselben Technik, wenn du dich für eine entschieden hast.
Je nachdem wie weit du schon bist, solltest du dich, wenn möglich vorher, auf jeden Fall mit den Suchmaschinen vertraut machen, was für Kataloge es gibt, wo du nach Bücher suchen kannst usw..

Im Moment fällt mir nicht mehr ein, außer: Viel Erfolg!


dc pls

why did you Juve me

Yup, sounds like something he would do <3

:( :(

happy birthday dc

Job interview in less than an hour, a bit nervous but I believe I can pull it off.
I wanted to do the same thing :(

Anyway, happy birthday DC!

Someone, somewhere is going to do this. I know it.

Happy Birthday DC

Now about that Rodwell business we talked about...

Couldnt have said it better. HP dc.

Ty ty.

Even Tevez looks amazing in our beautiful kit. Move over, Ronaldinho!


A marvellous cunt if there ever was one.


Is Monster University good?

I liked it.

Everything about its so good except for the base story. Thought it was mildly OK, but its worth it for the Visual, The sound design, the Cinematography, the camera work and the audio design. A technical marvel.


il capo silenzioso
&#8207;@inter 2h
#Hernanes: "When I saw Juventus sitting back and waiting for #Inter in Turin I realised how much respect there is for Inter" #WelcomeProfeta


It was all Juve from minute 1.

jaysus that sounds amazing.

happy birthday dc :)

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