so whats the theory behind torres decline? the injuries mainly?
A lot of this is rumour and vague memory, so take it as you will
-Has the best season of his career in 07/08
-Keeps getting minor injuries in 08/09, and carries on scoring when he plays
-This continues in 09/10 (this is where the waters get murky)
-At the tail end of 09/10, our medical staff rush him back* as we desperately try and fail to finish higher than 7th
-Torres picks up another injury, reportedly due to being rushed back in the first place
-This injury completely fucks his World Cup
-Hodgson replaces Rafa, uses him as more of a target man
-Torres is injured for the start of 10/11
-When he comes back, he isn't very good. Lost his acceleration (one of his biggest assets) and lost his fire
-Wants out of Liverpool, wants to live in London, contract fast running out, massive wages on offer
-Doesn't improve at Chelsea
-Ends up on the bench, still getting minor injuries every other month
-Falls into a spiral of sportsman's depression
-Present day
*Also rumours that the staff were directed to inform Rafa that Torres was fully fit, but I doubt that is true
Basically, its a combination of him losing his pace, being unwilling to sprint in case he injures himself again, losing his confidence as the problems on the playing side start mounting up, and not having the mental strength to regain that confidence. The phrase 'Torres is back!' isn't just a baseless meme. Numerous times since the beginning of 10/11, he's done something that makes you think he could be back on a path to turning himself into a good striker again. Not as good as he was, but useful. But then he reverts to type, and the cycle starts all over again.
He still shows very odd moments where you remember how good he used to be, but they only come around about once every 3 matches, and they never result in goals any more.
Ah well