I'll always remember a Vucinic pervormance for Montenegro against Wales. The team's sole tactic appeared to be something along the lines of 'pass the ball to Vucinic and see what he can do.' He absolutely tore the shit of them
I think there was plenty of reason for the thread to get a reset...Not that Devo Bday thread, though. I hope that wasn't the reason.
*NBA Gaffer
Wait there was a devo birthday thread with drama in that I missed? Or are we talking about the timedog one?
I also missed this. Anyone have a link or something?
I also missed this. Anyone have a link or something?
So what's up with Marseille. This is like their 5th or 6th loss in a row. Aren't they a last year league winner?
So what's up with Marseille. This is like their 5th or 6th loss in a row. Aren't they a last year league winner?
FFS BARCA, Fucking set pieces.
Watching the juve-milan match is as exciting as being at a radiohead concert.
(somebody had to say it)
Wait what. Barca was steamrolling them in the first half.OH FFS ALVES PENALTY
2-2 Barca 2nd half fail.
Watching the juve-milan match is as exciting as being at a radiohead concert.
(somebody had to say it)
Wait what. Barca was steamrolling them in the first half.
So you're telling me it's the best thing ever?
awww yeah
Watching the juve-milan match is as exciting as being at a radiohead concert.
(somebody had to say it)
Awful defending from a free kick by pique
stupid penalty by alves
foot off the gas again by barca.
Is today opposite day?And another penalty not called for Barcelona.
That was some grade A diving.
Is today opposite day?