Mourinho is one of the best managers in the world, Ronaldo is the second best player in the world.
Dossena is so bad.
why are there no games this weekend?
Moyes is a downcast cloud on the gorgeous patch of violets that is the barclays premier league
Haha, what the fuck is going on in this gif :lol
reminds me of the local teams here that play in grassless pitches.
don't put Ronnie down in your attempt to belittle Mou, pls
Brilliant Free kick.
Would watch again.
Dull as ditch water for the neutrals but I'm surprised how comfortable we've been here. Bar a couple of times they've got in behind been nothing in it.
Fuck it I'm going to watch ice skating instead.
I believe this is what they call hockey, cause there's no hot chicks, just guys missing way too many teeth.
Fatkulina, what an unfortunate name.
I'm almost tempted to watch Scottish football instead of the second half. Almost
She's no Kim Yoo-Suk though
There's a Swiss girl called Seraina Boner there and someone clearly from footyGAF
The greatest manager to ever live, Mou is close.