"Antonio, Leo, Simone siamo tutti con Voi"
So what's with Cavani? He's total shit in this match.
Cavani's been shite this tournament.
Cavani is looking poor.
Cavani just showing his national form.

So what's with Cavani? He's total shit in this match.
Cavani's been shite this tournament.
Cavani is looking poor.
Cavani just showing his national form.
from the angle I saw, it was. there was contact.
Two Barcelona fans claiming a penalty. Three English muppets using the whole affair to have a go at Suarez. Never change football GAF.
He chested it down and kicked it out. I honestly didn't see contact at all.
He chested it down and kicked it out. I honestly didn't see contact at all.
Posted above. Contact with hand, think it might've been harsh because there was no intent, nor any movement by the arm.whats your take arnie?
Posted above. Contact with hand, think it might've been harsh because there was no intent, nor any movement by the arm.
One of my favourite foods. Please tell me this is a joke? I love cheese a lot.Fuck cheese you disgusting people.
Arnie, do you hate the taste of cheese, or the idea of cheese?
What about pasta? Surely you would put cheese on top of that.
Never bought a cheeseburger from McDonalds, hamburgers for life. Always get my Big Mac without cheese too.
Yeah, hope Cleverly doesn't get injured.Coates learning from Suarez at how to be a cheating, Liverpool based JT.
Coates learning from Suarez at how to be a cheating, Liverpool based JT.
This is the shoking result of this CL qualifying round so far: Helsinki is leading 1-0 in Celtic Park. Yes, you heared it right.
Offside or not, that was a hilarious miss.