You have 3 stubs and the semi now? Final will probably be around 25k, so that's 6000 who went the semi who won't get a ticket :-(
I do, yeah. I'm hoping having gone the semi final will help (I think there were some people with 2 or less tickets who got offered tickets to the semi final), but I'm preparing for the worst so getting a ticket will be more of a surprise than an expectation.
I can't believe the FA can justify giving more tickets to corporate than to the actual teams. Most of the corporates probably won't even turn up, so there's empty seats that could have gone to actual fans, you know, people who would actually want to be there to support their team. They could have AT LEAST split it in equal proportions (30k for each team, 30k for corporate), but nah, when there's money to be made who gives a shit about the fans?